Sunday, 29 May 2016

For Mom ... Dad ... For diet on porridges

 For Mom ... Dad ... For diet on porridges

You want to throw a couple of typed "winter" kilograms not harm health? In anticipation of spring, we offer you clean the body, not starving. Diet cereals will help to lose weight quickly and easily.

Separating the wheat from the chaff

Cereal products - our faithful helpers in the fight against excess weight. But, it seems, completely forgotten about that the drafters of popular diets that call us to abandon carbohydrate foods. And for good reason. After Carbohydrates strife. Of course, the "bad" carbohydrates, which are abundantly present in donuts and muffins, will bring to no good. But this is not a reason to abandon the "good" carbohydrates, which are the main sources of untreated grain.

Benefits of diet on porridges

Diets based porridges are considered the least harmful and the most beneficial. Want to lose weight? Then choose unrefined grains. Brown and wild rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, barley should form the basis of your diet. Their constituent vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals prevent the development of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer. And thanks to fiber content, they quickly saturate, thereby saving us from overeating, so not deposited on the hips and waist. Once in our body, grains work as brushes, stimulate the intestine, absorb toxins and wastes, and displays all harmful, including excess cholesterol. Superpoleznye cereals contain mostly complex carbohydrates that are slowly digested, so long energized. Losing the extra kilos is due to two main factors: the activation of digestion and low in fat.

Diet porridge, or as it is called nutritionists: Diet - Six cereals, suitable for everybody who wants to improve their health and to clean your body. Cereals stimulate rejuvenation process, so after a diet based on cereals is greatly improved condition of skin, hair and nails.

 For Mom ... Dad ... For diet on porridges

Ten-day diet

Diet cereals designed for 10 days. At this time, from your diet will have to exclude meat, poultry, fish, seafood, potatoes, bread, pastries, milk and milk products, butter, sugar and chocolate. Base your diet menu - any cereal, except the manna. Porridge should be prepared on the water, without salt and oil. And in order to provide the body with all the necessary, add to your diet favorite fruit (except bananas and grapes), vegetables, herbs and mushrooms. Kashi need to be alternated as follows:

  • The first day - oatmeal
  • Second day - rice porridge
  • Third Day - buckwheat
  • The fourth day - millet porridge
  • Fifth day - barley porridge
  • Sixth day - barley porridge
  • Seventh day - millet porridge
  • Eighth day - oatmeal
  • The ninth day - rice porridge
  • Tenth day - buckwheat

If you like sweet in the morning, cook yourself a royal mess of rolled oats, dried apricots and fresh apples. You can add honey, vegetable oil and nuts (but only for those who want to get rid of toxins, but not to lose weight). If your goal - to lose weight, and from these goodies on the diet have to give! The number of meals is not limited. Pure water and tea drink may be in any quantity.

Diet cereals transferred easily. Strictly adhering to the diet, you get rid of 5-7 kg is not to the detriment of a beautiful skin and hair. And the abundance of fiber, lack of proteins and fats your body healthier.

 For Mom ... Dad ... For diet on porridges

Weekly diet

Diet "six cereals" lasts exactly one week. Eat cereals have exclusively. It allowed the use of fresh fruits and vegetables, but in very small quantities. Do not forget to drink clean water - at least two liters, as well as green or herbal tea. Before the diet, it is desirable to clean the intestines (mild laxatives or enemas). Beauty requires sacrifice! Eat porridge should be in sequence, without changing seats, and otherwise change the essence of the diet.

  • The first day - wheat porridge
  • Second day - millet porridge
  • Third day - oatmeal
  • The fourth day - rice porridge
  • Fifth day - barley porridge
  • Sixth day - barley porridge
  • Seventh day - porridge made of a mixture of cereals

Prepare pudding in a special way. In the evening, a glass of pre-washed grits pour three cups of boiling water. Bring to a boil pudding and cook about 5 minutes more. Salt porridge and add in the oil can not be her, but in this case the diet will give the expected results. Porridge wrap in a towel. Your morning porridge is ready. On the last day, all types of cereals are mixed (2 tablespoons) and cook the same way. Quick-cooking cereals are not suitable for this diet. For half an hour before breakfast, do not forget to drink a glass of warm boiled water - and lakomtes to your health!

Diet cereals will get rid of 3-6 kg per week. Repeat diet can be a month.

 For Mom ... Dad ... For diet on porridges

We recommend that read: buckwheat with yogurt diet

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