Wednesday, 21 December 2016

New year with health benefits

 New year with health benefits

New Year's Day - a traditional feast, fun parties and ... serious stress for the body. The New Year's eve hectic we often forget about the need to monitor the health and eat right. The result - a heaviness in the stomach, extra weight and other unpleasant consequences for the organism.

How to restore the body after merriment?

First you need to take care of proper nutrition. At least for some time excluded from the diet fried, spicy and salty foods, hot and strong drinks. Try eating small portions every two or three hours, approximately six to eight times per day. The morning begins with oatmeal, which helps protect the gastric mucosa and well absorbed by the body.

 New year with health benefits

But the most important secret of good health - the use of mineral water Essentuki. This mineral water drinking even our grandparents, she still poured from the wells, known since the Soviet era! The quality and properties of mineral water "Essentuki" the test of time, and its regular use which will ensure good health.

Essentuki have a unique composition of minerals, each of which has a beneficial effect on the body. Table water Essentuki №4 activates the production of acid glands of the digestive tract and motor function, promotes metabolism of basic substances, improves liver function mochevyvedeniya, zhelchevyvedeniya, as well as the pancreas.

Also, from the body to quickly remove toxins and harmful substances, which is particularly important after consuming heavy meals and alcoholic beverages in the New Year holidays.

 New year with health benefits

But it is important to take a responsible approach to the selection of the correct water. Essentuki №4 - is alkaline water of medium mineralization and Essentuki №17 - acidic water of high salinity. Select "those very" Essentuki help following instructions on the label: GOST R 54316-2011, Essentuki field - the same field, the water from which drinking our countrymen and foreign guests for generations. Also note the number of wells, from which water was poured, for example, Essentuki number 4 - out of the hole number 49-E and Essentuki №17 - from the well №46.

The use of such Essentuki - a great opportunity to take care of your body: not only improve health, but also to prolong youth and beauty.

A legendary green bottle "ever" Essentuki perfectly fit into the traditional New Year's atmosphere.

Holiday greetings!

Water is used in non-acute diseases. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

 New year with health benefits

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