Thursday, 31 December 2015

Delicious diet - the key to a perfect figure!

 Delicious diet - the key to a perfect figure!

Everyone knows that women like anyone else, are "hostages" of their taste buds. However, because of gastronomic delights and a rich culinary fattening their shape and lose the old form. However, to win the fight against excess weight and does not infringe upon their feelings while this gurmanki quite real. After all, it only needs a tasty diet and a desire to look attractive.

Choose for yourself the power is there is no difficulty. After a tasty diet options there are so many. And lean meats, vegetables, fruit, strict and sparing, short and long-term - in short, for every taste. Let us consider them, and let every woman will find that their only tasty and healthy diet that will forever forget about the hated fat folds.

Effective diet for a sweet tooth and fruit lovers

Every sweet tooth wants to lose weight by eating cakes, candies and cakes. However, they have to give up on. But the replacement of the favorite sweets in this delicious diet come extremely helpful and very sweet fruit:

  • Pineapples
  • oranges
  • apples
  • kiwi

Diet designed for three days, during which only the listed food consumed fruits. How to use them? It can be in the form of salad can be in-kind, the main thing - is not more than 200 g per meal. The number of meals to be equal to the knock 5-6. As for drinks, you can eat low-fat yogurt or unsweetened green tea.

I came up with this diet known television presenter Joan Lunden, whose seductive form maddening millions of men. However, not only it is possible to periodically for three days with this delicious diet fold up to 5 kg. Many women who test this diet, were satisfied.

 Delicious diet - the key to a perfect figure!

Diet for "Cougar"

Not all women can tolerate the diet of fruit and vegetable diet. After all, many of them are true "predators." For them, a day without meat or fish - a real torment. But do not worry, because the nutritionist was created delicious and healthy diet, which is replete with a variety of meat dishes. However, only every woman is free to decide which dish to cook for her to lose weight 6 kg per week.

Basic principles of meat diet:

  1. A daily intake of no more than 450 grams of protein foods: meat, fish and eggs.
  2. Each day to consume from 300 to 500 grams of vegetables than carrot and potato.
  3. Permitted drinks: coffee and tea without sugar, mineral water without gas.
  4. All other products are banned.
  5. All ration is divided into 5 equal meals.
  6. Last use of products for the 2, 5 hours before bedtime.

Calculated this tasty diet for a week. Thus, if desired, it can be extended even further for 3 days. It should also be noted that the food can be boiled, steamed and steamed. For maximum effect, better to abandon fats. For example, to fill salads with lemon juice instead of frying to cook in a double boiler or Aerogrill.

Vitamin spring diet

At the time of the spring vitamin deficiency is very important to the diet was not only effective but also the most useful. That is why many women choose tasty vitamin diet, which is based on a balanced diet. Her exemplary diet for the day is as follows:

  • Breakfast: a little cottage cheese (100-125 g), 1 the dried bread, green tea with honey
  • Lunch: 1 fruit, 1 fresh vegetable
  • Lunch: a small plate of vegetable soup, 100 grams of lean meat, 50 grams of green peas, 2 any fresh or steamed vegetables without butter.
  • Lunch: 100 grams of salad from fresh vegetables with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Dinner: 1 unsweetened fruit, 1 cup of yogurt or dietary unsweetened yogurt.

In addition to this diet, which can withstand as much as necessary, in the menu of this delicious diet must include plenty of fresh greens. She will give a spicy taste of the usual dishes and at the same time to make up for the lost winter reserves of vitamins and minerals. Also, basil, arugula and parsley (to choose only you!) Will help to speed up the metabolism, which in turn will accelerate the process of losing weight on a diet delicious.

 Delicious diet - the key to a perfect figure!

General principles of delicious diet

Despite the fact that diets delicious diet different, there are inviolable rules that must be followed, regardless of the diet:

  • Eating should be strictly by the hour.
  • In no case do not drink water, food.
  • Consumed per day for at least two liters of liquid.
  • Supplementing the diet physical activity.

Only by adhering to these rules will be able to say goodbye to excess weight for good.

 Delicious diet - the key to a perfect figure!

We recommend to check out: Apple diet for a week

Salt-free diet - a tough decision

 Salt-free diet - a tough decision

Did somebody woman absolutely satisfied with your figure? As told Polish artist and journalist Yanina Ipohorskaya: "When you finally weigh as much as you would like to weigh in, - I want to place this weight differently." Perfection is unattainable ... you step up to meet him, and it is, disgusting giggling and showing tongue retreats two steps back. And the pursuit of this lasts forever. But, of course, is not a reason to give up - "the road by walking." One of the steps on the way to a dream - a diet. One can hardly find a woman who at least once in his life to try this delicious way to self-torture.

Oh, those diets! They are a huge number. And every time, "sitting down" on one of them, we strongly believe that this much once everything is exactly happens. Indeed, how to live without this belief? But, after all, before the rush "in the pool with his head," you must all be carefully weighed. After all, the mindless adherence to another newfangled diet can seriously damage health. As a result, instead of a beautiful and graceful figure, you get a "bouquet" of disease and depression in addition. And this is not what you wanted, right?

Therefore it is necessary to choose the least bad options. Here, for example, salt-free diet. How it works?

 Salt-free diet - a tough decision

What is the "salt"?

"Welcomed with bread and salt ..." "This is the whole point," "Salt of the Earth" ... Previously, salt was worth its weight in gold. So whether or not to reject it, and that it can give? Common salt - a combination of two chemical elements - sodium and chloride. Remembered school chemistry? However, even if it is not - it's not so important. The main thing is that he and the other element is very needed. Without them, the body simply can not function normally.

However, all necessary measure. So here - these agents are useful only in certain numbers. For normal operation, the body needs very little salt. This amount and so it obtains from the various products - since salt is contained in bread and meat, and vegetables even. But too much is harmful. Why is that? The reason is simple - salt has the ability to retain water. Therefore, if it accumulates too much, then there are swelling. Excess water can lead to serious problems with the vessels, kidneys and heart. Initially, salt-free diet has been developed by doctors - it was administered to patients with severe cardiovascular disease.

She migrated to the world of "fighters against excess weight." What is the appeal of this diet? The answer is simple - as soon as you give up salt water starts to actively leave their body. And it weighs a lot. As a result, each "control stopped" is seen as a small victory over himself. The effect is almost instantaneous - kilograms simply "melt away" in their eyes. But this is what you wanted, right?

However, and here is complete without a large "fly in the ointment." Features of salt-free diet that is lost is not the hated fat, just water. And in order to get rid of the fat reserves will require the usual limitations - no cakes, bread, candy ... I think, "announce the entire list" does not make sense - everybody knows "harmful" products.

Moreover, salt-free diets are fairly strict measures to combat obesity. And they are not suitable for everyone. And use it in the hot period is not recommended to anyone - and so the body loses a lot of water, and with it the salt. Before "planned execution" is recommended to consult a doctor. Suddenly, for you, this method is not suitable and may even hurt? If the doctor "gave the nod" remains to choose what kind of diet you stick. There are at least two main types - the "classic" and "Japanese".

What else can I eat to lose weight?

"Classical" salt-free diet is designed for 15 days, which are divided into "blocks" of three days. During each three-day cycle, you can have any one product. All the rest - on the classics. Do 4-6 times a day, small portions. Drink plenty (not less than two liters per day) of water.

  1. The first three days - "chicken." And of course, it should be part of most dietary chicken - breast. No skin and fat. Boil 500 grams of chicken without salt. To make it not quite so fresh, you can use natural seasonings - garlic, pepper, turmeric and herbs.
  2. "Chicken days" experienced? Then we go to the "fish". The principle is the same - three days eat only fish. It must be boiled, lean. Naturally, without salt. Max - a pound. If you add lemon - is quite edible.
  3. The following three-day cycle - porridge. Cook can be on the water, and milk - as you wish. Daily rate - 250 grams of cereal.
  4. Then there are the vegetables. Where do without them? You can eat up to 2 kilograms per day any vegetables, except - guessed it? - Right potatoes.
  5. And, finally, the "finish line" - fruit. Three days to eat only them. Everything is as usual - do not bananas.

 Salt-free diet - a tough decision

"Japanese" diet

No, Japanese cuisine, this salt-free diet has nothing to do. Just developed its Japanese doctors. If you want to get what you want - to "lose" 6-8 kg - can not afford to give concessions. There is another important point. Those nutritionists, who developed her claim that repeated the "experiment" can be no earlier than 2, 5-3 years. Otherwise, it can start a health problem. Calculated every 13 days. So, let's begin.

  • The first day

Incidentally, this same menu is exactly the same and the last - the thirteenth day of the diet. For breakfast you can drink a cup of black coffee - that's all. Boil cabbage for lunch, sprinkled with a little vegetable oil. Wash down this glass of fresh tomato juice. For dinner fit any boiled fish. Although, of course, better to choose low-fat varieties.

  • Second day

Menu coincides with the day of the twelfth. Breakfast is still the same black coffee, but it can add bran crackers. As the dinner - salad, and 300 grams of the very fish that stayed with you after yesterday's dinner. In the evening - a little (100 g), boiled beef and a glass of kefir.

  • The third day is the same as the eleventh

In the morning - coffee and toast. Happy fry zucchini in vegetable oil. At dinner - fresh cabbage with olive oil and two boiled eggs. On the eleventh day of relaxation is allowed - for dinner, you can eat an additional 200 grams of boiled beef.

