Friday, 30 December 2016

As the new year to realize the dream

 As the new year to realize the dream

Realized his dream is easier than it seems. True, but the desire you need willpower, nerves of steel and easy steps. For those who are mature enough to realize his dream into reality, we offer a sequence of five todo-steps.

Step 1. Raise self-esteem

The right attitude - it is half the battle. Before you start going for their dreams, create a virtual support group. It is necessary to turn four. Moreover, you can use all your imagination and use people from Frank Sinatra to Yuri Gagarin and Albert Einstein. Select those whose position in life appeals to you. Of course, this can be really living people.

Chose? Now it's your family. Then write what each of these people may tell you to inspire. For example, Yuri Gagarin might say, 'Light is very purposeful. It is lightning fast, like a rocket. It all turns out. " Do the same with all members of your virtual family. Save the text and carry a motivation for recharging.

Step 2. Determine the strengths

The next step - to understand what you manage to do just fine. Make a list of the twenty lessons that you enjoy watching and from whom your soul sings. Now you need to find patterns in this list and cut it down to three sessions. Most likely, you will see a pretty clear picture of what you really are strong.

Let's say you get such conclusions: Do you like to travel, to communicate with people and to help the environment. Think about how this can be combined? Maybe organize a voyage around the world with an ecological subtext?

Step 3. Create a real support group

We advise you to choose any man from your environment, which you could move to the dream together. You move towards your goal, and he - to his. That's just you do it in parallel, supporting each other.

Agree with the person on the weekly meetings. He should check your checklist, and you - it. If someone of you "free" and does not fulfill the obligations, enter penalties.

Step 4. Try your strength

We begin to move toward his dream. Most people fear that they have made the wrong choice, but it does not matter, because there are several ways to test his hypothesis. You need to try what you have selected. For example, it is a dream, which was announced in Step №2. You have several options for "touchstone". And the simplest of them - become a volunteer or an intern.

You can get a volunteer or intern in almost any organization of international scope. Let it be even the WWF or Greanpeace. Enterprising people are needed everywhere and always.

Step 5: Get up on your feet

Finally, you realize that to travel and help nature - this is exactly what you want. Now we have to draw a flow chart that shows where do you move on.

You need to paint all sorts of options on how to make your dream become a matter of your life. For example, you can take the environmentally "floating" seminar on the ships, or to develop eco-tour for local tourist agencies and become his guide; or come to the environmental organization with the idea of ​​sailing round the world in support of any ekoprogrammy.

Options for dreams are always tens and hundreds! The main thing is to take action!

Based on the book publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" "Dream on."

 As the new year to realize the dream

Consulting an astrologer on the internet

 Consulting an astrologer on the internet
The life of the modern woman is very rich and fruitful - career, personal life, hobbies, travel, friends, etc. . d .  The entire cycle of fully captures, sometimes even without leaving a minute to look back and somehow to reassess certain achievements, constraints, challenges ... But these same problems in life can have a completely different nature of occurrence .  There are situations when the heart says one thing, and reason tells another, and intuition is not always the best friend in making responsible decisions .  Women by nature are very emotional, and even fears, fears, insecurities - all this greatly affects their lives and can lead to the commission of acts that result in any harm or destroy relationships with loved ones, colleagues, friends .  To understand the cause of problems in life, to understand them, to find harmony and be happy to help the astrologer's consultation on Skype .  Qualified consulting astrologer one of the best options for out of difficult situation in which the woman is no longer able to understand .

Over the last decade, astrology as a science is very popular in the study of both the West and in Russia, this is due to saturation of the market of computers and free Internet access to the various static information, which is necessary for astrological research .  And many important points and laws of this science have found their scientific justification and proof in the preparation of economic forecasts .  Astrology affects different areas of a person and can be interpreted as the psychological and physical health of women .  It is often many life difficulties may arise because of the lack of confidence due to various systems, such as those associated with a variety of speech defects .  That is why speech therapy to Skype is not only useful for its defectological hand, but will also be an integral component in the development of psychological and improve your life for the better .  Many speech therapists often have speech therapy in addition to the seasoned professional education and psychological .  As they say, human life - is a puzzle-picture, which you need to properly collect, working on themselves and not just listening to the advice of relatives and friends, but also by using all sorts of recommendations of experts .

Let's look at the major challenges facing the astrologer, but this bit of history. The role of the astrologer was important at all times, and it caused a greater interest in women than in men. This is understandable, because women are more sensitive to the rhythms of nature and astrology - science. Astrologer can be compared to a doctor, who can determine the destiny of man, to point out that it is beneficial and what is not, to announce the date of a favorable marriage, help prevent many tragedies, to choose the day of an important event: weddings, operations, travel, etc. Astrology is translated from Sankrti "Jyotish" which means "eye" and impossible to live without eyes.

What helps the astrologer to see a person's life at a right angle, a sober assessment of the situation taking place and find the right solution? The answer is simple - the natal chart, which is an accurate diagnostic tool, and allows you to perform the following tasks:

  1. Seeing all the moments of life in the past, present and future;
  2. To analyze the personality characteristics of a person;
  3. Deal with the source of the problem and give necessary recommendations to address them;
  4. Make a prediction and propose options for the future.

We single out the main situations in which an astrologer can help consulting on Skype:

  1. Work - Definition of a favorable date of transition to new employment, dismissal, change of position, the definition of the favorable areas for work that would lead to success, recognition, promotion, enjoyable;
  2. Personal relationships - family relationships with relatives, children, loved one, the lack of children and families, as well as identifying the causes of what is happening;
  3. Forecast interactions with significant others, problems in the selection of a partner for a relationship - astrologer online help prevent wrong decisions, to deal with removing the lessons of life, etc .;
  4. Marriage / Divorce - certain favorable periods and dates significant to human life events;
  5. Health - determining the causes of disease and the regular finding solutions to them, determining the date of surgery and the importance of its implementation;
  6. Money - determining the causes of problems with money, search for solutions and ways to enhance the luck to attract them.

Working knowledge of astrology will help any woman to become a happy, successful and confident in themselves, living in harmony with the universe. Education on Skype blurs the boundaries between people and help everyone who wants to create a strong and united family, to improve relations in the team, to be healthy and beautiful thanks to astrology and the mysteries of the recommendations of a professional.

 Consulting an astrologer on the internet

Thursday, 29 December 2016

At what age can begin to play designer?

 At what age can begin to play designer?

The first years of baby's life - this is the first tentative steps, first word, first achievements. And, of course, from a very young age of the child accompanies the game. She had a way of expression, and the method of understanding reality, and the "dress rehearsal" of relations with people, and an indispensable tool in the development.

When your child turns six years old, you can with him to build turrets and build interesting buildings out of blocks, experimenting with different combinations of shapes and colors. These classes not only contribute to the development of fine motor skills, but also to get acquainted with the surrounding world. Some sets are composed so that they have different characters, animals and more for baby items. At first, the baby in the game need your help, but eventually it will be able to build their own cubes.

 At what age can begin to play designer?

In April 2014 you have the opportunity to receive the LEGO set ®   DUPLO ®   for free, buying diapers well-known manufacturer in the network of shops "Detsky Mir". Cubes of this set fit perfectly in the children's pen, so it can be for your child's first designer.

 At what age can begin to play designer?

Symptoms and treatment of yeast infection in the baby

 Symptoms and treatment of yeast infection in the baby


  • What is thrush? Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment of the disease

Thrush in children is very common, every third rib baby suffers from this disease. But not every mother is well aware that this disease so and how to deal with it properly.
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What is thrush? Causes

Candidiasis (thrush in people) - a fungal inflammatory disease, which is excited by the yeast Candida.

It usually occurs in infants, but may be at an older age. In an infant this fungus most often affects the oral mucosa, and less sexual organs.

All caring mothers immediately appear the following questions: where does this disease? that is a hotbed of infection?

Ways of infection, of course, can be a lot. But the important thing to note is that if my mother was sick during pregnancy candidiasis of genitals, that is a high probability that the disease during childbirth will go to the child. Even if the child vomits frequently, the oral cavity is formed acidic environment is very favorable for the growth and reproduction of the fungus Candida. So be sure to remember the rules of hygiene. Dirty pacifier or toy, raised off the floor, which the child took in the mouth can trigger yeast expression.

Thrush in children can also occur against the background of other ailments, such as after taking antibiotics. Fungi of the genus Candida is present in limited amounts in the body of each person. But it is, figuratively speaking, sleep lifestyle, as long as there was a favorable environment for its existence. He immediately felt a weakened immune system in humans and begins to carry out its violent activities, multiply and manifest in the form of such an unpleasant disease, as thrush in children.

