Thursday, 28 April 2016

The funds can eliminate the smell of dog urine

 The funds can eliminate the smell of dog urine


  • Tools odor
  • Terms of use of funds

In every second house has a beloved pet, whether dog or cat. Usually they have a tray, or they wait patiently when they withdraw into the street. It happens that the pet does not want to wait vrednichaet or even for some reason shits in the house on the furniture, carpets, floor. Place starts to smell, and to remove the smell is quite problematic. Anyone who deduced the spot and came across this problem finds its ways to eliminate the stench. Still, any housewife wonders whether she cleans the urine.

 The funds can eliminate the smell of dog urine
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Tools odor

  1. One of the universal means of removing odors - vinegar, especially well suited for the removal of a dog or cat urine. The big advantage of it is that he is well weathered. First we need to dilute the vinegar with water. Normal 9 percent diluted in a ratio of 1: 1, white vinegar - half. After that, it is desirable to pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle and sprayed onto a place that smells. Alternatively, you can carry out this procedure with a cloth. For best results you need a good spot to dry. When the mixture is dry, place a well washed with warm water dissolved in it with detergent. Instead of vinegar to remove the stain as possible with citric acid.
  2. Displayed canine urine odor by using an agent that is present in every house, - hydrogen peroxide. However, since some of its chemical properties, it can be used mainly in linoleum or tile. First you need in a plastic bowl, combine 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide, 1 tablespoon of any detergent (better dishwashing liquid) and 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Stir the mixture applied to the surface, which is necessary to remove the stain with the smell of urine. We leave it for 30-60 minutes. The dry mixture is washed off with warm water and a cloth or sponge.
  3. A good version of dog urine odor removal - the use of potassium permanganate. It is one of the products that act as oxidants, as well as a deodorizing agent. Tidy up with the help of dark surfaces is desirable, as it tends to paint the place, which was applied. Enough potassium permanganate crystals dissolve in warm water and treated by the described portion of the resulting solution. Leave to dry completely. The color of the solution in this case is not important. Commonly used liquid is pink, but for the long-standing stains left pet urine, or extremely heavy processing is desirable dark, almost black solution. Clean solution is not necessary. However, the procedure is repeated until the smell is completely gone.
  4. Bleach - another common tool that removes traces of good "dog toilet". However, before you use it, stot make sure that the surface can withstand the impact. Add a bit of bleach to the water in a ratio of 1:10, stir. The resulting solution was put into place, requiring dog urine odor. After 20 minutes, be sure to thoroughly rinse the surface with water.
  5. Eliminate the smell from the wooden surfaces or tiles will iodine. Sufficiently dilute antiseptic 15 drops per liter water. The resulting liquid was treated surface.
  6. Sometimes the smell of dog urine output, you can use vodka or rubbing alcohol. These funds have a strong odor, which helps avoid future trouble from the new dog. To eliminate the odor polluted place of the wetting liquid with a cloth or sprayed with an atomizer. Then alcohol is rubbed with some force into the surface. At the last stage a dry paper towel, cloth or paper impregnated with liquid. Action to be repeated as long as there will be a dry cloth.
  7. Universal tool that allows you to remove the stain and odor of feces - soap. The most effective its use in fresh filth on the tissue surface. A small piece of soap is rubbed and mixed with water. The resulting slurry is immediately applied to the location that is the cause malodor. About 10 minutes worth the wait to a surface saturated with soapy agent. Using a damp sponge to remove soap and wash.
  8. Ancient tool that can remove unpleasant odors and bring spots - soda solution. Soda is diluted in water to obtain a dense slurry. It is applied to the formation of the smell of the place, where it remains until dry. Then place vacuuming or sweeping.
  9. Freshly squeezed lemon juice, diluted with water 1: 1, help to eliminate the smell of urine with upholstered furniture. With it, the stain just processed, and after 15 minutes wiped with a clean cloth.
  10. Do not forget about cleaners different surfaces. They are in a large number and variety on the market.

 The funds can eliminate the smell of dog urine

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Terms of use of funds

This is the most popular means of odor control. Anyone who takes away with them urine needs to protect himself. During operation, be sure to use rubber gloves so as not to harm the skin of hands. Before putting on gloves can also spread his hands greasy cream. In addition, to eliminate spot on tissue, it is undesirable to use solutions with iodine or potassium permanganate. A hydrogen peroxide is not used for lacquered and fabric surfaces to prevent them from lightening.

There are many opportunities to bring the smell of dog urine. However, that work was not in vain, it is necessary to determine the cause of the dog's behavior. If this little puppy, the solution is to teach him how to "walk" in the right place. But if the dog is an adult, it is likely, it is a disease, and it already should be treated. Otherwise, the house will smell permanently.

 The funds can eliminate the smell of dog urine

Where to start repair in the room? At first!

 Where to start repair in the room? At first!


  • We plan to work progress
  • Select a repair method
  • Buy materials

If a transfer is two fires, one repair is several crossings! And so we often put off and put off repairs, even if already delayed any longer. And sometimes just do not know where to start and what to grab first. Of course, the repair repair strife. One thing is when we just want to freshen up a room, replacing it wallpaper and correct some minor flaws, or the so-called traces of time. It's quite another matter if the room requires little overhaul, or we decide to radically change the whole design of your living room or bedroom. However, in any case, the sequence will be the same repair. And begin repair of any complexity needs from one and the same. So where to start repair of the room?

We plan to work progress

First, you need to plan for the entire course of future work. And not only work, but your actions. In addition, you must decide how to design your room, how serious you need to carry out repairs, and by whom all this will be done.

First of all, evaluate the state of the room. What you need to do? From the type of repair depends on many things: from the monetary costs and ending with the involvement of artists of different specialization. Regardless of the future of interior design you need to estimate the necessary preparations and the dirtiest work. Are you going to change the windows and doors? Will the tension mounted or ceiling? Do you need to replace or install additional electrical outlets? You will line the walls or sheathe their plasterboard?

Assessing the scope of work, make a plan for phased implementation. As a rule, repair the room begin with the dirtiest work. So, if necessary, replace the wiring label is the second item on the repair plan. Because the first point - it is destructive, dismantling work. And first of all need to delete all the old wall coverings, ceiling and floor. Installation of windows and doors should be the third point of your plan. After that usually begin to engage in walls, then comes the turn of the ceiling and floor repair - the final stage of renovations.

Now you need to design the future of the interior of your room. It has become fashionable to ask for this to professional designers. In general, it is quite reasonable and justified by our commitment to the stylish and competent design of their homes. A definite plus professional design - really comfortable and beautiful interior, taking into account all your wishes. Minus only one - additional costs.

If you still decide to save on professional design, you still need to have an idea of ​​what your room will be renovated. Today it is not difficult to do, referring to the resources of the omniscient Internet. See page design companies, read the article about the styles of interior and just flip through pictures with examples of design solutions. You will definitely be able to make a design project of their own. Let unprofessional, but your own.

 Where to start repair in the room? At first!

Select a repair method

Let's say right away, you have a choice small. There are only two options. Either you make a repair their own hands, or invite artists. However, there is a third option: something you do by yourself, but for something using hired labor. Depending on the complexity of the repair you choose the best option for themselves.

If the repair is minor and only updating the walls, ceiling and floor, it will take you quite capable. Even to hold the wiring and put a new door on their own will be able to a lot of men. However, householders masterovitye cope with plasterboard, and even with the false ceiling and laminate flooring. But personally set a new double pane windows and suspended ceiling you are unlikely. Therefore still have to use the services of professionals.

If all the repairs you plan to entrust the builders, there can also be selected. Firstly, you can invite a team of generalists that you hold all repairs, from beginning to end. Second, you can work every kind of charge masters narrow profile. How exactly do you solve this problem, it depends only on your financial capabilities and their own view of it. Each method has its pros and cons.

Turning to the repair and construction company, be sure to read the reviews and even better - personally talk to clients of this company. Any self-respecting company is required to give you this opportunity. If you hire specialists, it is best to do it on the recommendation. And do not hesitate to ask about the timing, discounts and terms of the contract. By the way, a written contract is in any case - it disciplines and the customer and the performer.

Buy materials

As practice shows, all the decoration and building materials better buy in advance. Moreover, the need to pre-calculate everything (quantity and value) and buy all the materials with a small margin. Do not buy everything at once in one place, even though it seems to be very comfortable. However, if funds for the repair you are not severely limited, it is possible to do so. But!

Different stores the same materials are sold at different prices. Somewhere discounts, and somewhere they are not. Some offer free shipping, while others only self. Walk around the building shops and markets to ask the price, please read range. For example, selecting a particular color linoleum, pay attention to the quality and density, and the price.

By the way, it does not hurt at all to know the addresses of all specialized shops, markets and stores of the city. Although it is said that overseas heifer - mite, but the ruble transportation, today, this proverb is outdated. With the spread of prices and widest range of products you can save significantly if the purchase of construction materials are not advertised in the store in the city center, but somewhere in the wholesale warehouse, located in the suburbs.