  • The days of the fourth and tenth

In the morning toast canceled! Only black coffee. As before, one cup. For lunch, boiled carrots with olive oil. If you can, you can eat three pieces! This - the raw egg and 15 grams of solid - natural unsalted! - Cheese. Supper - fruits. But grapes and bananas - banned.

  • Days of the fifth and the ninth

And now it has been canceled and coffee. At breakfast - raw carrots, sprinkle with lemon juice. You can rub on a grater, and you can just cut. At lunch - boiled fish and tomato juice. For dinner - the same fruit. You do not all eat yesterday?

  • Days of the sixth and eighth

Coffee rehabilitated! One cup. During the day - boiled chicken breast and salad. The choice - a cabbage or carrot. Before going to bed - 2 eggs and carrots with olive oil.

  • The seventh day

In the morning - green tea. At lunch - meat. Lean boiled beef - 200 grams. Evening - fruit.

If, after weighing everything carefully, you have come to the conclusion that salt-free diet is not for you - you should not reproach himself of cowardice. It is quite possible to do without such radical solutions. Just do not overdo it smoked, salty, sweet and fatty. Avoid using salt when cooking and add salt to the food quite a bit already on the plate. Use more spices. A weight ... Of course, it must be fought! But someone said, clearly versed in the Diet: "The best way to lose weight - eat as you want what you can not stand."

 Salt-free diet - a tough decision

We recommend that read: Rice salt-free diet

Five answers to the question of what products the easiest to lose weight

 Five answers to the question of what products the easiest to lose weight

"Why do you eat so much? Grow thin also! "Oh, it would be great to hear such words, to finish off another batch of meatballs with potatoes! Then I would not have had after a raid on the fridge dull look in the mirror at his blurred figure. That's just sad reality where fantasy - each a rich snack adds to the weight of a few hundred grams, and throw them for a day is not always possible. So what to do if the refrigerator attracts more than a gym? Go on a rigid diet? Or look for the answer, by which products lose weight?

In fact, as the song goes, "there is no secret here." Products saturating your body with nutrients and burn fat at the same time, there are! And they are found not in the minds of mad scientists, closed in their laboratories, and on the shelves of any self-respecting store. And if you breathe easier to quit than to overeat, then all that you need - is to enter into the diet, these miracle products!

About how grapefruit struggled with excess weight

In English the word "grapefruit" - means "fruit of the vine", although the name given to it was not because of the taste. Round orange fruit, so like oranges, grapes grow and help to lose weight everyone who likes to eat soft sweet bitterness of the fruit.

Scientists have long ago found that eating half a grapefruit at mealtime, you can not only gain weight, but also to throw a couple of extra kilos. In one of the clinics in San Diego conducted an experiment where patients suffering from obesity, have suggested grapefruit diet, and you can either eat the fruit itself, or drink the juice of this fruit.
The results were striking: after four months, these patients lost weight by 2, 5-4 kg! And this despite the fact that they led a normal life and do not limit yourself to eating. All changes in the diet is that they ate the day one grapefruit.

Moreover, this wonderful fruit wonderful effect on the body as a whole: it strengthens the cardiovascular system and reduces the possibility of diabetes. Therefore, if you do not suffer acidity of gastric juice, you are welcome to shop for fruits, especially grapefruit are not uncommon on the shelves of our country.

 Five answers to the question of what products the easiest to lose weight

About how green tea metabolism urged

The fact that the green tea drink everything adherents of a healthy lifestyle, it is known to everyone. And they do it not because it is fashionable, but because of the vitamins, minerals and beneficial antioxidants that are in this tea. Only that's not all: green tea - a product that is able to significantly speed up the body's metabolism, and hence burn excess energy.

Almost every one of us has at least one friend who eats in a day five times more than ours, and at the same time proudly wears size 42. What is the cause of its eternal harmony? Only in that its metabolism, unlike your work very quickly. Before she could swallow the food, all the nutrients are converted into energy - while you are safely deposited in the form of fat on the sides and waist.

The rate of human metabolism is determined at birth, and if you were not that lucky one that can eat a cake before going to bed and did not gain weight - do not despair, just drink green tea! After all, in addition to improving the metabolism slows down the absorption of fat, he lowers the appetite and general well operates on the entire body! Even if you're not on a diet, the regular use of this drink can burn for 80kkal a day, and it is about 4 kg per year. Agree, not bad for those who do not want to change the way of life!

About how spicy food a thousand calories burned

How spicy foods can help lose weight? The whole secret is that in any of Tabasco contains a remarkable substance - capsaicin. It was he who helps lovers dishes "hotter" to raise the internal temperature of the body during a meal, and hence burn fat. You must have noticed that in those countries where there is a "fire-breathing" food - the norm, the problem of obesity is simply not worth it. Take a look news reports from the streets of China, India, Thailand: how many fat people there you notice? That's right! And one of the reasons for this state of affairs - spicy food.

Did you know that in Japan was conducted an interesting study: during the month a group of people for breakfast were given to eat spicy dish. Upon expiry found that calories have increased by 23%! And those who were given daily tomato juice, seasoned with pepper, the same rate increased by 10%. Therefore, if you are a fan of spicy food, you do not have to limit yourself to it an amount of capsaicin magic will quickly burn calories scored.

The only bad news - the food should not be too fat. Believe me, no matter how many chips or bacon with pepper you may eat, you become leaner unlikely. If realized, by which products lose weight, you will not resist and arch their pounds of fat, you will not step nearer to the desired goal. So - you know the measure of the health and lose weight!

 Five answers to the question of what products the easiest to lose weight

About the fact that cinnamon - "burn" fat mistress

Cinnamon, though not sharp, but also very tasty seasoning. Lowering blood sugar, it prevents the deposition of new fats and accelerates the process of burning old. In addition, a list of useful substances to the body, contained in cinnamon, can be listed for a long time! As a natural antiseptic, sweetish spice, this is good for the heart and stomach, and therefore it is possible to lose weight and improve my health at the same time. No wonder cinnamon included in most diets for weight loss.

Someone adds cinnamon in yogurt, other - just eat a pinch a day. In any case, the benefits to the body is beyond doubt, and weight loss occurs, though slowly, but surely. After all, in addition to all the positive effects that gives the spice, it is simply delicious! It is enough to suck cinnamon stick during an attack of hunger, as you rashochetsya "eat an elephant". And instead of regular overeating at night, you can be proud of their willpower, and gradually reduce weight.

About how water is not given too much to eat

And from what products the easiest to lose weight to those who are indifferent to the overseas fruit, not like seasonings and just can not stand green tea? Well, for such fastidious can offer what is next on a daily basis, regardless of taste preferences and habits. It…. water. Yes, most ordinary water (of course, it is desirable to clean, free of impurities and chlorine). Talk about how much water is beneficial for the body, one probably should not - though hardly anyone is willing to doubt. But to lose weight, fully replacing the usual food with water, do not recommend - Well you have decided to lose weight and not go to the light! And the way in which water helps to lose weight, devoted entire treatises.

One use of water for weight loss - drink in small sips a couple of glasses before eating. Guess what happens? That's right, after drinking in you will get much less food, and a feeling of fullness soon come. The same will happen if you combine the use of water with fiber - especially with vegetables. So you will fill the stomach, get a feeling of fullness, while receiving a minimum of calories.

Some may ask, why do I drink more water, if the figure and so "oplyvshaya"? Indeed, many women suffer from the fact that the body accumulates a lot of water, and the figure in this case looks plump. But it usually happens because the body accumulates water "in reserve", feeling the lack of it. If you increase the amount of fluid intake, the body "calm down" and will understand that the need for stockpiles anymore. Hence the conclusion: the less you drink, the greater the "sag", and vice versa. It means only that, drinking plenty of fluids, you look much slimmer and more attractive.

As you can imagine, "- we are what we eat." And it is from food depends largely on the state of our health and body weight. Knowing some of the products you grow thin, and from any gain weight, it is not difficult to adjust your diet so as to throw the hated kilograms. And most importantly, do it without the moral and physical torment of starvation. Is not that the dream of each and every one of us - there for your pleasure, to lose weight and enjoy life at the same time?

 Five answers to the question of what products the easiest to lose weight

We strongly recommend to read: How to lose weight fast

How to quickly lose weight by 5 kg? Simple Secrets

 How to quickly lose weight by 5 kg? Simple Secrets


  • The main principles of weight loss
  • What is rapid weight loss
  • Lose weight quickly
  • Meals after rapid diet

Today, in the media, on the Internet you can find an unimaginable number of different tips, which, according to their authors, will help to lose weight quickly. Among them is the popular calorie counting, and separate meals, and, perhaps, the most common advice - do not eat after six o'clock.

The latter method is a lot of debate and discussion. Some say that, following this rule is really possible to lose weight quickly. Others argue that it is harmful to health. Let us try to understand all the intricacies of these and see what kind of method is really effective help to lose weight quickly.

The main principles of weight loss

The basic principle of weight loss is that the body gets from food less energy than needed to complete the work. It turns out that if during the day to eat everything in large quantities, and after six in the evening to completely abandon the food, the weight will still be added.

