Sunday, 29 May 2016

How not to gain weight during the holiday season

 How not to gain weight during the holiday season

New Year's Day ... What damage they cause to our figure! And a few months worth dedication to count calories, torture yourself to exercise, then to dial weekly limit in one sitting at the banquet table? How not to gain weight during the holidays, when the tables groaning with food? Is not it better to rename these days of festivities in the drinking? Chew muesli, at a time when everyone else eat the third portion of lamb leg with garlic sauce? Maybe even invented holidays as a test of our willpower, and only their meaning - to show how many temptations before we will be able to stand? Calm down. No force will not make you better. We'll give you a few simple tips on how not to gain weight during the holiday season.

  1. December 31 do not break the habitual diet. Abandoning breakfast or lunch, you probably eat too much for the gala dinner. So stock up in advance calories during light and healthy breakfast and dinner, and never go to visit on an empty stomach. Pamper yourself to a delicious and healthy food for the last day of the year. Let your holiday will start in the morning! And before the feast, eat kiwi or apple. You can drink a glass of juice, milk or tea, green is better. This will save you from a night of gluttony.
  2. Be sure to wear a dress on a figure. Such clothing unconsciously disciplines. If you are not completely satisfied with its proportions - it's not a reason to put on a volume hoodie, hide your dignity. Any stylist will tell you that the most profitable silhouette for "mouth-watering" ladies - semilying when the outlines of the figures are guessed under the clothes, but at the same time are not clearly visible. This silhouette will not let others mind you add extra weight and you control the amount eaten.
  3. At the table at a family celebration or a party just try the special holiday meals and do not eat everyday. Chocolate or a handful of nuts can be eaten at any time. But aspic, goose with apples, or my mother's "signature" cake can be tasted only at the feast. And remember, the first piece of the most delicious. At fifth cookie taste is the same as the first. So better try and not to load.
  4. Why in the cold winter night, we deprive ourselves of the pleasure sweet sleep, but instead go somewhere on the road in the cold? To eat? No! For the sake of communicating with friends. Let us for the New Year table to talk more, brag about achievements and share plans for the future, generously handing out compliments to each other. And let no time for talk is not something that the plate in the second round to fill, and impaled on a fork piece into the mouth!
  5. Another important factor - alcohol. First, alcohol dehydrates, and secondly, it violates self-control, so "under a glass" is easily unnoticed overeat. Sometimes a beer or glass of wine is enough to get you turned astray. Third, a tremendous amount of calories alcohol. Limit your intake of alcohol, you are "saved" from hundreds of calories: in a glass of wine contains more than 100 calories in a glass of hot grog - almost 400, the same as in a piece of cake. If you do not want to give up alcohol, diluted with water or juice cocktails or alternate one alcoholic drink with two soft.
  6. When visiting, you suddenly notice that you eat too much, try to escape. Walk through the apartment, enjoy the holiday decorations, go to a friend who is not currently eat. And even better - to arrange entertainment. Dancing, walking in the fresh air, launching fireworks, playing snowballs - a very timely feint and a real escape from the gastronomic temptations.

Still plagued by the question of how not to gain weight during the holiday season? We hope you have realized that prevention is much more effective than fighting the effects of a celebratory feast. Happy New Year!

 How not to gain weight during the holiday season

We recommend that read: Christmas cakes

Diet Green Tea: beauty, youth and health in one cup

 Diet Green Tea: beauty, youth and health in one cup


  • How to brew green tea
  • Several diets on green tea
  • The Japanese diet on green tea
  • Bland diet
  • Benefits and harms of starvation

Every girl always wants to look attractive. To do this, there are many cosmetic products, a variety of physical activities, clothes. But above all, perhaps, there is a lady who has never addressed the issue of right or moderate power. For example, green tea diet to help get rid not only of the extra kilos, but also cleanse the body of various toxins, normalize metabolic processes.

Leaves of green tea rich in biologically active enzymes, contain a number of natural antioxidants and vitamins. Enzymes contained in this drink, partially stopped by the action of amylase, which is responsible for the breakdown of carbohydrates. Therefore, you instinctively sit on a low-carb "starvation." The antioxidants present in tea, prevent premature aging process, ie contribute to the extension of youth, improving skin condition. In addition to all these advantages, the vitamins that make up the drink, do not allow to appear beriberi, which is often accompanied by diet or starvation.

In order to derive maximum benefit, green tea you need to learn how to store and already after brewing. Immediately after buying it from the pack Pour into a glass container with a lid that is tightly closed. This is very important because the tea leaves pretty quickly absorb odors. And, of course, improper storage lead to the loss of useful properties.

How to brew green tea

  • Most importantly, what you should always remember - this is what you need to brew hot tea, but in any case, not boiling water. The temperature should be about seventy to eighty degrees. Better, of course, use filtered or defend the water, which only increase the palatability of the beverage.
  • The second, no less important point: Buy a good tea, not really thinking about its value, after all you only good. Two hundred milliliters of water, add one and a half to two teaspoons of tea. Using a smaller number, you just do not get the desired concentration and, accordingly, will not feel a true taste.
  • And last, an important aspect in this case is devoted to the fact that the first water, which brewed the leaves need to drain. Drink this drink infused with a second water. The second time the tea is revealed as bud, giving all the useful features and a pleasant aroma. At home, in China, it is brewed in seven approaches. And each time the taste is revealed in a new way, which allows to the end to enjoy all the subtleties of the drink.

 Diet Green Tea: beauty, youth and health in one cup

Several diets on green tea

The first diet on the tea is quite simple and gentle. Observe it must be within a month. As a result, leaving eight to ten kilograms and comes complete cleaning of the body from various toxins. The main thing you should always remember, starvation - it is not an option, and not the best method.

So, within thirty days you should drink every day about one liter of beverage. Tea is better to choose a large leaf of the highest quality. The most popular types are considered Chinese oolong (oolong), or Puer, which you could not hear. There are generally a few hundred species of this drink, so if you sit on a diet or fasting, then you have an excellent opportunity to try different varieties and find her suitable for the taste you.

Tea can be drunk hot or cold. Cool it better with ice, without waiting until he cools down. When brewing can add some of your favorite herbs, for example, useful soothing fees. Also, do not forget about the liquid that needs to drink about two liters a day. It is better if it is a simple non-carbonated water, defend, boiled or just bought at the store.

Throughout the day you can eat almost everything: fish, meat, eggs, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. But limit yourself to fatty foods, flour and sweets. Most products eat cooked or uncooked. Also try to completely eliminate fried foods. Adding salt and sugar in food, too, is reduced to a minimum or do not apply at all.

Meals and tea party better not to combine. Tea is to drink half an hour before meals or after the same time. This diet is observed quite simple, and it is very effective, so about fasting you can forget once and for all. In addition, this allowed the use of many products, so you will not suffer from monotony.

The most suitable time for a change in the diet, of course, is summer. The heat is not so difficult to survive in the cold tea and a snack in the form of a variety of fruits, berries or vegetables, not himself settling himself exhausting starvation. But, unfortunately, even in such a diet has a number of disadvantages. It is impossible to comply with those with various diseases of the digestive system, such as ulcers, colitis or gastritis. Do not forget about the fact that green tea contains a significant amount of caffeine. Therefore, initially should consult a nutritionist.

The Japanese diet on green tea

Over the past few years, the popularity of Japanese cuisine seriously increased. The reason for this - it is stunning, a special taste, low calorie and great benefit to the body. Now we offer a diet associated with this cuisine, which is based on green tea.

The Japanese diet only lasts just five days. Thanks to her, you will be able to experience the atmosphere and the diet of the rising sun, and three to five kilograms disappear forever. In addition, you will look better and look younger. This happens because all that seafood rich in fatty acids that promote weight loss and slow the aging process. Vitamin E, which is rich in different fish liver, give your skin smoothness, and some wrinkles disappear without a trace, and the purification of the body, "will" figure.