So, make a plan and cost estimates, developing a design, to determine the workforce and purchase the materials, you can begin to repair. Oh, and most importantly - from repair, please be patient. It is oh, how you need it! So patience and good luck to you!

 Where to start repair in the room? At first!

We advise to check: Where to start repair bathroom

The combination of gray in the interior - tradition and innovation

 The combination of gray in the interior - tradition and innovation


  • The interior in shades of gray
  • The traditional combination of gray
  • Innovative combination of gray
  • Functionality gray

Most of us are accustomed to thinking of Grey "no." No wonder they say: gray mouse, gray days, grayness ... But in fact, gray is not so boring! He has one indisputable advantage - this color is able to set off and get to start playing with bright colors other colors. Yes, and the gray shades so rich that in a certain neighborhood of flowers can look and white, and black and blue or even green. It is due to data quality gray widely used in interior design.

Exclusively in shades of gray the room is very rarely have such an interior to taste is not for everyone. Most often, designers combine gray with other colors. Note that these color combinations have their own nuances. Different combinations fit into a variety of styles and psychological effects of such combinations are very diverse. How to do it in practice, we'll find out.

The interior in shades of gray

Exceptionally gray interior - a rare design solution. In most cases, the artist and the customer considers such an interior boring and dull. However, fans of neutral colors like decoration called the laconic and elegant. And by the way, as the gray base color is chosen, too often, in any case, it is welcome among the followers of the modern interior styles.

For example, today a very popular minimalist and ecological minimalism gives you the opportunity to use the most harmonious gray color in the interior. The most common design for minimalist interior uses natural shades of gray. Natural - those that occur in nature. Palm buds, rain clouds, overcast sky - all painted in natural shades of gray, and most often it is shades of autumn color palette.

Style high-tech, techno and a loft (also a modern interior styles) also involve extensive use of gray, but its industrial shades: metallic, chrome, wet asphalt, gray brick, concrete. But no matter how dominant gray color in the interior, it still is diluted with any other color. The same minimalism is contrasting black and white as well as color of cocoa, or coffee with milk, vanilla, nuts and caramel.

 The combination of gray in the interior - tradition and innovation

The traditional combination of gray

Most often, when it comes to gray in the interior, the designers have in mind as a basic gray or dominant. Typically, the grayness of individual elements of the interior is offset by textured materials. Therefore, when using gray in the interior should be favored rough, fluffy and porous surfaces and natural shades of gray. The traditional and most popular combination of gray with other shades can be represented as a list:

  1. The combination of gray and white;
  2. The combination of gray color with natural light oak;
  3. The combination of gray and blue, and the blue (pastel shades);
  4. The combination of gray and yellow, or orange;
  5. The combination of gray and turquoise;
  6. The combination of gray and purple or pink.

And now for the combination of different shades of gray for different styles and functionality premises. The combination of gray and white is considered the most traditional and win-win. No less traditional look and a trio of "gray-white-black."

Natural shades of gray combined with natural oak, cream, blue and yellow pastel shades used in the design of interiors, designed in a classical style. But a bright yellow and orange, as well as deep blue, more suitable for the kitchen interior. Gray and milky-blue - a combination of vintage style. However, gray in this case must be either ashy or pearl or greenish tint. This hue design environment known as antique. A gray texture material vintage colors - zhaty silk.

Gray in the bedroom is best combined with turquoise, or the so-called boudoir palette: muted raspberry, cocoa, burgundy, pastel purple. An excellent solution for sleeping and the combination is gray with a rich purple, bright pink and shimmering lilac. However, this combination is appropriate in glamorous style. In this case, preferably gray pearl and shiny texture of bright shades of pink and purple.

The combination of a rough texture of gray with delicate shades of glamor - a favorite designer interiors at the reception in the industrial styles. Loft style, for example, involves the active use of gray as a background or add-ons in the form of bricks or concrete slabs (real or imitation). But such styles as similar combinations of colors, suitable only natures with creative outlook and traditions. However, this combination can be called traditional.

Innovative combination of gray

Today it became trendy to use in the interior is not just bright and deep colors, and even flashy and acid. Naturally, professional designers people are not just creative but also artistically gifted. Therefore, the most reasonable decision on their part to become a combination of flowers with a neutral gray. Here are some examples of such combinations.

Most often, the data reception is used in the development of design projects cuisine. Gray walls and textiles great effect mute screaming bright orange, yellow, orange and red, which is often present in a modern kitchen.

For the domestic interior design innovation we have become a kind of modern Western styles. For example, today we have a popular minimalist Scandinavian variant - a combination of gray and white and bright green. Wherein the ratio of color in this case can be anything: as background gray walls and furniture and bright green and white walls in combination with sulfur furniture and flooring.

Bright orange accents in gray interior room - another fashion trend. Most often, almost the entire interior is kept in gray scale, and furniture, textiles and decorative elements are selected saturated orange or carrot color. But gray furniture combined with bright walls and ceiling - a fashion trend in the interior dining rooms. In this case, designers prefer warm shades of red or coral, but no less popular are orange and pistachio colors. But more recently the innovative combination of gray with cherry or claret has already become a classic.

 The combination of gray in the interior - tradition and innovation

Functionality gray

Although the gray color and is considered to be neutral, it can affect not only the general atmosphere of the house, but also on our mood. In addition, Gray is able to refine the interior and make it cozy and elegant and visually enlarge the space and make it less spacious.

The universal solution for any room would be a combination of gray and white with added bright accents of red, orange or green juicy. In addition, such a combination would be appropriate in the interior of any style and will look at any actual fashion trends.

The combination of different shades of gray will add rigor of the room, and will look perfectly in the interior of a home office, bedroom or office. This variation with shades of gray allow room to add depth and volume. For rooms, south-facing, solution to the problem of excess sun will cool shades of gray. But in the northern interior of rooms is desirable to use to process light and warm gray - silvery-pink, gray, beige or gray with an olive tinge. For a complete image of the interior have to furnish the room contrasting dark furniture.

However, no matter how simple did not seem the use of gray in the interior, must be handled with maximum caution. Misuse of gray can make the room uncomfortable and even messy. And to avoid this error, you need to follow the main rule:

  • With the combination of gray with other colors in the interior, it is necessary to select a similar color tones - a range of cold or warm. But additional color accents is just the opposite, it is desirable to choose the range.

Thus, the gray color in the interior will never look bored or uncomfortable, if it properly combined. And no matter what your interior is gray - furniture or walls, flooring, or textiles. It is important to strike a balance and achieve harmony in a combination of different colors. And how to do it, you know.

 The combination of gray in the interior - tradition and innovation

Design country house

 Design country house

Interior of suburban housing often based on individual project subtly emphasizes preferences, prosperity and self-sufficiency of the owner. When designing the house is not worth chasing fashion trends which are changing very quickly, forcing again and again to come up with a new design, spending a huge savings, not always economically justified. The main rule of comfort and original design of a country house can be considered carefully crafted interior design, the implementation of which should be in full compliance with the planned project. This house for many years will be able to please their owners the convenience and amaze visitors perfection.

Interior country-house should reflect the overall style of the structure, as well as a conceptual task given to the architect. The project is the exterior and interior of a country house - is the result of a painstaking analysis of the environment, which should be inscribed architectural project. The interior design has to meet a number of principles: the creation of the project experts consider the location of the house, light level, etc. The correct design of suburban housing should have to ensure that there was a pleasure to relax, to work, to be in solitude and to receive visitors.

During the reconstruction of the house, as well as in the construction, it is important to develop the interior design of the external and internal space. Before proceeding to the design of previously used at home, you must clearly define for themselves the purpose of changing the interior. It may be:
- A simple pre-existing interior decoration, using the methods of rearrangement of furniture, changing carpets, curtains;
- Re-planning, which carries the global changes in the inner space: changing the layout of rooms, moving walls, etc.

It is important to understand that the design of the interior space of a country house is significantly different from the modern apartment design. The development of the interior of a country greatly affected by environment and natural landscape of the area. Moreover, the creation of the interior design of the cottage is complicated by the need for a competent technical equipment - at the time of the home's interior design must be considered convenient location Plumbing and heating equipment. It is also a country house design includes a proper development of wiring, the connection of all types of equipment and appliances.

In the design of suburban housing design also takes into account the materials used during the construction of the building. The interior design of a brick house is different from the design of the space, a house built of stone or wood. Due to its natural appearance and natural qualities, natural materials used in construction, will create a cozy atmosphere, with will create a number of difficulties due to the features related to safety.

If the house is located out of town - it's a three- or two-storey townhouse, then wise to place the kitchen and dining room on the ground floor. Bedrooms better to move to the second floor, away from the fanfare. Most other features relating to the creation of interior design for a small holiday cottage, speaker place seasonal residence. The main task of the designer in this case comes to ensure maximum thermal insulation of walls, without the need to take stock of all kinds of communication on the terrace and the attic. And in the first and in the second case, the design will be the main component of a harmonious unity of buildings with a landscape suburban area, providing owners of the optimal conditions for a comfortable stay.

