- Signs and symptoms of uterine polyps
- Celandine for the treatment of uterine polyps
- Herbal and berry extracts to deal with polyps
- Pumpkin seeds and garlic as a cure for polyps
- Douching using herbal decoction
- Medicinal teas based on nettle and knotweed
Uterine polyps are benign form on the surface of the endometrium, which is located on the inside of the uterine cavity. They can be single and multiple. In some cases to polyps shifted cervix. Neoplasm has a body and leg, through which is fastened to the endometrium. Numerous medical observations suggest that polyps are more often to be found at the bottom of the uterus or its walls.
The causes of this disease may be different, and the tumors appear in young girls and women older. If the doctor has put such a diagnosis - do not despair. There are ways to not only medication, you can still treat uterine polyps folk remedies. Both methods are effective in killing the polyps and prevent new ones. A woman can choose the most appropriate treatment option for yourself, depending on the features of her body.
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Signs and symptoms of uterine polyps
Pronounced symptoms of uterine polyps is little, their presence is easily confused with symptoms of other diseases. The main symptom that should alert a woman - abundant vaginal discharge.
In the early development of the disease can occur uterine bleeding and failure of the menstrual cycle. A polyp is a tendency to increase. This process leads to involuntary contractions of the uterus, cervix whereby it is expanded and pushed into the vagina neoplasm. Women thus may feel pain and cramps, vaginal discharge are observed as ichor.
Asymptomatic disease contributes to the fact that patients in the early stages do not pay much attention to minor signals of the body, resulting in recourse to medical assistance too late.
Polyps are particularly dangerous for pregnant women. In such cases, treatment is only possible with the use of homeopathy and traditional medicine.
To get rid of the polyps, use some folk remedies only after histological analysis, which will help determine the exact nature of the polyp. These tumors are glandular, glandular fibrioznymi, fibrioznymi and adenomatous. Adenomatous polyps - the most dangerous, because they are irreversible major changes at the cellular level. Such tumors are signs of a precancerous condition of the mucous membrane of the uterus.
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Celandine for the treatment of uterine polyps
To achieve good results from the treatment of polyps folk remedies may be at an early stage when the disease is only beginning to develop. Also folk remedies are often used as prophylaxis after or before drug treatment. But regardless of the method of folk, women need to be sure to consult with your doctor.
Most often, to get rid of the polyps in the uterus, used celandine. It is recognized as the most effective and popular means. It is necessary to take in and use for douching.
To prepare the infusion of healing to collect fresh sprouts celandine and fill their glass jar, then pour boiling water. Further, the bank should close the lid, wrap a blanket or towel and leave to infuse in this way for 12 hours.
Ready infusion should be taken three times a day. The initial dose should be 1 st. l., which should be increased gradually to 100 ml at one time. In this way, the treatment of uterine polyps should be carried out for two weeks after which requires a break - three weeks. Furthermore, the course should be repeated.
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Herbal and berry extracts to deal with polyps
Useful and effective extracts that are able to overcome the disease, usually prepared from rosehips, berries, cranberries, nettle. This type of treatment is considered to be one of the most benign, which offers traditional medicine.
To prepare the infusion of curative need:
- cranberries - 2 tbsp. L .;
- chopped nettle - 3 tbsp. L .;
- hips - 3 tbsp. l.
All the ingredients must be mixed together and the mixture, pour a glass of hot water. Soaking the infusion should be in a closed container for 4 hours. Means should be taken twice a day for 250 ml.
Equally effective is recognized on the basis of tincture of golden whiskers. To make this folk remedy, you need:
- 50 joints golden mustache;
- 500 ml of vodka.
The plant should be crushed and pour the vodka, then leave to infuse for 10 days. Ready infusion should be taken twice daily in diluted form: one-third cup of water add 20 drops of medicinal liquid. Use such medication is necessary before meals. Treatment should be carried out for a month, and then make a break for 10 days. Expect complete recovery from the uterine polyps is possible only after five treatments.
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Pumpkin seeds and garlic as a cure for polyps
Garlic since ancient times is considered an excellent remedy for a variety of diseases. List of Public methods can beat uterine polyps, also it includes this medicinal plant. On its basis it is possible to make their own medical swab.
This will require a large clove of garlic crushed and carefully wrapped all the resulting mass in a two-layer gauze, and then tightly bandage. Ready compress should be careful at night to enter as deeply as possible into the vagina and pull it out in the morning. To cure such manipulation of polyps should be repeated for a month every night.
For indoor reception is possible to prepare other useful folk medicine based on pumpkin seeds. Require:
- 7 pieces Hard Boiled egg yolks;
- fresh pumpkin seeds;
- 2 cups vegetable oil.
Seeds should be well grind and add to them thoroughly mashed yolks. Next, the resulting mixture should be mixed with vegetable oil, to eventually form a homogeneous paste. This is followed by a mass placed for 30 minutes in a water bath. When the ready means to cool, it is necessary to take one teaspoon fasting for five days, then take a break for the same period of time. Repeat rate needed to complete recovery. The mixture should be refrigerated, tightly packed.
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Douching using herbal decoction
In the arsenal of folk remedies are very popular treatment douching. To combat this way of uterine polyps is used quite often. Typically, douching should be used if the woman on the background of the disease are observed vaginal bleach.
To prepare the solution for irrigation, will require:
- yarrow herb - 2 tbsp. L .;
- rosemary leaves - 2 tbsp. L .;
- sage leaves - 2 tbsp. L .;
- oak bark - 4 tbsp. l ..
All ingredients must be ground and mixed in an enamel vessel and then pour 2, 5 l of boiling water. Then, the mixture should be put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil the broth to simmer for half an hour should be. When it is ready, it is necessary to cool it at room temperature. Next, you must drain the infusion using cheesecloth or fine sieve.
Lukewarm solution is used for douching twice a day every day to get rid of the disease.
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Medicinal teas based on nettle and knotweed
Cook another decoction for douching can use these herbs:
- nettle - 3 tbsp. l.
- grass knotweed - Article 5. L .;
- pharmacy chamomile - 1 tbsp. l ..
Herbs need to grind and mix together. The resulting mixture should be put in an enamel pan and pour boiling water 1 liter. Boil broth followed for 5 minutes at medium heat and then cool at room temperature.
Ready strained broth to use for vaginal douching. Treatment to be effective, it is desirable to carry out the procedure at least twice a day for 2 weeks.
Always remember that reproductive function is one of the most important for a woman, so in case of alarming symptoms must necessarily be examined by a doctor. It is useful to be visits to the doctor and as a prophylactic measure. If the disease is detected and treatment is still required to start an independent thoughtless application of various folk remedies is not necessary. It is necessary to consult a gynecologist, who will select the most suitable and safe way.
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