Of course, every day deal with sushi rolls, or we will not, because it is best left to professionals. Below we present you the menus on all five days. All dishes are quite simple and do not require a serious culinary training. So:

First day

  • Breakfast: One cup of green tea.
  • Second breakfast: a cup of green tea, one boiled egg, salted red fish and lettuce - two hundred grams.
  • Lunch: a cup of green tea, fish cooked on any Japanese recipe - two hundred grams, fruit salad with natural yogurt and lemon juice - one hundred and fifty grams, dry white wine - one hundred fifty milliliter.
  • Afternoon snack: an apple.
  • Dinner: a cup of green tea, coleslaw, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, herbs, cheese, tofu and cooked rice - two hundred grams.

Second day

  • Breakfast: One cup of green tea.
  • Second breakfast: a cup of green tea, scrambled eggs with fresh vegetables and shrimp - two hundred grams.
  • Lunch: a cup of green tea, boiled fish with onions and carrots - one hundred and fifty grams, boiled rice - two hundred grams, one banana.
  • Afternoon snack: an apple.
  • Dinner: a cup of green tea, coleslaw, tomato, cucumber and green - one hundred and fifty grams, boiled squid with rice - two hundred and fifty grams.

Third day

  • Breakfast: One cup of green tea.
  • Second breakfast: a cup of green tea, red salted fish and tofu - one hundred and fifty grams.
  • Lunch: a cup of green tea, soup with vegetables and seafood - two hundred grams, one cup of yogurt, dry white wine - one hundred fifty milliliter.
  • Afternoon snack: an apple.
  • Dinner: a cup of green tea, boiled rice with green salad - three hundred grams.

Fourth day

  • Breakfast: One cup of green tea.
  • Second breakfast: a cup of green tea, one boiled egg, salted red fish - one hundred grams.
  • Lunch: a cup of green tea, roasted on a grill or griddle with a little sunflower oil red fish and boiled rice - three hundred grams, vegetable salad - one hundred and fifty grams.
  • Afternoon snack: an apple.
  • Dinner: a cup of green tea, two baked apple with honey and walnuts.

The fifth day

  • Breakfast: One cup of green tea.
  • Second breakfast: a glass of green tea boiled rice - two hundred grams.
  • Lunch: a cup of green tea boiled rice - two hundred grams, pear or apple.
  • Afternoon snack: an apple.
  • Dinner: a cup of green tea, fish cooked on any Japanese recipe - two hundred grams, dry white wine - one hundred fifty milliliter.

But there are some strict rules that you should follow during the diet:

  • Eliminate from your food flour, meat and juices.
  • Discard the salt and sugar in a pure form.
  • This diet allows to use a wide variety of green teas. But if you are always fond of coffee, then as a relief you can afford one cup in the morning. But drink only natural ground, forget about instant.
  • Eat tea before a meal, not after it.
  • Now you can forget about fasting. Eat only freshly prepared meals in advance, you can cook rice and pickle fish.

 Diet Green Tea: beauty, youth and health in one cup

Bland diet

This option is considered to be lax. For those who like tea in general it is easy to comply with. Power, as in the previous diet, five-single. The main thing that you need to limit - it is baking, products from flour, bananas, tomatoes and grapes. Another of its advantages is that you can implement such a diet for a few months, while completely forgetting about starvation. In a month you can get rid of three to seven kilograms.

If you are a gourmet tea you can add to your drink mint, milk, lemon juice, fruit pieces, various spices. For example:

  • Green tea in Kyrgyz: one cup of hot drink to add a pinch of lemon zest, two or three buds of cloves, a pinch of cinnamon; to insist a few minutes.
  • Algerian National recipe: half a liter of hot water to take two tablespoons of tea and a small pinch of dried or fresh mint.
  • Recipe Cuban-tea: One cup of brewed hot drink add the juice orange and lemon to your liking.

And now let's look at a rough schedule for the week, knowing that you no longer need or be interested to read about fashion, but inefficient starvation.

On Monday

  • Breakfast: One cup of green tea, low-fat cottage cheese with a dollop of sour cream or yogurt.
  • Second breakfast: a cup of green tea, a boiled egg.
  • Lunch: cabbage with meat, a slice of whole-wheat bread, a cup of green tea.
  • Afternoon tea with crackers.
  • Dinner: a cup of green tea, vegetable salad, macaroni and cheese.


  • Breakfast: a cup of green tea a few pancakes.
  • Second breakfast: yogurt.
  • Lunch: a few boiled potatoes, a slice of black bread, meatball soup, a cup of green tea.
  • Snack: a glass of green tea, some dried fruit.
  • Dinner: green tea, vegetable salad, buckwheat porridge with boiled fish.


  • Breakfast: a cup of green tea, cheese sandwich.
  • Lunch: green tea, boiled rice.
  • Lunch: steamed vegetables with meat, a slice of black bread, vegetable soup, green tea.
  • Snack: a glass of green tea with crackers.
  • Dinner: green tea, a slice of bread, boiled cauliflower with boiled chicken.


  • Breakfast: green tea, boiled egg.
  • Second breakfast: a cup of green tea, fruit salad with yogurt.
  • Lunch: green tea, boiled potatoes with mushrooms, pickle.
  • Lunch: green tea, fruit.
  • Dinner: meat with pasta, salad, green tea.


  • Breakfast: a cup of green tea, cheese cakes.
  • Lunch: cheese crackers, green tea.
  • Lunch: a cup of green tea, boiled fish and rice soup.
  • Afternoon tea and dried fruits.
  • Dinner: a cup of green tea, vegetable casserole.


  • Breakfast: a cup of green tea, cheese souffle.
  • Lunch: green tea and a cheese sandwich.
  • Lunch: a cup of green tea, buckwheat porridge with meat, soup with barley.
  • Afternoon snack: some cookies and tea.
  • Dinner: green tea, potato casserole, salad vegetables.


  • Breakfast: a cup of green tea, muffins.
  • Second breakfast: tea, oatmeal.
  • Lunch: a cup of green tea, steamed fish, salad, chicken soup.
  • Lunch: green tea, fruit salad.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, macaroni and cheese, a cup of green tea.

Benefits and harms of starvation

Several times mentioned in our article about how bad starvation and diet restrictions or small food much better effect on the body. Still, let us look at this issue in more detail.

Fasting is held under the supervision of doctors, nutritionists, and it is designed to cleanse the body of harmful toxins. In a serious degree of obesity, some doctors are also advised to apply this, in this embodiment, the most effective method. But recently increased "fashion" on fasting for weight loss. This is pure mockery of himself and completely useless, as this method can lead to stress, or worse, to the disruption of metabolic processes. With this diet the body is powered by reserves of fat and vitamins that have previously accumulated in the body, respectively, after the termination of the "power" you gain weight in two or even three times as much.

Be aware of the dangers of starvation and it is best to follow the diet on green tea. Because of this, you can cheer yourself up and feel the lightness throughout the body, heal and rejuvenate the body. Many doctors say that people who drink seven cups of this drink per day, much less suffer other liver diseases. Additionally, green tea contributes to lowering the cholesterol in blood and supports the immune system. Stay fit and healthy!