However, to lose weight quickly, even sharply restricting your diet, without increasing the level of physical activity, too, will fail. The organism in these actions will switch to power saving mode, and you will feel fatigue, weakness and lethargy. In the end, you can break away and gain more extra kilos.

Generally, the slogan "do not eat after six! "Is now used widely as the best way to lose weight. But here I would like to make a reservation, he certainly has the right to life. But rely only on this approach, especially if we want to lose weight quickly, is fundamentally wrong.

If you are on a gradual decrease in weight, an early dinner - six hours - as a component of the new way of life in which all aimed at achieving specific goals, has established itself as a very efficient method.

  What is rapid weight loss

Any competent dietician says that rapid weight loss is ineffective and, moreover, is fraught with problems. In particular, the most unpleasant consequences of rapid lose weight is no less prompt them to return after the experiment ended. But the saddest thing is that most often to former weight can be added a couple of new kilogrammchikov.

So, you say, do not lose weight? If by a certain date, to which there are only a week the other, it is imperative to lose two or three kilos, and even better five? How to be in this situation? Is there such a rapid method that will achieve success - to lose weight quickly?

There are, of course, and not one. And in order not to hurt yourself, you should remember the golden rule. Extra weight will appear in the event that after the rapid diet, you immediately begin to abuse sweets, fatty and high-calorie food. But armed with techniques aimed at long-term diet, you get a great result. You will be able to achieve the desired parameters and keep your weight in normal times. Just remember one simple thing: a diet is not a short-term attack on the extra weight and lifestyle. By the way, from the Greek word it is translated.

 How to quickly lose weight by 5 kg? Simple Secrets

Lose weight quickly

So, our goal is to lose weight fast, you have to lose a few kilos in a week or two. One of the best methods that really work (subject to strict compliance with all conditions) - the magic soup.

It is extremely easy to make, is composed entirely of ingredients available, it can be eaten during the day as many times as you wish. Generally, the more the better. This means that the feeling of hunger, which is difficult to withstand many of the diet, you will not visit. Hungry - poured himself a plate of soup, and the life was adjusted!

Well, now, actually, about how to cook this soup.

Magical soup, burn fat


  • 400-500 grams of cabbage
  • 4-5 tomatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 3 green peppers
  • 100 grams of celery (stemmed, leafy, root)

Cooking method:

All vegetables are cleaned and cut. Fold in the pan and cover with water. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes, reduce the heat.

Note. You may want to slightly prisolit soup, but it is better not to do it, and so it is edible by a large number of good vegetables.

Diet may last one or two weeks. The principle is this: the soup to eat every day several times. In addition, for each additional day is painted diet. Drink water, green tea, rose, coffee without sugar.

  1. Fruits (except bananas)
  2. Vegetables (except corn and beans). For dinner you can eat a baked potato with butter.
  3. Vegetables and fruits.
  4. Fruits, vegetables, bananas, low-fat milk.
  5. 300 grams of boiled beef + tomatoes.
  6. Beef, vegetables, leafy salads.
  7. Brown rice, vegetables, unsweetened juice.

If you plan a diet of soup for two weeks, everything is repeated in the same order. You can lose weight by 5 kilograms.

The soup has a strong diuretic effect.

 How to quickly lose weight by 5 kg? Simple Secrets

Meals after express - diet

Strict adherence to a diet with a magic soup, as already mentioned, will bring you the desired weight loss. How not to give a nasty kilos come back? To develop the right diet. This is the first. Sticking to a fractional power: there is often little. This is the second. Arrange weekly fasting days: kefir, cottage cheese, apple, etc. - This is the third. And the fourth - the mandatory exercise.

It is clear that we are all living people: we go to visit, meet with friends at a restaurant, visit relatives. The need to constantly restrain himself, not allowing even small weakness, severe poisoning life. Therefore, from time to time you can give yourself an indulgence. But if you have "sinned", exhausting goodies, arrange fasting day immediately after a hearty feast, and you will be happy.

Now the diet. What should be done first, since it is to minimize or completely eliminate all fried, fatty, smoked and spicy. With salt as necessary to be careful, because the excess salt delays liquid. And it's not just a plus on the scales, but the probability of occurrence of edema. The situation is similar with sweets like candy and ice cream. If you really want sweet, it is better to eat 1-2 slices of dark chocolate. It perfectly satisfies cravings for sweets and is useful for the body.

In your diet have to be a lot of fruits and vegetables. It is also useful to use a variety of cereals (oats, millet, buckwheat), dairy products such as cheese and milk - a natural source of calcium, which is closely associated with losing weight. We should not exclude from its supply flour, just replace the usual white bread in the loaf with bran. Eggs, lean meats and fish are simply required by the body as a complete source of protein.

With such a wide choice of simply no question how to lose weight without starving. Of the approved products can create a varied menu every day. And it will come out it's not so expensive, and may even be cheaper than the food, which you hold today.

Eat right - it will help you lose weight!

 How to quickly lose weight by 5 kg? Simple Secrets

We advise to check: Is it possible to lose weight after giving birth

Green milk tea for weight loss

 Green milk tea for weight loss


  • 3 basic ways to prepare molokochaya slimming
  • How useful diet for molokochae

If you score over the winter period a few extra kilos and want to get rid of them without too much trouble, to lose weight you perfectly podoydet.zelёny tea with milk. This drink tastes good, it can reduce appetite and satisfy hunger. With it, you can easily get rid of excess weight in a short time.

Green tea with milk - a healthy beverage, whose main components are tea and milk. Molokochay recommended to use for people with kidney disease, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, as well as for weight loss. When used it can be a long time to maintain their normal weight. Milk, on the one hand, increases the useful properties of tea, and on the other - it reduces the negative impact. Tea, in turn, contributes to a better absorption of the milk. A diet molokochaem suitable for almost everyone - except for those people who suffer from food allergies to milk, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Created on diet molokochae I was in Russia, dancer Margarita Blinovskii that crossed the threshold of the 90th anniversary, while still slim, graceful and elegant. As she says, the former dancer look great all his life it helped molokochaya use to which it remains true to this day.

3 basic ways to prepare molokochaya slimming

  1. 1 liter of milk to warm, not boiling. Cover it 3-5 tablespoons green tea. Insist 20 minutes, then strain.
  2. 0, 5 liters of water to boil, add 4 teaspoons of tea. Let stand for 5 minutes, then add 0, 5 liters of milk.
  3. In a well-heated cup pour 1/3 milk and 2/3 strong tea solution (the method invented the British).

To prepare molokochaya for weight loss is best to use a green leaf tea, but also large-suit and black. Do not forget about the teas flavored with natural additives - they are also suitable for the preparation of molokochaya.

Green teas there are so many. You can purchase any on your taste. This green tea contains a lot of nutrients that have a positive effect on the body. After all, no wonder the Chinese and the Japanese, who are considered experts in the tea ceremony, give preference to green tea.

Milk in tea for weight loss is better to take skim or low-fat (1%). For a taste of the finished molokochay can add 2-3 teaspoons of honey. Keep molokochay best in the refrigerator, as it spoils quickly (especially in the warmer months). Diet for weight loss involves eating molokochaya in an amount not less than one and a half liters a day in the cold or hot.

Drink fasting days for weight loss molokochay at any time, but it is best to drink 1 glass every two hours. Since molokochay has strong diuretic effect, together with it is recommended to use an additional fluid such as plain or non-carbonated mineral water (2-3 liters per day).

With the help of this magic potion you can lose from 0 5 to 2 kg per day. Do not make fasting days on molokochae more often than 1 time per week. The greatest effect is achieved, as a rule, on the first day, and in the days that followed the body gets used to drink. In the fasting days on molokochae cleansing of the body is enhanced. On the eve of this day should not eat fatty foods in large quantities. It is better to have dinner with something light and low-calorie. Molokochay can be consumed throughout the day as the only "meal" and you can drink it only in the evening, replacing dinner. This will also contribute to weight loss of 2-3 kg per week.

There are a few rules to help achieve maximum results and weight loss does not harm their health by using molokochaya:

  1. Do not discharge more than 1 day per week.
  2. Diet is not in the fasting days should be special. It should abandon the use of fatty, starchy foods and try not to eat after 18.00 hours.
  3. Within a week use molokochay slimming as dinner.
  4. In the fasting day do not eat anything except water and molokochaya.
  5. For effective weight loss fasting day on molokochae should be combined with regular exercise (fitness, shaping, etc.).
  6. Diet molokochae preclude the use of excessively fatty and high-calorie foods and alcoholic beverages. Alcohol, if we drink green tea for weight loss, it is necessary to exclude or minimize, since it also contains a lot of calories.

 Green milk tea for weight loss

  How useful diet for molokochae

  • Regular consumption molokochaya reduces the risk of cancer;
  • Molokochay strengthens the immune system and normalizes the body's metabolism;
  • Tea with milk - soothing agent, which means it can be drunk with stress and insomnia;
  • This diet is good for the skin, making it more healthy, soft and smooth;
  • Molokochay has a cleaning effect on many important body systems: circulatory, nervous, urogenital, as well as on the gallbladder and liver;
  • Milk, a part of this wonderful drink is a source of vitamins and minerals, tea and allows the best way to learn these elements;
  • Molokochay great for weight loss, as it significantly reduces the appetite and well satisfies hunger. Therefore, the diet with this useful drink is not painful, and will become a pleasant variety of diet;

However, abuse molokochaem for weight loss is not worth it: the frequent use of this drink may be the risk of kidney stones and disrupt the gastrointestinal tract. More molokochay lowers blood pressure. So if you suffer from low blood pressure, it is not desirable to use this drink. With frequent application molokochaya the body will be displayed too much fluid, threatening metabolic disorders. In addition, the fasting days for weight loss on molokochae can be carried out mainly at the weekend because he has a strong diuretic effect.