 Symptoms and treatment of yeast infection in the baby
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Symptoms of thrush in children more. The first sign of the disease - small red dots in the mouth of the child, who soon becomes cheesy. These rashes also can be very painful for the baby, so the baby can become restless, refuse to eat. Later white coating can be covered with all the mouth, lips and even the throat. And if the parents just do not react to these symptoms, candida can go to the genitals or even develop into intestinal candidiasis, which, of course, can be very dangerous for the health of the child.

Before treatment necessarily need to show the child experienced pediatrician, who accurately diagnose and prescribe treatment. However, it is important to identify and eliminate all the factors that triggered the disease, in order to avoid re-infection. At constant regurgitation note feeding technique. Do not forget to hold the baby after eating vertically to could get all of the air, which he swallowed while eating.

 Symptoms and treatment of yeast infection in the baby
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Treatment of the disease

If thrush has begun on the background of reduced immunity or some other disease such as acute respiratory infections, it is necessary to make every effort to improve the immune system and fight the common cold or cough. Well, if you notice problems with a chair at the crumbs, it too can cause thrush. It is recommended to examine the baby's intestines and, if necessary, seeking treatment for dysbiosis.

In general, if possible remove the cause of the disease, it is easier to cope with the aftermath.

It is important not to forget that the child is still very small, and many of the medications are contraindicated to him. And remember that candidiasis - is a fungal disease and treat it should be anti-fungal drugs.

One drug in the fight against thrush will not be enough. It is necessary after each feeding to give the child a drink of water to wash away the leftover food in the mouth. It is necessary to regularly wipe the baby's mouth. For wiping rotika can be accessed as a drug that is usually prescribed by doctors, but you can use folk remedies, such as a weak solution of soda or an infusion of marigold flowers. Wipe your mouth should be as often as possible, using gauze moistened with a solution.

 Symptoms and treatment of yeast infection in the baby

The rash in a child: how to help before the arrival of the physician

 The rash in a child: how to help before the arrival of the physician


  • Diseases of the skin of the child
  • Allergic reactions
  • Children's infectious diseases
  • Dangerous infectious diseases

Some parents are faced with a situation where the child has a rash appears on the back.

The child almost always complains that the back is scratched badly. In any case, with such symptoms should contact their pediatrician, but every parent should know what can be linked to a rash on the back of the child and what it might mean.

The disease, which may be accompanied by a rash on the back of a child can be quite a lot. But there is a list of the most common diseases that tend to carry it in childhood. These diseases can be divided into several groups: infectious diseases; skin diseases; allergic reaction.

The article will help you at least roughly a preliminary diagnosis (although this is - the problem of the doctor!), To determine the possible causes of the rash and assess the severity of the child's condition. This knowledge can help you, on the one hand, not to lose vigilance in the case of serious illness, and on the other, do not be alarmed early. But remember: do not self-medicate a child and be sure to call the doctor!

 The rash in a child: how to help before the arrival of the physician
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Diseases of the skin of the child

Let's start with the most harmless group of diseases. These include the prickly heat. Particularly susceptible to this disease infants. Symptoms of the disease are: the body of the child (in particular on the back, chest, neck, and other areas where there are sweat glands) produce fine pinkish rash. The cause of the disease can be either a lack of care for the child, too tight swaddling, overheating.

Coping with the heat rash can be on their own. First of all, you need a good wash with soap and baby, change linen and clothes and ensure that the baby is not lying in wet diapers a long time did not sweat. One can use baby powder in places where there is a rash. From now on you need to follow a number of rules: give the baby's skin to breathe, use creams with low-fat texture. If suddenly the child sweat, should immediately rinse it and change: it will help prevent prickly heat. To be afraid of this disease should not be - it is not an infectious disease and usually passes quickly.

The following disease is not fully applicable to diseases of the skin, but many parents are afraid it is not less - is the insect bites. Often mosquitoes attacking the child at the time of the year when anything else about them, or do not think, in late autumn or early spring. Bites on the child's body in the form of spots appear pink or red color. They appear in the open areas of the body, including the back, if the child was sleeping on her side. By themselves, mosquito bites are not dangerous, unless the child has an allergy to them.

The general mood and condition of the child remains the same: he is cheerful and active. The bites are accompanied by a slight itching, which does not disturb the baby. If the child has a severe allergic reaction to the bites, which is accompanied by severe redness, swelling and itching, you can give a child an antihistamine (eg, suprastin) and handle themselves bites special creams (Fenistil gel, psilobalzam).

 The rash in a child: how to help before the arrival of the physician
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Allergic reactions

Due to various factors, a child may have an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by a rash. Unfavorable environment, the products, the same insect bites, detergents and other hygiene products, bedding and fillers (feather, down), vitamins, medication - can be allergic to anything. An allergic rash in children - a very common phenomenon.

An allergic reaction is manifested on the skin with red spots of irregular shape, itching. Spots like the sting and occur very quickly after exposure to the allergen. And stains can appear anywhere, but often they observed a rash on the back of it. All this may be accompanied by indigestion, scabies, lethargy, or conversely, the excitation. Generally rashes are not dangerous in themselves and harm the child does not bring, but on the condition that will be detected and eliminated allergens. Otherwise, from a fairly benign condition can go into a really dangerous phase: swelling of the soft tissues (lips, eyes, neck), strangulation. This requires urgent hospitalization of the child.

If you find a child's allergic reaction, give it a sorbent (the simplest - activated charcoal, smectite, filtrum) and antihistamines (eg Phencarolum, suprastin). Skin can be applied fenistil gel and moisturizer. If possible, limit your child's contact with the allergen. Do not pull on a visit to a dermatologist, pediatrician or allergist.

 The rash in a child: how to help before the arrival of the physician
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Children's infectious diseases

That infectious diseases are the most dangerous of the three groups of diseases associated with skin rash in children. These include chicken pox, measles, rubella and others. Let us consider in more detail each of these ailments.

  • Varicella (chickenpox)

Chickenpox is manifested in the form of small spots, which a few hours later transferred to the stage of vesicles filled with clear liquid. Small bubbles are located on the back, chest, neck, abdomen and legs. A few days later they burst, formed crust. Treatment consists in the fact that burst bubbles must be lubricated green paint or potassium permanganate (solution saturated color) up until the crust fall off. Pluck they can not - they should fall yourself. They do not leave traces.

Chickenpox is a highly contagious infectious disease, so contact with the sick almost guarantee 100% that a child who has not had chickenpox, the infection. The good news is that chickenpox sick once in a lifetime and it is better if it is the child been ill in childhood: adults carry it extremely difficult, until death.

  • Roseola

In this disease, the rash appears not only on the back, but also throughout the body. Although it is on the back it is most pronounced. The rash is a small spot of light pink color, almost the same size, are flush with each other. For 4 days, it usually goes unnoticed. Rubella is also accompanied by an increase in the lymph nodes in the back of the head and gently symptoms of ARI. Children under 1 year is recommended to be vaccinated against rubella, and special treatment in case of infection is not assigned. Note, however, that the rash when rubella similar to measles, an infectious disease is therefore necessary to intervene in order to properly diagnose.

  • Roseola

This disease is also called "sudden exanthema" or "sixth disease." It is accompanied by a high fever that lasts 4-5 days, and the overall health of the child is normal. The temperature then falls and is distributed throughout the body rash. It has a pale pink color. Once the rash has appeared, the child is not a threat to infect other children. At a temperature of a child give antipyretic drugs, so take the rash of allergic reaction to the medication.

  • Vezikulopustulez

The disease is manifested rash pustular pimples small. They appear mainly on the back, as well as affected and of course, the baby's head. Pimples are filled with liquid inside. When they burst, then infect the skin, which are close by. It is a vicious circle. It is therefore important to prevent secondary infection, when the bubble bursts, it is necessary to immediately treat the brilliant green or potassium permanganate. Around pimples the skin can be treated with alcohol to prevent secondary infection. When the disease the child can not swim.

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Dangerous infectious diseases

There are some medical conditions that require immediate intervention of a physician, medical treatment and compulsory hospitalization of the child.

  • Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever sick once in a lifetime. The disease is highly contagious, so if you know that your baby is surrounded by someone ill with scarlet fever, beware the next 7-10 days - this time by a number of manifest illness. It begins with a very high temperature and sore throat, sore throat. Language by first thickly coated with white bloom, then it becomes shiny and red. The rash appears after a few hours of onset of the disease, and is located on the back, legs and folds in the skin it is generally more dense. The rash is fine, has the form of points. It takes a week and a half, and then begin to peel off the feet and hands, the skin is rough and dry. The disease is considered serious because it can give complications in the kidneys and heart. Treated only with medication with antibiotics. Furthermore, hospitalization is assigned.

  • Measles

The first sign of measles - a rash of large size and bright colors. She appears a few days after the baby is infected. At first, the rash appears on the neck and face, and applies 2-3 days on the back and other parts of the body. Measles is accompanied by high fever, sudden cough, runny nose, red eyes and sharp pain, sometimes photophobia. At the beginning of the disease in the buccal mucosa rash appears, similar to the semolina.

Until then, until the body of a child has a rash, it is dangerous to others. Usually the rash 4 day passes and the child danger to others is not. The risk of measles is, of course, not only in a rash, and that it can lead to serious complications: pneumonia, measles and bronchitis, in extreme cases - meningoencephalitis.

 The rash in a child: how to help before the arrival of the physician

Eruptions on the face of the child

 Eruptions on the face of the child


  • The causes of the rash on the face
  • Types of scars on the face of the child
  • Infectious diseases
  • Independent methods of dealing with a rash

The rash on the skin of a child - a phenomenon often enough.

This is a problem faced by many parents. Correct and timely diagnosis with treatment will get rid of the disease emerged.
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The causes of the rash on the face

Do not forget that a rash on the face of the child indicate the general condition of the body, so you should find out what is the cause of the rash. The most common occurrence of rash reflects the state of internal organs, such as intestines, kidneys, liver, pancreas. The reason could be a food allergy, a change in the environment, infectious disease, the differential temperature, the violation of the autonomic nervous system. Newborn cause rashes can be an unhealthy diet of the mother during pregnancy or during breast-feeding.

 Eruptions on the face of the child
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Types of scars on the face of the child

  • Toxic erythema of the newborn - a rash, occurring a few days after birth. It is a consequence of adaptive response of the body of the child to extrauterine environmental conditions. In addition to face this rash occurs on the chest, scalp, extremities. Rash is a dense red spots with gray bubbles in the center. It is not dangerous and has been held for 2-4 days.
  • Acne newborns. It occurs in the first days of life as a result of the first hormonal failure. Rash bright red, small, with pustules in the center of the pimple. She is covered only by a person in the area of ​​the forehead, nose, chin. The treatment does not require passes in 2-3 weeks, in exceptional cases - a few months.
  • Insect bites. They are characterized by pink or reddish spots on the face and other body parts. This rash is accompanied by a faint itching, general condition does not deteriorate, the child continues to run, play. If due to the bite of an allergic reaction is observed, the treatment is not required. With strong itching, redness should be given anti-allergic agent, for example, suprastin. Bites can be treated fenistil-gel which removes the irritation and swelling.
  • Sudamen - the most harmless and less painful rash. It manifested in the form of small pink spots that stand out slightly above the skin. In newborns it occurs on the back, neck, chest, rarely on the face. At the same time there is the normal body temperature. This rash occurs mainly in babies as a consequence of a lack of care for the body. To combat sudamen child should be washed with soap and water and dress in clean clothes. You can use talc or powder. In order to continue not arise such a problem, you should observe basic hygiene rules: make sure that the child is not sweating, overheating, take care of the clean diaper, bathe, adding water chamomile, celandine, mint, succession. Sudamen is not contagious and does not affect overall health.
  • Allergic rash. It manifested in the child a few hours after the allergen got into the body. There are spots, similar to the marks of burning nettle and starts itching. Allergic rash occurs in the form of nodules on his knees, the elbow and forearm. Maybe swelling of eyes, lips, internal organs, the larynx, angioedema.

Basically with an allergic rash facing infants, so the nursing mother must carefully monitor their diet and changes with the introduction of new products. Allergic rashes may also occur from taking medications and vaccinations. In the propagation of rash should immediately abandon the allergen source. Special treatment is needed, your doctor may prescribe an antihistamine medications - suprastin, tavegil. Allergens typically are:

  1. components of infant formula or food nursing mothers. It should change the mix or the mother eliminate the product that causes the allergy. This rule applies to babies. If allergy in older children, it is necessary to identify allergenic foods and to exclude it from the diet;
  2. medication. Allergy revealed strictly individual, with the appearance of the rash should see a doctor;
  3. pollen. During intense flowering plants should be possible to go out less,
  4. animal dander. Avoid contact with animals.
  • Infection - a dangerous source of a rash on the body of a child. To distinguish allergic rash of infectious measure the body temperature of a child. Exposure to elevated temperatures can judge the infectious disease. The presence of pimples from 2 to 10 mm is also evidence that the child has an infection. At higher temperatures, the presence of small red rash on the face of the child and a strong itch should immediately consult a doctor.

 Eruptions on the face of the child

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Infectious diseases

By diseases of infectious origin is scarlet fever. It occurs mainly in children older than three years. The symptoms are: punctulate rash, similar to the semolina, which manifests itself in the face, in the inguinal folds, armpits, on his stomach, the elbow, vomiting, headache, fever, sore throat, thus greatly inflamed tonsils.

The main danger is scarlet fever complications of the heart and kidneys. This requires strictly follow the doctor's instructions. Basically prescribed antibiotics.

Measles - an infectious disease with a distinctly pronounced rash towering above the skin. Acne first appear on the face and behind the ears, then have spread throughout the body. Symptoms: fever, red eyes, cough, runny nose, photophobia. When the spots the child begins to feel better. After the rash is pigmentation, but eventually disappears completely. Measles dangerous complications: pneumonia, bronchitis, meningoencephalitis. To avoid the effects of taking the medicine regularly, drinking lots of water. When the disease is necessary to properly ventilate the room and avoid contact with it to direct sunlight.

Chickenpox (varicella) - an infectious disease in which there are spots, which are blisters filled with clear liquid. They can appear on various parts of the body: arms, legs, neck and abdomen. Bubbles burst quickly enough, then formed a crust, which is a long time to come down.

The incubation period lasts from one to three weeks. First, acne appears a little, but then they are formed in a geometrical progression. Eruptions last about five days.

The main thing - to prevent skin contamination. Otherwise, on the site of the burst bubble can quickly settle the microbes, and then appear fester. Therefore, to avoid unpleasant consequences must be 1-2 times a day to lubricate the bubbles green paint to complete dropout crusts.

Chickenpox - common among children infectious disease. If the child been ill with chickenpox, then it is usually preserved immune to it for life.

Rubella - contagious disease, which manifests itself in the form of scarlet fever rash like and measles. In this case, rashes appear all over the body and kept for two to five days. The main symptoms: a little red throat, low-grade fever, in rare cases, inflamed submandibular and cervical lymph nodes. The rash looks like a skarlatinovuyu (small) and measles (the largest), hence the term "skarlatinovaya measles" and "German measles". Eruptions appear randomly on the body and keep two or three days, in rare cases up to five days. Children quite easy to carry the disease.

At the onset of symptoms the child should see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment assignment.

Meningococcal disease is most dangerous. This disease can be easily treated, but sometimes it causes blood poisoning and meningitis, which in turn may lead to brain damage. The rash appears as asterisks irregular shape of the face and elbows. Symptoms: fever, headache, chills. At the slightest suspicion of the disease should seek immediate medical attention, as the consequences are very dangerous.

Vezikulopustulez - chronic inflammatory disease of the skin that can be caused by various pathogens (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, and others). It manifests itself in the form of pustules, which are small bubbles of white or yellowish on the neck, chest, back, arms, legs, child, rarely on the head. Gradually pimples burst, and from them are crisp on the skin.

After detection of such lesions should urgently seek medical advice. Infection with the liquid of the bubble burst quickly spread almost all over the body. It should be very carefully remove pustules cotton with alcohol, and cauterize the wound green paint or a strong solution of potassium permanganate. The skin around the pustules handle alcohol. Bathe your baby during illness is prohibited because the infection is spread by water.

  • Dermatitis. In this case, the rash appears around the mouth, and then goes to the whole body. First pour the bubbles, and then they burst. Next, the skin starts to peel off. In this case, the doctor prescribes antihistamine.

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Independent methods of dealing with a rash

If you have any rash actions to be taken: to ensure the child drink plenty of liquids, make sure that he did not have constipation, do not overfeed, otherwise the body will spend the extra forces on the digestion of food, which will contribute to its weakening in the fight against disease. It is necessary to carefully monitor the child's diet and changes in his health. If you notice a rash, seek medical advice, as an independent diagnosis is excluded.