 Diet Green Tea: beauty, youth and health in one cup

We recommend that read: fasting day on rice

Chocolate, chocolate, I will eat you! Chocolate Diet

 Chocolate, chocolate, I will eat you! Chocolate Diet

For a piece of chocolate you are willing to sacrifice their lives, but are absolutely sure of it fat. Without an invigorating cup of coffee in the morning brain refuses to work, but then you know that coffee increases blood pressure and increases the load on the heart. You will be surprised, but to torture yourself by refusing bittersweet squares and soul warming drink, is no longer needed. Chocolate diet - this is the way for those who, even for a day does not want to deprive yourself of pleasure and at the same time wants to get rid of anguish from at least two or three extra kilos. You will not believe, but the chocolate diet - is not just a tasty title, it really is based on chocolate. Experts have long been put coffee beans and cocoa beans in the service of a slim figure. Ways to lose weight with them a lot - from the simplest to the most exotic.

Paradisaic delight

Contemporary American in anything does not deny, and eats in a year about 14 kg of chocolate, Swiss - about 12 kg, a resident of Albion -10 kg, German - almost 8 kg, slim Japanese woman - 3, 5 kg, the Russian woman loves chocolate, but it consumes just 2, 5 kg .  It is quite a bit - about 8 grams per day .  More we can not afford, because we are afraid to get better .  But chocolate - a storehouse of carbohydrates that promote the production of serotonin and glucose - the energy source .  Serotonin increases vitality, calms the appetite, relieves pain and helps sleep .  If not enough of the hormone - the mood is spoiled, and we instinctively pounces on sweet .  Serotonin levels vary depending on the health status and the time of year .  Its deficit - one of the reasons that in the afternoon, especially in the winter (and also women before menstruation) we are drawn to sweet .  It is known that even a small piece of dark chocolate contains as many flavonoids (which are responsible for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels), as contained in the five cups of tea, six apples, two glasses of red wine or a glass of white twenty-eight .

 Chocolate, chocolate, I will eat you! Chocolate Diet

Fragrant Energizer

Coffee drinkers the world, or rather, 2 billion people. It is drunk just black, with milk, cream, ice cream, adding a variety of spices: cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and even black pepper and salt. Coffee - the heart is not the enemy, of course, if you did not drink liter mugs. With moderate use of this divine drink even improves heart function and protects it from diseases. American scientists have shown that a heart-healthy dose - 3-4 cups a day. Drink of ground grains preferably soluble (instant coffee leads to fluid retention in the body, irritates the intestines, stimulates the development of cellulite). And it is better that it was not black, and milk, mitigating the effects of caffeine. Drink to your health!

Incidentally, only one coffee aroma can already lose! Fascinating smell drink impart essential oils. They banish sleep and fatigue, improve mood, and, moreover, exacerbate the reaction and increase the attention. The caffeine in coffee beans, relieves swelling, burns fat, and even fights "orange peel" skin. Coffee contains a range of macro- and microelements: manganese, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, iron, calcium, vitamins A, D, R. Due to the mild laxative and diuretic effect of coffee helps cleanse the body of toxins, providing a mild detox effect. There are beans and coffee oil, which improves skin condition. Not surprisingly, the coffee-based formulations are widely used in cosmetics to combat excess weight and cellulite. And Caffeine relieves pain, so pharmacists often include its composition of different analgesics.

Himself th and May tasty diet

Chocolate diet is delicious, but quite tough. It has a very low calorie - about 600 kcal per day, resulting in rapid weight loss. Diet Duration - 7 days. At the end of the week weight loss should be not less than 6-7 kg, and the first tangible results can be seen on the third day. The effect is achieved by eliminating salt and withdrawal of excess fluid, as much coffee dehydrates the body. Chocolate also maintains a full brain function, maintains blood glucose without giving you fall into hypoglycemic faint.

The secret diet - use only dark chocolate with the highest cocoa content. Connection of cocoa butter and sugar dramatically increase its calorie content, which is why the sweet chocolate recover, and the bitter lose weight. Milk, white, chocolate with nuts, dried fruit and filling - banned! Your efforts will be simply in vain.

Chocolate should eat very little - only 90 grams (maximum 100 g). Divide the chocolate into 3 parts (30 g) and lakomtes them for breakfast, lunch and dinner, washed down with a cup of coffee with milk, but without sugar. Attention! Drink after a meal only 3 hours. It may be pure water, black or green tea, of course, no sugar.

  • Breakfast. Coffee with milk, 30 grams of chocolate
  • Lunch. Coffee with milk, 30 grams of chocolate
  • Dinner. Coffee with milk, 30 grams of chocolate

As with any diet, chocolate diet has its advantages and disadvantages.

Pros diet:

  • 7 days weight loss is 7 kg
  • Chocolate diet delicious
  • No need to count calories
  • The coffee and chocolate contains many useful vitamins and minerals
  • Chocolate diet is easy to use
  • It is possible that at the end of the diet for a long time you will not be able to look at the chocolate
  • Chocolate diet does not require material expenditures

Cons diet:

  • Chocolate diet - a completely unbalanced diet, depriving the body of many essential nutrients
  • Chocolate diet is contraindicated for patients with diabetes, hypertension, allergies to chocolate, liver and pancreas, as well as pregnant and lactating women

 Chocolate, chocolate, I will eat you! Chocolate Diet

Chocolate fasting days

If chocolate coffee diet you may still seem too heavy and you risk not sit for a week for coffee and chocolate, the perfect option for you - chocolate fasting days. Eating should be exactly the same, but 1 or 2 times a week. Lose a discharge can be about 1 kg per day.

Another option delicious diet

For those who do not want to give up your favorite treats, and can not abide by a rigid diet, a real find - Italian chocolate-pasta diet. Pasta - a great source of carbohydrates, B vitamins and minerals. An indispensable condition - they must be only of durum wheat, the norm - just 100 grams per day. They need to be boiled to a state of al dente. It is impossible to combine pasta with protein - meat, fish, cheese and dairy products. All of these products are banned diet. It is necessary to abandon the salt and sugar. That's all limits!

But fruits and vegetables eat almost every day! Pay special attention to vitamin C, which is especially a lot of kiwi and citrus fruit (but no more than 200 grams per day). You can eat tomatoes in any form, 3-4 medium size pieces. Be sure to include in your diet fresh carrots. Every day eat at least two carrots, and another three Juice. Diversify the menu of boiled beets, lettuce and fresh herbs. You can pamper yourself with toasted wholemeal bread, walnuts (1 pc. Per day), cooked soft-boiled eggs (1 pc. Per day). Salad dressed with olive oil, you can add 1 hr. A spoonful of honey. And of course, the most important thing - chocolate, but only bitter, with no additives and fillings. Drink at least 1, 5 liters of pure water, and no more than two cups of black or green tea per day. But coffee banned!

Sample menu chocolate-pasta diet

  • Breakfast. Cup of tea, toast of wholemeal bread (50 g), 30 g of chocolate, 1 orange
  • Second breakfast. 1 carrot, 2 kiwis
  • Lunch. Pasta (100 g) with 2 tomato sauce, fresh vegetable salad, carrot juice, 30 grams of chocolate
  • Snack. Salad with vegetables and salad leaves, 1 orange and 30 g of chocolate
  • Dinner. Fresh vegetables and lettuce.

Choose what suits your taste - chocolate diet, fasting days on chocolate a few times a week or a chocolate-pasta diet. You delicious weight loss!

From our table - to your table

As we know, a strong half of humanity - the real sweet tooth. Indulge in your favorite coffee and chocolate dessert. The recipe is quite simple and will not take much of your time, but cheer up, supply of energy for the whole day and will bring a true delight your beloved.

  • Boil strong coffee, add a few pieces of chocolate, orange zest and a little cream liqueur (such as «Baileys»). Stir until completely dissolved all chocolate. Pour the drink in the beautiful cup, garnish with whipped cream on top and sprinkle with cinnamon.

PS If you like chocolate, be sure to eat a ma-and-Lenka piece, otherwise then do not notice how you can swallow the whole tile.

