"Why do you eat so much? Grow thin also! "Oh, it would be great to hear such words, to finish off another batch of meatballs with potatoes! Then I would not have had after a raid on the fridge dull look in the mirror at his blurred figure. That's just sad reality where fantasy - each a rich snack adds to the weight of a few hundred grams, and throw them for a day is not always possible. So what to do if the refrigerator attracts more than a gym? Go on a rigid diet? Or look for the answer, by which products lose weight?
In fact, as the song goes, "there is no secret here." Products saturating your body with nutrients and burn fat at the same time, there are! And they are found not in the minds of mad scientists, closed in their laboratories, and on the shelves of any self-respecting store. And if you breathe easier to quit than to overeat, then all that you need - is to enter into the diet, these miracle products!
About how grapefruit struggled with excess weight
In English the word "grapefruit" - means "fruit of the vine", although the name given to it was not because of the taste. Round orange fruit, so like oranges, grapes grow and help to lose weight everyone who likes to eat soft sweet bitterness of the fruit.
Scientists have long ago found that eating half a grapefruit at mealtime, you can not only gain weight, but also to throw a couple of extra kilos. In one of the clinics in San Diego conducted an experiment where patients suffering from obesity, have suggested grapefruit diet, and you can either eat the fruit itself, or drink the juice of this fruit.
The results were striking: after four months, these patients lost weight by 2, 5-4 kg! And this despite the fact that they led a normal life and do not limit yourself to eating. All changes in the diet is that they ate the day one grapefruit.
Moreover, this wonderful fruit wonderful effect on the body as a whole: it strengthens the cardiovascular system and reduces the possibility of diabetes. Therefore, if you do not suffer acidity of gastric juice, you are welcome to shop for fruits, especially grapefruit are not uncommon on the shelves of our country.
About how green tea metabolism urged
The fact that the green tea drink everything adherents of a healthy lifestyle, it is known to everyone. And they do it not because it is fashionable, but because of the vitamins, minerals and beneficial antioxidants that are in this tea. Only that's not all: green tea - a product that is able to significantly speed up the body's metabolism, and hence burn excess energy.
Almost every one of us has at least one friend who eats in a day five times more than ours, and at the same time proudly wears size 42. What is the cause of its eternal harmony? Only in that its metabolism, unlike your work very quickly. Before she could swallow the food, all the nutrients are converted into energy - while you are safely deposited in the form of fat on the sides and waist.
The rate of human metabolism is determined at birth, and if you were not that lucky one that can eat a cake before going to bed and did not gain weight - do not despair, just drink green tea! After all, in addition to improving the metabolism slows down the absorption of fat, he lowers the appetite and general well operates on the entire body! Even if you're not on a diet, the regular use of this drink can burn for 80kkal a day, and it is about 4 kg per year. Agree, not bad for those who do not want to change the way of life!
About how spicy food a thousand calories burned
How spicy foods can help lose weight? The whole secret is that in any of Tabasco contains a remarkable substance - capsaicin. It was he who helps lovers dishes "hotter" to raise the internal temperature of the body during a meal, and hence burn fat. You must have noticed that in those countries where there is a "fire-breathing" food - the norm, the problem of obesity is simply not worth it. Take a look news reports from the streets of China, India, Thailand: how many fat people there you notice? That's right! And one of the reasons for this state of affairs - spicy food.
Did you know that in Japan was conducted an interesting study: during the month a group of people for breakfast were given to eat spicy dish. Upon expiry found that calories have increased by 23%! And those who were given daily tomato juice, seasoned with pepper, the same rate increased by 10%. Therefore, if you are a fan of spicy food, you do not have to limit yourself to it an amount of capsaicin magic will quickly burn calories scored.
The only bad news - the food should not be too fat. Believe me, no matter how many chips or bacon with pepper you may eat, you become leaner unlikely. If realized, by which products lose weight, you will not resist and arch their pounds of fat, you will not step nearer to the desired goal. So - you know the measure of the health and lose weight!
About the fact that cinnamon - "burn" fat mistress
Cinnamon, though not sharp, but also very tasty seasoning. Lowering blood sugar, it prevents the deposition of new fats and accelerates the process of burning old. In addition, a list of useful substances to the body, contained in cinnamon, can be listed for a long time! As a natural antiseptic, sweetish spice, this is good for the heart and stomach, and therefore it is possible to lose weight and improve my health at the same time. No wonder cinnamon included in most diets for weight loss.
Someone adds cinnamon in yogurt, other - just eat a pinch a day. In any case, the benefits to the body is beyond doubt, and weight loss occurs, though slowly, but surely. After all, in addition to all the positive effects that gives the spice, it is simply delicious! It is enough to suck cinnamon stick during an attack of hunger, as you rashochetsya "eat an elephant". And instead of regular overeating at night, you can be proud of their willpower, and gradually reduce weight.
About how water is not given too much to eat
And from what products the easiest to lose weight to those who are indifferent to the overseas fruit, not like seasonings and just can not stand green tea? Well, for such fastidious can offer what is next on a daily basis, regardless of taste preferences and habits. It…. water. Yes, most ordinary water (of course, it is desirable to clean, free of impurities and chlorine). Talk about how much water is beneficial for the body, one probably should not - though hardly anyone is willing to doubt. But to lose weight, fully replacing the usual food with water, do not recommend - Well you have decided to lose weight and not go to the light! And the way in which water helps to lose weight, devoted entire treatises.
One use of water for weight loss - drink in small sips a couple of glasses before eating. Guess what happens? That's right, after drinking in you will get much less food, and a feeling of fullness soon come. The same will happen if you combine the use of water with fiber - especially with vegetables. So you will fill the stomach, get a feeling of fullness, while receiving a minimum of calories.
Some may ask, why do I drink more water, if the figure and so "oplyvshaya"? Indeed, many women suffer from the fact that the body accumulates a lot of water, and the figure in this case looks plump. But it usually happens because the body accumulates water "in reserve", feeling the lack of it. If you increase the amount of fluid intake, the body "calm down" and will understand that the need for stockpiles anymore. Hence the conclusion: the less you drink, the greater the "sag", and vice versa. It means only that, drinking plenty of fluids, you look much slimmer and more attractive.
As you can imagine, "- we are what we eat." And it is from food depends largely on the state of our health and body weight. Knowing some of the products you grow thin, and from any gain weight, it is not difficult to adjust your diet so as to throw the hated kilograms. And most importantly, do it without the moral and physical torment of starvation. Is not that the dream of each and every one of us - there for your pleasure, to lose weight and enjoy life at the same time?
We strongly recommend to read: How to lose weight fast
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