Interior interior design "".

 Design country house

How to choose wallpaper for the room - a simple solution to a complex problem

 How to choose wallpaper for the room - a simple solution to a complex problem


  • Types of wallpaper
  • Wallpapers for different rooms
  • Wallpapers and room size

Wallpapers are still the most popular material for the walls in our homes. It does not matter, we choose wallpaper for a spacious cottage, modest Khrushchev and apartments in a new building. The choice in any case will not be easy. And it's not that the range of wallpaper is too great, and that for each room have to choose your wallpaper. Such that fully correspond to the functional purpose of the room, its size and Orientation. These characteristics of the room will tell you how to choose the wallpaper for the room.

You must agree that what is suitable for the kitchen, it is unlikely decorate the living room, and wallpapers, fine-looking in the hallway, not suitable for a child's room. Therefore, we offer you a selection of recommendations from the interior designers. We hope that these recommendations will help you find out in a variety of types of contemporary wallpaper and make the right choice of wallpaper for the bedroom, living room, children's room, hallway, kitchen or office.

 How to choose wallpaper for the room - a simple solution to a complex problem

Types of wallpaper

The range of modern wallpaper more than great. Just understand all this diversity is simply impossible. However, all is not as difficult as it seems. In fact, all the wallpaper can be divided into several categories, depending on the materials and manufacturing techniques.

The simplest and cheapest wallpaper - paper. Although not cheap, and they are the most environmentally friendly finishing material for walls. Perhaps the only drawback of paper wallpaper - thickness. The fact that a simple paper wall so thin that will look carefully only perfectly flat and smooth walls. Naturally, the thin wallpaper lifetime significantly shorter than that of the more expensive types. But in terms of decorative paper wallpaper are not inferior to any other. Figure and texture of modern paper wallpaper just at the highest level!

Vinyl wallpaper - a great alternative to cheap paper, as are laminate and have a greater thickness. Vinyl wallpaper may be on paper or non-woven backing coated with a vinyl (polymeric) coating. Vinyl wallpaper able to hide small bumps on the walls and are perfect for any room, regardless of its functional purpose.

Fabric wallpaper - a more expensive form of modern building materials for walls. On the walls of these wallpapers look rich and even elegant. They light resistance, are not afraid of water, easy to clean. Like vinyl, fabric wallpaper can be a paper or non-woven backing. Long life is quite high enough price compensates for fabric wallpapers that perfectly fit into the interior of the living room, bedroom or study.

The most expensive of today are natural wallpaper. Their outer (facial) coating - a cork, bamboo, flax, reed, stone and other natural materials. The undeniable advantage of natural wallpaper - environmental friendliness, the ability to absorb noise and stylish appearance. Lack of only one - the high price.

In a separate category, you can select the wallpaper for painting. They are like the intermediate finishing material. These wallpapers are available in wide rolls, it is convenient to glue and can be repainted several times. Wallpaper for painting the walls and hide the roughness of the surface textured added.

As for the colors, irrespective of the materials making up the wallpaper, they presented a wide range of colors and patterns. The exception is, perhaps, only natural wallpaper and wallpaper for painting. But some prefer wallpaper, depending on the functional purpose of the room and its size - is another question.

 How to choose wallpaper for the room - a simple solution to a complex problem

Wallpapers for different rooms

I agree that all the rooms in our house have their own individual characteristics. Somewhere we go often, somewhere spend active time of the day, but somewhere just relax or work. Naturally, bedroom and kitchen need to choose a different wallpaper for the hallway and living room. A children's room generally requires a special approach to the choice of wallpaper. What requirements must comply with the same wallpaper for different rooms?

Wallpapers for kitchens

The first parameter to which you want to navigate by selecting the wallpapers for the kitchen - their resistance to moisture and fat, as well as the ability to easily wash or clean the surface of the wallpaper. Therefore, for the kitchen and dining room for designers recommend to choose wallpaper for painting or washable wallpaper.

The best option of washable wallpaper - vinyl. Paper washable, of course, also be used for kitchen design, but they will last a very short time. In addition, the wallpaper is difficult to call such moisture and grease resistant. Anyway, to remove them from the grease stain is almost impossible. But vinyl wallpaper washable really easy to wash, they are water vapor permeability, resistant to moisture and grease repellent have the ability.

Wallpaper for painting too, will do this. These wallpapers have a textured surface, and you can paint them in any color. In addition, by changing the furniture or window textiles, wallpaper is easy to repaint the interior cavity of updating or refreshing a previous color of the wallpaper.

As for color, wallpapers for the kitchen, it is desirable to choose pastel shades. Not suitable for kitchen wallpaper dark and too bright. However, using a combination of bright and muted colors in the interior of the kitchen today fashionable. But remember that the walls - it's just a background. So avoid too colorful figures and do not forget the combination of colors of the walls with the color of the flooring, kitchen furniture and window textiles.

Wallpapers for anteroom

Here, in contrast to the kitchen, you can safely experiment with color and pattern wallpaper. Furniture in the hall is small, the windows usually is not, so the main decorative effect of the wall give the room. Color and pattern of wallpaper hallway can be absolutely anything. Focus on the size of the room and its lighting, as well as the style in which are going to make out the interior of the premises. Remember that a small room can not choose wallpaper with a large figure, but in the living room with high ceilings is not recommended to paste over the wall wallpaper with vertical patterns.

As for the materials, everything here depends primarily on your financial capabilities. Because the wall in the hallway, you can paste over and cheapest paper wallpaper, and the most expensive natural. For a small hallway is better not to use expensive wallpaper. Firstly, they will get dirty quickly, and secondly, they look in such a modest interior, at least ridiculous. For a spacious hallway hall just choose expensive wallpaper. Cloth or natural wallpaper perfectly fit into the interior spacious hallway and look great in combination with decorative panels.

Wallpapers for bedrooms

Bedroom - a place of rest. Calling this room can not be intensively exploited. Therefore, for materials strict rules here. It can be used for decoration of walls, paper or vinyl wallpaper, fabric or natural. However, modern bedroom design tends to be natural materials, and the most suitable type of wallpaper for this room will be seamless fabric wallpaper.

For the bedroom, decorated in a minimalist style, choose Plain wallpaper and classical interior wallpaper with floral ornaments. But in any case, give preference to light colors wallpaper. The ideal option for this room is considered to be the wallpaper, matching the color and (or) the drawing window with curtains and headboards bedspread.

Wallpapers for the living room

The living room is considered the most ceremonial room in the house. Therefore, interior decoration of the room using wallpaper with the "solemn" colors and patterns. Where appropriate and luxurious natural or fabric wallpaper, and more democratic, but no less decorative vinyl. And that's about the best paper wallpaper forget.

Silk Tapestry or wallpaper perfectly fit into the interior of the living room in a classic style. Not bad will look and vinyl imitation of these materials. If the interior of your living room is designed in a modern and sober style, that give preference to natural wallpaper, wallpaper for painting or vinyl wallpaper with textured pattern.

Color wallpaper for a living also depends on the style of the interior, the size and brightness of the room. The main condition - a harmonious blend with the color of the wallpaper furniture and flooring. Walls should not be darker than the floor, but with the wallpaper furniture should contrast. It is possible and the option of "dark walls - bright furniture" or vice versa.

Wallpaper for children's rooms

When choosing wallpaper for a child's room, give preference to environmentally friendly materials from which they are made, and be sure to ask a quality certificate. Do not buy for a child's room and cheap paper, and expensive natural wallpaper, even though they are the most environmentally friendly. Natural wallpapers for a child's room - too pompous, paper - a very impractical.

The children's room is very good will look childish wallpaper with a specific print. However, they should not be too bright and colorful - this has a negative effect on the mental state of the child. Light wallpaper with bright, but not glaring pattern - this is the best option. Good to combine these wallpapers with solid decorative panels. And in this case, you can use paper wallpaper. Fashionable and a combination of wallpaper with different patterns to highlight the functional areas in the nursery.

Psychologists do not recommend the use of red and black color for nursery. The most suitable color for the walls of the room - bright pastel shades of natural colors: peach, pistachio, grass, aqua.

 How to choose wallpaper for the room - a simple solution to a complex problem

Wallpapers and room size

Select the wallpaper you need, depending on the size of the room, from its geometry, the height of the ceilings, lighting and layout of the room with respect to the cardinal. There are a set of rules that are worth exploring, choosing wallpaper for a room.

  • Help visually expand the room wallpaper warm colors.
  • Wallpaper with vertical stripes visually raise the ceiling.
  • The southern rooms have to choose light wallpaper cold colors.
  • Rooms with poor lighting should fill light wallpaper warm colors.
  • You can not choose the color of the wallpaper furniture.
  • It is impossible to design a small room used wallpaper with a large pattern.
  • The walls are in close quarters can not paste over dark wallpaper.
  • The use of wallpaper with different patterns allows to adjust the geometry of the unsuccessful space - visually expand the room is very narrow and lower the ceilings are too high.

