- The main causes of thrush
- Symptoms of thrush
- Symptoms in girls
- Symptoms in women
Thrush - a disease that is accompanied by a rather unpleasant events in the form of itching, severe burning, vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. It is believed that candidiasis - is a disease of only adult women, it is caused by promiscuous and therefore, girls and young women to hurt it just can not. But this is a misconception, as the infectious fungal disease can occur at any age, but the reason for their appearance can be a banal failure to comply with personal hygiene or taking certain medicines. The main symptom - itching that can occur even with the use of uncomfortable underwear and clothing.
Candidiasis now diagnosed in approximately 50% of the girls who have not gone to school, while 25% of the patients have had chronic recurrent vulvovaginal. Why is this happening? The problem may be to low awareness of the population and that little girls are not taught to personal hygiene, since the mother does not give her enough attention. In some cases, thrush appears in the background of other diseases, such as colds, frequent bouts of allergies.
The reason often becomes uncomfortable and linen and very tight jeans.
You can not deduct all here only one, should pay attention to many factors, then the risk is minimized. In any case, the symptoms should immediately seek medical advice, do not delay the treatment.
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The main causes of thrush
Thrush in women can occur for various reasons, the course of the disease can also vary greatly. The strongest is considered the acute form, in which there is not only itching and redness, but severe swelling, plaque, bleeding lesions. This leads to a rather serious consequences, so the disease can not be ignored.
Among the reasons for which there is thrush in women, it should be noted:
- persistent violations of the rules of personal intimate hygiene. Girls should be accustomed to it from childhood, that in the future there were no negative consequences;
- using sanitary pads with a mesh surface, which can cause severe irritation of the genital organs;
- when using sanitary napkins with flavorings;
- if there is such a disease, such as diabetes or other related disorders;
- permanent and severe stress, depression faced by the young woman's body;
- antibiotics and some other drugs;
- promiscuous.
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Symptoms of thrush
In some cases, the disease is asymptomatic. But the first sign - is the appearance of redness, swelling that goes into the external genitalia and vagina. Such a feature appears the first, for it is easy to self-diagnose the appearance of thrush. That is such a symptom already indicates that it is necessary to see a doctor for help.
The second sign is that in the vagina appear strong, burning pain, a burning sensation. It should be noted that part of caving not improve the situation. Burning and itching increase especially in the evening, after taking a bath. This feature also can be diagnosed easily by yourself, you should not ignore it, it is better to consult a doctor. The third feature is that there are whitish discharge from the vagina, plaque around the labia. After the plaque is erased, it can leave behind a bleeding sites.
Any of these signs indicates that you need to be screened, after which the doctor will appoint a competent treatment. It is important here is not only to remove the symptoms, but the cause of thrush. If this is not done, the disease will continue to bother, it can go in its chronic form, which is very difficult to treat. In the future, thrush can cause many problems not only with personal hygiene, but also sexuality, urination, and even with the possibility of getting pregnant. Candidiasis is also transmitted through sexual contact men, and they have it can lead to infertility.
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Symptoms in girls
Symptoms of yeast infection can occur in girls aged 3-7 years. This is due to many factors, such as neonatal disease is observed for the following reasons:
- infection during delivery;
- providing treatment with antibiotics without special antifungal drugs;
- nosocomial strains.
The appearance of yeast infection in girls as young as 3 years of age may be due to the following factors:
- weakening of attention when making hygienic toilets;
- the frequent occurrence of different types of allergies.
At the age of 7 years, thrush may occur for the following reasons:
- failure to comply with hygiene;
- a weakened immune system and very frequent colds;
- enterobiasis in which pinworms get to the genitals, causing immune dysfunction;
- at the beginning of menstruation, when there are strong hormonal disruptions.
Symptoms of yeast infection can be very different, but usually at this age they are shown as follows:
- severe irritation and redness in the genital area;
- itching;
- allocation curd with a characteristic odor.
If these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis, determine the cause of the disease, its elimination. Otherwise, thrush can easily become chronic, which is quite dangerous for the further development of girls.
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Symptoms in women
Thrush in women manifests itself in different forms, differing in severity, duration of disease, symptoms:
- asymptomatic disease;
- During acute;
- chronic candidiasis (divided into 2 groups: the persistent and recurrent);
- vulvovaginitis secondary to the background planus, pemfigosa and other diseases.
The most severe symptoms are observed in the acute form:
- strong areas of the vulva, perineum. It may be constant, or appear to grow after washing, walking, using pads, tampons;
- burning sensation when urinating. This state is dangerous because it can lead to acute urinary retention;
- cheesy or creamy discharge with a characteristic sour smell, which are formed in the vagina (which they have given the popular name of the disease - thrush, in the literature it is called candidiasis);
- sleep disorders, irritability, which is a consequence of all of these symptoms. Often the state comes to an end, even a strong neurosis;
- swelling, severe redness of the external genitalia. These are signs of an acute course of yeast, require urgent start of treatment. Against the background of swelling clearly visible fine bubbles, erosion, grayish-white coating between labia. Once the plaque is removed, the skin remain visible traces of bleeding. This redness is spreading rapidly to the whole area of the perineum, inner thighs;
- during a yeast infection in women is often observed the pain, discomfort during intercourse, mucous remains dry, has a flabby surface discharge can be very scarce.
Thrush - a disease that can manifest itself in various forms, in many cases, its symptoms are not very pronounced, do not cause inconvenience. But this does not mean that the treatment is not required. If you neglect the disease can become chronic, and it is quite difficult to treat, can cause many adverse effects.
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