 Eruptions on the face of the child

How to choose a kindergarten?

 How to choose a kindergarten?

This question is raised by all the parents whose children their age or their willingness to have access to first educational institution. As a rule, the main selection criteria are the proximity to home, good reviews of those who have attended the institution, well, if the kindergarten has a specialization, for example, takes the study of foreign languages, it's all great! But, unfortunately, all these criteria are relevant only with respect to public institutions, which today is so low that often the selection criteria is availability. However, it is worth noting that according to the law, are obliged to take your child to the kindergarten, which is secured on your home, although in practice it is necessary to take care. And what about those who do not have time during this do? You need to apply to private organizations!

It is worth noting that today the private kindergartens have their own Internet portals, such as, so find your nearest agency is not difficult, however, to the question of the choice should be approached more seriously!

 How to choose a kindergarten?

First, you need to personally visit a kindergarten and a viewing area, if it is improved, there are flowers, children's swings, sandpit, this is a good indicator, because he not only speaks about the attitude of management to their activities, but also demonstrates to you the conditions in which walking will be your baby. By the way, no harm will visit the garden again, but this time with the baby. Rather, for a total area you will not be allowed, but you will have the opportunity to look at how children behave and how your child will observe them.

The next step is the examination of the inside garden. If the bright contrast between the game room and office management is not present, this option is right for you, otherwise your money will go to the convenience of the director, not your child.

Communicating with the leadership of the institution, be sure to ask at what age is welcome, what are the courses and is included in the basic program, and that additional. By the way, do not be surprised if a required course will include choreography, now it's fashionable!

Also, you should not miss the opportunity to meet with a teacher, and a meeting is better to go with the child. This advice is given because of the fact that you will be able to see the reaction of the teacher and the ward when the teacher begins to motivate the child with toys or something to tell, then you definitely need to get to him. However, before deciding finally, ask the teacher about those children who already go to the garden, can also talk about the parents, if the teacher is clearly dissatisfied with something, then a teacher you do not need.

Well, at last we can say that today the majority of private children's institutions, such as kindergarten Sunflower meet all specified requirements and thereby are very popular among parents.

 How to choose a kindergarten?

Summer Games for kids

 Summer Games for kids

It is summer, and we are taking children out of the city - away from a contaminated air and asphalt. In nature they will be at ease, and unfamiliar surroundings are constantly able to arouse curiosity. In the summer, not only the way of life of the whole family, but also entertainment. We often go on picnics and to the waters to cool off a little in the hot weather. The child will be more fun to participate in these events, if he can take a suitably toys. For example, LEGO® DUPLO® offers a set of "Happy picnic", "Hilarious ice cream" and "Boat for Kids."

With these sets child will be able to create their own original dishes for a picnic, while his parents cut salads and plates are arranged on the bedspread with a light meal. Often we can see how the children experiment with food, combining the most mismatched with each other products. The kid will like to build multi-burgers of the brightest parts depicting cutlet, bread and onions, which can be poured ketchup. No less interesting to your child will create fruit salads, examining into slices apples, pears or oranges. The lid of the box is easily converted into a handy tray.

 Summer Games for kids

In hot weather, we want at least a little cool, and if there are no rivers or lakes, have to settle for an ice cream. However, many parents are afraid to give their children is a delicious summer treat, fearing for the health of children. A way out could be a toy ice cream, colored balls which can be placed in the "wafer" horns and decorate delicious fillings.

And, of course, nothing can replace the games on the water with floating toys. Infants and a half to three years will be a lot of fun to let them on the waves of the river, the sea or the pool. And if they resemble a ship or boat, the possibility to put in boats "passengers" creates unlimited possibilities for the imagination.

 Summer Games for kids

Features children's herpes and its treatment

 Features children's herpes and its treatment


  • The forms, types and manifestations of child herpes
  • Herpes in infants
  • Herpes Symptoms
  • Herpes treatment in children

Herpes - a common infectious disease that is caused by the herpes simplex virus and is characterized by a rash in the form of grouped blisters on the skin and mucous membranes.

This disease is of several types, but children are usually characterized by a primary herpes. The children of the first years of life have maternal immunity, so very rarely suffer from herpes. But 3-4 years they become more susceptible to the virus, and to 5 years in 60-80% of children already have antibodies to it.

The carriers of the disease are 90% of the population. But herpes is activated in the body only when weakened immunity when a child falls ill with cold, some infectious disease or tolerate stress.

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The forms, types and manifestations of child herpes

There are several forms of child herpes virus 8 different types, namely:

  • Herpes on the lips

It belongs to the most famous of herpes simplex type 1. It is expressed in the emergence of a few bubbles on the upper or lower lip, characterized by general malaise and sometimes a little fever. The most common in children under 2 years, but can occur in people of any age, regardless of the time of year. This type of herpes is one of the low-level reactions to the body of the child, but, having shown only once, can come back again every time of colds and the weakening of the immune system. That's why it is the most common form of herpes.

  • Herpes Body

Usually occurs in children from 3 to 4 years. On the body there are small red blisters with liquid inside, which in any case can not be combed, as this will cause severe itching and burning.

  • Herpes zoster

It belongs to the herpes virus type 3 (varicella). This is a variation of the virus, which manifests itself on the body of four-and five-year olds. However, there are instances of this type of herpes and two-year kids. When the disease on the body appear densely located the red bubbles in the locations of the nerves (for example, on the edges, sides). The disease takes two phases, the first of which appears in the form of watery bubbles, and the second - in the form of dried crusts.

  • Genital herpes

Very rarely it can occur in babies in the first months of life. The child can be infected during childbirth if the mother is sick genital herpes. A red rash on the mucous membrane of the genitals and inner thighs. There may be herpangina and stomatitis. This disease can lead to various complications: the defeat of hearing and vision, diseases of the internal organs, the subsequent development of malformations.

Herpes type 6 causes roseola in infants, which manifests itself in the form of a spotted papular rash pink. This type of herpes are children up to 2 years. Disease begins with fever, then temperature is lowered within 3-6 days after which the skin appears exanthema - spotted papular rash size of 1-3 mm, the pressure-sensitive fade. This property is the hallmark of this type of herpes. Cold sores on the body can be kept for several days, and may disappear after a few hours. The rash is usually localized in the neck, face and extremities.

Herpes viruses 4, 5 and 6 of types causes infectious mononucleosis - an acute infectious disease characterized by sore throat, fever, swollen lymph nodes, spleen, liver, lymphocytosis, the advent of atypical mononuclear cells of peripheral blood.

One of the most common virus type 6 is cytomegalovirus. Children infected with the virus are usually in a day nursery or kindergarten. Its transmission occurs only through direct contact with infected patients. Also, children can be infected with the virus during gestation. Infection medium can be saliva, blood, urine and other biological substrates. In healthy children cytomegalovirus asymptomatic or accompanied by mild symptoms that disappear after a few days.

Herpes viruses of the 6th and 7th at the types of primary infection can cause newborn babies exanthema.

Diagnosing the state of health of the child should only be qualified.

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Herpes in infants

This disease occurs in infants is much more difficult than in adults. Herpes - a very insidious infection that can cause severe lesions of the internal organs and the nervous system. With the defeat of view there phlebothrombosis, keratitis, iridocyclitis, chorioretinitis, with the defeat of the hearing may be complications such as herpes angina, sudden deafness, and destruction of inner ear. With the defeat of the cardiovascular system occur myocarditis cardiomyopathy and atherosclerosis.

When the virus enters the central nervous system can occur encephalopathy, meningitis and nerve plexus lesion. Herpes virus may lead to the emergence of schizophrenia, depressive disorders, different. There may be, and complications such as urethritis, prostatitis, impaired fertility in men and endometriosis, and chorionic colpitis women.

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Herpes Symptoms

Symptoms of herpes can be children:

  • fever, muscle aches, fatigue, irritability;
  • burning, pain, tingling and itching at the site of the future eruptions;
  • ulcers and sores on the site rash;
  • the formation of ulcers in the mouth: on the gums, inside of the cheeks, the front of the tongue, throat and palate;
  • swelling and bleeding gums;
  • swollen lymph nodes in the neck, their pain;
  • Mucosal throat with the formation of small ulcers and a grayish coating on the tonsils;
  • pain when eating and drinking.