 Chocolate, chocolate, I will eat you! Chocolate Diet

We advise to check: British diet for 21 days

For Mom ... Dad ... For diet on porridges

 For Mom ... Dad ... For diet on porridges

You want to throw a couple of typed "winter" kilograms not harm health? In anticipation of spring, we offer you clean the body, not starving. Diet cereals will help to lose weight quickly and easily.

Separating the wheat from the chaff

Cereal products - our faithful helpers in the fight against excess weight. But, it seems, completely forgotten about that the drafters of popular diets that call us to abandon carbohydrate foods. And for good reason. After Carbohydrates strife. Of course, the "bad" carbohydrates, which are abundantly present in donuts and muffins, will bring to no good. But this is not a reason to abandon the "good" carbohydrates, which are the main sources of untreated grain.

Benefits of diet on porridges

Diets based porridges are considered the least harmful and the most beneficial. Want to lose weight? Then choose unrefined grains. Brown and wild rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, barley should form the basis of your diet. Their constituent vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals prevent the development of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer. And thanks to fiber content, they quickly saturate, thereby saving us from overeating, so not deposited on the hips and waist. Once in our body, grains work as brushes, stimulate the intestine, absorb toxins and wastes, and displays all harmful, including excess cholesterol. Superpoleznye cereals contain mostly complex carbohydrates that are slowly digested, so long energized. Losing the extra kilos is due to two main factors: the activation of digestion and low in fat.

Diet porridge, or as it is called nutritionists: Diet - Six cereals, suitable for everybody who wants to improve their health and to clean your body. Cereals stimulate rejuvenation process, so after a diet based on cereals is greatly improved condition of skin, hair and nails.

 For Mom ... Dad ... For diet on porridges

Ten-day diet

Diet cereals designed for 10 days. At this time, from your diet will have to exclude meat, poultry, fish, seafood, potatoes, bread, pastries, milk and milk products, butter, sugar and chocolate. Base your diet menu - any cereal, except the manna. Porridge should be prepared on the water, without salt and oil. And in order to provide the body with all the necessary, add to your diet favorite fruit (except bananas and grapes), vegetables, herbs and mushrooms. Kashi need to be alternated as follows:

  • The first day - oatmeal
  • Second day - rice porridge
  • Third Day - buckwheat
  • The fourth day - millet porridge
  • Fifth day - barley porridge
  • Sixth day - barley porridge
  • Seventh day - millet porridge
  • Eighth day - oatmeal
  • The ninth day - rice porridge
  • Tenth day - buckwheat

If you like sweet in the morning, cook yourself a royal mess of rolled oats, dried apricots and fresh apples. You can add honey, vegetable oil and nuts (but only for those who want to get rid of toxins, but not to lose weight). If your goal - to lose weight, and from these goodies on the diet have to give! The number of meals is not limited. Pure water and tea drink may be in any quantity.

Diet cereals transferred easily. Strictly adhering to the diet, you get rid of 5-7 kg is not to the detriment of a beautiful skin and hair. And the abundance of fiber, lack of proteins and fats your body healthier.

 For Mom ... Dad ... For diet on porridges

Weekly diet

Diet "six cereals" lasts exactly one week. Eat cereals have exclusively. It allowed the use of fresh fruits and vegetables, but in very small quantities. Do not forget to drink clean water - at least two liters, as well as green or herbal tea. Before the diet, it is desirable to clean the intestines (mild laxatives or enemas). Beauty requires sacrifice! Eat porridge should be in sequence, without changing seats, and otherwise change the essence of the diet.

  • The first day - wheat porridge
  • Second day - millet porridge
  • Third day - oatmeal
  • The fourth day - rice porridge
  • Fifth day - barley porridge
  • Sixth day - barley porridge
  • Seventh day - porridge made of a mixture of cereals

Prepare pudding in a special way. In the evening, a glass of pre-washed grits pour three cups of boiling water. Bring to a boil pudding and cook about 5 minutes more. Salt porridge and add in the oil can not be her, but in this case the diet will give the expected results. Porridge wrap in a towel. Your morning porridge is ready. On the last day, all types of cereals are mixed (2 tablespoons) and cook the same way. Quick-cooking cereals are not suitable for this diet. For half an hour before breakfast, do not forget to drink a glass of warm boiled water - and lakomtes to your health!

Diet cereals will get rid of 3-6 kg per week. Repeat diet can be a month.

 For Mom ... Dad ... For diet on porridges

We recommend that read: buckwheat with yogurt diet

Separate food for weight loss

 Separate food for weight loss

Perhaps there is no such person who has not heard of a separate feed. But how many know exactly what is meant by this term? And a separate food diet menu suggests?

A couple of centuries ago, scientists began to pay attention to the fact that certain food combinations can cause heaviness in the stomach and drowsiness. The very same theory of a separate food was conclusively formed at the end of the last century, naturopath physician Herbert Shelton. In his theory Shelton repelled by the results of research the physiology of the digestive system of the Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov. Proof of the effectiveness of this theory began to hundreds of thousands of people who had a lot of diseases. The result of the passage of the school separate food created Shelton, was a significant improvement in the health status of the participants.

What is the proper separation of power?

In fact, the very theory of a separate food is elementary: the ingestion of foods that are incompatible with each other, the process of digestion more difficult. As a consequence, fats and carbohydrates which are not oxidized, converted into a subcutaneous fat. To prevent this from happening, in the separate power supply is necessary to maintain a 2-hour interval between ingestion of incompatible products.

Learn about the compatibility of certain ingredients may be using a special table separate power supply, which gives the perfect combination of products, allowed and forbidden.

Herbert Shelton believes that the benefits of the food that is not absorbed by the body, no. This is just a waste of food resources. Lingering in the digestive system, the products begin to decay and form toxins that are extremely harmful to the body. To fight these toxic substances our body expends a lot of energy, which is designed for other purposes. That this effect can be achieved through a separate feed.

In the transition to such a power, many say that it becomes easy and there is a lot of energy. This is because that the body ceases to separate power supplies power to spend for processing and excretion of toxins that clutter the body by malnutrition. And all this free energy available to you.

The benefits of separate food:

  • Reduced intoxication;
  • Visibly improves health;
  • Disappears halitosis;
  • Cleared by the harmful "sludge" gut;
  • Disappear problems such as dysbiosis and constipation;
  • With separate power safely cured gastritis;
  • Gradually leaves overweight;
  • It allows you to maintain weight.

Disadvantages of a separate food:

  • A complex process of addiction;
  • The need to change the mode of a separate power supply;
  • The feeling of hunger for the first time;
  • The feeling of dissatisfaction from the unusual food;
  • Difficulties choice of dishes at the banquet table in the separate power;
  • Stomach problems when returning to their previous diet.

 Separate food for weight loss

Opinions on separate nutrition

Many doctors and nutritionists believe that a separate food is not good for the body. In their opinion, the very technique of separate food artificially alters the normal digestion, since the very beginning of its establishment as a separate species, the man ate a mixed diet, his digestive system is by nature set it to digest these foods. In the long adherence to the principle of a separate food, the digestive organs are simply "forgotten" how to deal with sandwiches, herring under a fur coat, or dumplings, which means that a supporter of such a "diet" condemns himself for life to give up the festive cakes and a variety of traditional dishes, which we so accustomed to since childhood. A separate power supply constraints may spoil the impression of a holiday.

Proponents of a separate food on the example proves that eating well is not only possible, but necessary. With only one without a separate power supply of medicines, many people healed gastritis, diathesis, goiter, kidney and liver. This healing effect occurs due to competent selection of products on the system of a separate food and better absorption.

