Monday, 19 December 2016

How to propagate the Ficus benjamina

 How to propagate the Ficus benjamina


  • Vegetative reproduction of Ficus
  • The method of reproduction by cuttings of Ficus Benjamin in the substrate
  • Mass reproduction of Ficus
  • Seed propagation of Ficus
  • Cloning figs

Many of us remember when mentioning ficus elastica is that decorate our homes in the Soviet times. But lately, a huge popular Ficus benjamina - large and spreading shrub is not the most demanding of care. Naturally, fans of this type of question arises: how to propagate Ficus? We decided to talk about all the options, and you choose a suitable for your particular situation.

It is important that before you multiply Ficus benjamina .   the mother plant was absolutely great. The best time to obtain new species is considered to be spring and early summer - when young shoots have time to take root and grow strong well into the beginning of the cold season.

Ficus Benjamin reproduces the following ways:

  • cuttings;
  • cloning;
  • seeds.

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Vegetative reproduction of Ficus

Propagation by cuttings can be applied to the vast majority of figs, and not only to the variety. Primarily harvested cuttings. To do this, you need a sharp knife to cut the apical already poluoderevenevshie branches up to 15 cm. The cut is made diagonally. You can not harvest the cuttings with scissors or blunt objects - they crush tissues shoots and substantially inhibit the establishment.

Large leaves with the cuttings removed to prevent excessive evaporation of moisture, and an average of three leaves are left on the stalk. Milky juice on a cut eye-catching, quickly hardens and does not develop the root system. Therefore, you need to get rid of him as soon as the cuttings are procured: you can either wash the juice running water until he stops to speak, or to put the cutting into a jar with clean water and change it every two hours. After the juice stops to stand out, the cut must be dry in the open air a couple of hours.

The warm water ficus root fairly quickly. To prevent decay processes, add the water a tablet of activated charcoal and make sure the lower leaves do not touch the water. Capacity, where the cuttings for rooting, must be sufficiently lit area, but not in direct sunlight. As the evaporation of the water topped up.

Cuttings require high humidity and heat, and such conditions are much easier to create a mini-teplichke. About a couple of weeks can appear bright build-up, so-called kalusnaya fabric from which later formed the roots. Once the handle appeared roots, it can be planted in a conventional substrate.

 How to propagate the Ficus benjamina
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The method of reproduction by cuttings of Ficus Benjamin in the substrate

In addition to the standard method of rooting cuttings in water, propagation by cuttings can be immediately implemented in the substrate: the wet sand, peat, perlite or vermiculite. The blank cuttings produced in the same manner as in the previous process, and is required to wash latex. After the slice dry, it is filled with powdered charcoal and immersed in the ground on one kidney. To create the necessary conditions for young Ficus benjamina top cover banks or placed in a mini-teplichku polyethylene.

The land must always be moist but not waterlogged. Periodically, cuttings need to be aired - this will help avoid rotting. It is better that the earth was warm and can be used to heat the hot water bottle or a warm battery. Understand that took root ficus, can be on the emergence of new leaves. But once the greenhouse can not be opened, it is done gradually accustoming young plant to the new conditions of detention.
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Mass reproduction of Ficus

In order to get young Ficus benjamina, you only need a small piece of stem with one leaf on it with the middle or upper part of the trunk. In principle, one can escape to get as much finished cuttings, leaves much it is. The top slice needs to be done directly on axillary buds, the lower section - on the bias, then pick up most of the interstices.

The ground bury most of the sheet cutting; make sure that the petiole remains on the surface. Himself leaf must be rolled into a tube and secure with a rubber band. You can set a peg formed through a straw - so cutting will be more stable. Teplichku is pushed in the required number of cuttings and closed polyethylene. It requires heating of the soil and regular airing cuttings. About a month later, they take root and leaves of the new release.

To rooting passed faster recommend the lower cut ficus make a pair of incisions (depending on the thickness of the barrel, the notches may be more). You can spend longitudinal crack a few inches from the lower edge. The more the wound surface, the more kalusnaya formed tissue and, consequently, faster new roots appear.

What would you choose: rooting in water or in the ground - it is desirable to treat the lower part of the cuttings root stimulator special. Alternatively, you can pre-soaked in a solution of cutting stimulator, or in the water, where it will be cutting, add a few drops kornevina.

Beginners are advised to be propagated by cuttings Ficus benjamina in water. So it is much easier to follow the process and the decay can be prevented from below. Small comfortable rooting cuttings in special pots for seedlings with a removable bottom. In the future it will be very easy to implement handling of young plants in pots with a larger diameter.

 How to propagate the Ficus benjamina
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Seed propagation of Ficus

In this way, at home Ficus benjamina reproduce difficult, if not impossible. But if you have the seeds, they should be treated pre-growth stimulants and fungicides, then sow to a wet surface and light substrate. Capacity with seeds cover with foil and place in a mini-teplichku. For seed germination is necessary to constantly maintain a temperature in the range of 25-30 degrees. After germination germs is necessary to provide bright illumination, otherwise sprouts strongly elongated.
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Cloning figs

Industrial procedure, in which the reproduction of Ficus benjamina. This method is based on the properties of totipotent plant cells. Simply put, its ability under certain conditions and with full power to generate exactly the same plant.

Each cell stores the full information on the mother plant and can re-create an exact copy. Plants obtained in this manner are obtained completely identical, but free from various infections, if any were present in the parent plant. Ficus Benjamin thus obtained, a little smaller in size and well branched.

 How to propagate the Ficus benjamina

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