As you can see, choose the wallpaper for the room is quite capable, even with today's abundance of finishing materials. And it was easier to make the choice in advance to determine the parameters that need to match the wallpaper. For example, buying wallpaper for a small entrance hall with a low ceiling, choose a bright vinyl wallpaper with a pattern of narrow vertical strips. And for a large bedroom with windows on the north side - fabric wallpaper warm colors and large patterns. And all you get! Good luck choice and a pleasant shopping!

 How to choose wallpaper for the room - a simple solution to a complex problem

We strongly recommend to read: How to choose a wallpaper

How to choose wallpaper for the bedroom?

 How to choose wallpaper for the bedroom?


  • Choose a wallpaper style
  • Choose the wallpaper on the mind
  • Choose the wallpaper color
  • Choose the wallpaper on the drawing

Do not you think that the selection and gluing wallpaper - this is one of the most enjoyable moments of any repairs. After all the dirty work has been completed, and there comes a time not so much repair as design and decoration of the room. However, this pleasant moment can be overshadowed. We will not list all the possible force majeure, and will focus only on one of those moments - the confusion and the inability to choose a wallpaper for your particular room. We are often long and painful decide which to choose wallpaper for the bedroom, living room and what for, that is more suitable for the kitchen, and that hallway.

Indeed, with the current range of wallpaper choices to make rather difficult. However, being able to understand the varieties of building materials and in the rules of interior design to choose wallpaper for any room is simple enough. You need to properly assess the size and location of the room relative to the cardinal, to take into account its functionality and geometry. Perhaps this is all that will help you to choose the wallpaper for the room. For example, let's try to figure out how to choose the wallpaper for the bedroom.

Choose a wallpaper style

Of course, if you adhere to certain stylistic solutions, the important role in his incarnation play wallpaper. By and large walls and wallpaper, which they plastered, can be considered the basis of interior design direction. In any case, the tone is set by them. So, consider the style, choosing wallpaper.

  1. Rustic style (Provence, country) - plain wallpaper natural shades of white and beige pattern in the form of bricks or like faded flowers.
  2. Empire style - free soft dark colors (bordeaux, natural wood), low-contrast image as monograms.
  3. Classic style - Wallpaper green colors with gold or bronze figure in the form of floral ornament, stripes, monograms.
  4. Hi-tech - metallic, white, black, gray wallpaper, no pattern, texture.
  5. Ethnic or antique style - Wallpaper light colors (white or beige), drawing or let's say a very rare and contrast or texture, or pattern.
  6. Japanese style - plain or beige wallpaper pattern with imitation bamboo or wood, branches and flowers picture Cherry characters.
  7. Avant-garde style - any bright colors in any combination, a rainbow spectrum; Picture - stripe, abstract images.
  8. Shabby chic - pastel-colored wallpaper with a floral pattern and imitation abrasions.

In short, choose a wallpaper that matches the color and pattern of a certain interior style - an important condition for a competent and harmonious interior design bedrooms. So first decide with the style, and then to select and purchase the wallpaper.

 How to choose wallpaper for the bedroom?

Choose the wallpaper on the mind

Today the assortment of wallpaper gives almost unlimited possibilities for interior decoration. You can select any wallpaper, ranging from the cheapest paper and finishing with the most expensive natural. Note that the bedroom is one of the few rooms in the house where there are any appropriate wallpaper, regardless of their type. Nevertheless, to be able to understand the proposed range of wallpaper still need. After all, every kind of wallpaper has its pros and cons.

Paper wallpaper are popular due to its cheapness. They do not mind change, if you suddenly decide to issue a bedroom in a different style or acquire furniture, which they will not be in harmony. The second of a definite plus - environmentally friendly. Still, the paper refers to the natural materials. However, they can be considered a minus fragility. In addition, paper wallpaper will look flawlessly only on perfectly flat walls, and will last for a long time only in the bedroom, used mainly for its intended purpose.

Vinyl wallpaper - finishing material of higher quality, but also a relatively low price. Firstly, they will last much longer than paper wallpaper. Secondly, they will hide minor irregularities on the walls, and thirdly, fit into any style. And if you are not severely strapped for cash, prefer vinyl wall paper. But note that this stuff is bad "breathes", is therefore considered not suitable for the bedroom.

Textile wallpaper today considered almost ideal for sleeping. They, of course, much more expensive than paper and vinyl, but also serve as a very long time. Textile wall light resistance, and therefore suitable for a very bright room. They are also environmentally friendly, which makes them appropriate for the room in which we rest and gain strength. One only disadvantage of textile wallpapers - this selectivity. Not every interior style tolerate the presence of such a finishing material. Anyway, in the avant-garde and modern styles of interior textile wall do not fit.

Non-woven today are at the peak of popularity. Their main advantage - the ability to change the color of the walls, not perekleivaya wallpaper. They will also be able to hide small bumps on the walls and fit for decoration of bedrooms in classic and contemporary styles.

Natural wallpaper have drawbacks in addition to high (sometimes prohibitively high!) Price. In all other respects they are the most appropriate choice. In addition to the undeniable environmental, presentable and durability, they also possess a high sound insulation.

In general, as we have said, for sleeping suit almost any wallpaper, available on the market today. Naturally, to consider options for washable wallpaper for the bedroom is not necessary. This material is for registration of a kitchen, bathroom, utility room. With a choice of vinyl wallpaper is also no need to hurry - think about their poor ability to pass air. But disclaims vinyl wallpaper is not necessary. Perhaps, in a spacious and well-ventilated area, they will be completely out of place. But all other types of wallpaper, you can choose according to price, color and pattern.

 How to choose wallpaper for the bedroom?

Choose the wallpaper color

In fact, it is assumed that for the bedroom to choose only bright wallpaper. However, as they say, the owner of a gentleman, and you need to focus primarily on their own experience. Even lovers of bright colors is to abandon the screaming wallpaper colors and very dark shades. Bedroom - a place of rest and relaxation, while the dark color is depressing, and the bright colors excite. Even as a place for sleeping lovemaking Psychologists do not recommend flashy and very dark wallpaper.

Let us consider the conventional wisdom that the best choice for the bedroom - pastel-colored wallpaper. Classic colors of the wallpaper is considered to be all shades of beige, cool blue tones, milky peach, lilac and olive. These colors will not tire the eye, not perevozbudilsya nervous system and will blend in with any furniture. However, when choosing a color, consider the size of wallpaper bedroom and its illumination.

For example, for the bedroom, oriented south direction, recommend choosing wallpaper cool colors (blue, olive, purple). For the northern rooms, on the contrary, you should buy wallpaper warm color palette (beige, peach, terracotta milk). And remember that cold tone longer appropriate in a small bedroom, and a wall in a large room is better to paste over wallpaper warm colors.

By the way, visually change the geometry and size of the room help and the combination of different colors of wallpaper and wallpapers. And hanging on the walls of plain pictures, paintings and panels always seemed to revive a boring plain wallpaper in any color. But the wallpaper with a pattern must be chosen carefully.

 How to choose wallpaper for the bedroom?

Choose the wallpaper on the drawing

If the question, what color to choose wallpaper for the bedroom, you have already answered, it is now necessary to determine a pattern. Just "I like it" - no reason for the selection. First, do not forget the stylistic design of the interior bedrooms. Second, consider its geometry - room size, ceiling height, as well as the ratio of the width and length of the room.

Wallpaper with a small figure visually reduce any room, so for a small bedroom is better not to choose these wallpapers. But also a major figure in the small room would not be appropriate. Because for a small bedroom is better to choose plain wallpaper. If the room is very spacious, you can use the Image panel type or paste over the wall wallpaper with various different patterns. By the way, this technique will allow the zoning room. Vertical stripes visually raise the low ceilings and panels to help their visually omitted.

"Extend the" wall in the bedroom will help narrow pattern of horizontal stripes. Moreover, it should not be that contrasting stripes. The effect of horizontal stripes can give orderly repetition of prints and drawing, simulating the texture - jute, bamboo, stones. Ornamental pattern can also expand the narrow room, if it is stretched horizontally.

However, the classic pattern wallpaper option for the bedroom was and remains a floral design or floral pattern. So, if you stick to the classical canons of interior design, choose wallpaper with such a picture - can not go wrong.

So, choosing a wallpaper for the bedroom, keep in mind, first of all, their views. Then select the color, giving up too bright and very dark shades. Then identify with the light and dark colors - to the north and west rooms, choose a warm color of the wallpaper, and for eastern and southern cool shades. Next, define a pattern of wallpaper, depending on the size and shape of the bedroom.

And now the big problem of choice in front of you will not stand. Are you sure you can make your choice is correct, because you know how to choose the wallpaper for the bedroom. Good luck!

 How to choose wallpaper for the bedroom?