The basic rules in a separate feed

Eat only when it is hungry. You must learn to distinguish hunger from a simple appetite. To check imagine that you chew a crust of bread or cabbage leaf. If you are nice and you eat it with pleasure - you are hungry. If you do not like cabbage, and you want it sweet candy - it's appetite. It is usually in a separate power switch allows for 2-3 meals a day and eliminate unnecessary snacking that disrupt the digestive system and lead to weight gain.

Time consumption of water. Under the program, a separate feed must be stopped to drink water 10 minutes before eating. After eating allowed to drink at least 30 minutes, if you eat fruit after 2 hours, if you eat starchy foods, and after 4 hours, if you used the protein products.

Chew food must be so long that it is well to moisten with saliva. This is an important rule in a separate feed and not only there.

Before and after the meal needs a little rest, to bring the body into a state of rest. Remember that stress a person is able to eat a lot more food, which is unacceptable at a separate feed.

Tune in to a positive. Do not think for a table on the problems or unpleasant situations. Let thoughts will light, it is important to separate nutrition.

Do not overeat. In a normal diet moderate your stomach filled only 2/3 of the total volume. Approximately the food fits in with folded hands. On a separate feed, you are unlikely to be able to eat more.

Do not mix too many kinds of foods in one meal. Of course, you need to eat different foods, so the body does not suffer from a lack of necessary materials. But all at once to mix them in a separate feed is not recommended. From choose local products, not imported as they are adapted to your body biologically better.

The temperature of the food in a separate feed. Cold dishes should not be below room temperature at the time of use. A hot dishes do not have to burn the lips and tongue, there should be no need to cool and blow on food. Important in separate nutrition - comfort.

50% of the daily diet should consist of raw plant foods. All kinds of vegetables, fruits, herbs in a separate power supply will become your faithful friends and helpers.

Berries and fruit. About them should be discussed separately. Basically, it is an ideal food for your body, but to use any berries or fruit is as a separate meal, such as a snack, which is admissible at a separate feed. Or you can eat some berries for half an hour before a meal, so they had time to leave the stomach, but never eat fruit and berries after a meal, as so many Russians. Cantaloupe and blueberries is only permitted as a separate meal for separate power supply system

Limit or completely excluded from the diet:

  • Sugar and all that it contains;
  • Smoked sausages, pickles, etc .;
  • Refined oil, mayonnaise, margarine;
  • Cocoa, coffee, tea, carbonated drinks like Cola;
  • Ruffled, limp vegetables or fruit;
  • Powdered milk, condensed milk and canned goods.

 Separate food for weight loss

Types of separate power supply

There are several different kinds of separate food which are generally one idea Sheldon, but offer an exception to the diet of different groups of products.

Separate meals Semenova includes a huge number of various recipes, but eliminates the separate power supply from the diet all dairy products, fish, meat soups and various soups. Nadezhda Semenova in the program advises completely switch to vegetarianism.

Separate food Montignac implies a reusable food limited "bad" carbohydrates. In addition to the table of compatibility of products should take into account their glycemic index. Perhaps only in this system of separate food alcohol is permitted. Michel Montignac recommends daily use half glasses of red wine.

Separate food for blood group, perhaps the most popular method today of a separate food. It implies a certain set of products for a particular blood group. The rest of the principles are the classics.

In a separate feed for Malakhov all the forces are aimed initially for the treatment of a wide spectrum of diseases. The menu of separate food in large quantities present infusions and decoctions of herbs, vegetables and fruit juices.

Despite the fact that separate meals for weight loss is not intended as a nice bonus kilograms leaving you still "faces." Although we can not say that the weight will go away quickly. Most weight loss in the separate power supply is by cleansing the body of various toxins, poisons and water, which is the last delay. And do not forget about the fact that a separate feed you eat at a time, a smaller amount of food, and the stomach decreases over time to its normal size, which means that you eat less and still not gain weight. So to lose weight like a separate food is the best option that will lose weight and do not hurt yourself. But it's worth noting that the wait for the results quickly on the classic separate power supply is not necessary. As a rule, lose weight begins only after 1-2 months of regular separate food

There is also a strict food diet, the menu is limited to a specific set of products and volume. This ensures getting rid of extra kilograms, but not everyone is capable of withstanding such harsh regime of separate power supply.

No matter what purpose you decide to apply to the separate power supply, be sure to visit your doctor or therapist may you have a disease in which a separate food diet is correct. As such contraindications to separate food is not. But control of a doctor or a dietitian will ensure that you do not hurt yourself fad separate power supply.

Well, of course, regardless of whether you have chosen a slimming diet or "lit up" a separate power supply, remember that exercise has not been canceled yet. Walking or elementary 15-minute exercises in the morning perfectly complement the system of separate food and help you strengthen your muscles and make the body more flexible. It is convenient to combine with the regime of separate supply water aerobics or swimming lessons are simple, because after a workout more often hungry and refueled before class vegetables, you can safely snack at the end.

 Separate food for weight loss

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Kim Protasov diet - a quick way to lose weight

 Kim Protasov diet - a quick way to lose weight

You want to lose weight and get rid of unwanted kilograms? Do you want to wean your body of craving for fat and sweet and not causing harm to health? Then Kim Protasov diet is what you need!

For the first time this diet was published in 1999 in the publication "Russian Israelis." Article Title reads "Do not make a meal of the cult. A thin cow is not yet a gazelle ", which attracted quite a wide audience. Danae diet was developed by the Israeli dietitian Kim Protasov, in whose honor and was named.

During its existence, the diet Kim Protasov has established itself as a simple and yet friendly and highly effective way to get rid of the hated extra kilograms and gained many followers. Let's see what is the popularity and effectiveness of such a diet Kim Protasov.

Perhaps the most important thing in this diet is that it does not limit the amount of food consumed. And so there will not panic, that nothing could have. But on the diet is a diet that still has limitations. In this case, limiting the intake of carbohydrates with high glycemic index, that the body is only a positive factor, as normalizes the functioning of the pancreas and disappears sweet tooth.

Kim Protasov diet lasts for 5 weeks, the most important - it is the fourth and fifth weeks, they are responsible for the most intense shedding weight. Out of diet and lasts 5 weeks. So you need to practice patience and willpower. To make it easier to navigate, below we give a description of the diet Protasov.

Week One

In the first week of the diet are allowed to eat unlimited quantity of any raw vegetables, cheese 5% fat and yogurt. Not to be confused with the usual fat yogurts with additives here, we can also be attributed, and a fat yogurt, they just use is strictly prohibited! Under 5% fat cheeses are meant low-fat cottage cheese and cheese type cheese. Sweet snacks, even if the percentage of fat is equal to 5, we do not fit. In addition to the main products are one boiled egg a day, coffee and tea, but without sugar. Fruit can afford 2-3 apples.

All of these foods can be eaten in any combination and at any time.

Connect your imagination and you will be surprised how many meals you can get out of these products. It can be a variety of salads, soups and more. And most importantly, do not forget to drink 1, 5-2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day.

Week Two

The second week includes a menu of the first week: raw vegetables, apples, eggs, dairy products 5% fat. But during the second week you will have a much easier - went first extra weight, you began to feel better. All this gives enthusiasm to continue in the same spirit.

Week Three

It already love vegetables and cheese add meat, fish: a portion of about 300 grams per day. Keep in mind that the meat must be lean and low-fat fish and steamed or boiled. During this period it is necessary to reduce the amount of dairy products consumed as necessary nutrients you are getting narrower and meat and fish. A raw vegetables, still, lakomtes in any amount.

Week of the fourth and fifth

Repeats the menu of the third week. Note that the total amount of fat consumed per day should not exceed 40 grams.

Let's summarize the first five weeks, and make a list of permitted products and those who absolutely do not should be in your diet.


  • 2 liters of clean water every day;
  • Raw vegetables;
  • Green apples;
  • Egg.