But if you do on fasting days molokochae not very often use this drink in reasonable quantities, we can not be afraid to harm their health and reduce weight without painful sensations of hunger.

 Green milk tea for weight loss

We recommend that read: Diet Green Tea

Rice diet for 3 days: Down with the extra weight!

 Rice diet for 3 days: Down with the extra weight!

Have you ever thought about why rice diet is so popular? It is difficult to find at least one girl, watching their weight and never try to "lose weight on rice." There is a rice diet for 3 days diet "five volumes of" soft-week diet - and that's just the ones on hearing almost every one of us. And all the reviews about these diets are usually always the same: first we excitedly talk about the lost weight and then show podtyanuvshiesya sides, and finally boast trendy jeans in which to get into the diet was unreal. Common situation?

On the Internet so much advice for dieters that it is easy to get lost in them. Be that as it may, the rice diet is always the most popular among women of all ages and habitats. There is virtually no forum on women's portals, which would not discuss the following topic: rice - a wizard, which will help to lose weight and digestive organs in order lead. That's why more and more women around the world to solve their problems with the help of a rice diet. Is not it time and we know more about how to use this cereal to become more slim and healthy?

What is the secret of "Saracen wheat?"

So what's so magical in the rice diet that causes people to lose weight by leaps and bounds? Why rice cereal is considered the most valuable and useful to the human body? We have something you are used to treat this cereal is quite easy: think, rice! And for many other peoples of rice - it's almost a sacred cereal crops, which are used to treat respectfully.

So, we all know about rice? The fact that the Chinese love it that the children of a cook delicious milk porridge, and adults - a fragrant pilaf. The fact that it is low in calories and it is a part of many diets. All? Let's try to look at the product so familiar to us a little bit wider and understand why rice cherishes the entire eastern continent of our planet. Here are some interesting facts about rice that can "shed light" on the situation:

  • The first information on rice are very ancient period - about fifteen thousand years ago. Grow it learned there, where now is located in South Korea. In Russia, the figure appeared only when Peter the Great, the people nicknamed him "Saracen millet."
  • About five hundred million tons of rice is produced throughout the world each year. They grow and process it for about one billion people consume - three billion.
  • In order to grow just one kilo of rice requires about five thousand liters of water.
  • According to scientists, there are about seven thousand varieties of rice.
  • In Japanese, the word "rice" and "eat" mean the same thing, but in China there is a saying "break a cup of rice" - it means "losing their jobs."
  • Rice is very nutritious, it gives a person a lot of energy. At the same time it malokalorien contains no fat, sodium and cholesterol. In one cup of regular white rice contains only one hundred and sixty calories.

It turns out that the popularity of rice diet completely is not accidental, because the product consumes more than half of humanity on our planet. A rapid weight loss with such a diet is because the properties of this cereal allows to excrete toxins, salts and toxins, restore the normal functioning of the digestive system, speeds up metabolism. And besides, that figure is useful, he is just very tasty! So any diet for him and satisfying, and rewarding.

Many varieties of rice - choose on taste

Having decided to go on a rice diet, the first thing that has to do - buy himself Fig. And right in the store, standing in front of a shelf with all kinds of varieties of rice, the question arises: what, in fact, choose? Would it not be more slimming effect if, instead of the usual rice Krasnodar to select an exotic variety of red or brown? Indeed, any major supermarket shoppers can please a wide variety of rice - sometimes there are about a dozen varieties of completely unknown to us.

Of course, you can find time to meticulously study the characteristics of each variety of rice, but the idea is more suitable for connoisseurs of cuisine, and we have with you a completely different task. All we need to know - is there a special kind of rice, helping to lose weight more effectively. And doctors, nutritionists believe that there is. If you take the shelf brown brown rice - take it without hesitation. This is where the high content of different nutrients, its shell and the seed layer are rich in folic acid, fiber, B vitamins more in this rice quite a lot of useful minerals: copper, iodine, phosphorus and zinc.

But do not despair, if where you live, find brown rice does not work: an ordinary white variety will fit perfectly to the diet. Moreover, it is much less exotic counterpart, so you and lose weight, and save a little money. Also, do not forget the wisdom of our grandmothers: you need to be treated that grows on their land. It is possible that a diet of rice for this saying is also true.

 Rice diet for 3 days: Down with the extra weight!

Pickles: three days you forget about me

Express diets have always been very popular. That's a three-day diet of rice treat those who are willing to short period of time to lose a couple of extra kilos. Reasons for such haste is enough: someone needed a few days to get into a new dress, and someone wants to hit a new acquaintance thin waist. Especially that such an inexpensive diet is also very convenient: a small amount of rice can always take to school or work, and diet will not be disturbed.

There are two most popular types of rice three-day diet. One of them is elementary - there can only rice, drinking water and green tea. The second - more gentle, includes a menu for all three days. How to choose - you decide, do not forget only the following: rice salt in any case impossible, and carbonated soft drinks - is also taboo. So do dety:

  1. The secret to a strict three-day diet of rice in the fractional power. You need to cook one cup of rice and eat it during the day only in small portions. Because the rice grains are very nutritious, and they will have you at certain intervals, hunger you will not. You can drink green tea without sugar and non-carbonated mineral vodu.Saditsya on such a diet may be no more than once a month to lose weight during this time can be three kilograms. However, if you need to lose a little more, you can extend the diet for up to seven days. Just do not forget to include in the diet for two or three hundred grams of stewed vegetables and fresh fruit every day, otherwise you will seriously harm your body. In general, it is necessary well very much like rice, to voluntarily extend the diet after three days.
  2. Next rice diet is also a three-day, but it is much softer than the previous version. With it, you can lose two - two and a half kilograms. Just as in the mono-diet, rice during cooking can not be salted. In general, it is best to cook for a couple - so it saved a lot more nutrients. So, the diet itself:
  • First day

Breakfast: one hundred grams of rice with the addition of lemon zest
Lunch: soup of fresh vegetables (open to all vegetables, except potatoes), vegetable salad - 150 grams of rice with fresh herbs, season with a teaspoon of olive oil - 100g
Dinner: soup with fresh vegetables, boiled rice with carrots, fill it with one teaspoon of sour cream - 100 gr

  • Second day

Breakfast: rice with fresh herbs, seasoned with a h. Spoon of sour cream - 100 grams, orange
Lunch: vegetable soup, a piece of boiled rice - 100g
Dinner: a portion of boiled rice - 100 grams of fresh vegetables, steamed

  • Third day

Breakfast: a portion of boiled rice, cinnamon, one grapefruit
Lunch: vegetable broth, salad cucumbers, dressed with a tsp. Olive oil - 100 g, a portion of boiled rice with stewed mushrooms 150g
Dinner: a portion of boiled rice - 100 g broccoli, steamed - 150g

Grasp the rice diet, do not get carried away too much: around the need to know the measure. What would be useful and nutritious diet was neither, but for most of us, any starvation - it is a lot of stress for the nervous system. Agree, it is very difficult to maintain good spirits during a regular diet - everything around annoying and unnerving. Therefore, in order not to jeopardize his mental state, and the whole body, do not be too hard on her figure and do not sit on a diet long position. After all, a woman is bound to be a beautiful, happy and loved - more than anyone and she did not have to.

 Rice diet for 3 days: Down with the extra weight!

We recommend that read: Effective monodiets

Maggie Diet - Lose weight without starving

 Maggie Diet - Lose weight without starving

Admit it, you, too, think that it will be about soup noodles? And that's not guessed. For this product, this diet is not at all irrelevant. They say that the diet Maggi got its name in honor of the girl, who try it out, and losing weight by 20 kilograms, has posted a detailed description of the "process" in the Internet. Girl's name is Maggie, well, or, in a more familiar to the Russian ear version - Maggie. In this diet I found many followers and admirers. Why is this method of weight loss seems to them attractive? There are several reasons.

  1. Firstly, this diet is quite easy and it is not much of contraindications. However, they are still there. One of them - the allergic reactions to certain components. For example, the same eggs, citrus, "eating" which have large amounts cause allergies frequently. Another problem - a serious burden on the kidneys. Well, those who have low blood pressure, too, need to take this diet carefully. Therefore, before "sit tight" it is better to consult a doctor. At least in his own mind.
  2. Secondly, there is no need for scrupulous counting every "ingested" kilocalories. Ironically, in this diet the number does not matter. It is based on a different principle. Menu is structured in such a way that all of the ingredients, coming together in a chemical reaction, just make your own body to burn the accumulated fat and remove harmful substances.
  3. The third advantage diet Maggi is that all the dishes are quite simple to prepare. Even if you are not a lover of culinary delights and your signature dish - the pasta is cooked, you do not have to hang around for hours in the kitchen and learn the recipe book. Everything is cooked elementary. And another important point - a diet that is well balanced diet. So, during the time your body will get the necessary materials directly from food. That is, it does not need to take additional vitamin complexes.
  4. Another unquestionable advantage - you do not have to starve. In this diet, there is one little trick. If not specified the exact amount of a product - and these meals are not enough - this ingredient can absorb as much as necessary. The results from this does not become worse. By the way, about the results ... For the sake of this we suffer all the hardships. So on what kind of effect can be expected, going through all the agony?