We advise to check: What color to choose wallpaper for the kitchen

Trendy curtains for the room with their hands - to help us eyelets

 Trendy curtains for the room with their hands - to help us eyelets


  • Fabric and tools
  • Pattern and sewing curtains

Times change, fashions change, styles change. However, women are striving to create comfort in your own home remains intact. And whatever may be said about the lack of modern ladies of time or resources, experience shows that everything is in our hands. In the truest sense of the word! Here, for example, you want to change odezhku front of the window of your room. Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind - to buy ready-made curtains. But the ready-sewn kits are not always suited to the interior of your living room is, and often can not boast quality.

Then we visited another idea - order the curtains in a specialized studio and use the services of a designer. We are frantically looking for a company to run joyfully, enthusiastically looked at catalogs curtains and spellbound listening to the designer. But in the end what? As a result, we lose the power of speech from voiced value of the window to show off and offended unjust laws of the market back home.

And then in our heads quietly, soft tread thieving cat creeps seditious thought: "Do not sew curtains for the hall with your hands? ". This idea takes hold of our minds so that we are day and night just thinking about how quickly and adroitly we bungled it curtains are what we want. And it turns out that to understand all of these patterns, PATTERNS, templates, and other wisdoms we can not! And what do you do? There is a way, because there are eyelets to help us. So, ladies, we are with you with my own hands will sew extremely stylish, fashionable, glamorous and very simple in execution the curtains on the eyelets. Believe me, these curtains will adorn the interior of your room.

 Trendy curtains for the room with their hands - to help us eyelets

Fabric and tools

For sewing curtains on eyelets can use almost any curtain fabrics and tulle. So you just have to decide on their own desires and tastes. The only condition is that you must obey - large enough piece of fabric for sewing curtains. To curtains crosslinked with their hands, looked beautiful windows, it is necessary that the width of the expanded fabric has twice the width of shades gathered into folds. That is for one meter (width) finished draped curtains you need to buy a two-meter curtain fabrics.

In addition, you'll need the grommets and lyuversnaya tape. Number of eyelets is also necessary to calculate the expanded width of the curtains. Their we will have on its upper edge at a distance of ten to fifteen centimeters apart. The deeper you want to fold on the curtains, the less you need of eyelets. Length lyuversnoy tape and determine the width of the curtain, which should be about twenty centimeters longer lyuversnoy tape.

Yet we will need tailoring scissors and meter, iron, pliers or a press punch, tracing paper, a pencil or crayon and, of course, a sewing machine and thread. And it would be nice to buy more and clips for cornices. By the way, buying eyelets, pay attention to their diameter. It is important that they slide easily along the tube eave, and therefore inside the eyelets should be a few millimeters larger than the diameter of the pipe.

You also need to choose the eyelets that will go well with a cloth. If you sew curtains for the hall of a heavy curtain fabrics, buy special rings that can easily be able to keep her weight. By the way, in this case you will need and curtain clips.

 Trendy curtains for the room with their hands - to help us eyelets

Pattern and sewing curtains

Hand made pattern for curtains with eyelets very easily. You do not need additional patterns and highly complex calculations. Cut a rectangular sheet whose width should be twice the width of the curtains draping. If you want to meter curtain eyelets, cut out the two-meter canvas plus twenty centimeters on the hem. Curtain height is measured from the eaves to the floor plus five to ten centimeters at the top and about twenty or twenty-five centimeters from the bottom.

To fold the curtains were smoother and overlay kept tightly, let go for top curtains lining. Do not forget that the top and bottom of the fabric have to tuck, so be aware and supply of tissue along the length for seam allowance. Now we need to treat the side seams of both paintings and curtains (or) curtains. At the top of a pencil, draw the curtains or shallow horizontal line, stepping back from the edge of two to three centimeters. This line will be laid lining tape. Noted bend allowance and a good iron the iron.

Measure the desired length lyuversnoy tape (web width minus ten centimeters). Ribbon stitched on the reverse side of the web, departing from the upper edge and sides by five centimeters. With two sides of the fabric tuck, masking tape. Choose the desired number of eyelets, calculate its depth folds. This is perhaps the most complex and the most crucial moment. Firstly, the number of grommets must necessarily be even. Secondly, located from each other they should equidistant (ten to fifteen centimeters).

Calculating the number of eyelets, mark their location on the chalk or pencil curtain. Next lay eyelets on labels and drag them to the inside of the ring. Cut the tissue inside the circled circles, make a hole slightly smaller diameter. Now you can insert themselves eyelets.

Insert the grommets into the holes on the front side curtains, tucking them under the cloth. Please note that both ring eyelets should be firmly latched. If your hands you can not do it, then use a pair of pliers. To avoid damaging the eyelets, put the pieces of cloth under the pliers. Better yet, use the punch press.

Curtains are almost ready! It remains to treat their lower edges. To the lower edge of the curtains Skewing, you need to make a beautiful double hem. To do this, first, then iron the entire hem and expand it. Now fold it in half (half the length of hem), and once again smooth out the fold. Cleave it bulavochkami or baste, then fold the fabric on the first bend and prostrochite zautyuzhennomu hiding it on a typewriter or by direct suture. Remove the pins or basting thread.

Now our curtains for the hall, bound their hands, ready finally! Strung eyelets on the ledge, straighten folds and admire your creation! You will find that sewed the curtains with their hands look quite decent. And is not that we want?

Benefits eyelets on curtains for the hall are undeniable. You could choose a fabric curtain on what they wanted. You sew curtains for the hall with your hands in a very short time. You did not pay for the services of outside designers and craftsmen. You got really trendy and stylish curtains. The only thing that may disappoint you - tangible acquisition costs themselves eyelets. But in any case the curtains sewed their own hands, have cost you less custom. Goal achieved!

 Trendy curtains for the room with their hands - to help us eyelets

We strongly recommend to read: How to choose wallpaper for the hall

Child's room for two boys

 Child's room for two boys


  • How to choose a color scheme?
  • Zoning room
  • Where will sleep? Choice beds
  • Furniture in the interior of child

It so happens that the parents do not pay enough attention to arrangement of a child's room. This is motivated by different reasons: from lack of money to the usual laziness. But childhood - it is a great time fabulous games, fun and joy. And what child would be interesting to live in a room with a featureless gray wallpaper? What miracle can happen in this room? So never be afraid to experiment and fill colors the lives of their children. After all, for them it is so important.

Making children's room - one of the biggest challenges in creating the interior of the apartment. And if you want to arrange a room for two boys who differ not only by age but also by the enthusiasm, the decision becomes even more difficult. How to plan the interior of a child's room, to suit the requirements of psychologists, designers, and even the children themselves? Let us try to find an optimal solution together.

How to choose a color scheme?

The main thing is try not to make out the interior of the premises, paying tribute to today's fashion. Take a basis of your fantasy boys, their hobbies and interests. As a result, you get a cozy and comfortable children's room, and the world would be happy with two boys more. The color scheme - it's the first thing you should pay attention, picking up the interior for a child's room. Color is very important for children, because they react to it differently than adults. The smaller the child, the more he is attracted to bright colors.

Of course, do not forget that with age children are changing color preferences. Therefore, do not leave the interior of a child's room unchanged for too long. What colors like our boys? Let's try to understand.

  • For preschool children suit bathroom with a dominant red color;
  • From 7 to 11 years raptures cause orange, green or yellow color;
  • After 12 years for boys suit room in shades of blue;
  • Design room for teenagers can be issued in purple or other dark colors.

Choosing color combinations, try to find the so-called middle ground. You do not need a lot of bright colors - from their child will get tired, even if those shades and the most favorite. Excess dark colors will inhibit the child. Well, the room is too light - it's not exactly aesthetically pleasing for boys. It is best to choose soothing colors that are close to each other in tone.

Making interior nursery, parents often prefer thematic design dedicated to a fairy tale or a favorite cartoon boys. Yes it's beautiful. But we should not forget the fact that children grow up quickly, and a year or two is the design for them has become irrelevant.

If you do decide to use the "fabulous" design is selected as the decorative elements posters, decals, curtains, bed linen and blankets. And the walls, floor and ceiling make a neutral color. Then you will be able to quickly replace one topic to another, just pick up new items.

 Child's room for two boys

Zoning room

Mom of two boys know how difficult it is to reconcile them. Guys can not share everything, from toys to a shelf in the closet. To litter between the children as little as possible, it is desirable to divide the room into two private areas. Designate each by using a specific color. Or simply arrange furniture on both sides of the room. The main thing - to give a child to understand that he has his own space in the world.

But to divide the playing area is not necessarily better take plenty of space for children to spend time together. Of course, if there are vacant square meters for each child to make a separate play area is not difficult. But it can lead to the fact that the boys will no longer spend time together and separated from each other.

In general, the interior of a child's room just so complicated that it is necessary to take into account the interests of the two personalities. It must therefore be a common area, which will unite children. And it does not necessarily have to be a game. Perhaps there is a place in the room to create a sports corner - this option would be very appropriate for the two boys. Importantly do not forget, if you're zoned room by using different colors, in a common area must attend both of these colors. Or you can make it a new tone, which is suitable for both guys.

