Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Cooking soup to lose weight

 Cooking soup to lose weight


  • What is useful onion soup and how it helps in the fight against obesity
  • Diet onion soup
  • Who can not eat onion soup
  • Useful properties diet

Every girl wants to be in shape. But not everyone's strength to keep its shape. One of the most common problems of women all over the world - is overweight. How to deal with it, there is no single answer. Every woman - is an individual, so using one specific diet you can not lose to anyone. Onion soup diet - one of the good options for weight loss.

The recipe is very simple. But the fact that the taste of onion soup like every woman. Onion soup cooked, not raw, so there was not very nice. But those who really want to lose weight, have to endure and the sacrifices. The goal is, the result will not take long. With onion soup diet you can lose 5 kg in just 7 days. The results are stunning. It is necessary to comply with diet and prescription.

Soups and ingredients are different to us varied. It is important to choose a part of soups that was satisfying, and rewarding.
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What is useful onion soup and how it helps in the fight against obesity

  • Onion soup diet (French recipe) burns fat faster than any other product.
  • Vegetables contained in the soup, contain fiber, which helps to saturate the body and not to signal hunger for long periods, thus eat less.
  • When used onion soup calories the body gets less than burns.
  • Medics US hospitals confirm the fact that with the help of onion soup person loses weight.

The ingredients needed to prepare onion soup:

  • 1 kg of onions (6 bulbs)
  • 0, 5 kg of tomatoes,
  • Celery,
  • 2 kg of cabbage
  • 2 green peppers,
  • Cube broth to taste
  • Sunflower oil or olive oil,
  • Sliced ​​bread
  • Brown sugar (to taste).


Vegetables, cut, put in a saucepan, cover with water so that the water is slightly covered vegetables (3 liters), simmer until until cooked. Then taste add spices, salt or broth.

  • Bulbs, cut into rings, cabbage Grate and pepper diced.
  • Oil poured into the pan fried onion in it until golden in color.
  • Slices of bread are added and fried for 15 minutes.
  • Add a pinch of brown sugar (this is optional).
  • Adding broth and all the other vegetables and seasonings.
  • For a taste you can add half a glass of red wine, it warms up the appetite and gives a spicy taste.
  • When serving soup into bowls rubbed a little bit of cheese.
  • If you stick to a diet, then cheese, wine and white bread to add is not necessary.

 Cooking soup to lose weight

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Diet onion soup

Diet onion soup based on the fact that there is soup for breakfast, lunch and even dinner. But you can eat at another time, when the body feels hungry.

Also you can eat soup and other food, but not everything. On the first day you can eat only fruit, and the second - vegetables. You can eat a little boiled potatoes. On the third and fourth day, you can eat fruits and vegetables other than potatoes. On the fifth and sixth day, I may use boiled beef. But not much. In all should be the measure. On the last day of the diet you can drink juice, eat fruits, vegetables and rice cereal.

The main thing is that during the diet girl who wants to lose weight, do not drink, sweet, fatty foods and bakery products. It is advisable to drink plenty of fluids, simple boiled water, but in any case not carbonated.

Due to the fact that the onions are very tasty product, the diet did not find a wide audience. The recipe can not add extra harmful products, such as fat, meat, pasta. Some people can not lose weight, others lost weight by 1 kg, but seven days of hard diets are not such victims. Well, there are those who actually benefited diet, they got rid of about 5-8 kg for 7 days.

To succeed, you need to have the strength of will, a great desire and opportunity. Then everything will turn out.
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Who can not eat onion soup

Unfortunately, the onion soup diet can not consume all the people. Those who suffer from diseases of the stomach and intestines have to be careful with this diet, it is contraindicated for them. Better before diet consult a doctor.

Recipe for onion soup is very low in calories. It is delicious, simple and useful.

It would seem that with such a diet to lose weight is impossible, because the next day you can eat potatoes, on the third day - the meat, and in the end Fig. All this high-calorie foods. But even if they consume an acceptable amount, then the fat will still have time to be incinerated. Do not worry, that the consumption of potatoes and meat can damage the diet. If you eat all week with only one soup, the body does not get enough and will starve. Because of this sleep will be disturbed. Fasting - this is a dangerous kind of weight loss is not always effective.

The best diet is a diet based on a normal diet. When the body does not feel stress, and consumes all the necessary minerals and vitamins. Onion soup on the basis of well nourishes the body. Thanks onion soup, the man quickly becomes saturated for a long time and is still full. The main condition for weight loss - spent more calories than are consumed! Simple recipe for onion soup that possibility provides.

 Cooking soup to lose weight
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Useful properties diet

  • Consumption of fruit is not limited, but you can not have exotic, bananas and grapes. Bananas are high in calories and grapes leads to malfunction of the intestine. You should not overeat. Strictly adhering to the recipe for weight loss, the result should be anyway. If he does not come, it means that the diet was not followed correctly.
  • Water improves metabolism. Drink it should be a lot, even if there is no desire, you still need to drink as much as possible.
  • After cooking the soup, it is better to shake in a blender to get the soup. He looks good and beautiful.
  • Amazing property on the onion soup diet is that there is no limit its consumption. And it is considered not a diet, but just interesting and useful diet.

And the important thing is to lose weight, you need a mental attitude. Without desire there will be no result. And the desire to be the one who loses weight and does not have the people around them, family, friends, and so on. If a person will install itself and will use the same onion soup and believe at the same time that he was losing weight, it is not in vain tries it on the right path, the result will be.

And if a person is starving his last legs, and then, after 7 days, eating whatever you want, it is not worth starting. We need to think, first of all, whether you want it or not? Even if a person does not lose weight, then at least no harm, because the soup - it is useful and necessary food for daily consumption.

 Cooking soup to lose weight

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