  • Dairy products with 5% fat (yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt without additives or preservatives);
  • The salt must necessarily be present as participates in water-salt exchange body. Its elimination is fraught with violations of the kidneys, heart and brain;
  • Sauerkraut, sour cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • Add different spices in the food, provided that they are natural;
  • Tea, preferably green as black dehydrates the body, coffee without milk and sugar, fresh juices;
  • On the third week of fish, meat, seafood, but stewed, boiled or fried without oil;
  • Canned fish and meat, provided that cooked in its own juice.

You can not:

  • Sugar and sugar substitutes;
  • Brees meat and vegetable, as well as cooked vegetables;
  • Sausages, crab sticks and their derivatives;
  • Soy products;
  • Yogurt with fruit additives;
  • Korean carrot salad and similar;
  • Purchased juice in packets.

 Kim Protasov diet - a quick way to lose weight

Well, that flew five weeks on the diet, and now in the mirror you look slim lady. Fortunately there is no limit, you flit as a feather, but stop! That's not all. Now you need to fix a stunning result. Therefore, we must deliberately and gradually withdraw from the diet, adhering to the basic rules.

If you do not want to re-dial hastily dumped kgs, after completion of the diet can not go for the food. Of course, this statement applies to any diet, and diet Kim Protasov was no exception. It is necessary to gradually move slowly to normal food. Start with the fact that the breakfast cook porridge, it can be buckwheat, millet or oatmeal. The portions should be small. Here you can add cheese and vegetable salad.

Approved during a diet green apples can be replaced with berries and fruits that do not contain a lot of starch. It can be cherries, pears, gooseberries, currants, and more. It should refrain from the use of banana, mango and dried fruits. During exit from the diet can afford a little vegetable oil, which are added to salads. Just for a change let yourself sometimes eat a few nuts, but do not overdo it, because nuts contain a fairly large amount of fat. And we remember that the daily rate shall not exceed 40 grams.

It is necessary to replace cheese and cottage cheese 5% fat, low fat dairy products with 1% fat. All of the changes should be introduced gradually.

Contraindications to the use of diet

There are several contraindications to the use of diet Protasov, who necessarily need to know. Indeed, instead of discarded kilograms can earn a worsening of chronic diseases. So, Kima Protasov's diet is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases such as hypertension, heart failure, gastrointestinal disease, allergic to dairy products, kidney disease. When in doubt, but really want to try this diet, then just check on this possibility with your doctor.

But at the same time Kima Protasov's diet has a number of advantages, it:

  1. There is no limit on the number of food intake, which has a positive impact on the psycho-emotional state. After all, such a diet is much easier to bear;
  2. This diet establishes the metabolism, which leads to an overall improvement in the functioning of the body;
  3. Thanks to the large amounts in the diet of dairy products, the body receives more protein, lactose, and calcium. If more protein in the body, then there is a loss of fat tissue and muscle building;
  4. Diet consumption provides a large amount of raw vegetables, which do not contain starch, which in turn improves the intestinal function. Plus, the body gets valuable minerals, vitamins, minerals and fiber;
  5. Limit the amount of fat consumed, but it is not excluded at all, that is also a positive thing.

Well, the last word is yours. But if you decide to try this method of losing weight, you will be satisfied with for a long time and slim. All in your hands!

 Kim Protasov diet - a quick way to lose weight

We advise to check: How much can lose weight on a diet of rice

Friday, 27 May 2016

How do cosmetic facial masks at home

 How do cosmetic facial masks at home


  • How do cosmetic mask
  • Cleansing and soothing mask
  • Reducing and whitening mask
  • Nutritional and vitamin mask
  • Rejuvenating Mask
  • Masks for skin around the eyes

Who would not want to preserve the health and beauty of your skin as long as possible? For this, we come to the aid of the many products of modern cosmetic industry. Creams, ointments and cosmetics are designed to slow down and hide the signs of aging that appear on your skin. But one of the most powerful and effective ways to skin care are cosmetic facial masks.

Such simple methods of rejuvenation can be carried out in an expensive beauty salon, and in the familiar home. Mixtures which can make its own efforts, are more suited to those who do not want to spend on it a lot of time and money. After all, to do it at home, do not need to put any particular effort. In addition, you will be able to determine which components you more fit and make your face look young and fresh.

How do cosmetic mask

When selecting all kinds of tools for facial care, we prefer cosmetics based on natural ingredients. For making household masks usually taken only to such products, and no chemistry. The main ingredients are honey, fresh fruits and berries, herbs and vegetables, eggs, dairy products, teas from the usual and rare herbs and essential oils. Agree, it is much better than the purchase products from a store when you do not know exactly which chemicals are mixed there.

However, during such procedures in a comfortable and cozy home, you should always keep in mind a few important key rules. First and most importantly - the mask to do the course. This means that they must do two to four times a week (the number of treatments depends on the susceptibility and sensitivity of your skin) within a few months. Disposable procedure does not bring absolutely no result.

Second - before you put cooked composition of the skin, it is necessary to conduct a thorough pre-cleaning of the face. Remove excess oil, dirt and dead skin cells of the epithelium, and open the pores. Otherwise nutrients mask not have much influence the desired effect, and the procedure may even be harmful, if debris enters the skin. To begin, remove the remnants of makeup with a special cream or tonic. Then wash your face with a gentle scrub or gel. If you do not scrub, as it can easily be done at home. There is no secret. Take a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of any fine salt or coffee grounds, mix - that's you and scrub!

The next step - the opening day. The best and easiest way to make a steam bath. Boil water, pour it in a suitable container and fifteen minutes bend over steam. Do not forget something to cover her head so that the steam is most effective has an impact on the pores. For best effect, make a decoction of herbs - dry skin type suitable rosemary or yarrow, and for fat - calendula and chamomile. Most importantly, the pair was not too hot, it will be harmful to the skin. After the procedure, you need to get wet face cloth. Just do not forget that you can not rub the skin with a towel, it hurt her.

And now you can move on to the most important procedure. The mask should be applied only to clean soft brush or spatula, depending on the consistency of the mixture. There are a huge number of different compositions and different recipes of masks that can be easily made at home, of the products that are in your fridge. When choosing a suitable mask for you need to consider your skin type and the result that you expect. Consider some of the most popular recipes.

 How do cosmetic facial masks at home

Cleansing and soothing mask

Masks are essential for oily, problem or combination skin, which often requires a particularly deep and thorough treatment. They will help to open the pores and cleanse and remove excess fat and improve the complexion. To prepare such a composition in the home will not be difficult. Usually, all you need is already at hand, just need to know what to look for. What do you need?

  • Soda

Soda is in every house. This is the most simple means. Take two spoons (tablespoons) of common wheat or rice flour and a spoon (teaspoon) baking soda, add water to form a slurry and circular movements (in any case do not need much rub!), Apply the mask on your face. This skin can be a little pinch. After five to ten minutes, if not pinch too much, rinse with lukewarm water. Also, baking soda can be mixed with your favorite gel for washing and then used instead of the scrub.

  • Raspberries

This plant will help get rid of acne. Take one tablespoon dried flowers and raspberry leaf and fill the cup of boiling water. Wipe the face of this infusion. You can also add a raspberry one spoonful (teaspoon) dried mint, chamomile and green tea to one cup of boiling water.

  • Aloe

Aloe juice is known for its healing properties. Mix egg white (yolk will not be useful) with a teaspoon of lime or lemon juice and one spoon of aloe juice dining. Apply a light mask medical rounded movements, and a quarter of an hour carefully remove soaked in water and pressed with a cotton swab. This mask will dry, calm and slightly brighten the skin.