The boy's quite a lot of children's toys. And by the end of the day all these treasures are everywhere, not just in its place. In order to help children learn how to clean your things, you can make a separate section for the storage of personal property. Divide can not only shelves for clothes, but also storage space for small things: pencils, CDs, clay, paints and colored paper. To the children knew exactly what belongs to whom, all things can be designated a favorite color of each.

By the way, psychologists do not recommend zoned color space by more than 50 percent. If the room colored walls, the floor covering should be monotonous and vice versa. The original solution is a colorful window decoration - where each shade has a different hue.

Where will sleep? Choice beds

In the interior of a children's room Zoning affects very much. But what if the square meters of very little? In this case, the total area can make a sleeping area. Bunk bed is suitable for this purpose perfectly. Just keep in mind that in a room with a ceiling height of less than 2, 5 m, on the second floor to sleep is not recommended - the baby is very stuffy.

And another important point: the baby sleeping on the ground floor, may experience psychological pressure his brother, sleeping on the floor above. To avoid this, psychologists recommend offer children the game-sharing. After a certain number of days residents must change floors. Some manufacturers of children's furniture has listened to the advice of psychologists and let the bed with little displacement of the second floor. This design negates the possible psychological pressure.

If the size of the apartment is all right, you can treat children and choose a bed in a favorite toy: rockets, cars or submarines. If you purchase a crib in the final version you think is too expensive, you can use your imagination, paint and skillful father's arms. Such an approach will turn the head of any sleeping place in a racing car or the remote control aircraft.

 Child's room for two boys

Furniture in the interior of child

When selecting furniture for the children's room in the first place should pay attention to the material from which it is made. Eco-friendly furniture is considered to be made of wood: oak, beech or pine. The last option is the most short-lived, as much shaken. But if you pick up the interior for a child up to two years, the pine fit perfectly. It is inexpensive, and the child will grow up much earlier than the time to put the furniture of any damage.

The most budget option is considered to furniture made of particleboard, MDF and plywood. But her life is relatively small. Before you opt for a specific furniture, read the certificate on it. Notice how it is safe: it is there to sharp corners and edges, glass inserts. Undesirable for a child's room projecting parts and metal parts. The furniture should be as stable as possible and be sure to match the age and growth of the child.

It is understood that the two boys would be difficult to find the appropriate furniture both at once, but to find a compromise is always possible. The most important thing in creating a unique design of a child's room - this is what mood you approach this process. Include the interior of the room all my love to the children, then it is sure to be comfortable and cozy in the world created for them.

 Child's room for two boys

What wallpaper to choose the room: beautiful walls - the key to a successful interior

 What wallpaper to choose the room: beautiful walls - the key to a successful interior


  • The color scheme of the living room wallpaper
  • Drawings, prints and materials for modern wallpaper

Most women facing arrangement of their own homes, a lot of attention to the room, which is called the hall or living room. Indeed, this area must fulfill several functions: it's going to the whole family can enjoy a holiday in the table and invited guests, friends here often drop to the evening tea and so on. And if the kitchen, many of us believe the main room of the house or apartment and its fireplace, the living room would be correct to call them my heart and soul. Therefore, I want to make a room and front door, and a cozy, comfortable and at the same time.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to take care of "clothing" for the walls of your living room - wallpaper. They serve as an excellent background for other interior components, such as curtains, furniture, textiles and other necessary additions entourage. In addition, a properly fitted wallpaper able to hide small flaws on the visible surfaces of the walls and ceiling to visually expand the space, make it light, or vice versa, will give a large room cozy and bring it some elements of intimacy. Therefore, the solution of which wallpaper to choose for the room will depend on the goals that you set for yourself, and of the interior, which is planning to set up.

Even before you go to the hardware store or a dedicated lounge and appreciate the diversity presented there materials for finishing walls, you need to determine what will be the main color of your living room. Of course, his choice depends entirely on your personal preferences and tastes, but to make it the most successful, experts recommend the following tips.

First, familiarize yourself with how it interact and combine different shades, because you will want to this or that area in the room somehow stood out. Therefore, use a kind of wheel, in which the individual sector represented each of the twelve basic color. Those which are located in the neighborhood considered related. Their combination in decorating the walls of the living room will bring a sense of calm, peace and relaxation. It called complementary colors which are located opposite to each other. Their combinations are designed to fill the space with energy, power and movement.

Secondly, you need to consider what kind of color or combination of colors is appropriate to use in the design of the walls in the living room. It is very difficult to be in the room, the interior of which over time will only irritate, causing strange feeling of dissatisfaction. The reasons for this, you will not immediately understand correctly. And the blame for everything fails wall color. So, how to choose the wallpaper for the audience to always feel comfortable in it?

 What wallpaper to choose the room: beautiful walls - the key to a successful interior

The color scheme of the living room wallpaper

People feel the need for relaxation and recreation because of the hectic pace of life, it is better to give preference Beige. If living in your apartment has a small area and it gets little natural light, the color in combination with white or other pastel shades, make it bigger and brighter. Special solemn hall will give golden wallpaper, but they should not be abused, okleivaya wall completely. The winning combination will look just gold laconic brown or soft bezhem.

Yellow and orange color symbolizes the sun, energy and strength. Wallpapers of bright and rich colors are also perfectly suited for small dusky living, as do their walls bright and cheerful. If you aspire to the creation of a strict and generous interior room, use a combination of brown and beige, yellow or pale green. Such variations make a living wall is very impressive. But do not forget that the rich dark color is appropriate in large, bright rooms. In other cases, it must be properly dosed.

Wallpapers red shades chosen self-confident people. This color is a source of additional energy and passion. He dominates the design of the walls, gives the living room makes it a festive and elegant, perfectly combined with contrasting pastel colors. If you plan to create an interior room in oriental style, choose the wallpaper of red, black and white colors. This combination is considered very good for active zones is an apartment, which belongs to the living room.

Very interesting is the color purple. It would seem that it belongs to the dark shades, so relevant for the spacious rooms. But designers recommend to hang wallpaper purple walls a small living room. This paradox is due to the fact that this shade itself is a kind of expanding space, push the boundaries. It gives the audience similar to the precious casket, studded inside softest velvet. Agree, a successful hard to imagine an atmosphere of comfort.

But the wallpaper with blue, cold and rich in small rooms is better not to use. This deep shade as the sea, needs space. Romantic nature often choose sky-blue shades of the wallpaper, and for good reason. They perfectly expand the space and give rest. In such a light and gentle living even quarrels and clarify the relationship held in a calm tone as the walls themselves are calling for peace and harmony.

Green and all its shades represent the vital energy. In the living room, where it is used, is no place for negativity and irritation. Although Green refers to the colors Spreading space, it must be used with caution in small rooms. If you like this color, but the area does not allow the hall to use it in dominant numbers, when choosing wallpaper is better to provide for the possible combinations with other colors.

Classics of the genre have always been white wallpaper. This color gives lightness and airiness to any interior, but psychologists recommend using it in combination with other colors. And rightly so, because monogamous white walls are very similar to a sterile hospital interior. Classics of the genre is its combination with black. It is an excellent solution for creating ultra-modern interior.

 What wallpaper to choose the room: beautiful walls - the key to a successful interior

Drawings, prints and materials for modern wallpaper

Pondering the question of what to choose wallpaper for the living room, many women have lost not only in the variety of colors and patterns. It should be noted that the neutral and malovyrazitelnoe patterns on a light background gradually lost its relevance, replaced by more modern trends. For lovers of floral ornament should pay attention to their unique combination in a bright black and white. Well-look wallpaper stripes. If your living room needs extra height, select the vertical line, but too few to expand the narrow space horizontal help. The presence of bright bands will make the living element of playfulness and fun, classic combination, on the contrary, will add rigor and solemnity.

The walls of the small rooms on the area it is not necessary to make out the wallpaper with a large pattern or very small patterns. In the first case, this figure will be somewhat ridiculous to look across the small space, and the second - will make the room featureless. It is not necessary to abuse and overly colorful wallpaper, but if you still can not give them up, decorate it so that only one wall, the rest of the issue in a peaceful manner.

If you want to make your living room unique, use a wide range of designer wallpaper. Today they can be implemented most unusual patterns, ethnic flavor, bright illustrations, historical, and even art paintings of famous painters. You want to capture the imagination of visitors? Decorate the walls of variations "on a tapestry," made from textiles or have a beautiful embossed.

But designer wallpaper should be careful, as this requires a fashionable trend in the rest of the interior of the living room right to sustain a single style. If the walls in the room you plan to decorate with wallpaper, consisting of an abstract pattern, then the rest should follow a minimalist decoration. Ethnic image should highlight wicker furniture. If in your fantasy living room wall is decorated with wallpaper in the style of paintings of the Renaissance, make sure that the rest of the entourage and a consistent style, right shading exquisite paintings.

Trying to fully illuminate the question of what to choose wallpaper for the room, not to mention those who represent a variety of great photos. Modern technologies allow to give them a very realistic shape and volume, and this is not the posters, which once adorned the walls of our mothers and grandmothers. Mural at the present come to life just the same beautiful scenery untouched corners of nature. It is an excellent solution for the living room is now a popular ecological style.

