Thursday, 29 December 2016

Symptoms and treatment of yeast infection in the baby

 Symptoms and treatment of yeast infection in the baby


  • What is thrush? Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment of the disease

Thrush in children is very common, every third rib baby suffers from this disease. But not every mother is well aware that this disease so and how to deal with it properly.
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What is thrush? Causes

Candidiasis (thrush in people) - a fungal inflammatory disease, which is excited by the yeast Candida.

It usually occurs in infants, but may be at an older age. In an infant this fungus most often affects the oral mucosa, and less sexual organs.

All caring mothers immediately appear the following questions: where does this disease? that is a hotbed of infection?

Ways of infection, of course, can be a lot. But the important thing to note is that if my mother was sick during pregnancy candidiasis of genitals, that is a high probability that the disease during childbirth will go to the child. Even if the child vomits frequently, the oral cavity is formed acidic environment is very favorable for the growth and reproduction of the fungus Candida. So be sure to remember the rules of hygiene. Dirty pacifier or toy, raised off the floor, which the child took in the mouth can trigger yeast expression.

Thrush in children can also occur against the background of other ailments, such as after taking antibiotics. Fungi of the genus Candida is present in limited amounts in the body of each person. But it is, figuratively speaking, sleep lifestyle, as long as there was a favorable environment for its existence. He immediately felt a weakened immune system in humans and begins to carry out its violent activities, multiply and manifest in the form of such an unpleasant disease, as thrush in children.

 Symptoms and treatment of yeast infection in the baby
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Symptoms of thrush in children more. The first sign of the disease - small red dots in the mouth of the child, who soon becomes cheesy. These rashes also can be very painful for the baby, so the baby can become restless, refuse to eat. Later white coating can be covered with all the mouth, lips and even the throat. And if the parents just do not react to these symptoms, candida can go to the genitals or even develop into intestinal candidiasis, which, of course, can be very dangerous for the health of the child.

Before treatment necessarily need to show the child experienced pediatrician, who accurately diagnose and prescribe treatment. However, it is important to identify and eliminate all the factors that triggered the disease, in order to avoid re-infection. At constant regurgitation note feeding technique. Do not forget to hold the baby after eating vertically to could get all of the air, which he swallowed while eating.

 Symptoms and treatment of yeast infection in the baby
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Treatment of the disease

If thrush has begun on the background of reduced immunity or some other disease such as acute respiratory infections, it is necessary to make every effort to improve the immune system and fight the common cold or cough. Well, if you notice problems with a chair at the crumbs, it too can cause thrush. It is recommended to examine the baby's intestines and, if necessary, seeking treatment for dysbiosis.

In general, if possible remove the cause of the disease, it is easier to cope with the aftermath.

It is important not to forget that the child is still very small, and many of the medications are contraindicated to him. And remember that candidiasis - is a fungal disease and treat it should be anti-fungal drugs.

One drug in the fight against thrush will not be enough. It is necessary after each feeding to give the child a drink of water to wash away the leftover food in the mouth. It is necessary to regularly wipe the baby's mouth. For wiping rotika can be accessed as a drug that is usually prescribed by doctors, but you can use folk remedies, such as a weak solution of soda or an infusion of marigold flowers. Wipe your mouth should be as often as possible, using gauze moistened with a solution.

 Symptoms and treatment of yeast infection in the baby

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