Of course, everything is very individual, and no one can tell you the exact figure. And if you can - do not believe. After the body at all different. Yes, and the weight too. And, finally, on the characteristics of it will depend on the effectiveness of the diet. However, some "framework" mark is still possible. Ardent supporters of diet Maggi argue that the strict compliance with all rules, easy to go from 10 to 20 kilograms of "live weight". Tempting, is not it?

Well, now you need to say about some of the features and complexity of this method. Where do without them? The first and perhaps the most important problem is that diet Maggi - one of the few diets in which to retreat from the menu can not be drawn just a single step. As has been said, an effect occurs as a result of chemical reactions. And what is necessary to correct a chemical reaction took place? Remember school chemistry! It is necessary that the reactants themselves, and their weight was strictly defined. So here. A little to the side - and about the long-awaited results will be forgotten. Therefore replace the products, or, for example, have them in the morning instead of the evening, is strictly forbidden.

Another unpleasant moment - if you, for some reason, stumbled and broke the power mode, then begin the "process" will have to begin with. Even if you miss just one meal. Continue to the place where you left off, does not make sense - it is better not even to expend energy. Of course, such rigor, along with long - and diet is designed for four weeks! - Is unlikely to please those who are forced every day to go to work. But what to do ... As you know, the beauty demands victims. You may want to find a way out of any situation. In the worst case, you will take with boxes and cans.

What else you need to know? As with any diet, you should drink plenty of water. Desirably about three liters per day. And tea or black coffee can be consumed at any time - whenever you want. Of course, the sugar should be excluded, but it is allowed to use a sweetener. Eggs, unless written differently, you should always cook hard-boiled. Cooking vegetables should be free of oil, fat or beef broth. They simply boiled in water.

Diet Maggie allows the use of salt, but in moderation. Of course, it would be good to reduce its use, and certainly not overdo food. Onions, garlic, spices - all of it is allowed. And, as always, we recommend a small exercise. However, too zealous - especially at the end of the course - not worth it. Focus on your health. Here, perhaps, and all the nuances. We now turn to the main - menu. The course is designed for a full four weeks. Every day - "own" strictly defined, the food.

 Maggie Diet - Lose weight without starving

First week

During these seven days for breakfast need to eat one or two hard-boiled chicken eggs and half an orange or grapefruit. The remaining "meals" are different.

  • On Monday

    Choose what you like and what is more consistent season - watermelon, pear, apricot, melon, apple, orange or kiwi. One of these fruits will be your dinner. In the evening you can eat any cooked meat except lamb. Of course, it should be lean.

  • Tuesday

    During the day - boiled chicken. Just be sure to take off the skin. Before going to bed - two chicken eggs, one orange or grapefruit, toast and salad without dressing. The salad includes bell peppers, carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers.

  • Environment

    Day - one Tostik, tomatoes and low-fat varieties of cheese. At dinner - cooked meat.

  • Thursday

    At dinner - one of the fruit in any quantity. Set all the same - an apricot, kiwi, melon, orange, apple, watermelon. Dinner - boiled meat and vegetable salad of carrots, peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes. It is not necessary to fill.

  • Fri

    Day - surprise! - Two eggs again. Just for a change, cook them boiled. On a garnish - boiled vegetables. You can choose what you like more - zucchini and beans, or carrots and peas. In the evening you can eat a piece of boiled or fried fish, vegetable salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, bell pepper, carrots) and one orange or grapefruit.

  • Sat

    At lunchtime fruit. You, in fact, already remember what, right? At dinner - cooked meat and vegetable salad. Ingredients salad also remains unchanged.

  • Sunday

    For lunch, boiled or fried chicken. Of course, without the skin. Garnish - tomatoes and boiled vegetables. Choosing between green peas with carrots or zucchini with beans. For dessert - an orange or grapefruit. Before going to bed - cooked vegetables that were left from dinner.

Week Two

Get ready, the eggs will be on the menu more. Breakfast remains unchanged - half an orange or grapefruit, one or two of chicken eggs.

  • On Monday

    Happy to eat fresh vegetable salad without dressing. Set known - carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers. For the salad - boiled meat. At dinner - two soft-boiled eggs and the same salad.

  • Tuesday

    Lunch - again the same salad vegetables and cooked meat. Before going to bed - soft-boiled eggs, two pieces. They need to seize the orange or grapefruit.

  • Environment

    Meals should be boiled or grilled meat and fresh cucumbers. Dinner - as in the previous day. Soft-boiled eggs and an orange / grapefruit.

  • Thursday

    Day - again, soft-boiled eggs. Still in the same amount. Among them - salty cheese and low-fat varieties of cooked carrots and green peas. At dinner - eggs again, but boiled.

  • Fri

    Day - boiled fish. How much you like! In the evening - you guessed it? - scrambled eggs. Two.

  • Sat

    At lunch - boiled meat and fresh tomatoes. For dessert - an orange or grapefruit. Dinner - fruit salad. Combine melon, orange, peach, tangerine and apple.

  • Sunday

    For lunch - fresh tomatoes, zucchini cooked with beans, chicken without skin and - old friends! - Orange / grapefruit. Dinner at this time will be exactly the same as lunch. So you can prepare a meal "with a stock".

 Maggie Diet - Lose weight without starving

The third and fourth weeks

So, you've got half the diet Maggie. However, it is too early to celebrate victory. The third week is heavy. Breakfast, to which you are, I think, have become accustomed, is canceled. Actually, this week there is no strict separation for breakfast, lunch and dinner. These foods should be consumed throughout the day, in any quantity.

  • On Monday

    No wonder they say that it is - "a hard day." You can eat only fruit. You can use any other than grapes, mangoes, bananas, figs and dates.

  • Tuesday

    Vegetable Day. You can eat any vegetables other than potatoes. Do you want to - raw, you want - boiled. Who likes that.

  • Environment

    Vegetables fruits. Combine that ate on Monday that ate Tuesday. Prohibitions are the same.

  • Thursday

    Steamed or boiled fish. Fresh cabbage or lettuce. Boiled vegetables. Naturally, the potatoes can not be still.

  • Fri

    This is where you can "roam"! Choose. Do you want to - meat, you want - chicken. You can cook, can be fried. On a garnish - boiled vegetables. Ate? Good!

  • On Saturday and Sunday - again fruity menu. All the same can not be mangoes, bananas, figs, dates and grapes.

Week Four

"The last spurt" - you're almost there. The system is the same as the last week. It gives a list of "permitted" foods, and you have "stretch" for the day.

On Monday

  • cooked meat or chicken - about 200 grams;
  • One bank of canned tuna. Of course, in its own juice, not in oil;
  • four medium-sized cucumber;
  • one toast;
  • two to four tomato;
  • one orange or grapefruit.


  • 200 grams of boiled or roasted meat;
  • Three tomato;
  • Four cucumber;
  • one apple or pear;
  • one orange or grapefruit.


  • one large spoonful of cottage cheese. Of course, not greasy;
  • 200 grams of cheese. Too lean;
  • two or three medium sized cucumber;
  • one toast;
  • Two tomato;
  • grapefruit or orange.


  • half boiled chicken without skin;
  • Three tomato;
  • one small cucumber;
  • one toast;
  • oranges / grapefruit.


  • two boiled eggs;
  • fresh vegetable salad without dressing - bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers;
  • grapefruit / orange.


  • boiled chicken breast. You can eat two;
  • two or three of cucumber;
  • 100 grams of cheese or low fat cottage cheese;
  • one toast;
  • Two tomato;
  • 200 ml - glass - yogurt;
  • orange or grapefruit.


  • two large tablespoons of cottage cheese;
  • tuna, canned in their own juice;
  • Two tomato;
  • two or three of cucumber;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • one toast;
  • grapefruit or orange.

All. It is finished. You are to be congratulated - you got to the goal. Here's a she - Maggie diet. Recipes, as you can see, quite simple. Yes, and a perfectly acceptable range of products - everything can be bought in the shop. The efficiency of such power is large enough - extra weight go, but the results are stored permanently. Of course, provided that you do not nakinetsya directly on pasta, pastries and fried potatoes. And, although the conviction of a French actress, Baroness Nadine de Rothschild: "A good diet does not happen," it is - not the worst and "hungry." Why not try?

 Maggie Diet - Lose weight without starving

We recommend that read: Counting calories

Fitness Diet: The best way to lose weight for active women

 Fitness Diet: The best way to lose weight for active women

Have you noticed that fitness does not bring the desired result? What exhausting daily workouts why do not promote weight loss? Will reveal to you a secret: the whole thing in proper nutrition. Already a long time ago, a special diet, designed for women who are actively involved in sports. Fitness diet - it's not a fashionable trend, as a normal requirement for anyone who provides regular strain your muscles. With such a diet to lose weight quick and easy: all you need to do - to sweat on fitness in the gym and eat right at home.