Unusual colors perfectly set off the interior in minimalist or classical style. Fans of high-tech will appreciate panoramic views of cities and other urban plots properly adapted to these elements of glass and steel. Youth and glamorous real "stuff" happy to decorate the walls of the living room pictures of movie stars and scenes. Mural with reproductions of paintings will become a highlight of the interior in classic Venetian or French style.

With regard to materials of construction for a modern decor for the walls, by the most traditional ones include fleece, vinyl and paper. These wallpapers are long and firmly established themselves in the market and are very popular with customers. Very active in the production of "clothes" are used for walls and various tissues. This type of wallpaper provides two layers - basic and decorative. For the first use paper or nonwoven, and the second becomes the textiles. I must say that the wallpaper of silk, linen, velvet or cotton have excellent wear resistance, as have special protection, which does not allow them to burn in the sun and soak up the odors fade from dust.

But for those of you who are looking for new innovative solutions in the decoration of the walls, you should pay attention to alternative counterparts made from cane and bamboo fibers. Such materials are considered the most environmentally friendly and safe. Recently, the market of products for construction and decoration are increasingly found very unusual wallpaper foil, but not many of us is resolved to purchase them. The designers do not cease to insist that this material will become a universal solution for classic interiors, as well as for high-tech style.

As you can see, the choice of wallpaper today is really huge. The imagination of the buyer affects a variety of different materials, colors and patterns. This sea is very easy to drown, if not to listen to what you tell your own inner sense of beauty and harmony. Very often we choose interior influenced numerous tips designers, and later become hostage to someone else's taste. So first try to determine exactly what should be your living room, to the whole family in it was comfortable and cozy long winter evenings and on weekends. It was only after a clear idea about it takes for its clearance.

 What wallpaper to choose the room: beautiful walls - the key to a successful interior

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Choosing a style wedding dress

 Choosing a style wedding dress

Choosing a wedding dress - it's half the battle in the organization of the celebration. The point though is not something supernatural, but how this process zavorozhitelen and pleasing his excitement. After all, every girl wants to be the most charming, most charming and most beautiful on this important holiday like a private wedding, and want to buy a wedding dress is the most beautiful and best. But game worth worth the candle, so no guidance on the selection of dresses - do not. Let's look at the basic styles of wedding dresses,

Style "Empire" contains slightly raised waist, cutting the top and bottom of easy flowing. These three qualities, combined into a single whole, give the opportunity to the girls of any build, to put on this kind of creativity. Indispensable for the full version of the ladies, and expectant mothers, who for a long period of pregnancy and cover bulging tummy it is necessary. The presence of bulky jewelry and parts is unacceptable element of the dress style of "Empire".

Wedding Dress "Romance." This copy belongs to the traditional type of wedding dresses. It is made of a fluffy skirt and top in the form of a corset. The second name of this dress - Ball, received for signs of external similarity. Dress style "romance" is a great option for the owners of tall slim figure. Girls Low growth is not recommended to wear it, since the appearance would be deprived of any kind of elegance.

Wedding Dress in the style of "Elegant". Dress implying a combination of narrow and long format that will be close-fitting shape and emphasize the dignity of its owner. However, this type is very demanding and tricky, and therefore requires a perfect figure, without a single blemish. It looks great with a deep neckline and a cut on the back.

Style "Princess." This is one of the most popular types of wedding dresses. For the style of this type need proportional figure and expressed his chest. Smooth bodice emphasizes the gentle image of the bride, and flared bottom add a touch of comfort. Special silhouette is achieved by vertical seams flowing from the shoulders to the bottom. The ceremonial dress with no frills - ideal for recreating the fabulous image.

"Corset dress" - the structure includes a separate corset and skirt. Which skintight figure of a woman, thus creating the effect of a narrow waist and chest raised. This option will have a magnificent view of the slender brides who have large breasts.

"Practice." In recent years, this style of wedding toilets become relevant at some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. "Practitioner" - absolutely versatile style, this can be a pantsuit or any other dress. The most important thing is to match your taste and shape, the main objective, as in any other dress - lust beauty to be present at all.

Now you are aware of information on all styles of wedding dresses and you can proceed directly to choosing your wedding dress.

 Choosing a style wedding dress

We recommend that read: styles of wedding dresses

Wedding Dresses 2012 - the latest fashion trends

 Wedding Dresses 2012 - the latest fashion trends

Every girl from childhood dreams of a beautiful wedding and want to look at this day as a princess, to be irresistible to the guests. That is why the choice of a wedding dress - it's a very important issue of concern to all brides.

Wedding Dresses 2012 do not differ much from the trend of previous seasons, but still have their own characteristics. Softness, tenderness and femininity - is the main bet of the year, so dress simply must be the most romantic and light. Heavy fabric, massive forms and excessive decoration in the coming year will give way to light, airy, almost weightless silhouettes, unusual light materials with elegant decorations and draperies.

While selecting a dress in the first place, each lovely lady is guided by its taste. Not one girl would not want to look dull, so every student magazines and pages of Internet in search of information about wedding dresses.

 Wedding Dresses 2012 - the latest fashion trends

Fashion styles of wedding dresses 2012

  • All the usual dresses with fluffy skirts recede into the background, giving way to sleek, sophisticated models that emphasize the female figure and its main advantages.
  • The most popular in the coming year will be a gentle style of dress called "Fish", which is already more than one season ranks high in the wedding collections. But now the "fish" a little change, gaining a long train, a large number of frills, pleats, frills and fluffy skirt with a wide variation of the length from the knees to the floor. Complement this model can thick strap on one shoulder.
  • Still, do not be upset those girls who dreamed of having a volume skirt, like a Barbie doll. Wedding Dresses 2012 should create space by light, airy, translucent fabric, for example, multi-layer tulle. Of course, these dresses are best suited to girls with "wasp" waist, and advised that many designers.
  • For girls who have always sought to impress everyone around her outfits, a good option would be to dress a-line. This simple but extraordinarily sophisticated model is a great option for a small wedding.
  • For several seasons in a row on the podium holding a two-tier fashion skirt in a dress. This will help cut perfectly correct any negative figure in the hips and not take in a traditional wedding dress fashion original touches.
  • Also one of the main trends will become a classic with a translucent fabric. Creating the image of tenderness and purity, it is best to choose a classic strapless wedding dress, which will decorate tulle or lace decollete.
  • After a stellar high-profile wedding took Catherine Middleton and Prince William, lace long sleeves have become an indispensable wedding trend.
  • Another unusual fashion trend has become a beautiful cut in the shape of a heart, which emphasizes easy curves of the female body. Cups of the dress perfectly supports the breast, thereby adjusting its shape to the ideal.

 Wedding Dresses 2012 - the latest fashion trends

This season, all self-respecting designers suggest future bride is long, which will cover all legs. But you can not deny the fact that this length is more solemn and luxurious, despite the option style. The most outstanding wedding dress - with a long train. And for those who want to stand out, the designers offer dresses in retro style or stubby.

Most Popular Wedding Dresses 2012 - This dress is gold, silver, pink, coffee with milk and soft shades of green. Perfectly fit any dress with bright colored patterns: black, red, blue, green and gold. So this year the designers provide a wide selection of different shades, knowing that every year it becomes less and less of those brides who dream to get married in white.

In the coming season will be at the peak of fashion strapless dress that is beautiful open neck and shoulders, emphasize chest. Under a dress suit any decoration. According to many designers, yet all will look more romantic dress with thick straps over one shoulder.

The main details of the dress will bows at the waist, small waves, folds across the length and lace. Flowers become a major hit next season in wedding fashion. The bride next year will completely disappear rhinestones, pearls and beads of jewelry dresses, but there will be bright flowers on lifah, skirts, shoes, hairstyles, and even handbags.

Combine wedding dress, of course, it is best with a veil. Even despite the fact that not all the world-famous fashion designers take and use this beautiful bride headdress, he never comes out and goes out of fashion. A long veil, embroidered along the edges of the product, it is best to supplement fitting dress. Yet Elizabeth Fillmore offers with it pleasant to use a small hat, which is also perfectly combines with any wedding hairstyle.

Glass slipper simply must supplement Wedding Dress 2012 - photo show us this beauty. Classic fashion is always higher, so the trend also remains the model on a small heel or stiletto, pumps with a rounded or tapered toe. Ballerinas great tall girl. Extravagant brides liked more likely to open Mysik boots, which will be the actual color of pearl, milk, cream, white, and gold and silver shades.

 Wedding Dresses 2012 - the latest fashion trends

We recommend that read: wedding dresses 2012 photo

Perfect wedding: how to make a bridal bouquet?

 Perfect wedding: how to make a bridal bouquet?

