Sunday, 10 April 2016

Drunk cherry cake: the famous dessert recipe

 Drunk cherry cake: the famous dessert recipe


  • Cherry Cake
  • Biscuit Cake
  • Cream Cake
  • Glaze cake

Fresh cherries in itself is remarkable: the taste and color of her with nothing to compare. But Cherry is good not only in the "natural" form. Her frozen, added to desserts, pickled, make wine, baked her pies and cook jams and marmalades. And what about the famous cherry compote! We offer you a recipe amazingly delicious chocolate cake "Drunk cherry", which is suitable for the grand feast for naughty bachelorette party. So if you are planning a holiday or want to treat yourself and your loved ones a delicious dessert, this recipe you will be very welcome. Besides Drunk cherry cake cook can be of the conventional products.

Chocolate cake with cherries baked biscuit Korzh a height of nine or ten centimeters. To get a delicious and airy cake recipe and technology of its preparation must be strictly observed.

Cherry Cake

That drunken cherries makes this special and spicy. How well you "intoxicated" berries will be so successful and the cake itself.


  • 500 g cherries, pitted
  • brandy to cherry liqueur


Cherry cake you need to prepare in advance. To do this you must select and discard all wormy and rotten berries, and the remaining whole cherries remove pits. To cherry was "drunk", it is necessary to pour brandy for at least twelve hours (it is better to do it in the evening). If the berries are too acidic, it is recommended to add cognac two to three tablespoons of sugar. Instead, you can use cognac brandy, vodka or liquor, but cognac - the perfect drink for the occasion.

Biscuit Cake

Traditionally the cake "Drunk cherry" is used classical biscuit recipe. But it is possible to cook and cake or baking soda on oily or sour cream biscuit cake.

Simple cake


  • 700 g of sugar
  • 10-12 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon cocoa
  • 3 tbsp. flour
  • 1 tbsp. spoon whiskey
  • 2 tsp. Baking powder
  • a little vanilla


To prepare the cake, whisk the eggs and sugar with a mixer in a lush lather. Add the cocoa powder and vanilla, mix all thoroughly. Pour in the whiskey carefully sprinkle in the flour and baking powder and whisk again all into a homogeneous mass of magnificent. The dough is ready for baking a cake. Then lubricate the split mold with a diameter of 28-30 cm with butter and a little sprinkle it with flour. Pour the batter into the mold and put on half an hour in a preheated 160 degree oven on the second level from the bottom.

Half an hour later, remove the form, remove the board and cover with a damp sponge cloth. In this form, place it on the bottom shelf of the oven for another 30 minutes at the same temperature. After half an hour, remove the finished cake, and after it has cooled, carefully cut off the upper part. Then remove with a spoon the middle of the cake, leaving a wall thickness of two centimeters.

The recipe for the classic biscuit


  • 6 eggs
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup of sugar


Separate the yolks from the whites. Mash the yolks with the sugar into a homogeneous mass of white. Add to them the flour, cocoa powder and mix thoroughly. Chilled whites whisk in a solid foam (up to sharp peaks). Gently, one tablespoon, add the flour mixture to the whites: put the whites, gently mixed and put a new batch. The dough should have a lush and "breathing." Pour batter into prepared pan and bake (about forty minutes) over medium heat until the sample in the "dry toothpick." From the cooled biscuits and ready to remove the middle.

Sponge cake with sour cream


  • 3 cups flour
  • 2 cup sour cream
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 0 5 h. L. soda
  • 2 h. L. Cocoa powder


Mix sour cream with sugar and eggs. Mix the flour with cocoa and baking soda. Add the dry mixture to the liquid mass and knead the dough. Bake in a greased form (26 cm diameter) of about fifty minutes.

 Drunk cherry cake: the famous dessert recipe

Cream Cake

While the cake is baked, prepare the cream. Do you need a cream of softened butter. This recipe involves the use of cream condensed milk, but this cake can be prepared with any other butter cream.

Recipe cream with condensed milk


500 g butter;
3 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa;
1 can of condensed milk.

Cherry brandy take out and place on a screen (for fifteen minutes). Lightly whisk the softened butter and continue whisking, gradually (tablespoon) oil pour in sweetened condensed milk. At the end of whipping cream, add the cocoa powder. The cream is ready to put the cherry and biscuit crumbs. If you wish, you can pour in the cream two to three tablespoons of brandy from the cherries.

Recipe cream Charlotte


  • 200 g butter
  • 1 tbsp. unleavened milk
  • 1 tbsp. sugar
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons flour


First you need to prepare the custard. Milk poured into tolstodonnuyu saucepan, pour the sugar in it and boil. Flour to dissolve a small amount of cold milk until smooth (no lumps) liquid slurry, diluted with hot milk and pour into a saucepan with the milk and sugar. Cook over very low heat, stirring constantly, until boiling. Ready custard cool completely. Lightly beat the softened butter and continue whisking, slowly pour oil into the custard.

Glaze cake

This cake can be covered with any chocolate. But we suggest you use the recipe on sour cream glaze.


  • 50 g butter
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa
  • 2 tbsp. Spoon sour cream
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar


Mix the sour cream and sugar, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then add the butter and cook the icing until the oil had dissolved.


Fill in the middle of a cream sponge cake and cover with the tip cut off. Decorate the cake with chocolate and cherries. The cake should be prepared on the eve of the holiday, and that it is well soaked, do not put it in the refrigerator immediately. Refrigerate the cake for a couple of hours before the expected feast.

 Drunk cherry cake: the famous dessert recipe

We recommend that read: Tiramisu cake recipe

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