Monday, 11 July 2016

Rice diet 5 volumes - so just to be slim

 Rice diet 5 volumes - so just to be slim


  • Choose figure
  • Diet 5 volumes
  • Fly in the ointment

Useful properties of rice have been known for a long time. No wonder the people, for which the food is basic - for example, Chinese or Japanese - are much less likely to suffer from diseases of the joints, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular disease and obesity. Of course, all of these amazing properties of rice could not remain without attention of modern nutritionists. Diets based on this product - a great many. Today we will talk about one of them. Rice diet 5 volumes - this is probably one of the most simple, effective and popular methods of losing weight.

In keeping with this diet, you will not only lose weight but also cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, toxins, cholesterol and fat. And it does not require any special effort, special procedures or medications. Just follow the established diet for 14 days.

During this time you will be able to clean up the intestines, get rid of the swelling and, consequently, from the extra kilos. Most importantly - you do not have to starve or experience some discomfort. Moreover, you'll be spared the tiresome and tedious counting calories. Also, no need for cooking for some "tricky" and complicated recipes. Simplicity, ease and efficiency - that still need to be happy? To begin?

Choose figure

Before you start a diet of rice necessary to choose this product. From this it depends very much - not any variety of rice will bring the desired effect and benefit. What figure should I buy? Unfortunately, the most common form of rice - white polished - absolutely not suitable for diets. The fact is that during the grinding is removed the bulk of mineral nutrients. So this option will have to give.

Another popular type of rice - steamed. It can be easily recognized by their characteristic amber hue. It fits so much more. Under special processing such rice only improves its characteristics while retaining virtually all of the vitamins and minerals. And, of course, the most useful of all kinds of rice - brown. By the way, in the eastern countries it is used to prepare food for children and the elderly. And this is understandable. After all, the greatest number of valuable substances contained in the shell of the grain. And brown rice is fully preserved. It is because of this he has such a color. Doctors, nutritionists strongly recommended that you use brown rice for a healthy diet, and for the various diets.

 Rice diet 5 volumes - so just to be slim

Diet 5 volumes

Before you sit down on this diet will have to work a little - in a special way to prepare rice. However, more effort is not required. Almost everyone who first heard about this method of weight loss, there is one and the same question - what is behind the words "five volumes?" The answer is very simple. Five volumes - the five identical objects dishes, which you will cook rice. It can be almost anything - cups, jars, cups, bowls. It all depends on what you prefer to use.

So, pick a suitable dish. Let's say you chose the jars. In each jar put two large spoons of rice and rinse it thoroughly, and then fill with clean drinking water. The water should completely cover the grain. Leave the rice to soak for a day. The next day, repeat the whole procedure - first wash the rice, and then again fill with water. To conduct these manipulations should be within four days. During these days the water will put out all the rice starch and it will change its structure - will be porous, like a sponge. And just as it begins to absorb all the salt, toxins and harmful substances that have accumulated in your body. That's all. Rice is ready. You can start the diet itself.

The first thing you need to do the next day as soon as you wake up - this is to eat all the rice from the first jar. It seems superfluous to say that it should not add salt or add any spices, right? Moreover, it can not even drink water. However, this is understandable. After all, the whole idea is that the rice absorbed all the substances from your body, and not from the water. After this "breakfast" the next meal you can not afford not earlier than 2 hours.

And, of course, if you want to get a visible result, the "lean" on the fat and sweet it is not necessary. In addition, it is desirable to minimize the use of salt. It's because of her excess of our body accumulates excess moisture and swelling appear. Of course, the rice will help to cope with this problem, but there is no point in trying to bring the salt from the body, if you immediately make up for this loss, salt food. It is logical, right? Well, put the dishes in the released a new batch of washed rice. With the remaining jars acted like always - change the water. This scheme should be followed exactly two weeks. Even if you're completely used to this breakfast, happy with the results and ready to continue the course - do not be.

 Rice diet 5 volumes - so just to be slim

Fly in the ointment

Despite all the benefits of rice to abuse this diet is not necessary. The problem is that together with the slag, harmful substances and excess salt, rice grains absorb almost all of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs - for example, potassium, which is essential for the good of the heart. So long adherence to such a diet can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Even during the course of two weeks, doctors recommend taking extra vitamin and mineral complex, and potassium supplements. You should also include in your diet nuts, dried apricots, bananas and sunflower seeds. And, of course, before you go on a diet you need to be sure to consult with your doctor. In any diet - rice and not the exception! - Has its contraindications. Well, if the doctor allowed - you can safely begin to experiment. After 5 volumes of rice diet - it is an opportunity not fasting and not changing your lifestyle and diet to lose weight by 5-6 kg for two weeks. Agree, sounds tempting. Worth a try!

 Rice diet 5 volumes - so just to be slim

We recommend to check out: The Japanese diet for weight loss

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