What's most important - such fitness diet will not leave hungry: the diet for up to fourteen days, includes a delicious and varied menu. All you need to do to lose weight and keep the weight - not filled up on the couch after a snack time and continue to exercise. The idea is that during a diet fitness is better to postpone, it is absolutely wrong. The best way to keep yourself in shape - is to combine physical exercise with proper nutrition.

Why is dieting fitness gives more impressive results? Let's try to compare our body with the account in the bank: we put in a food - energy - like a deposit. Contribution to accumulate as much as we should be, and if not "withdraw cash", the deposit will continue to grow and grow. What's good for the money, very badly for the figure. Therefore, fitness and diet should be linked to each other.

 Fitness Diet: The best way to lose weight for active women

Fitness diet for active women

The first day

  • Morning: Of the two eggs eat one egg yolk, two proteins. We eat a serving of oatmeal (one hundred grams), a quarter of a pack of low-fat cottage cheese, drink a glass of juice, preferably - orange.
  • Your lunch: salad from any vegetables, low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: Boiled chicken (turkey can be a fitness diet welcomes dietary meat) one hundred grams, one hundred grams of rice, a few leaves of fresh lettuce.
  • Snack: Baked potato - one piece, low-calorie yogurt.
  • Dinner: two hundred grams of steamed fish, salad, apple (choose green, sour varieties).

Second day

  • Morning: Two eggs, one hundred grams of cereal with a glass of skim milk, fruit.
  • Your lunch: A quarter of a pack of low-fat cottage cheese without sugar, a glass of fresh carrot juice.
  • Lunch: Treat yourself to chicken salad: two hundred grams of meat there is one medium potato and apple.
  • Snack: A little fruit, low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: A small piece of fish (approximately one hundred and fifty - two hundred grams) serving of cooked beans, green salad (chopped and season with low-fat dressing).

Day Three

  • Morning: Oatmeal (one hundred grams), an omelet prescription the first day, one hundred and fifty - two hundred grams of strawberries.
  • Your lunch: half a pack of cottage cheese, a banana.
  • Lunch: piece of fish (two hundred grams), for garnish - a hundred grams of rice and salad.
  • Snack: A little fruit, low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: Turkey meat (one hundred grams) serving of corn (canned is possible), a green salad.

Day Four

  • Morning: One hundred grams of herculean porridge with milk, a peach, a little scrambled eggs and juice.
  • Your lunch: Same as the third day - banana and curd.
  • Lunch: Chicken breast - 150g, garnish - 100g rice.
  • Snack: bran, stir in one cup of vegetable juice
  • Dinner: Beef (120 gram) serving of corn (canned is possible).

Day Five

  • Morning: Oatmeal hundred grams, eggs, peach, a glass of juice.
  • Your lunch: One hundred grams of rice and a glass of juice of any vegetables.
  • Lunch: Pete (this is a bread pocket, which put the stuffing, if at hand is not - replace the pie), 100g of boiled turkey, apple
  • Snack: half a pack of cheese, green salad.
  • Dinner: Boiled chicken (100 g) fresh green salad leaves.

Day Six

  • Morning: One hundred grams of buckwheat cereal, scrambled eggs, 200g of low-fat milk.
  • Your lunch: half a pack of cottage cheese, banana.
  • Lunch: piece of fish (two hundred grams) serving of rice, fresh green leaves of lettuce and 200 g of fresh orange juice.
  • Snack: Baked potato - one piece, low-calorie yogurt.
  • Dinner: Boiled Shrimp 150 grams, vegetable salad

The seventh day

  • Morning: Portion of buckwheat porridge, scrambled eggs, apple.
  • Your lunch: half a pack of cheese, ripe peach.
  • Lunch: Beef boiled hundred grams, mixed vegetables (carrots, peas, corn).
  • Snack: A serving of rice, one yogurt.
  • Dinner: 150g boiled chicken, salad of fresh vegetables.

Eighth Day

  • Morning: Portion cereal with a glass of skim milk, one grapefruit, two eggs.
  • Your lunch: Seventy grams of rice, a ripe peach.
  • Lunch: 120gr boiled chicken, lettuce, polportsii pasta, two hundred grams of orange juice.
  • Snack: apple, low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: Beef 120gr, fresh vegetable salad.

The ninth day

  • Morning: Portion of buckwheat porridge, fruit, scrambled eggs, two hundred grams of orange juice.
  • Your lunch: half a pack of cottage cheese, banana.
  • Lunch: piece of fish - 100 g, a portion of rice, one ripe peach, two hundred grams of orange juice.
  • Snack: Low-fat yogurt, dried apricots 100-150gr
  • Dinner: fish stew - 200g potatoes, baked in the oven, the juice of fresh vegetables

Day Ten

  • Morning: Oatmeal hundred grams, scrambled eggs, two hundred grams
  • Your lunch: half a pack of cottage cheese, raisins 50g.
  • Dinner: Boiled chicken hundred grams, one Pechena potato, one glass of juice of any vegetables
  • Snack: Low-calorie (fat-free), yogurt, one orange.
  • Dinner: 100grtushenoy fish salad with fresh vegetables.

Day Eleven

  • Morning: A slice of watermelon, fifty grams of bran bread, two eggs, 200 g of juice from fresh oranges.
  • Your lunch: A quarter of a pack of cottage cheese, a banana.
  • Dinner: 200g squid, a portion of rice.
  • Snack: A piece of fish (150 grams), salad.
  • Dinner: 150g boiled chicken, corn.

The twelfth day

  • Morning: Portion herculean porridge, a small omelet, a glass of juice from fresh carrots.
  • Your Lunch: A serving of rice cooked with raisins and dried apricots.
  • Lunch: 100g of chicken in pita bread, lettuce.
  • Snack: Low-calorie yogurt, apple.
  • Dinner: boiled beef 120gr, 100gr cabbage.

Day thirteen

  • Morning: Oatmeal hundred grams, eggs.
  • Your lunch: A quarter pack cheese, a ripe peach (middle).
  • Lunch: 120gr turkey in pita bread, boiled corn on the cob.
  • Snack: Low-calorie (fat-free), yogurt, apple.
  • Dinner: 150g fish stew, a salad of fresh vegetables.

Fourteenth Day

  • Morning: A serving of muesli a glass of milk, two eggs, two hundred grams of orange juice.
  • Your lunch: A quarter of a pack of cottage cheese, banana.
  • Lunch: 150 grams boiled chicken, lettuce, a portion of rice.
  • Snack: Low-calorie (low-fat) yogurt, a ripe peach.
  • Dinner: River fish - 150 grams, fresh vegetable salad.

Rich and varied fitness diet, does not it? And most importantly, almost all products are absolutely available to lose weight on it - a pleasure.

It is not necessary to stick to the menu of this fitness diet "to the letter". This is a sample diet, you can change it on your own. The main thing is that in the day you consume no more than 1400-1500 calories and go all out on every sport. Eat right, keep to a diet and fitness, and is in addition to the hormones of joy will give you a great figure and good health.

 Fitness Diet: The best way to lose weight for active women

We recommend that read: Diet on bananas

Monday, 28 December 2015

Bleaching facials: we are for the well-groomed face

 Bleaching facials: we are for the well-groomed face


  • Herself beauticians
  • The recipes of our grandmothers, mothers, and now our

Women's desire to always be well-groomed and beautiful invested in us by nature. Even in the ancient times, women sought out ways that can improve and maintain what they Given the nature: washed with dew, milk, collected a variety of herbs to wash decoction. In today's world, we have more opportunities to take care of their beauty and appearance. To do this, create an array of cosmetics, we have different knowledge about how to care for our service specialists of the beauty industry. But amidst all this diversity of all might as well enjoy the most affordable and least effective methods for the care of their appearance. Some of them will be discussed in this article.

Particular attention most charming the fairer sex takes care of the delicate skin of your face. We all like to have always fresh complexion, as if glowing from within. To achieve this outcome, you need to be able to save not only the smooth skin tone on the face. It is necessary to lighten it, and, if necessary, bleach traces of freckles, age spots and other such unpleasant consequences. To achieve this, we will use such means as effective whitening facials that can be done at home. We all remember that the woman's face - it was her calling card. So we take care of that it had no extra tracks!

Herself beauticians

Whatever mask you have planned to do at home, take care of some of the subtleties. After all, any activity has its own nuances and requirements for its implementation - to achieve the best result. About what you should know before whitening your own face? Such moments are not too many, they are not intractable, but you should be aware of them and to take into account that the procedure does not give you a hassle in its operation.

