- Cooking teeth whitening procedure to
- Traditional recipes for teeth whitening
- Side effects and contraindications
A visit to the dentist - not a cheap pleasure. Moreover, this applies not only to the treatment of caries and prosthetic work. Teeth whitening is also included in the services offered by the modern dental clinics. Get a white smile can each - the main desire, time, and of course, money.
The last point is the most common reason for failure of the costly professional services. And that is why many women are thinking about how to whiten teeth at home folk remedies? Surely there are some secrets used by our ancestors? After all, they certainly did not have the opportunity to give into the hands of a specialist, because at that time, and experts such was not there.
Self-whitening is possible. And most importantly - the procedure is not expensive and virtually eliminates the occurrence of adverse effects, such as damage to tooth enamel. The main thing to know all the details of the procedure and to prepare for her his teeth. Dentists believe that home whitening does not bring the most effective results. However, the correct use of folk remedies can not only make your smile snow-white, but also to prevent the emergence of some caries, stomatitis and other oral diseases.
Cooking teeth whitening procedure to
Risk of damage to the tooth enamel is always there. In order to avoid the consequences, try to strengthen their teeth. By the way, it can be done, too, folk remedies.
- Eat more dairy products. They contain natural calcium, which strengthens enamel. Fresh vegetables and fruits should also be part of the "guests" at your desk;
- If you are unable to use daily milk, cheese and yogurt, buy at the pharmacy calcium tablets. It costs a penny, and copes with its task perfectly;
- Well strengthens teeth tea tree oil. Bedtime rinse your mouth with water and a few drops of this remedy. It is inflammation of the gums and remove (if available), and kill bacteria better than any toothpaste.
Making use of the above tips for 3-4 weeks you will prepare your teeth whitening to your home and you can safely begin the procedure itself.
Traditional recipes for teeth whitening
- Soda. Add the pasta a little baking soda and brush your teeth for three minutes. This method can be used only once per week since frequent use of soda leads to thinning of the enamel and damage the gums;
- Wood ash. Containing potassium hydroxide, which is an agent for bleaching. Pour a little ash on the toothbrush and gently brush your teeth. Use as no more than once a week;
- Activated carbon. It operates on the principle of wood ash. Crumble the tablet and use it instead of toothpaste;
- Berries. Strawberries and strawberries have a bleaching effect. We need to stretch berry to mushy state, and brush your teeth. Here is a natural toothpaste, are also very tasty;
- Lemon juice. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and apply with a brush on the teeth, leave for five minutes. Then rinse your mouth;
- Essential oils. You will need 2-3 drops of oil of lemon or grapefruit and half a cup of warm water. Pour the water into the bottle, and add to the butter, stir well. It turned rinse. Use can be 1-2 times a week, the frequency of application depends on the sensitivity of your teeth;
- Bleaching with hydrogen peroxide. This method can not be called popular, but it works well. Let's start with the fact that many modern bleaching agents are made using peroxide. She can simply wipe the teeth (you soak a cotton swab in the solution). Or add a few drops of warm water in which the use to rinse.
For the results please you for a long time, try not to abuse the coffee is too strong tea, carbonated sugary drinks (especially Coke). Nicotine is also detrimental to the whiteness of the teeth. Therefore, if you want to shine with Hollywood smile without dental intervention - stop smoking!
Bleaching may be delayed, the timing is dependent on many factors. For example, if your teeth are darkened from the frequent use of coffee, you will cope with the task in a couple of weeks. But if you smoke, and for a long time and a lot, whitening can last several months. And not the fact that you will achieve a positive result. You may have to seek the help of a dentist, who will pick up you need to make funds or laser teeth whitening.
Side effects and contraindications
Quite often at home bleaching there are problems with the gums. Hydrogen peroxide, citric acid, can cause irritation. A frequent use of coal ash, or lead to small cracks. When cleaning, try less to affect the gums, and then be sure to rinse your mouth with chamomile broth. To rinse, you can use the "Forest Balsam", which is sold in pharmacies. It contains herbs that have healing effect.
Like any medical procedure, at home bleaching there are contraindications. These include pregnancy, lactation, allergy to hydrogen peroxide, taking certain medicines. In addition, if you launched the form of caries or periodontal disease, you should still visit a dentist at least to restore the health of the teeth. And only then deal with bleach. At the age of 13 any whitening is contraindicated, since at this age structure is formed teeth.
In any case, try to monitor the condition of the oral cavity. See your dentist regularly, do not forget to brush your teeth twice a day and after a cup of coffee be sure to caress the mouth. After delayed treatment can lead to a far more dire consequences than the spoiled color.
We strongly recommend to read: How to whiten your teeth at home quickly
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