In the case of the above symptoms, be sure to consult a pediatrician to establish the correct diagnosis and treatment. The same symptoms may occur and rubella. Therefore, you should pay attention to other factors that are key indicators of the disease, such as:

  • febrile convulsions - if the disease is left untreated, then the future may develop epilepsy;
  • Involvement of the gastrointestinal tract - abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting;
  • headaches, and sleep disturbances;
  • rash on the back of the child, gradually passing over the entire body.

Reasons for herpes may be different raw medical instruments in contact with the body of the child. The virus also can be transmitted by airborne droplets.

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Herpes treatment in children

Treatment of infection should be started immediately at the first signs of the disease. It depends on the duration and success of treatment. Launched as an infection may acquire chronic or recurrent form and increase the risk of various complications.

For the treatment of herpes virus used antiviral drugs, interferons and immune stimulants. Treatment of herpes in children is aimed at suppressing the activity of the virus and minimize symptoms. For this purpose, a variety of anti-virals - pills and ointments that relieve pain and itching. In addition, it must take antipyretics with increasing temperature, and drinking plenty of fluids. One of the antiviral drugs acyclovir is the drug.

Interferons kill viruses and do not allow them to multiply uncontrollably. Used both in tablet form and in the form of suppositories.

Immunostimulatory drugs inhibit virus infection of new sections of the mucous membranes and internal organs, contribute to a more effective fight against the virus. Used drugs such as Immunal, arpetol, groprinosin.

In the presence of herpes in the mouth is necessary to ensure that the child is not injured herpes sores. Do not give him a hard and hot food. At constant injury of wounds healing process may take 2 weeks or more, so parents need to monitor this process.

If the disease is repeated often enough, it is necessary to see a specialist, immunologist, who will advise how to strengthen the weakened immune system of the child. In addition, for the treatment of herpes children have to be administered and monitored by a pediatrician, as only an expert can calculate the correct dosage of medication that is safe for the child's body.

Once in the body of a child, the herpes virus stays there for life, sometimes aggravate causing discomfort. Therefore, parents need to help their child, strictly following the guidelines and instructions of the pediatrician. Particular attention should be paid to personal hygiene. The child must have an individual towel, washcloth, soap. It is necessary to frequently wash their hands. In addition, the need to improve the child's immune system, eat right and take vitamins in the autumn and spring.

Cure herpes completely impossible, as the disease remains in the body for life. But if you maintain a child's immune system, a healthy lifestyle and good personal hygiene, the disease will not return for a long time.

 Features children's herpes and its treatment

Eruptions on the skin after the child's temperature

 Eruptions on the skin after the child's temperature


  • Banal sudamen
  • Allergic reaction
  • Viral diseases
  • Bacterial infections
  • Your actions upon detection

Every parent, of course, a concern any deviations in the health of the child. One of the reasons for concern parents are various skin rashes. Often the rash appears after the high temperature or with her. Any cause for concern should be shown rash pediatrician. In some cases, you can not rush, and within a few days quietly walk to the doctor (if the rash itself does not take place). In other cases, it is extremely dangerous and the score is not on the days and at the clock. In this issue you need to understand and remember what to look for.
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Banal sudamen

The most secure rash that occurs after heavy sweating of the body at an elevated temperature, a heat rash. Sudamen - a skin irritation that develops after heavy sweating and lack of sweat evaporation. Often seen in infants and young children. It contributes to the development of overheating and excessive wrap the child.

Sudamen appears as a skin rash in the form of small bubbles with transparent watery contents in closed areas of skin (arms, legs, back, neck, buttocks). It may cause a child's itching and anxiety. Treatment is to take air baths and water treatments with a light solution of potassium permanganate, a decoction of oak bark or succession. Admission antihistamines in this case is inappropriate.

For the prevention of urticaria, as well as to alleviate the patient's condition with an increase in body temperature, adults must provide the cool, moist air in the room and did not coddle children. If you do not, the likelihood of prickly heat will be several times higher.

 Eruptions on the skin after the child's temperature
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Allergic reaction

At high temperature, most parents are beginning to antipyretics and in some cases also other drugs. Each of the components of these medicines could be an allergen is for your child and cause a rash. You also can not exclude contact allergies (you put a child something new or made the bed clean linen).

It manifests an allergic rash rather quickly after contact with an allergen, and a variety of itchy skin rashes. Often accompanied by a strong allergic rhinitis. If you experience a rash parents necessarily have to analyze what they were giving your child a new recently (medicines, food, clothing) and, on this basis, to draw a conclusion - can be manifested rash of allergic reaction.

The treatment is the removal of allergens from the environment of the child (to change medicine, clothing, bedding), reception of sorbents (for a more rapid withdrawal of the allergen from the body) and taking antihistamines, prescribed by your doctor. In case of suspected allergy should consult a doctor because during the second manifestation of even the most minor allergies can experience severe complications, in particular - angioedema. Mosquito bites also cause an allergic skin reaction, a large number of bites can sometimes be mistaken for a rash.
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Viral diseases

Herpes type 6 and 7

The virus most often causes infection in young children (often up to two years), which is called sudden rash (roseola). Sometimes it is called psevdokrasnuhoy.

Developing the disease with high fever. Any other symptoms. At 3-4 day from onset temperature falls, and after 9-20 hours after the temperature point appears pink rash. Eruptions are located throughout the body. Thereafter, the temperature no longer rises. It is often mistaken for a rash, an allergic reaction of the body to the fever, which for those days when I was a high fever, had to give the child's parents. However, the rash goes away on its own in a couple of days without the use of any medication.

When roseola any special treatment is needed, the disease is not dangerous and provides no complications.


At the beginning of the disease with fever, cough and runny nose are present. The rash appears on the child 3-4 days after the onset of illness. Small red spots (which can merge, becoming great spots) appear on the head and face, and slowly sinking down, a couple of days to reach the feet. The disease is serious and quite poorly tolerated. In our country, thanks to vaccination, is rare.


When rubella temperature and a rash appear at the same time, accompanied by symptoms of acute respiratory infections and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and head. The rash is fine, pale pink in color. Distributed as measles, from head to toe, but more quickly - within a few hours and disappear within 3-4 days. Contagious child is considered to be the day before the rash appears, and 5 days after. Particular attention should be given to pregnant women, the isolation of a patient with rubella due to the extremely adverse impact of the virus on the fetus (regardless of whether a woman gets sick after contact with sick or not).

Chicken pox

Rash comes amid rising temperatures and deterioration of overall health. The rash appears as red spots on the entire surface of the body. After a couple of hours, these spots turn into blisters filled with a colorless liquid, and begin to itch. On the second day of the liquid in the vial is cloudy, and the pimple shrinks, dries up and covered with a crust that falls away in a week. Within 3-7 days the child's body will be new pimples. Contagious child is considered to be the day before the onset of the disease throughout the disease and 5 days after the last eruption of the fragments. Most easily this disease carry children under 12 years of age, older children tolerate it more difficult, but for adults it is a serious threat, and often leads to complications.

 Eruptions on the skin after the child's temperature
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Bacterial infections

Scarlet fever

An infectious disease with severe reaction to eritrotoksin - a toxic substance that produces some of the bacteria streptococcus. Getting the disease is characterized by a sharp jump in temperature to 39-40 ° C. At the same time, a child may be headache, nausea, and swallowing, severe sore throat. If you look in the child's mouth during the first hours after the onset of illness, you will see that the tongue is coated with white bloom. Later, language will be shiny and bright red and white patches appear on the tonsils.

By the end of the first day there are small rash of pink. It covers the whole body and concentrated in the skin folds. At the touch of the skin is dry and rough, like sandpaper, and reddish in appearance, with many more bright red dots. Another characteristic feature of scarlet fever is that the area around the mouth (nasolabial triangle) remains clean from scars and pale.

A week after the disappearance of the rash starts very strong peeling skin (especially on the palms) - is dying lost during illness cells of the epidermis, the outer layer of the skin.

With timely treatment of scarlet fever with antibiotics clinical outcome of well-being, and in case of failure of them - almost always severe complications. Quarantine child in scarlet fever (3 weeks from the onset of the disease) does not act for the child is not infected anyone, and to a time until the immune system is not yet fully grown, not to run again with streptococcus bacteria, as this can lead to complications and allergic reactions.

Meningococcal disease

The most serious and deadly disease in which the disease by the time before treatment is not for days, and the clock - meningococcal meningitis. When injected into the blood through the bloodstream infection penetrates into the brain. Sometimes this form of meningococcal meningitis when meningitis is an infection of the blood. Symptoms of this form of meningitis are:

  • high body temperature,
  • rash of bleeding under the skin in the form of stars (perhaps only a few elements), which when pressure is applied with a finger, does not disappear,
  • vomiting.