Cooking Equipment

  • Prepare a container in which you mix the ingredients for future protsedury.Naibolee suitable material for this is considered to be a glass, porcelain, plastic ware. Avoid using metal or wooden tarelochki.Eti materials can react with the components of the mask that may have a material adverse effect on the skin;
  • Brush application: sometimes you can do without it, using only their own fingers, but a brush to apply the mask evenly to be much easier;
  • Sponzhik to wash off the mask with the skin surface. It can be made of special material like loofah, but in the absence of his fit foam sponge or cotton pad;
  • If you do not plan to wash your hair after the treatment, then make sure that, when applied to the mask on the face they do not stain. You can use rim tape cap that will hide your hair and prevent the possibility of an accidental fall on the face, on which a mask;
  • A piece of gauze. Him we will use to squeeze the juice from the product, if we only need it. Or to squeeze excess moisture from the mask to prevent it from draining from the skin. Alternatively, moistened gauze in the composition mask, we apply it to the face in this manner. In this case it will be necessary to make a pre-matter in openings for the eyes, nose and lips

Note: The time is set

Let us explain what we mean: in order to achieve a visible effect on the application of any procedure completely, not just our delicate skin whitening, need regularity and frequency. Do not hope that by doing manipulation once, you'll get immediately visible effect, but still manage to keep it for the long term. Making bleaching mask preferably in the evening, and after them - avoid direct sunlight on the skin. It is important to know that some recipes whitening masks contain ingredients that can dry the skin on the face. Accordingly, if your skin is prone to dryness, you should either choose a different mask recipe with the same effect, or not to apply the procedure more often than specified in the recipe. Always when applied to the face cream according to your skin type.

 Bleaching facials: we are for the well-groomed face

The recipes of our grandmothers, mothers, and now our

  • Cucumber mask

The simplest mask by contributing to whiten your face and alignment of its color, it is a mask, which is made of cucumber. Such simple vegetables grown in the garden rather than in a greenhouse, it is able to cope with the task. However, remember that too at addressing the complex problems the mask is not designed. What you should do: take a cucumber, rinse it under running water to bathe, to grind to a fine grater (remember that the float was made of plastic) and apply on face. Duration - 15 minutes to an hour

  • Mask based on clay

Ability to cope even with spots, not just freckles. You will need 70gramm kaolin (white clay), talc 10 grams, the same amount of baking soda. Mix the dry ingredients, and then dilute the mixture with a solution of 2% boric acid slurry to a state or a sufficiently thick cream. Apply this mask on your face, carefully avoiding the eyes and lips

  • Yeast mask

Lover of yeast cake will appreciate the useful properties of yeast for the skin, if they do the following mask: Mix about 15 or 20 grams of yeast with lemon juice (can substitute orange or grapefruit), until smooth. Do not overdo it with the juice, so that the mask does not become fluid. Put it on the skin for a minimum of 20 minutes. The yeast has B vitamins, which are indicated for skin problems of any kind. This mask is great lightens skin tone and whiten your freckles

  • Protein mask

If you need to lighten the skin, prone to dry or normal, then prepare yourself a mask for this recipe: Mix the protein and hydrogen peroxide (3%) in the proportion of which is 2 or 3 of the protein will have to 1 part peroxide. Use as a measure of a teaspoon. Then combine this mixture with the cheese, which need about 1 teaspoon

  • Almond Mask - a recipe from the aristocratic

The mask is easy to make and effective in use. Approximately half a cup or cup almonds need to pour boiling water, which require one glass at a time for about 5 minutes. Then the water can be drained and crushed almonds blender or a meat grinder. Then mix the resulting mass with lemon juice until smooth consistency. Follows a course of masks in such a mode 2 times per week, the total number of procedures is not less than 30 (40 possible).

  • The mask of pepper

Pigmentation of the skin on the face helps us cope pepper. Make a mask out of it as easily as cucumber. Just take one fruit, wash it thoroughly. Then grate and apply to the face, it focuses on the area of ​​increased pigmentation. Keep the mask on your face for at least half an hour

  • Berry Mask

The bleaching action have masks based on fruits, thanks to their content of fruit acids. Use strawberries, raspberries, black currants, to get whitening effect for your face. Mash takes you to a single portion of the mask number of berries and apply it to the skin surface. Here are just a useful piece of gauze, which we mentioned above

  • Radish

If you intervene to 2 tablespoons grated black radish approximately 1 teaspoon of milk and a few drops of lemon juice, you get a great mask for oily skin bleaching effect

  • Kefir Mask

To achieve the effect of clarifying our little face possible through the use of fermented milk products such as yogurt or buttermilk. Mix until smooth grind oatmeal and one of these drinks, drip a few drops of lemon juice. Dampen a gauze mask, apply to the face. As the drying Tacna moisten it again. Keep this mask takes approximately 20-30 minutes

  • Mask of parsley

Modest Parsley has been very active fight against pigment spots, freckles, redness and other symptoms that prevent our skin to shine its pristine whiteness. To deal with this, let's take 25 grams of parsley root, pre-ground, fill it with boiling water and put in a water bath for fifteen minutes. The resulting broth drain, cool slightly, again take the gauze soaked cloth the resulting liquid. We apply the cloth on your face and keep at least 15 minutes, soaking the fabric as needed

  • Mask from sauerkraut

If you love to eat sauerkraut, do not drain the juice from it and use it as a tool for skin whitening. Substance contained in it lightens skin tone perfectly, bleach freckles and age spots too deep. To juice is not tech, we again come in handy use of gauze, folded in several layers

Do not forget that after the adoption of any of the recipes you must carefully wash off the mask from his face and applied to the skin moisturizer. Make sure that in the summer it was a cream with protection from the sun's rays. If you do not follow this recommendation, you save the effect of the above procedures will be much slozhnee.Pomnite that direct sunlight on the skin not only threatens us with its dark color is undesirable, but also the appearance of premature wrinkles. We will not expose themselves to such a thoughtless risk. Earlier representatives of the aristocracy cherished white face with a wide-brimmed hats. In the summer, it is quite possible we benefit from their experience, so as not to spoil the effect resulting from the use of masks.

 Bleaching facials: we are for the well-groomed face

Skin Care: facial mask with olive oil

 Skin Care: facial mask with olive oil


  • What is the value of olive oil
  • How to apply olive oil at home?
  • Masks with olive oil

Olive oil since ancient times is considered to be an excellent tool for skin care body and face, and hair. Today, it is widely used in cosmetics: creams, emulsions, and face masks with olive oil are a good popularity among women of all ages, with all types of skin. Beauticians recommend to use olive oil for cooking homemade cosmetics, in fact, what we have today and we'll talk.

What is the value of olive oil

First of all, it is a unique composition. It contains two main vitamin - E and A. Vitamin E is responsible for the elasticity, softness and elasticity of the skin, but vitamin A to take care of to ensure that her hydration and nutrition. This complex double effect on the epidermis.

In addition, olive oil and others are at least useful vitamins - B, K and D, - are combined with mono-unsaturated fats provide deep skin nutrition, preventing premature senescence.

It is a complex of nutrients, trace elements, vitamins and minerals, which are primarily suitable for dry skin type, most in need of good hydration. Keeping moisture in the epidermis, olive oil softens the skin and smoothes out wrinkles without clogging pores. In addition, the accelerated regeneration of cells, that is, their resilience, which is manifested in the anti-aging effects.

This product is also unique in that it is hypoallergenic - feel free to use it even in the care of the most sensitive skin.

How to apply olive oil at home?

Let's look at how best to use olive oil in skin care of different types.

First of all - this is a cleansing agent, which can be used morning and evening. Gently heat the oil, put it in a container of hot water just a couple of minutes. Now soak cotton wool in warm oil and gently rub the skin. If you perform this procedure before bedtime, you can safely leave the vehicle overnight. It is suitable for those who suffer from excessive dryness of the skin. If you spend the morning cleaning, leave it on your face for 20 minutes, no more, and do not forget to wet face cloth.

It should be noted that olive oil is considered to be high-quality tool for make-up remover. It perfectly removes even waterproof mascara and eyeliner - a good alternative to expensive tools.

It is used to nourish the skin and around the eyes, which, as you know, is the most sensitive and prone to the appearance of early wrinkles. Just lubricate the skin around the eyes, a little tapping his fingers for better absorption. Can, as in the first case, means leave overnight.

 Skin Care: facial mask with olive oil

Masks with olive oil

Of course, the most valuable olive oil used for the manufacture of masks, the recipes of which will be discussed below.

  • The first method is the simplest

This is exactly the method, which was mentioned earlier. Simply heat the oil and apply it on the skin for 25-30 minutes. It is suitable for those who suffer from increased dryness and peeling of the skin.

  • The recipe for the combined skin type

It is recommended to lubricate scaly skin 2-3 times a day, also using warm olive oil. This board will suit those who seek to rejuvenate the skin and get rid of the long-established wrinkles.

  • Fruits and olive oil

If you want to get rid of excessive dryness, prepare a mask on the basis of the olive oil, add fruit / vegetables or fresh fruit pulp.

For example, you can mix a large spoon pulp of fruits and vegetables with a spoon of oil. The mixture was left on the face for 15-25 minutes.

Note that fruit and olive mask fit, in general, for all skin types. The only difference in the composition of masks.

Which fruits and vegetables are best suited? Here, we pay attention to the type of skin. Banana, melon, gooseberry, lingonberry or persimmons are suitable for dry skin. Not less effectively manifest itself here potatoes, radishes, peppers and carrots.

But in the case of combined or normal skin type is best to mix the oil with kiwi, orange or grapefruit, apple or peach. Also suitable raspberry, currant and mountain ash.

  • Mask based on cottage cheese and eggs

This recipe is ideal for dry skin. Here, you will need: fat cottage cheese - 1 large tablespoon olive oil - 2 large spoons, egg yolk - one.

Just as soon as you wash away this mask, you will notice how great your skin feels. This tool is one of the best!

  • Saving aging skin

For skin with deep wrinkles it is recommended to use honey. Just mix one spoon (tablespoon) of olive oil with a teaspoon of honey every. Apply for 20-30 minutes.

