Sunday, 12 March 2017

Treatment for computer dependence: classification, symptoms and general symptoms

 Treatment for computer dependence: classification, symptoms and general symptoms


  • My son will not return
  • The initial makings of a sociopath
  • Subtype dependent: gamers
  • The main symptoms of computer addiction
  • Getting from words to deeds

In this age of high technology, where rates of access to information and increasing daily, and technological progress is not in place, are taking place and the side effects of all these "benefits" of civilization. We will focus on the now well-known ailment - computer addiction. What's he like, what consequences may result, and that it is preceded by? Originating at the dawn of the 21st century, this disease affects more people. Statistics show that more than half of all the "patients" are teenagers.

To understand the adolescent computer addiction should be to define the word "addiction." As far as we know, the term "dependence" means by a craving or an addiction to a person what else (food, gambling, alcohol, drugs and so on. D.). Despite the fact that scientists do not officially recognize and study the dependence of the computer, it has a clear psychological nature, and its existence is proved by thousands of typical cases. It is estimated that about 7-10% of all PC users suffer from this disease.

Why "teenagers"? First of all, it plays the role of adolescent infatuation virtual communication, computer games, and the pursuit of self-realization there in another dimension, due to the desire to obtain information. That information resources attracted to humans than they are different from animals, and the computer - an almost limitless tool for searching, sorting, and display this information. In adolescence, the person is completely open to everything new, but that's what contributes to excessive pastime near the PC.
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My son will not return

Very common are cases where intelligent, educated, cheerful student suddenly turns into a vicious cyber-child. An example would be a fifth grader who is a straight A, but after the parents decided to "endow" his latest computer technology miracle, the child kept to himself, lost any interest in learning, and to a normal life. Now his main goal is "to defeat a virtual villain" or "track gaming news." In addition, the child became neurotic, very irritable and does not want to communicate with the outside world. And the worst thing - he began to lose weight and acquired scoliosis. It is unlikely that the consequences of adolescent growing up.

 Treatment for computer dependence: classification, symptoms and general symptoms
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The initial makings of a sociopath

What to do? The root of all evil is in man himself. For teens who are not confident in themselves or have some communication problems, the best way to communicate with the outside world becomes online. A natural solution to this problem for them may become more intimate fellowship with peers, making new friends, or simply live communication with people that brings pleasure.
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Subtype dependent: gamers

It is quite another thing, if a girl or a guy seriously addicted to computer games. Unlike the arcade-type games "Tetris", role-playing games can be a serious threat to adolescent gamers, for immersion in the virtual space is very high, therefore, the chance of losing this "self" is very large. Do not forget about the "shooters", which is extremely negative impact on the child's psyche, and often hidden causes of aggression, which occurs later in life.
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The main symptoms of computer addiction

All of the symptoms of this dependence are divided into two types: physical and mental. The former mainly include: blurred vision, back problems (musculoskeletal system), headache, drowsiness, fatigue, and digestive problems. These symptoms may occur only after a long spending time on the computer. Mental symptoms are similar to symptoms of any other addiction. These include: self-deception, loss of time, uncertain mood swings, loss of interest in communication, lack of desire to leave the computer and so on. D.

 Treatment for computer dependence: classification, symptoms and general symptoms
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Getting from words to deeds

And finally, how to treat "diseased" offspring of computer addiction? First of all, you need to prevent this disease. Since the main reason why the child left this world and went into the virtual, is in his dissatisfaction with the realities of life, we should first understand exactly what he pleased. It should be remembered that the criticism of the behavior of these adolescents - a wrong move.

Treatment of computer addiction is to distract the child from pressing issues and to show him how real life is beautiful. Everyone has their hobbies. Your child is interested in painting? Write it down in a circle drawing! Or your son likes music? It's time to direct his energy in the right direction, and "return" to reality. Try to pay more attention to communication with the child, strongly supporting and encouraging him after school. You spend all your free time with him, walk in the park, go hiking, and just explore the world together!

But it also happens that the initial stage of the "disease" has already passed. If the computer is already manifested in the relationship of acute symptoms in your child, you should consult a therapist. Special psychotherapy, conducted both at home and in specialized institutions, help solve the problem of alienation and implement reinsertion teenager in a social environment when the efforts of parents still not enough.

Do not forget that the best treatment - is prevention, and recovery can be possible only when the young person wants it.

 Treatment for computer dependence: classification, symptoms and general symptoms

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