At high body temperature, vomiting and rash in the form of subcutaneous hemorrhage (shaped like a star), which does not disappear when pressed with a finger, it is required urgently to bring the child to a medical facility. With timely treatment and use of antibiotics the disease is treated and does not cause complications. For the prevention of meningococcal infections is vaccination.

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Your actions upon detection

If you notice a rash in a child your first task is to analyze the past few days to determine - if the rash is allergic in nature. If it is an allergy - the removal of the allergen. If you suspect the child has meningococcal infection - immediately call an ambulance. If you suspect an infectious disease caused by a doctor's home (to avoid contamination of the surrounding transport and the clinic) and isolate the child from the maternity (until you are sure that the disease - no rubella).

Prior to joining the doctor should not be lubricated by any rash agents, especially dyes. Still, diagnosis, and treatment assignment should be made by your doctor. Only he can determine: a child viral or bacterial disease, and if bacterial, and then assign the appropriate antibiotic. To prevent some of the above diseases vaccination. Vaccination according to the vaccination schedule, strengthens the immune system of the child, try to avoid the allergens and be healthy!

 Eruptions on the skin after the child's temperature

Sunday, 25 December 2016

Increased breast on their own? It's real!

 Increased breast on their own? It's real!


  • From what made our girls?
  • Physical work done on the primacy of man and of woman - the goddess
  • Train no warm - efforts on the wind
  • Competent approach - half the battle
  • A set of exercises to increase the breast

There is not a woman who would have been happy with my figure. And the first thing that any representative of the fair sex would like to improve - this chest. And regardless of the settings, which awarded the mistress nature.

As you know, there is no limit at perfection.

Strength training is really possible to increase the bust.

The question that concerns many: whether to go for it in the fitness room? It is necessary or not - you decide. The principal difference between classes in the gym and at home there. Another thing is that awareness of the need to go somewhere, and even to a certain time, and what you pay for classes, disciplines. And the presence of the trainer can stimulate a desire to engage. At least he will not give you time off and feel sorry for yourself, make sure that the load in the classroom was given correctly and in full.

But modern life is too much to interfere with us to visit the fitness room. Therefore, you can start with regular workouts at home. Who knows, maybe you will like it and you will get on their own ticket?

Just before you take up the dumbbells, you should understand two things, without understanding that the final result may not satisfy you, or any results will not be.

  1. Mammary glands in any way except by using the implants have not increased;
  2. Without a serious exercise, and then the hard work to increase breast volume can not be achieved.

Confused? In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems.

 Increased breast on their own? It's real!
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From what made our girls?

More precisely, what is a woman's breast? The word "breast" - the notion of a purely literary. From an anatomical point of view - is a set of bones, muscles and glandular, connective and other tissues.

Ribs formed thorax, and the volume change is not given to us.

Above the ribs attached muscle. They are different in shape and structure - such details do we know to what, just remember that they are there and that they we can "pump up". Above there is a muscle body fat - it is necessary for the normal functioning of the body, but excess fat leads to unnecessary creases on the body. Such consequences can we avoid with exercise or diets.

And only then we can see the most outstanding (literally and figuratively) of the chest - breast cancer. They consist mainly of glandular tissue and muscles have no means and work there is nothing.

But we can, firstly, increase muscular frame sternum, thereby increase the volume of the bust, and secondly, to tighten those muscles that are holding themselves glands. Thanks to them, the bust will rise to become resilient fit that will give it greater visual volume. By the way, modern surgical implants do exactly that: lift the bust and increase muscle size.

And do not be afraid of the phrase "build muscle". If you do not want them to look like a bodybuilder, no extra relief they did not acquire. And to achieve this effect will require a lot of effort.
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Physical work done on the primacy of man and of woman - the goddess

Who can often find the description of complex physical exercises along the lines of "a few simple exercises - and a couple of weeks to reach your breast size ...". Tragically - it's impossible. Provided competent approach, big enough load and serious about the work of the first changes for the better and you will notice an increase in only a couple of months. A truly tangible results and to wait for later. But there is a very comforting fact: Finding form will stay with you for a long time.

Engage day does not have any meaning, "loaded" muscles need rest - circulation should be restored in full. Therefore, the ideal class schedule - in a day. But without permits and "shirking." Regularity - the key to success.

No need to give themselves a burden to you last exercise made as if to perform feats for the country. Yet pressure should be felt, as follows from experienced coaches favorite sayings: "It does not hurt, so wrong." Although, of course, is also prohibitively strong feelings to anything.

Pain is the next day after the workout most effectively removes a massage, sauna or a small warm-up, as it were cruel as it may sound. Remember, the more you feel sorry for yourself, the further you are from the result. The increase in breast volume depends only on your own efforts.

And now: we have gathered exhaled - and go for the perfect breasts!

 Increased breast on their own? It's real!
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Train no warm - efforts on the wind

Any physical exercise should start with a warm up. And the question now is not about benefits for muscles (you do not need details of circulation and reducing the right), and about your own health. Load untrained muscles will respond then severe pain. And at first, until you enter into the rhythm of the training and the body will get sick all the time, warm-up will prepare you for the exercises, reducing pain and increasing the effectiveness of training.

No special set of warm-up is not required. You would be enough for 5-10 minutes training on a stationary bike or treadmill. If you have neither one nor the other, just turn on the music and dance to. But energetically, "from the heart". This will not only muscles but also your mood.

But those who do not like to dance, even alone, it is worth remembering physical education classes at school and about to repeat what we did then: twisted handles ponaklonyalis, poprisedali. That's enough.

Remember, a little exercise to do - and to do right! Take care of what and how you're doing. Otherwise, instead of a beautiful bust, you can earn a dislocation, and even damage to the joint.
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Competent approach - half the battle

Exercise to be performed on the exhale. And the work of the heart nothing to do with. Just exactly as you exhale pectoral muscles are working in full force, and hence the load on them, you can give more. If the exercise is done not on the account, and for some time, it is not necessary to hold the breath. Just breathe smoothly and measured.

To prevent damage to the joints and torn ligaments, keep your arms slightly bent at the elbow, never straighten them completely ("until it clicks"). In no case do not exercise dramatically.

Try to keep your back straight. So unnecessary burden will fall on the muscles, not the spine, increasing the risk of injury.

If you feel that you run out of steam and unable to make a specified number of approaches - do not force yourself! The physical activity is important personal approach, a lot depends on your weight, age and condition of the body, the presence of harmful habits. But feeling sorry for yourself is not worth it. Train your willpower!

Perform complex sequence. It exercises are based on a gradual increase of load, from the easiest - for the worst.

The most sensible thing, at least at first, to use the dumbbells up to 3 kg - it is the optimal weight for women. Over time, it can be increased.

Finishing exercises with dumbbells in the prone position, first place your hands on your stomach with sports equipment, then sit down, stand up, and only then at least set aside dumbbells. Sounds may not be too reasonable, but, believe me, this safety was not born in a vacuum. Use someone else's experience, rather than to treat their own bruises and repair broken furniture.

That's it. Ready? Go!

 Increased breast on their own? It's real!
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A set of exercises to increase the breast


Starting position: Stand with your best snuggled blades to the wall - so it will be easier to control the load (later, when you learn how to do the exercises correctly - it can be done and sitting on a chair or on the couch watching TV). Connect the palms in front of chest, palm to palm (as a Buddhist monk before prayer), keep your elbows were placed and are parallel to the floor.

Execution: with a force push your palms against each other (or one another, but as if you squeeze in between something subtle). Feel the chest muscles tensed (if this does not happen, you're you're doing the exercise incorrectly). Count to ten and a little move on my own hands. Again, count to ten - and then move. And so long as you can keep the palms together.

Lift the palm of your hand, shake hands vigorously as if to shake off their water.

Repeat at least 3 times.


Starting position: Stand in a doorway and place your hands in the straightened joint. Hands are on the same level, on the other hand about your breasts.

Execution: push hands on a joint, as if trying to move the wall. Apply the maximum possible effort. Count to 60. straightened.

Each approach is completely straightened. Before the start of the exercise - get up to the starting position. Repeat at least 3 times.


Starting position: feet shoulder width apart, dumbbells are keeping in lowered hands.

Execution: Repeat hands movement, like ski poles repel each other (only two at a time, as do the skiers racing on speed). But you need to repeat the movement slowly, as if in slow motion. Hands are raised from the hips to the chest, then straighten up and down. In no case do not let jerks and emissions hands (remember the joints).

