Interior of suburban housing often based on individual project subtly emphasizes preferences, prosperity and self-sufficiency of the owner. When designing the house is not worth chasing fashion trends which are changing very quickly, forcing again and again to come up with a new design, spending a huge savings, not always economically justified. The main rule of comfort and original design of a country house can be considered carefully crafted interior design, the implementation of which should be in full compliance with the planned project. This house for many years will be able to please their owners the convenience and amaze visitors perfection.
Interior country-house should reflect the overall style of the structure, as well as a conceptual task given to the architect. The project is the exterior and interior of a country house - is the result of a painstaking analysis of the environment, which should be inscribed architectural project. The interior design has to meet a number of principles: the creation of the project experts consider the location of the house, light level, etc. The correct design of suburban housing should have to ensure that there was a pleasure to relax, to work, to be in solitude and to receive visitors.
During the reconstruction of the house, as well as in the construction, it is important to develop the interior design of the external and internal space. Before proceeding to the design of previously used at home, you must clearly define for themselves the purpose of changing the interior. It may be:
- A simple pre-existing interior decoration, using the methods of rearrangement of furniture, changing carpets, curtains;
- Re-planning, which carries the global changes in the inner space: changing the layout of rooms, moving walls, etc.
It is important to understand that the design of the interior space of a country house is significantly different from the modern apartment design. The development of the interior of a country greatly affected by environment and natural landscape of the area. Moreover, the creation of the interior design of the cottage is complicated by the need for a competent technical equipment - at the time of the home's interior design must be considered convenient location Plumbing and heating equipment. It is also a country house design includes a proper development of wiring, the connection of all types of equipment and appliances.
In the design of suburban housing design also takes into account the materials used during the construction of the building. The interior design of a brick house is different from the design of the space, a house built of stone or wood. Due to its natural appearance and natural qualities, natural materials used in construction, will create a cozy atmosphere, with will create a number of difficulties due to the features related to safety.
If the house is located out of town - it's a three- or two-storey townhouse, then wise to place the kitchen and dining room on the ground floor. Bedrooms better to move to the second floor, away from the fanfare. Most other features relating to the creation of interior design for a small holiday cottage, speaker place seasonal residence. The main task of the designer in this case comes to ensure maximum thermal insulation of walls, without the need to take stock of all kinds of communication on the terrace and the attic. And in the first and in the second case, the design will be the main component of a harmonious unity of buildings with a landscape suburban area, providing owners of the optimal conditions for a comfortable stay.
Interior interior design "".
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