- The benefits of fasting days
- How to properly conduct discharge day on rice?
- Menu on the fasting day on rice
- What is a fasting day on rice?
How many of you, dear readers, do not dream about the perfect diet that will easily and naturally get rid of the extra kilos, cleanse the body and improve health? Perhaps such units. But we can not go on a diet just like that - you need to prepare for the upcoming changes in lifestyle. And ideal for this purpose will be fasting day on rice.
The benefits of fasting days
There are a variety of discharge for weight loss, but it is a rice fasting day is considered the best, because this cereal has a luxurious cleansing properties. Figure gentle on the body, it removes toxins, excess fluid, as well as qualitatively cleanses the intestines. Moreover, this figure includes the required amount of carbohydrates and proteins to burn fat. So fasting day on rice - is not only a way to cause the internal organs in order, but the method of achieving a slim waist!
Why rice fasting day more efficient and safer diets? Firstly, it is a real help in cleansing the body. After all, our body is open 24 hours a day without breaks and days off. Imagine how it is tired of endless dieting and starvation? Arranging fasting day on rice, you're giving your stomach a break and rest, because the figure is much more easily absorbed and digested than usual diverse food. With this food hiatus body can start the self-cleaning internal mechanism, in which it quickly brings the accumulated garbage. After all, on other days he is simply not enough this time and effort.
How to properly conduct discharge day on rice?
Optimally arrange discharge day on rice at least 1 time per week. The diet must be present with a low-calorie meals from the products of the same type. Do not be confused during unloading diet proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This will reduce the efficiency and worsen the outcome. Getting started on a diet for the handling of the day, it is important to remember a few simple rules.
- Do not start fasting day on rice, if you feel unwell or weakness. It is better to postpone until recovery undertaking.
- Do not make the fasting days, when you have a bad mood. Indeed, the main key to success - a positive attitude!
- Choose to cleanse the body are days when you do not exercise and physical activity level is not too high. It is necessary that the body really rested.
- Plan not only the menu but also the day in general. It is important that you were always busy with something, and time on the thought of food remained. Read a book, which has long been gathering dust on the shelf, look at the film, which has long wanted to chat with friends or just take a walk.
- Eat in the days of discharge diet more water. It is advisable to snack drink about 2 liters.
- Properly get out of the discharge. Do not lean on the sweet, fat, etc. Optimal use the next day vegetable salads, fruits and juices. Poultry meat, steamed, and low-fat dairy products will allow you to quickly enough.
Preparing for the discharge day on rice is also extremely important. Once you have selected a day to unload, prepare the rice. This is a very important point, because eating a boiled barley you will not get such a good result. Therefore, in advance for 4 days prior to the date set rice soaked in warm water every day and be sure to change the water.
The fact that in the process of soaking the grains of rice is formed on a component which is just absorbs harmful substances in themselves and brings them out of your body. Through this component improves metabolism, cleanses the liver and kidneys. But you can use boiled barley. It is best to use a brown rice diet, but if this is not possible, then fit and classic white.
Menu on the fasting day on rice
Soak in water for 3 days or boil 100g of rice. It is important to remember that no salt is used in general these days. The resulting volume is divided into three equal portions: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Ready rice can be stored in the refrigerator and reheat before eating on a steam bath.
Can vary porridge vegetables or fruits, but no more than 100g per day. But the greens are not limited to, meaning you can easily add it to any meal. Drink the best herbal teas or green tea an hour after a meal or half an hour before meals.
What is a fasting day on rice?
Of course, fasting days for weight loss - it is a good and affordable option. But not everyone can spend the whole day on one only rice without salt and water. Therefore, there were softer variation of fasting days, which involved 2-3 types of products. Here are a few examples of such discharges.
- Apple-rice fasting day
In general, this recipe is different from the classical fasting day. The only deviation from the rules - instead of water, and tea you can drink only apple juice. But if hunger has become so intrusive that it no strength to endure, you can treat yourself to a pair of sweet-sour apple is medium sized.
- Milk and rice fasting day
Another very popular option for weight loss fasting day. Figure boiled or soaked as in the classical version, but is not divisible by 3 and 5 parts. Each meal should drink 300ml low-fat milk. Milk helps to feel satiety faster.
- Fitness fasting day on rice
This option is chosen for himself the people who try to stick around healthy lifestyle. On the day of boiled or soaked 1st Class rice without salt. The porridge is added 1st. l sesame seed and turmeric or curry seasoning. Drink at the bottom of this discharge is allowed green tea without sugar, and plain water.
As you can see, fasting days - this is a fairly simple procedure that can safely hold once a week. So you can help your body become healthier and the body slim and beautiful. But do not forget about physical activity, diet, and because no hunger strike will not give you toned silhouette without sports!
We recommend to check out: Apple fasting day
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