Repeat at least 3 times for 5 repetitions.


Exercise is probably known to all. If you find it difficult to be wrung from the floor (and, most likely, it is so), start with something higher, for example, a coffee table. In carrying out this exercise, make sure that your back remains straight. Not over-emphasize the buttocks - so it is easier to lift the body, but the benefits of such a performance no.

Starting position: hands up against the horizontal surface, the toes - the floor or wall (so at first the exercise easier), back straight.

Implementation: breath - bend your elbows, lower, touching the breast surface, which abuts. Exhale - straighten your elbows, lifting the body.

Repeat at least 3 times with 3 repetitions (if possible).


The most effective exercise for increasing the volume of the chest muscles.

Starting position: lie down on the floor, arms with dumbbells at chest, elbows close to the body. Exercise is carried out quickly (but that does not mean you have to specifically hurry - just do not slow down).

Execution: straighten arms with dumbbells over themselves, they immediately raised and lowered again. When you exercise, do not allow jumping or throwing up hands. Do not help your back to lift the weight of the dumbbell (read do not understand will understand when you try to do the exercise), work must only arms and chest muscles - they weight.

Repeat at least 3 times for 8 reps (if possible).

"Push-ups from the table"

Starting position: Stand with your back to the table, resting his hands into the tabletop, you pull the legs forward at an angle of 45 degrees, rest your toes into a wall or furniture.

Implementation: breath - bend your elbows, lower. Exhale - straighten your elbows, lifting the body.

Repeat at least 3 times for 8 reps


Starting position: Sit on a chair, keeping your back straight. Dumbbells in his hands in front of chest, elbows pressed to keep the sides.

Execution: without taking your elbows away from the body, arms out to the side as if stretching the fur harmony. Try to separate your hands so that the blades touch each other. Repeat 8 times. Then bend your elbows at a right angle to the body, and re-pinch your arms with dumbbells. Repeat 12 times.

Repeat at least 3 times v = wcbE6SF4G7w

Check each set of exercises it is necessary to stretch the muscles. Just quietly get up, keep the shoulders relaxed, arms shoulder-width apart, hands - dumbbells. Wait so a couple of minutes, until the breath is completely restored.

All your sufferings are over, and you're on the path of getting nice and big bust.

 Increased breast on their own? It's real!

Imbilding guard women's health and sexuality

 Imbilding guard women's health and sexuality


  • Use imbilding for Women's Health
  • Vumbildingom: a system of exercises for women
  • A set of exercises on the system imbilding women
  • Contraindications for classes

Imbilding or vumbildingom - it is a new direction for us, though known for a long time.

It is a system aimed at the development of intimate muscles.

There are many people who have intimate muscles are weak - hence there is a lot of sexual problems and even medical treatment (up to the formation of tumors and the inability to bear fruit). It is therefore important to train intimate muscles. Engage imbilding easily possible at home, without the expense of time and money. Moreover, intimate gymnastics - is a useful and enjoyable in the same complex. In this article you will find out who and why we need training of intimate muscles than it is useful, and we will acquaint you with the program of activities that will help you quickly achieve the desired results.

 Imbilding guard women's health and sexuality
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Use imbilding for Women's Health

Art to own their intimate muscles has arisen in the Ancient East. There he was taught all the girls from childhood. It was mandatory in the preparation of the geisha and concubines in a harem - they had a perfect command of her body to please the master. But if at the time at the forefront put the sexual sphere, now and in medicine already recognized the undeniable benefits imbilding. Although all modern exercise vumbildinga system based on ancient Taoist practices designed to work with the orgasmic energy.

Note that engage in intimate gymnastics, and is equally useful for women and men, since they, and others may be insufficiently developed intimate muscles, or as they are called, the pelvic floor muscles. Moreover, it adversely affects the sexual sphere, but it can perhaps be considered the least harm, which carries the lack of development of intimate muscles. Women undeveloped muscles negatively affects the sexual sphere: there inflammation, and even cancer, uterine prolapse, urinary incontinence can begin (especially with age). It can and does lead to infertility.

If the problem is not brought to such severe consequences, and she carried and gave birth to a child after birth, this situation is exacerbated by ever more. Also, the more developed intimate muscles, the easier to bear the fruit of a woman and a baby.

Intimate gymnastics has two areas: the development of intimate muscles and facilitate the flow of labor.

So what is the use of the intimate gymnastics lessons in different spheres of life of women:

  • Health

Warns various gynecological problems (inflammation, uterine prolapse, swollen, and so on. D.), Cure some diseases (inflammation of the genitals), it helps not only to bear and give birth to a child, but also to become pregnant.

  • The sexual sphere

Does sex life more colorful and diverse, helping to solve the problem of frigidity and impotence. In addition, if the partners involved in this gymnastics together, incredibly increased and intimate culture, they are again (and some for the first time!) Learn to feel each other. And not only in intimate terms, but also psychologically.

  • Psychological sphere

Vumbildingom allows a woman to improve, to better understand and reveal themselves, to develop their own sexuality, to establish the connection with your partner. All this makes a woman more confident, sexy, feminine and relaxed.

 Imbilding guard women's health and sexuality
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Vumbildingom: a system of exercises for women

The exercises, which later formed the imbilding system, created in the 40s of the 20th century, Arnold Kegel, known urology and gynecology. The exercises were aimed at the development of the muscles of the perineum. Gymnastics performed by both women and men. And over time, patients reported that they became more vivid experience orgasms, their sex life started to pay a lot more fun. After that, gymnastics became known and began to be supplemented by new exercises. Today imbilding gaining popularity.

Imbilding The beauty is that it is not necessary to visit gyms, and so on. D. - It can be successfully practiced in the home. For this purpose, special simulators: vaginal egg, Kegel exerciser, laser simulator. Gymnastics is a woman, putting them in the vagina itself, developing intimate muscles. After simulators use a special camera that produces massage the vaginal walls.

However, you can do without buying special simulators. It will be enough to learn a few simple exercises and do them regularly. To get the first tangible results will be sufficient to two weeks of training. Of course, the stop is not necessary - in this case there is no limit to perfection!

So, where do you start training a novice.

First you need to determine where they are most intimate muscles. If you are not sure about any muscle in question, try to define it this way: when urinating, try to hold, then release the jet. For this answer just intimate muscles (vaginal), and who needs to be trained.

When you determine which muscles need to be developed, it is important to choose the right place to study. Some exercises are done lying down, but most of them - sitting. Therefore you need to practice hard stools. Sit on it should be straight.

In addition, there are some rules which will speed up the implementation of the results of your activities:

  • perform exercises regularly, every day;
  • Follow them at a convenient time for you;
  • do not rush - one day the result will not be exact.

 Imbilding guard women's health and sexuality

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A set of exercises on the system imbilding women

The system includes a set of five exercises and massage. Follow them properly and regularly - and the result will not wait long. Even if you think you do not succeed, keep training - intimate muscles pumped as well as any other in our body. The less they are "inflated", the more time is needed in order to bring them in tone. But the effort is worth it. Especially that employment in this system brings a lot of positive feelings.

  • Compression of muscles

The maximum strain intimate muscles. Hold them in this state by 5-20 seconds, then relax as much as possible. It is better to do it in stages, rather than immediately with all the force to clamp the muscle: tighten them lightly, hold for 5 seconds in this position, then tighten even more, still hold, and so on. D. - And so until then, until zazhmet muscles with all possible force. The same applies to relax: try not immediately fully relax the muscles, and also in stages, delaying muscle for 3 seconds. Do this exercise 10 times is necessary.

  • Muscle contraction

Tense and relax the muscles as quickly as you can. Plus, this exercise is that it can be performed anywhere. The more often it perform, the faster you can achieve the desired result. Do this exercise 10 times is necessary.

  • Popping

The point of this exercise, and the procedure for giving birth women understand, because it is very similar to generic attempts. If you do not give birth, meaning something like this: try the ejector movement as defecation, only the muscles of the vagina. Do this exercise 10 times is necessary.

  • Develop bulbospongiosus-spongy muscle

Initially, this exercise may not be possible, but if you do not stop and soon it will start without a problem. It should lie on your back and focus on the clitoris. Begin to pull in and push out. Perform this exercise should be 5-10 minutes. In carrying out this exercise, you can even get aroused or orgasm.

  • Flashes

Lie on your back, knees podozhmite bit and start to drag an anus. Hold it in this position for 5 seconds, then slowly begin to let go and at the same time draw the clitoris. And so - 10 approaches. This exercise will strengthen and improve the well-superficial and deep muscles of the pelvic floor.