Reducing and whitening mask

Such masks are suitable for those who have small scars from pimples and other minor flaws, such as dark spots. But to use such a mask in the home should be very careful, as the basis of such mixtures are quite aggressive components, and improper use may cause burns or an allergic reaction. Here are some of them:

  • Lemon juice

Lemon juice - a natural acid, it is lighten skin and even out the complexion. Mix lemon juice with sour cream in a ratio of 1: 1 mixture and spread evenly over the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave this mask on the face can be no longer than a quarter of an hour. Carefully remove the remains with a cotton swab and wash with cool water.

  • Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide - known bleaching agent. Two spoons of peroxide, two tablespoons of lemon juice or lime juice and a spoonful of white clay (take the necessary teaspoons) Mix and apply on problem areas. After five to ten minutes you can wash your face with cool water. Repeat no earlier than two weeks.

  • Badyaga

This is a drug that increases blood circulation, cleanses and tightens pores, dissolves pigment spots. It is sold in any drugstore. As of this drug make a mask? Stir a spoonful of fresh-water sponge, two tablespoons of white clay and two to three tablespoons of water. Twenty minutes later, carefully remove the cloth from the face of a layer of clay and rinse with water. Possible mild discomfort due to the effect of the drug. After use, be sure to apply a moisturizing cream.

Nutritional and vitamin mask

Such masks must be used for any type of skin. They moisturize it and provide all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. For vitamin masks are best used fresh fruits and vegetables, the juice from them, as well as honey. Such masks are best for cooking at home, especially if you have a site and you can rip the ingredients straight from the garden.

  • Cucumber mask

This is a known means of rejuvenation, is used even in expensive beauty salons. Finely grate the cucumber and mix with a spoon or two of yogurt. Apply to cleansed skin and after twenty minutes, rinse with clean water.

  • Apples and apple juice

It will help to tone the skin and provide all the necessary microelements. Grate an apple on a fine grater and add honey until thick and creamy. After 20 minutes, the mask can be washed away with running water.

  • Raspberries and strawberries

It is not only delicious berries, they are also very good for your health. Take one tablespoon of raspberry and strawberry juice and add four tablespoons of milk. Dip into the gauze or a clean handkerchief, and then put it on your face and keep until dry. Then rinse the face with lukewarm water.

 How do cosmetic facial masks at home

Rejuvenating Mask

Rejuvenating masks to help those who have noticed the first signs of aging on your face. Aging skin is due to processes that destroy it, is rapidly losing precious moisture, which leads to the appearance of new wrinkles. Therefore, in creams for aging skin type focuses on moisture and protection from drying. Equally important are the foods that contain antioxidants. Masks, home-cooked, can be much more effective because you only use fresh ingredients, but do not shop option containing preservatives.

  • Aloe with honey

It is truly a miracle cure. A tablespoon of honey and about two tablespoons of aloe juice mix until smooth, without lumps, masses. After 20 minutes, wash with warm water.

  • Grape

Grapes - a rich source of antioxidants. Mix equal proportions of grape juice and milk. Wet towel and apply as a mask for 15 minutes.

  • Nettle

Nettle is rich in vitamins, especially vitamin E. Leaves of nettle to grind and mix with a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of olive oil or tea. Put the mask on the area that needs treatment, for 10-15 minutes, then, without rubbing the skin, rinse with cool water without soap.

Masks for skin around the eyes

This zone is the most delicate and the most vulnerable. It is almost all the time in motion (blinking, facial expressions), as well as prone to stretching and drying, so the first wrinkles often appear in this zone. It is very important to choose the right tool for the care and moisturizing. In addition, take care of the skin around the eyes should start at an early age, and the sooner the better. Here are some recipes that will help you in taking care of these problem areas - maxi to these recipes easy to cook at home from improvised means:

  • From the swelling under the eyes

It is just a mask - just fifteen to twenty minutes, apply the crushed peppermint leaves and cover with a cotton swab dipped in cold water or green tea.

  • From wrinkles

It is possible to use conventional butter as a night cream. To enhance the effect, take a tablespoon of well-dried (preferably collected independently) chamomile and linden, pour one cup of boiling hot boiling water and leave for about 15 minutes. Strain the infusion, then mix a tablespoon of soft butter (fat, at least 82%) of an oil and two tablespoons of the infusion. Apply to the area around the eyes, which is the most wrinkles, and go to sleep.

As you can see, there is nothing easier than his own "create" a mask at home in one of these recipes. Note that if you select the composition that suits you, you need to complete a full course of treatments is such masks. Transfer to another recipe and experiment with different mixtures is not recommended as it once stress for your skin.

And remember that the condition of the skin - is a measure of all the processes in your body. It is necessary to follow some simple rules to stay healthy and beautiful as long as possible. Observe mode, get enough sleep, give up bad habits and fast food, exercise and smile as often as possible, because a smile - a natural "mask", which will rejuvenate and cheer up you and the people around you.

 How do cosmetic facial masks at home

Alginate mask for the face: the best way to preserve youth and beauty

 Alginate mask for the face: the best way to preserve youth and beauty


  • What alginates?
  • Benefits alginate masks
  • As used miracle mask?
  • How does the skin after the mask?

Keeping youth and beauty for years to come - one of the goals of women at all times. In pursuit of the appeal, we will use all possible ways: cosmetics, exercise, healthy lifestyle. Moreover, in our time there is a huge amount of money on skin care products. Now no one is surprised to meet a woman who looks 10 - 15 years younger than his years. And not necessarily for this to have a fat wallet. Many women have learned to apply the procedures for the preservation of a youth home. After all, on the shelves you can buy everything you need. And sometimes the necessary components for the manufacture of cosmetic products can be found right in your own refrigerator.

Use of face masks - one of the most common and effective means of skin care products. The procedure can be carried out both in the cabin and on their own at home. Masks are very varied according to the method of exposure. They contribute to the nutrition, hydration, rejuvenation, whitening, toning and cleansing. By entering into their composition, these cosmetics are also distinguished by a large variety. In the salons of beauty and cosmetics markets offer a gel, cream, clay and mud masks.

Every woman can easily choose the most appropriate cosmetic. Particularly effective are the masks of animal origin, namely collagen. They are made from substances extracted from the skin and cartilage of cattle. In connection with the cases of mad cow disease in the world the safety of these types of cosmetic products in question. Collagen masks become less in demand.

All the increasingly popular cosmetics which contain no animal substances and plant origin. By the force of the impact they are no less effective. Thus, many women prefer collagen mask alginate.

What alginates?

Alginates are unique substances which are contained in large amounts in brown and red algae. Their maximum content in plants occurs from August to September. Therefore, during this period there is the collection of algae for the production of cosmetics. Brown algae in their composition are unmatched among any animal or plant among the world precisely because they contain alginate acid and its salts (ammonium, sodium, calcium and potassium).

About miracle properties of kelp know more of the ancient India and ancient China. Science alginates became known only recently, just over 30 years ago. In 1981, English chemist Stanford opened them, studying the beneficial properties of iodine. Later they come to grips with another scientist - Krefting.

Now alginates are widely used not only in cosmetics but also in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Therefore, their production is common in many countries of the world - in France, Japan, USA, Norway, India and the UK. Increasingly popular is production of kelp in Russia. In particular, it is engaged in manufacturing of alginates Archangel development - seaweed plant.

 Alginate mask for the face: the best way to preserve youth and beauty

Benefits alginate masks

What caused such popularity of alginates in cosmetology? Alginate acid and its salts are unique in that in contact with water to form a gel-like mass has a huge amount of useful minerals and vitamins that are beneficial to the metabolic processes in the human skin. Once applied to the skin gel dries quickly to form an air-tight film, having the ability to retain moisture in the skin cells. This feature is of great importance for the processes of regeneration and metabolism of the dermis.

