Saturday, 9 July 2016

Desaturate hair above the lip

 Desaturate hair above the lip


  • As discolored hair: homemade recipes
  • Means for clarification of unwanted hair
  • Full hair removal

As discolored hair above the upper lip? This problem occurs in many women, and some even become an obsession, and it is not surprising.

Each of us wants to look your best, and annoying dark hairs on the face of it is hardly possible.

Let's see what are the ways to address this issue and which one you should choose.

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As discolored hair: homemade recipes

There are ample options to get rid of dark hair above the lip, and every girl can find a suitable one. Let's start with the good old homemade version using hydrogen peroxide.

To lighten your hair with peroxide, quite a few times a day, at least in the morning and evening, wipe her problem areas, and after 2-3 weeks of its impact will be lighter hair. But here is to be careful owners of the skin with high sensitivity, since peroxide quite strongly affects not only the hair, but the skin beneath it, clarifying its top layer. Those who are afraid of too delicate skin, this is a better way to not take note and try the other - to lighten unwanted hair with the help of a lemon.

The gentle way to brighten a home

To perform the procedure gentle clarification of hair on the upper lip, with the help of a lemon, you'll need a small amount of thick natural yogurt and a few drops of lemon juice. This lightening paste is applied every day for 20 minutes, in a few weeks, until the desired result. There are other effective ways of using natural ingredients, but this has been checked more than one generation and is the most efficient, according to the most enviable.

 Desaturate hair above the lip

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Means for clarification of unwanted hair

In principle, the two above options is enough to eradicate the problem, but there are women who do not trust the national media, or simply do not want to mess with the manufacture of such mixtures. For them, there is another way out - just go to the drugstore and buy a special tool. It is worth the money, it is quite acceptable and acts on a par with the mixture prepared at home, it is very carefully applied to the skin, and the result can be seen in a rather short period of time, which can not but rejoice.

Painting: pros and cons

The hair above the lip are the same as everywhere else - and, consequently, they can also be painted or discolor with paint. That's a pretty bold move, because the paint is detrimental effect on the skin and can severely damage it. But there are those who use this option and fully pleased with him. Although it's worth noting that most of the female audience bypasses paint party and successfully uses other ways of lightening the hair above the lip.

 Desaturate hair above the lip

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Full hair removal

Situations with hairs on the upper lip can be of varying complexity: in one case, they can lighten up just a few home treatments, while in the other they are so rough and dark, lighten your hair that will not work at all. If you are faced with the difficult situation, the only option is the complete removal of hair.

There are many different ways to remove them: pull out tweezers epilator or remove cream or wax strips for the face, and it's only domestic ways, and you can also consult a doctor. Just a few treatments of laser hair removal, or relieve you of unwanted hair forever. In any case, you decide, the main thing - competently approach to this issue and choose the method that best suits you.

 Desaturate hair above the lip

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