Friday, 2 December 2016

How do manicure on short nails? The main desire!

 How do manicure on short nails? The main desire!


  • Natural beauty is always in fashion
  • French manicure short nails
  • Tips for applying nail polish
  • The choice of color for short nails

Beautiful and well-groomed nails - the pride of every woman. It performed at the proper level manicure is as important accessory than fashionable jewelry and stylish handbag. And not necessarily for this to have long nails - the proper manicure on short nails look as beautiful and elegant as well as on long. Important to this process be given time to approach it responsibly and carefully. Then, your nails will be a wonderful addition to any image. So, what to do to short nails are not inferior to the beauty of the longest?

Natural beauty is always in fashion

Ladies who prefer a natural nail polish on short nails, should never shy away from the standard treatments for hands. Raw nails do not look aesthetically pleasing, and do not cause inspiration for men. To make your nails the best of the best, you will need:

  • Manicure Set;
  • Sea salt and olive oil;
  • Clearcoat;
  • Hand bath.

For a start, treat your pen water treatments. Prepare a bath with a few drops of olive oil and sea salt. These ingredients will soften the skin, making it pleasant to the touch. Next, treat the hand scrub, rinse them well and grease nourishing cream. Now, take an orange stick, which must be present in any manicure set and gently move the cuticle pretreated it with a special tool to soften. By the way, the cuticle to grow more slowly means you need to use several times a day until you have a positive effect.

Now you need to give marigolds neat shape. Try that they are not too short - at least 1-2 millimeters should act on your fingertip. The best option for so long is a form of "soft box". Processing short nails nail file (as well as the length) must be carried out in the same direction in order to avoid separation of the nail plate. Now apply the coating - and a manicure is ready! Yes, try to use gloss varnish is as dull tend to shorten the nails.

 How do manicure on short nails? The main desire!

French manicure short nails

French manicure has always been important. And most importantly, it looks great, as long or short nails.

  • Immediately before applying nail polish must be degreased nails, for this means to wipe them with nail polish remover;
  • Manicure on short nails will last longer if to put it on a base coat;
  • If the nail plate is uneven, you can use spies - a special tool to align. Apply a base coat it instead;
  • Now take the white paint from a set of French manicure and paint the tips of the nails. Try to make sure swabs, ideally varnish is applied by three strokes: one in the middle of the nail, the second and the third - on the sides;
  • To keep clear boundaries, use the special stickers, available in a set of fatigues;
  • After drying remove the tips of the labels and covers the entire nail translucent finish - it can be beige, pale pink or cream. Here guided by your own taste.

Well, that's all - French manicure on short nails ready! Make it is not difficult - 15-20 minutes of free time, and your pen ready to enter into the light.

 How do manicure on short nails? The main desire!

Tips for applying nail polish

  • Take a favorite nail polish, type it in the brush (if there is a surplus, remove them on the neck of the bubble);
  • Trays brush to the nail and rests in its base trim brush stroke hold up. Try to do everything carefully, to obtain a clean outline and clear;
  • The same is also done in the sides of the nail plate;
  • Wait until the paint is dry, apply a second coat;
  • In the final, we are sure to make a restorative coating. It will help preserve the beauty of nails for a longer period.

The choice of color for short nails

If you do not have the skills, ideally, manicure, try using lighter shades of lacquer. Always look spectacular color close to skin tone: pink, beige, cream, golden. Having learned to gently apply the varnish, you can begin to experiment. Mistakenly believe that the nails with a small length of bright colors do not look good. The most important thing to choose the color that is suitable to your image.

Dark tones such as chocolate, violet, cherry will look bright and shocking. You can try a manicure in a more extravagant colors: bright yellow, orange, green. The main thing to remember is that each case should be the appropriate manicure. Of course, do not need to go to work with green fingernails, but to a theme party - why not! Learn how to submit like a king in any situation, if unattended, you will not stay!

 How do manicure on short nails? The main desire!

We advise to check: Easy manicure short nails

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