- Pregnancy after birth: Myth or Reality?
- Condoms - the main method of contraception
- Aperture (vaginal cap)
- Birth control pills
- Contraceptive injections and plasters
- Intrauterine System and Spiral
- The natural method of contraception
Contraception after giving birth - this topic is so mired in stereotypes that many difficult to determine. For example, young mothers are of the opinion that in the first months after birth, if a woman is breastfeeding and menstruation are not improved, unwanted pregnancy can not occur. This is possible, but there is a list of conditions, which, in this case, you need to perform.
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Pregnancy after birth: Myth or Reality?
If immediate postpartum woman becomes pregnant again, then childbearing may worsen as the state of health of mother and fetus. That is why very often interrupt a pregnancy by artificial means, but it is, in turn, pulls the heavy physical and psychological trauma.
Doctors recommend to restore the sexual life is not earlier than 3-4 weeks after childbirth.
But few listen to this advice, often intimate relationships are renewed before.
If after birth you have not had menstruation, it does not mean that pregnancy does not threaten you. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor to pick out the appropriate method of contraception.
Below is a brief description of the main suggested method of contraception after pregnancy, taking into account the pros and cons of each.
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Condoms - the main method of contraception
Male condoms is probably the easiest of all the existing methods. All that is required - it's just to have them on hand at the right moment. If this method is used correctly, the experts assure the reliability of about 98%.
The use of male condoms is right for you if:
- you have no desire or possibility to take hormone pills or other drugs;
- you continue to breastfeed;
- using different intravaginal contraceptive you there is no feeling of discomfort;
- do you smoke.
It is better to abandon this method if:
- you are allergic to latex (by the way, there are condoms that use other material);
- you do not want to interrupt affection to pursue this remedy.
Female condoms are inserted into the vagina so that the outer edge remains outside, that is, around the labia. When used properly, the level of protection against unwanted pregnancy is 95%.
Using the female condom is right for you if:
- hormones for you taboos;
- you continue to breastfeed;
- you do not feel uncomfortable when using intravaginal protection;
- do you smoke;
- You want to protect yourself from diseases that are sexually transmitted.
It is better to abandon this method if:
- you do not want to use intravaginal contraceptive;
- you do not want to interrupt the sexual act.
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Aperture (vaginal cap)
Vaginal cap in something similar to a condom: an elastic rubber ring is stretched thin. Before you use need to see a specialist, so he determined what size fits you. The diaphragm should be inserted into the vagina before intercourse so that one was located at the edge of the pubic bone, and the other - at the rear vaginal vault. Thus, a kind of barrier that prevents sperm to enter the uterus. The diaphragm should be removed from the vagina after 3-4 hours after intercourse. When used properly, they can provide protection for about 92-96%.
Vaginal diaphragms and caps can be used if:
- you do not want to drink hormones;
- you feed your baby breast;
- using intravaginal means you do not feel uncomfortable;
- do you smoke.
It is not necessary to use a cap, if:
- you do not want to use the vaginal contraceptive;
- you are allergic to latex or spermicides;
- you inconvenient to use spermicidal gel or cream;
- you're not going to interrupt affection for protection;
- you have observed a tendency to infectious diseases of the reproductive system, particularly the bladder;
- your muscles of the perineum are weak.
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Birth control pills
Combined oral contraceptives contain estrogen and progesterone. The tablets need to take a course of 21 days (every day), and then to organize a break of 7 days.
This method of contraception is right for you if:
- you do not want to use this method of contraception, which should be applied in advance;
- hormonal contraceptives you are not prohibited;
- critical days are painful;
- irregular menstrual cycle takes place;
- during menstruation have been profuse bleeding;
- you seriously carry ICP;
- you are prone to acne;
- you do not smoke.
Do not take these medications if:
- you refuse to take hormone pills;
- you continue to breastfeed;
- age of over 35 years, and you smoke, or to quit less than a year ago;
- you have heart disease or blood vessels;
- you regularly take drugs is difficult;
- you do not want to change their menstrual cycle for a specified period;
- you have found breast cancer or you get rid of him 5 years ago;
- you suffer complications or common form of diabetes for over 20 years;
- you have been overweight;
- sometimes anxious migraine;
- You're gallbladder disease or liver and taking drugs.
Progestogens pill or mini-pill, you need to take the time - every day. These tablets contain a progestogen only.