Wedding - the most important, long-awaited and happy holiday in the life of any person in which the main person are always the bride and groom. The bride is attracting a lot of attention, it is always all eyes are fixed, so everyone who plans to wear a wedding dress and go down the aisle, wants to look perfect. Look of the bride is sure to be harmonious, perfect. In addition to wedding dresses, veils, shoes, makeup and manicure, it is important, and the bridal bouquet, wedding accent that completes the set of any bride.

According to tradition, the choice falls on the wedding bouquet groom. However, modern bride are increasingly taking on this responsibility, as the bouquet should be in harmony with the dress and hairstyle. Wedding floristry - it is a direct reflection of the character and nature of the bride, so its participation in the drafting of the bouquet plays a very important role.

The first thing you should pay attention - this is the scent of flowers. They must be sharp, too sweet smell. Also, the choice of colors for the bouquet depends on what time of the year is planned wedding. For example, it is not necessary in the winter bouquet include lily of the valley and tulips, even if you have the opportunity to purchase them in the cold winter. These colors will look very harmonious with a slight air wedding dress.

As for color, the easiest way with its choice of summer, as it is the bright, colorful time of the year. In the summer wedding bouquet can include almost any variety of colors, beginning and ending with roses and chrysanthemums. In the fall of choice becomes more limited: in the autumn bouquet of gladiolus should be present, asters, chrysanthemums, solidago, dahlias, amarantus. Winter also requires a cold neutral tones, so in the winter give preference to color cream and white.

The choice and the composition of the bouquet also affects the color of the hair of the bride. Blondes suit colors more delicate, brunettes - bright and dark. Brown-haired will look good with a bouquet in rich, warm colors.

To compile the perfect wedding bouquet note the height and build of the bride. Brides little thin will look good with a modest, a small bouquet. High bride should on the contrary is included in its bunch of flowers on long stems with large lush buds.

To bouquet look more lively and original, in addition to the colors it can be switched on and decorative materials, such as pearls, lace, feathers, crystals and various other plants. If you want a bunch of retro, it is necessary to add to it more and silk ribbons. Quite often, a common mistake many brides - too many other decorations in a bouquet.

By the way, the ability to properly hold the bouquet also depends very much. Quite often, the bride holding a bouquet mistakenly too high, at chest level. However, that image looked harmonious bouquet should be kept a little above the waist.

As preparations for the wedding takes a lot of time, often brides simply do not remain free minutes to produce original and interesting wedding bouquet. In this case, it is better to entrust the professional florist who will make the bouquet for you according to your wishes.

 Perfect wedding: how to make a bridal bouquet?

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Calories and proper nutrition: how to find the way to a slim figure

 Calories and proper nutrition: how to find the way to a slim figure


  • What determines the consumption of calories
  • How to determine the ideal weight
  • Eat less - less weigh
  • Physical training every day

From birth, our body constantly needs energy, which comes from the food consumed. It is concentrated in food nutrients such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. After a person has eaten, energy is converted and released in the form of heat, which we used to call calories. Thus one kilocalorie enough to heat a liter of water to 1 degree Celsius. Speaking on the energy values ​​of each component in 1 gram of protein provides about 4 kcal, as well as 1 gram of carbohydrate. And in one gram of fat, according to scientists, much more calories. Nine units. That is why fatty foods causes extra kilos and extra centimeters at the waist. But do not eat fat food - is harmful to the body.

In fact, many are confused about the definition of calories and calories. It's simple. One kcal contained 1,000 calories. And it is indicated in calories energy value of a product, while the daily human diet is already calculated in kilocalories. Why so? Yes, because the day we eat a lot of products. And if you calculate the energy value in calories, you can just get lost in the zeros. It was then come to the aid kcal. Read them much easier, and they look not so threatening because of the lack of a large number of zeros.

The metric equivalent of calories is the joule. On the one hand it may seem strange that the energy and the work are identified equally. However, in order to perform some action, you need to spend a certain amount of energy, right? The more power a person has, the more things he can do. Hence the relationship. If we talk about a more precise definition, the 1 kcal = 4.1868 kJ. Of course, in everyday life, few will translate kilojoules in kilocalories. Therefore, in this article we will pay more attention to the system of proper counting of calories a person needs for normal life.

  What determines the consumption of calories

The amount of energy consumed depends on many factors: age, gender, weight and height of a person. Also, the calculation of calories affect climate, hormonal balance and way of life. The bulk of the energy the body spends on the main exchange reaction: heart activity, breathing, maintaining body temperature and metabolism and physical activity: sports and physical work. Therefore, it is important for heavy loads fully eat. Insufficient consumption of energy causes the body to access reserves in the expenditure of which there is a reduction in weight. Conversely, the excess calories are responsible for the formation of fatty deposits. Where deposits, there are overweight, self-doubt, all kinds of diseases.

Even if you are going to eat properly, it is necessary not only to pick up a diet to taste, but also to make educated calorie counting necessary for you. For this there are special tables that clearly stated the amount of fat, protein and carbohydrate contained in a hundred grams of your chosen product. It is believed that adults who lead sedentary, 1 kilogram requires about 40-50 calories. A man with daily heavy physical exertion required 70-100 calories per 1 kg of body weight. And older people, according to doctors, only 30-35 kcal enough for 1 kg. The children are all different. Two thirds of all calories consumed by the body on children's growth processes. Therefore, one kilogram of body weight of the child should be about 120-130 calories. As you can see, the calculation is quite simple.

 Calories and proper nutrition: how to find the way to a slim figure

How to determine the ideal weight

Now let's see how to determine the optimal weight? For this there is a very simple formula Brock: the growth of minus one hundred units. So, if the growth of women is 1 meter 75 centimeters, its optimum weight should be equal to seventy-five kilograms. Make it count calories as easy. To do this, multiply the 50 kcal per position (or desired), a person's weight. We show an example. If a woman should weigh 75 kilograms, the caloric content of the food it is calculated: 75 x 50 = 3750 kcal kcal. For example, the real weight of our reader is not 75, and 80 kilograms. That is the day of a woman accustomed to consume about 4000 kcal. How did she lose weight? Suffice it to reduce caloric intake to 3,750, and the weight gradually returns to normal.

So, if you are going to lose a few extra kilos, remember the cardinal rule: "Do not overdo it! "In a novel by American Robert P .  Warren's "All the King's Men," one of the characters admits that hates skinny women .  They say they are a pack of pasta, rattle and pricked .  Of course, people differ from spaghetti .  And for this difference was more visible, you should try to comply with the measure throughout .  There are infinitely many ways to lose weight .  The main thing - to choose the one that suits you and not to self-medicate .  How successful would you not conduct calculation of calories, it's tempting to not look bright packaging teas for weight loss, be sure to check with your doctor .  And it is not about consultation pharmacist .  Because it is not enough just to translate foreign language titles ingredients .  It is important to designate this same list, calculate how many calories you need to you personally .  And do it can only be a doctor .

Eat less - less weigh

If you have good health and plan their own to lose 5-7 kg, use the "shock diets." The difference between them and the medical starvation is that the "shock diet" you continue to eat regularly. But only a strictly defined set of products. Recipes such methods of food you can easily find numerous reference books on the recovery of the body. An example of "shock diet" may serve as a so-called trimmed diet, which is particularly effective. It is based on the principle of separation of different categories of consumer products that allows the body to better digest food.

  • Option "shock diet":

On Monday, arrange a vegetable day, Tuesday - meat, Wednesday - egg, Thursday - milk Friday - fish on Saturday - fruity, Sunday - eat what you want. So you can lose weight by 5-7 kg in just three weeks.

There are several types of "shock diets." They all differ slightly from each other and, as a rule, the calculation is based on a reduction in caloric intake, or a reduction of intake of fluid, fat and carbohydrates. Therefore, if you start this method of losing weight without talking to your doctor, follow the main rule: listen to the reaction of the organism. Do not drive yourself to the disease because of the desire to quickly get rid of excess weight.

If you feel dizzy and lose your appetite, it is likely to "shock diet" - not for you. Refer to a reliable and long-lasting ways. Live under the motto: "Do not get fat! "Lose weight slowly, count calories. Remember, the faster the body to lose extra weight, the easier it is gaining them again. Do not cut the number of meals, eat more often, but small portions. When the body is hungry, it produces toxins. Less sweets, canned food, salt and alcohol (a glass of wine - it is 100 calories)! Drink the juice in the morning and do not cram the night. The period of highest activity of the digestive system - from 12 to 17 hours.

Physical training every day

And, most importantly, without a physical education you can not do. You can choose anything you like: aerobics, or shaping, exercisers or charging on TV, yoga or dance. All are aimed at improvement of the body and differ only approach. But the availability of other - an ordinary morning (day, evening, as you wish) gymnastics. Ten minutes of exercise every day and elegant forms you provided.

Do not just say that your lifestyle does not allow you to deal with them. If you have a day was found ten minutes to charge, or you do not want to eat less, do not blame life and ordinary laziness. It is only in fairy tales, wonderful solve problems with one stroke of a magic wand. In life also have to work hard to achieve the desired goal.

 Calories and proper nutrition: how to find the way to a slim figure

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