When can I start having sex, you can tell a doctor after a thorough inspection. Impatient husband often forced women to have sexual intercourse too early, sometimes even in the 1st month after childbirth. Not only that the woman has not experienced in this period of desire sexual intimacy, it can hurt her, cause inflammation of the genital organs because of infection. Therefore, until the disappearance of the effects of giving birth to resume sexual activity is impossible.
But you must prepare for it. After birth, the vagina covers the penis is not as tight as before. Therefore, starting from the 10th day, it is recommended to perform exercises that help strengthen the muscles of its walls: 10-20 times a day compressive strengths of the vagina as if want to crack a nut, and after some time relax the muscles. Not all women know this exercise, or they do not know how to do it. During the first inspection after childbirth doctor can explain to them how to carry it out. At manual inspection, he asks a woman to compress the vagina and determines the force with which it is able to do it. Exercise should be done every day, and once a month to check the compressive force with the fingers. Two fingers are inserted into the vagina and it is compressed. Through exercises the vagina much faster returns to its normal state.
A woman who devoted herself to postpartum newborn, first with difficulty resuming full sexual intercourse with her husband. It's not just that she had for some time been reduced response to sexual stimulation. Subconsciously, her attention fully directed to the child. His every movement, whimper or cry distract her from her husband. In addition, quite often the seam, imposed after the rupture or dissection of the perineum, making intercourse painful. Therefore, the restoration of normal sexual relations, much depends on her husband - his attention and affection. Fulfilling sexual life can interfere with and fear of unwanted pregnancy. We advise you at the first consultation visit to ask the doctor to choose a contraceptive that would come to you.
It is believed that the woman is not able to conceive as long as breastfeeding. However, this is only partially true, and many women have paid for their faith in such a rule is not absolute. Reliably protect against pregnancy during breastfeeding can only use contraceptives.
After delivery, ovulation precedes the first menstrual period, and it is possible to conceive before the recovery of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, when mixed and artificial feeding almost immediately after the birth to take care of the choice of contraceptives.
But as long as the recovery period lasts for a woman, the wife is better to abandon the classical sex. This is due to the fact that after giving birth inside of the uterus is very vulnerable and its healing is only 6-8 weeks after birth. Therefore, it must be protected from the various pins, to prevent infectious diseases.
If you decide to safer use contraceptives during breastfeeding, the note will not affect whether they are on the production of milk and is not harmful to the child. Such requirements are met barrier methods of contraception, spermietsidy ("Pharmatex"), intrauterine device. Hormonal contraceptives also negatively affect milk production, so they can not be used.
To select the most effective method of protection, it is necessary to consult with your gynecologist. The doctor will inform you about all the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of contraception and can recommend the most appropriate (in this case the doctor must take into account factors such as your health and tolerance of certain medicines, the number of children in the family, financial status).
We recommend that read: sex after childbirth
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