You can use this means of contraception if:
- you can take hormone pills;
- menstrual cycles have irregular;
- you continue to breastfeed;
- critical days you are painfully;
- you do not want to use contraception in advance;
- you are over 35 and smoke;
- you seriously carry PMS.
Do not take this hormonal medication if:
- You can not drink hormonal tablets;
- you find it difficult to regularly take drugs;
- you've had breast cancer, or liver;
- you cut out a cyst of the ovary;
- you suffer from vaginal bleeding between the critical days;
- you are familiar with the problem of an ectopic pregnancy.
The reliability of both methods of contraception is 99%.
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Contraceptive injections and plasters
Contraceptive injections can be done for 12 or 8 weeks. For this hormonal contraceptive is administered intramuscularly, and it gradually enters the blood.
You can do yourself these injections if:
- You can take hormones;
- you are breast-feeding;
- you find it difficult to take a daily pill;
- at least a year, you are not going to get pregnant;
- do you smoke;
- you are hard to bear the critical days and suffer from PMS;
- you want to be protected for a long time;
- you do not mind if you go to stop menstruation.
It is better to abandon the hormone injections, if:
- you can not take hormonal drugs;
- you are afraid of injections;
- at least one year you are planning to become pregnant;
- you have liver trouble, and problems with blood vessels;
- you are ill or have recovered from breast cancer 5 years ago;
- after sex you are bleeding;
- you have diabetes for a long time;
- you are afraid of overweight (about 3 kg).
Dose contraceptive patch releases estrogen that enters the bloodstream through the skin. It must be replaced every 7 days.
Such protection is right for you if:
- You can take hormones;
- you carry painful periods and PMS;
- difficult for you regularly drink tablets;
- you do not smoke;
- you are experiencing heavy bleeding.
It is better not to use the patch if:
- you are not allowed to take hormones;
- you feed your baby breast;
- you are suffering from heart disease, diseases of the liver and gallbladder, obesity;
- you are the owner of sensitive skin;
- you often have migraines;
- you have a severe form of diabetes;
- you are simultaneously taking some other drugs.
Guarantee protection against unwanted pregnancy in both cases about 99%.
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Intrauterine System and Spiral
Intrauterine system - a small plastic device that is inserted into a woman's body for 5 years. It allows you to do dosed progestogen into the bloodstream.
Such a remedy is right for you if:
- You can take hormones;
- you are breast-feeding;
- you find it difficult to regularly take pills;
- you're not going to get pregnant again in the near future;
- you suffer from painful heavy bleeding;
- you are comfortable with this method of contraception that stops monthly.
It is better to refrain from intrauterine system if:
- You are not allowed hormones;
- you suffer from venereal or contagious disease;
- You have been an anomaly structure of the uterus or poor smear;
- you have a weak heart, liver;
- you have recovered or are suffering from breast cancer.
The intrauterine device, or the spiral may be in the uterus from 3 to 10 years. Spiral prevents the penetration of sperm or, in extreme cases, the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus.
The spiral can be used if:
- you are breast-feeding;
- you find it difficult to take medication regularly;
- you do not plan to become pregnant the next few years.
No need to put a spiral, if:
- you have been allergic to copper;
- you suffer from abnormal structure of the uterus and you have a bad pap;
- you have found or sexually transmitted infections;
- monthly you heavy and painful;
- you are afraid that during the critical days of bleeding to increase.
Both remedies can provide more than 99% protection against unwanted pregnancy.
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The natural method of contraception
This method of protection against unwanted pregnancy requires that you yourself will assume ovulation and avoid sex during this time.
This method of protection is right for you if:
- you can not take hormonal drugs;
- you feed your baby breast;
- menstrual cycles have irregular;
- you are not hard to follow the daily cycle, secretions and urine;
- you do not want to use contraceptives to be provided in advance.
It is better not to risk it and do not use this method if:
- you are on maternity leave, and you find it difficult to follow all the indicators (secretions, urine, cycle), or have no desire to do so;
- you need a reliable contraceptive protection.
It is difficult to say whether this method is effective, because it all depends on the chosen method and quality count. If all calculations are correct, it can protect you up to 99%. It is best not to rely and trust the natural protection, and consult with a specialist.
Hoping that by increasing the range of breastfeeding, you will not get pregnant, it is not necessary. If not a few months, then a year after giving birth necessarily need to choose a method of protection, if you still continue to practice breastfeeding. To do this, you need to consult with a specialist to chosen contraception after delivery was robust.
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