  • Massage

Of course, this is not an exercise, but if you add it to the range of daily exercise, the result will simply amaze you and your partner! Just at this point, and you need his help. Ask your partner to it every day for 10-15 minutes perform massage your labia, clitoris, the area above it. And let not forget the large number of massage oil. This massage will improve blood circulation in the intimate area, so that will be strengthened and muscles. During the massage, relax, get rid of the embarrassment and fully trust your partner.

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Contraindications for classes

What would be helpful for the woman's health was no system of exercises for training of intimate muscles, but it also has a number of contraindications.

  • Gestation

If you're doing imbilding pregnancy is a contraindication is not for you. Even during pregnancy and after childbirth can not stop training. If before pregnancy you do not engage in intimate gymnastics, start it in the period of childbearing is strictly prohibited. Moreover, it is necessary to refrain from exercise and during 2-3 months after birth.

  • Gynecological diseases

Although vumbildingom shown in many diseases in women, but there are some diseases of the genital organs, in which the gymnastics prohibited. These include bleeding (postoperative and intrauterine), acute inflammatory processes which are accompanied by fever, vascular disorders (thrombophlebitis in the vessels of the pelvis and lower limbs), septic conditions.

In any case, before you start exercising imbilding, even if you do not see any ailments, it is best to consult a gynecologist. It will help you to individually choose the training program: probably some sort of exercise should be excluded, and some pay more attention.

 Imbilding guard women's health and sexuality

The answer to many of the exciting question of how to remove acne scars on his face

 The answer to many of the exciting question of how to remove acne scars on his face


  • We remove the traces of pimples
  • How to remove acne scars

Few people passed this common problem - the pimples appeared, many in their teens, and later - from stress, hormonal failover, if improper diet. In general, the causes of thousands, and the effect of one, and a very unpleasant - pimples on the face. And, unfortunately, it's not so bad. Often, after the successful launch of acne scars, scars, or simply spots. Of course, you can turn to the beautician for the treatment (rather, by the way, not cheap!), Or trust in plastic surgery, but for starters, you can try to get rid of these imperfections the house with the help of folk remedies.

But before you learn how to remove acne scars, and try one of our recipes, you should learn a few things. First, doctors recommend to carry out such procedures in the fall or winter, as some of the home remedies rather strongly weaken the skin, and expose it to intense sun - not too wisely, and in the spring besides it needs vitamins, and any strong impact may it is seriously damaged. Secondly, the really deep scars on your face, you will not be able to remove at home, in such cases it is necessary to seek the advice of a dermatologist.

Do not forget about the risk of allergic reactions; before proceeding to the preparation of a mask, take a small amount of the alleged ingredients and apply to the inside of the elbow a small amount. If after a while you feel itching, burning or see redness, it will mean that the component does not suit you, and you should consider using an alternative prescription.

 The answer to many of the exciting question of how to remove acne scars on his face

We remove the traces of pimples

To begin with talk about spots from acne. We must understand that this is healed, but came after a skin inflammation and microtrauma. And since it is hidden under the new, netravmirovannaya skin, to it to "get" lossless, preferably two or three times per week to use sequestering agents. High stiffness scrubs, preferably with natural beads fit perfectly.

Very good on the red spots on the face helps the broth of parsley. Make it easy, it is necessary to take the average bunch of parsley, pour about a glass of water, boil, let cool and then pour it into molds for ice and freeze. Get the cubes in the morning and evening to wipe face, leaning on the places where there are traces of acne. Instead, you can use parsley broth chamomile broth. The same method can in principle work against scars, just requires more patience and persistence.

Another "herbal" method, it is very easy to play at home - a tincture of St. John's wort. To do this, take two large spoon hypericum and mix with a glass of alcohol and leave for ten days in a dark and quite cool. After the expiry of this period the filtered infusion wipe those places on the face, where there were patches of acne.

Or here's another "grandmother" a recipe. One large spoonful of sage (you must take the leaves) must be steamed cup of boiling water, then let stand for half an hour. Thoroughly drain and add half a teaspoon of honey. Stir properly. Doing this warm mixture of lotion several times a day - to soak napkin mixture for ten minutes, and put on the face.

An effective way to permanently say goodbye to the red spots left over from acne, a mask with rosemary oil and green clay. To make it, take a tablespoon of clay powder and mix it with a little water, and three or four drops of rosemary oil. Homogenous mass should be applied to the skin with red spots from acne and leave for ten to fifteen minutes. It should be borne in mind that the oil of rosemary perfectly valid and without additional components, but it must be careful, as it invigorates and can affect blood pressure.

You can try to use white clay to get rid of spots. Dissolve half a spoon of white clay in a tablespoon of water, there is added about the same amount of lemon juice. The mass should be applied on the dotted red spots and keep fifteen minutes.

 The answer to many of the exciting question of how to remove acne scars on his face

How to remove acne scars

If suddenly after treatment on your body or face scars, do not worry, in folk medicine has the means to this case. However, remember that there are no miracles, and for a good result it will take time and consistent use of these funds.

Very good tool is the following composition: mix well teaspoon of cinnamon, and the same amount of honey, the resulting mixture must be imposed on the scars for twenty minutes, in special cases, you can leave for half an hour. This mask should be applied the next day. You can use green or white clay instead of honey, but in this case it is necessary to add water to obtain the desired texture; besides, instead of ground cinnamon essential oil can be added.

To get rid of scars you can use apple cider vinegar. It is an effective and inexpensive tool that is ideal for those who want to get rid of scars in the home without resorting to the services of a cosmetologist. The vinegar should be diluted with water at a ratio of one to three. Wash this vinegar solution should be every day. For a more dramatic effect, moisten a cloth in the solution and apply to the greatest concentration of scars or spots for five minutes.

Even more accessible way - the tomato pulp, mashed with a spoon of starch, the weight should be put on face for fifteen minutes. It is an effective procedure, it should be repeated two or three times a week. Cucumber is a proven tool - mask of grated cucumber, without any additives is extremely effective, it must be applied to the same twenty minutes two or three times a week, and cucumber juice just periodically wipe the face.

There are very simple ways, almost improvised; for example, tar soap. To remove acne, over the past two months, it is necessary to use soap when washing your face every day. Yes, it's quite long, but the result is worth it. Alternatively or in addition can be used ordinary soda and salt at washing. In the end, they just can complement any other recipe. The result did not take long.

For the treatment of the effects of acne on your face, you can use egg mask, or a very simple version - separate the white from the yolk protein and apply on face, leave for ten minutes. Or a little more complicated version of the two masks: the morning - one egg yolk, one spoon of flour and lemon juice mix, apply, twenty minutes to wash off. Evening - yolk, a spoonful of honey and flour. Mix and put in twenty-five minutes to wash off. The effect of this diet egg face will appear in a week and half.

And of course, anyone who has ever searched the web for ways to get rid of acne, finding a recipe masks of concoctions. Undoubtedly, this is a very powerful tool, but it is necessary to be extremely careful. Firstly, this method is to no other relates warning protecting skin from exposure to sunlight, and secondly, using the procedure bodyagi not always painless; Thirdly, it causes redness of the skin.

You must use fresh-water sponge in the form of powder, which can be bought in a pharmacy. Dilute it with hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions. Pre-clean the face, apply mask and gently rub into the very skin of cotton wool two or three minutes. Then leave to dry. Remove the mixture carefully.

Another recipe based concoctions. Mix bodyagi any baby powder in equal proportions, then add half a cup of any lotion for the face, the same amount of tincture of calendula and three percent hydrogen peroxide. This mass is gently rub into skin, then rinse. Or apply on face, leave to dry and then brush off with a dry towel. Note cream after such a procedure can be applied no earlier than twelve hours.

Be careful with concoctions. It is preferred to do the procedure at the weekend, when there is no need to go out in the sun at least a day. In principle, you can buy in a drugstore gel concoctions, but in this case it is necessary to carefully read the composition of the gel in order to prevent possible allergic reactions.

In any case, for the prevention of acne should reconsider your diet - fatty, heavy foods, as well as sugar and cheese is removed from the diet. Or at least to reduce their quantity. Most eat olive oil and nuts, drink plenty of pure water and green tea, lean proteins, not carbohydrates. Moreover, meat and fish is better not to fry, and bake, to cook on the grill, or steam. If the change of power does not work, it may make sense to consult a doctor. It happens that the origins of this problem is much more serious than it may seem.

 The answer to many of the exciting question of how to remove acne scars on his face