Thursday, 14 April 2016

Ingrown hairs in the bikini area: causes, treatment, prevention

 Ingrown hairs in the bikini area: causes, treatment, prevention


  • The causes of ingrown hairs
  • Methods for treating ingrown hair in the bikini area
  • Funds from ingrown hairs
  • Preventing ingrown hairs in the bikini area

Girls are constantly taking care of the beauty of his body, aware of the difficulties may be due to the removal of unwanted hair. Each session of hair removal and hair removal is safe and are subject to certain risks. During the procedure may cause microtrauma of the skin and allergic reactions such as redness and rashes. But perhaps the most unpleasant side effect - it is growing hair.

Unsightly, abscesses at the site of growing and dark spots on the skin - it's not all the trouble that brings an ingrown hair. Constant contact with clothes chamber inflammation brings pain. And if there is inflammation in the delicate bikini area, the pain increases significantly.

The causes of ingrown hairs

The cause of ingrown hairs is a pathological change in the direction of their growth. Seta not penetrated to the outside, and increases in the horizontal direction beneath the skin. From such unpleasant surprises not insured by anyone. Typically, the process occurs as a result of their own inexperience, negligence in matters of hair removal or unprofessional actions beautician.

Initially, the ingrown hair is a painful red pimple. If you do not take timely measures to eliminate it, the inflammation can spread to form a galaxy of dark spots very fearsome. In the most severe cases spots may turn into wounds and lead to unpredictable consequences.

Therefore, if the problem is not to pretend that you do not notice it, and endure to the end. Seek professional help - to a medical institution or a beauty salon. If you feel the strength to cope with the discomfort arose, armed with a sterile instrument and learn some ways to remove ingrown hair in the bikini area.

 Ingrown hairs in the bikini area: causes, treatment, prevention

Methods for treating ingrown hair in the bikini area

Get rid of ingrown hair is possible only by deleting them. The choice is wide enough funds. You can take advantage of proven traditional methods, the traditional medical-surgical or resort to laser technology. When it comes to the delicate bikini area, the issue is somewhat complicated. Not every woman will dare to turn to professionals to eliminate such an intimate problem. However, the delay in this case is impossible, as the treatment may take some time. Get rid of ingrown hair in the bikini area is usually in several stages:

  • Preparation of the skin;
  • Eliminating hair;
  • Regeneration of the skin and its treatment, if necessary.

If you decide to fix the problem at home, start with the bath procedures:

  • Take a hot bath with soothing decoctions or infusions. Can be added to the water foam, a few drops of essential oils and little sea salt;
  • Carefully crafted bikini area a special tool that helps cleanse the delicate skin of otshelushivshihsya particles;
  • Wipe dry and disinfect medical alcohol problem area;
  • Prepare a sterile instrument. You will need tweezers and a fine needle, through which you must open the abscess and remove the "stray" hair. Tweezers, try to pull out hair;
  • Treat the wound with antiseptic, if necessary, apply antibiotic ointment or means with tannins;
  • Avoid hair removal in the bikini area at least a week, so as not to provoke the re-growth and give the skin some time to recover.

In no case do not squeeze pustules formed fingers or nails, you risk to achieve the opposite result. And remember that the use of non-sterile instrument can be deadly.

Funds from ingrown hairs

Now let's look at compounds that help to get rid of ingrown hairs. They can prepare yourself.

  • Aspirin, in equal proportions, mixed with glycerol, is applied to the problem area for 1-2 hours to soften the skin. After these procedures, removing the hair noticeably easier;
  • Powder bodyaga, dilute hydrogen peroxide is applied to the hair-growth zone of 10-15 minutes. The procedure is done for five days. After washing off the suspension of the skin smeared with olive oil and baby cream. This tool will help to get rid not only of the ingrown hair, but also on the micro-cracks, sores and blemishes;
  • Medications for acne are able to provide assistance in the fight against ingrown hairs, especially in cases of purulent inflammation. Very effective for these purposes scrubs with fruit and glycolic acid. To eliminate age spots, you can use salicylic ointment.

 Ingrown hairs in the bikini area: causes, treatment, prevention

Preventing ingrown hairs in the bikini area

Any problem is easier to prevent than to solve. Never to ask about how to get rid of ingrown hairs should responsibly approach to the removal of excess vegetation in the bikini area. If you do this procedure in the cabin, make sure in advance in the presence of experienced professional craftsmen, reliability and sterile instruments. As well as to comply with sanitary regulations. Do not hesitate to disturb the personnel issues we are talking about your health!

If you prefer epilation intimate areas in a homelike atmosphere, remember a few simple rules.

  • Before the procedure rasparte body in hot water. You can make a compress of terry towels for a few minutes;
  • When shaving machine, do not use soap. Prefer special gels and foams, they moisturize and cool the skin, making it easy to slip the blade;
  • The razor must be sharp, even better - disposable;
  • Your movement in any case should not be directed against the hair growth, to inadvertently injure hair follicles;
  • Always finish the procedure of shaving the desired treatment area moisturizers;
  • When creating an intimate hairstyles you used to use electric epilator, the skin in the bikini area must be perfectly dry;
  • After the procedure, treat it with an antiseptic, and after a while, apply body lotion that removes dryness and irritation. Optionally, you can substitute milk lotion, hair growth slows down;
  • If the ingrown hair does not stop, you should choose another method of hair removal.

In order to solve the problem of ingrown hairs, there are a whole series of cosmetics. This can be sprays, gels and lotions, delicate structure which allows to use them daily, including the private parts. With regular treatment, you can forget about such a disadvantage as ingrown hair in the bikini area. In the arsenal of beauticians are also handy wipes impregnated with a special substance that slows hair growth and prevents ingrown.

 Ingrown hairs in the bikini area: causes, treatment, prevention

We recommend that read: Ingrown hairs after epilation

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