  • Clear the normal and combination skin

Here we use the oil in combination with the flour. One soup spoon of flour (wheat or rice) Stir in the olive oil. Got a lot of paste-like species. Apply on skin for fifteen minutes, then rinse with water.

  • Oily skin

It might seem like you can use the oil, which in itself is fat, in order to care for skin prone to the appearance of excessive secretion and acne? It is quite possible, because the olive is irreplaceable irritations, rashes and inflammations.

Take these ingredients: starch - a teaspoon of olive oil - a teaspoon of tomato juice - a little. Initially, mix tomato juice, preferably freshly squeezed, and starch. Ideally, you should get a fairly thick paste. Now add here Olivier and again mix well to obtain a homogeneous mass.

This olive-starch mask reduces pores, smooth skin, and prevent the emergence of the hated comedones or blackheads.

  • Relieves irritation of sensitive skin

In this case, using banana (one-quarter) and cucumber (tsp) in combination with the olive. Primarily mash banana, then mix with the mass of gruel cooked from cucumber. Now, add the olive oil and mix again. Apply the mixture on the skin for half an hour, then wash with cool water.

You will immediately notice how your face is prettier: no irritation, dryness disappeared, appeared healthy glow.

  • Cosmetic clay and olive for all skin types

Everyone knows about the amazing properties of kaolin, cosmetics clay. Why not combine it with equally beneficial olive oil? So, take the following items: kaolin - a teaspoon of olive oil - a big spoon, water - little to dilute clay.

Firstly, dilute kaolin in water. Stir until until the mixture becomes a thick, like cream. Water should definitely be warm. After that, add the olives, mix everything again. Keep the mask on your face for about fifteen minutes.

This is a great option for a skin problem that needs to be dry and improve its overall appearance. In general, this recipe is quite effective - reduces wrinkles and blackheads and pimples are not as noticeable.

  • For freshness and radiance of the skin

Great Mask of honey (a couple of teaspoons), grated apple and olive oil. Cook the mixture is very simple - mix all the ingredients. Now in a circular motion to spread the weight of the face and wash it off after just 10 minutes. That's it - you look perfect!

Recipes masks presented above, we have repeatedly had to prove its effectiveness. They are no less useful than expensive cosmetic brands promoted. Why not take advantage of what nature has given us? Take care of yourself and be beautiful!

 Skin Care: facial mask with olive oil

Simple secrets of beauty: face mask with avocado

 Simple secrets of beauty: face mask with avocado


  • Avocado: Seven problems - one answer
  • Patience and hard work will lead to the beauty ...
  • Recipes for radiance of your skin

Preparation of domestic natural cosmetic masks for the face - it is a simple and inexpensive way to give a fresh and youthful appearance of their skin. Such masks of the components of natural origin in systemic and integrated approach can solve a lot of problems, including those for the decision which it first applied only to the professional beauty. Of course, homemade facial mask is unlikely to completely be removed, such as scars, but to soothe, moisturize, to "feed" your skin they are quite capable. Give it shine, smooth and prevent wrinkles - yes, all of this can wonder face masks made from natural ingredients.

Avocado: Seven problems - one answer

But here arises a natural question: where to take natural products for the mask in the winter? Yes, dairy products are not going anywhere. But seasonal fruit in the winter afternoon with fire not find. More precisely, they have something on the shelves of supermarkets, but greenhouse "plastic" fruit except the bright appearance of nothing more useful to do not differ. Only one way out: to look at the exotic overseas. After all, just at this time, the ocean and you have to harvest, so we are at home we get the most useful fruit! One of these is the avocado fruit megapoleznyh and face mask with avocado - miracle elixir for the health of your skin.

Avocado, a part of the mask, it has a truly unique set of nutrients. First of all, the fruit contains a huge number of "beauty vitamin" - A (retinol) and E (tocopherol), which is an excellent antioxidant. Additionally, avocados, or "alligator pear" - a storehouse of vitamins B and C, D, K, PP, and a plurality of elements of the periodic table. But the most important feature of this fruit - it is one-third of the fat - just ensure its effective operation in masks.

The reason is simple: vitamins A and E are just not digested without the presence of fat, that is, not penetrate the layers of skin and does not affect its state. A avocado, inter alia, still contains fat and not any harmful and unsaturated fatty acids, which themselves are required by the body, and in combination with vitamins and minerals can even solve problems such as acne and acne.

 Simple secrets of beauty: face mask with avocado

Patience and hard work will lead to the beauty ...

Regular use of the mask of avocado face will affect your appearance, your face is literally transformed. And this transformation you can not only see in the mirror, and you hear about it from your friends who vied with each other will throw you give your phone requests your new wonder-cosmetologist. After all, a unique natural composition of avocado with constant use of his masked face allows you to achieve staggering results:

  • Hydration and nourishment;
  • The disappearance of inflammation in dermatitis or acne;
  • The growth rate of regeneration of skin cells;
  • Smoothing of small wrinkles and preventing the emergence of new ones;
  • The healing of small inflammations;
  • Postponement of the natural aging of the skin.

The versatility of the fruit for cosmetic applications is also that it can be used in the raw state, without additives - to absolutely all skin types. That is, in order to make you liked a face mask, there is no urgent need to study your skin type (often on their own to do this is not possible due to our joint insufficient awareness of Dermatology), so as not to hurt yourself use contraindicated components.

And it can not but rejoice! After all, if you are under twenty years old when cosmetics skin care products to use even not necessary, in order to not have to in the future, it hastily purchase ahead of time, you can make a mask with avocado for young skin, especially in the frosty time of the year . If you are concerned about the persistent inflammation and flaking on the face mask of avocado - just what the doctor ordered!

If you are already a little over thirty, and you can say that your face in the morning in the mirror does not look quite as "juicy peach", then just need to pamper yourself with masks on the basis of avocado. The result was not long in coming, as the efforts definitely bring desired "effect is obvious" - the skin will get healthy and radiant and fit. And if you can classify themselves as ladies-Berry, who for ... and your skin naturally looks parched, dull and tired, then give it vitality and cheer again help mask this green miracle fruit.

Let's open a little secret: Avocado oil - the perfect remedy for the care and the skin around the eyes.

 Simple secrets of beauty: face mask with avocado

Recipes for radiance of your skin

Given the universal effect of the avocado mask, we present only those that are created for purposeful action to overcome the poor condition of the skin, as well as to maintain a healthy and blooming of the skin of a certain type. And remember that only regular and correct approach to the use of domestic avocado face masks will give you a young, well-groomed and healthy skin.

  • Honey-almond royal cleansing mask with avocado

Take a tablespoon PRESSURE pulp ripened avocado, 0, 5 tsp lukewarm honey and 1 tsp frayed almond nuts. All miksuem and get a thickish mass Apply on face for fifteen to twenty minutes. After standing waiting times normal wash off the mask with warm water.

  • The mask helps to narrow pores

Knead the pulp of avocado, add the egg protein, which had previously beat until its transformation into a thick foam. Now this mixture you need to add article. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and a little olive oil. Action masochki - twenty minutes and then wash it with cool water.

  • Milk and oatmeal mask of avocado for sensitive skin

Mix 1 tablespoon oatmeal boiled (boil water, milk will not work here) and spoon the pulp pressure "alligator pear". Adding weight to this 4 tbsp milk and get put on the mask on your face for fifteen minutes, after which wash off under running water.

  • Fortified by an avocado mask for mature and dull skin

Necessary ingredients: one fully ripe avocado fruit, 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. spoons of honey, 2 teaspoons baking soda, 2 tablespoons. spoons of yogurt and a few drops of natural essential oils. Grind the avocado pulp, this weight should be added to all the remaining ingredients, except the ester and stir. After adding an essential oil and mix again and then place the mask to cool for 12 hours. After this time it is applied to clean skin for ten minutes, and then washed off with lukewarm water.

  • Soothing Mask with avocado and potato for owners of dry, irritated and flaky skin

Cooking unsalted mashed potatoes, add frayed flesh ripened avocado, a little (literally polozhki dining room) of sour cream and a teaspoon of olive oil, stir carefully, put on 15 minutes, and now we wash with plain water and enjoy the effect.

  • Deeply nourishing and moisturizing mask for dry skin type

Mix a tablespoon of pulp of banana and avocado, add egg yolk and a spoonful of honey. Thoroughly mix together ingredients. Carefully put on all the face of the resulting mixture, wash off after an hour ¼.

  • The mask, which will be good for owners of oily skin

Take the item. a spoonful of chopped avocado pulp, one egg white and add some freshly squeezed lemon juice. For the best cleaning of the mask you can add a little flour, but it is necessary to closely monitor the consistency - a mask should not be too thick and viscous. Applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes and wash off with warm water.

  • Delicate yogurt mask from avocados to parched skin

Four tablespoons yoghurt (without flavor filler) and one tablespoon rubbed pulp ripened fruit "alligator pear" mix thoroughly and cover the skin. Thirty minutes masochku wash off with warm water.

  • Tonic mask helps to restore aging skin

Miksuem part rubbed the fruit flesh avocado ¼ cup of warmed honey, mix and give cheer to your skin. Ten minutes later, gently wash off the mask with cool water.

 Simple secrets of beauty: face mask with avocado