Alginate face masks completely fills even the smallest wrinkles and act on the deep layers of the skin. Due to its texture and mode of action, they tighten and adjust the shape of the face. Furthermore, these masks do not only smooths wrinkles but also purified and narrow pores, remove spider veins, increase skin elasticity.

It is especially necessary to note a unique antioxidant and detoxification property of alginates. It is the ability to neutralize the effects of radiation and heavy metal salts display a negative effect on the skin.

Obviously, alginate face masks are able to cope with almost any skin problem. Therefore, they can be used in pure form. Most manufacturers use alginate acid and its salts as the basis plasticizing masks, in which, depending on needs, other ingredients are added. To improve the effect of lifting using alginate mask with chitosan. Chlorophyll in the composition of cosmetic products will help saturate the skin with oxygen and prevent wrinkles. Ginger deeply cleanses the skin and treat minor inflammation. Algae facial mask with vitamin C is recommended for mature skin that has such a problem as pigmentation. Collagen improve moisturizing effect and give elasticity to the skin.

There are also algae mask with eucalyptus, chamomile, wheat germ oil or rosewood, menthol, a high content of vitamins and many others. Selecting them in the cosmetic market is huge. Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity can choose the most suitable kind of alginate mask. However, you should know that women who have a tendency to allergic reactions, better use of alginate mask without additives.

As used miracle mask?

Earlier on algae mask was known not for everyone. They could only afford a celebrity. Now, these cosmetics can be purchased in any store cosmetics. Therefore, carrying out such a procedure is available to every woman. This does not necessarily go to a beauty salon and use the services of a cosmetologist. But you must clearly know the rules of skin preparation for the procedure, and especially the use of alginate mask.

First, thoroughly clean the skin from makeup and dirt. If you wish, you can use a light scrub or peeling. This will enhance the effect of the subsequent procedure. Dry your face with a towel, put on eyebrows and eyelashes little of any fat cream. This is to ensure that the hair does not stick to a frozen mask. Then, depending on the problem that you want to handle, brush face additional cosmetics. It may be an emulsion, whey, a mixture of essential oils. Alginate mask complement and reinforce the favorable effect of their action. Wait until the base is absorbed.

Meanwhile, proceed directly to the preparation of alginate mask. Some cosmetic concerns make ready for use gel mass in special tubes. But more Alginate mask sold in powder form, which sometimes included a special solution for its breeding. It contains sea salt, and has in its composition additional trace elements that enhance the effect of the mask.

Women often do not know in what form it is better to buy a cosmetic. It should be noted that the mask alginate powder is significantly more effective and useful. They do not have in their composition preservatives. Therefore, possible refuse gel masks in the box. And make a mask on their own is not difficult.

Thus, divorce powder solvent, following the instructions on the package. Usually recommended 3 parts solids per 1 part liquid. If the bundle does not include the presence of the solvent, the powder is diluted with plain water in a ratio of 1: 1. After the interaction with the liquid should get a mass similar to the consistency of thick cream. Make sure that the composition was homogeneous without lumps.

Immediately after mixing, apply the mask on the face of special cosmetic spatula. This should be done quickly, since the mass cools rapidly. Apply the mask, carefully observing the massage lines. This is a very important moment in the use of alginate mask. When applying the composition is not necessary to avoid the lips and skin around the eyes. These sections also will not harm the useful properties of alginates.

As the mask dries slowly begins to shrink and shrink in size. The consistency, it will resemble the rubber. Effect of contraction should not be afraid. It is natural for such masks. Due to this property, they form an airtight protective skin layer contributing to the better absorption into the skin of nutrients.

If you are using alginate mask at home, it is best to ask someone for help from relatives. The fact that the composition is best applied to the face in the supine position. And then, at the time of the mask it is recommended to stay at rest (do not move and do not talk).

Keep the mask on your face for half an hour. After the required time, it will resemble the cast of repeating all the contours of the face. It does not require rinsing. Frozen mask is easily removed in one motion in the direction of the chin to the forehead. Improper application of the composition is not enough thick layer mask can stick to the face. These places are recommended before removing a slightly moistened with water.

At the final stage of the procedure lubricate the face of the best tonic for your skin type. Sometimes it is recommended to use a barrier cream. It is necessary in very hot or windy weather, when adverse conditions may negatively affect the skin condition.

It should be noted that the remnants of the mask can not wash in the sink. When solidification they can clog water pipes. Filmed layer dispose in the trash.

Already after the first treatment you will notice positive changes. However, once the full effect is insufficient. Beauticians recommend rate of 5 - 15 sessions (depending on skin condition). Alginate masks can be applied 3 - 4 times a week.

The main advantage of alginate masks - this is their versatility. They can be used to owners of all ages with different types of skin. They are effective and helpful even for sensitive and problematic skin and have virtually no contraindications. The only exceptions are women who have been allergic to seaweed. However, such people worldwide unity.

 Alginate mask for the face: the best way to preserve youth and beauty

How does the skin after the mask?

The results of the application of alginate masks amaze and motivate many people to try this miracle itself. The list, which is below, is far from complete. But it reflects the main reasons for deciding to undergo such masks.

  1. Better complexion and removal of signs of fatigue.
  2. Purification and narrowing excessively enlarged pores.
  3. Improved circulation in the different layers of the skin.
  4. Providing an anti-inflammatory action and the removal of small skin imperfections.
  5. Strengthening of collagen fibers, thereby increasing the elasticity of the skin.
  6. Correction of facial contours.
  7. Light lifting effect.
  8. The saturation of the skin with moisture and preserve it in the deep layers of the skin.
  9. Elimination dryness and flaking of the skin.
  10. Getting drain effect. Improving outflow of lymph and blood.
  11. Prevention of aging and the aging of skin.
  12. Improving the metabolic processes in the epidermis.
  13. The cooling effect. Thanks to him, the skin looks refreshed and smooth. Cooling the skin tissue leads to their relaxation.

Every woman at least once tried to imagine alginate mask, does not want to exchange it to any other. The effect of their application can not not like it. The smooth, refreshed, toned face - is not this what what every woman dreams of? Alginate mask is especially effective in combination with such salon treatment is mesotherapy, myostimulation, exfoliation and rejuvenation. After a course of treatments using alginate mask you will look attractive and youthful to the envy of others.

 Alginate mask for the face: the best way to preserve youth and beauty

Chemical peeling face at home: you want to make your skin shine?

 Chemical peeling face at home: you want to make your skin shine?


  • What are the types of skin aging?
  • Features of peeling for different skin types
  • Peeling in the salon or at home where it is better to spend?
  • What are the types of chemical peels?
  • Simple recipes for chemical peels at home
  • What else you need to know about the procedure?

Often, as the majority of the fair sex shine with youth and beauty, they do not always think about the problems of wrinkles, signs of fatigue, crow's feet on the face, and the like "joy". It is believed that these signs of aging creep up to women from middle age. But such an attitude to the problem is fundamentally wrong. Scientists have proven that our skin is exposed to the aging process throughout life.

One of the most cherished desires of women of the planet Earth - to stop the aging process. And in order to fulfill it, many researchers have tried and invented a revolutionary method of preserving youth and beauty skin for years to come. Name it - a chemical peel. In plain language - the removal of the top layer of skin. Thanks to this "damage" the human body "includes protective mechanisms" and begins to produce collagen and elastin, which ultimately leads to a sharp skin cell regeneration. To perform this procedure mechanically, will have to go through the traumatic effects. But with the help of a chemical process, this dubious "pleasure" can be avoided.

Chemical peels are extremely popular among women eager to quickly achieve the effect of rejuvenation of the skin. But fans of the procedure should have information about the depth of the impact of peeling, the possible risks and benefits. To do this you must first understand the types of skin aging and identify it in your individual case.

What are the types of skin aging?

The first type of aging skin include no visible wrinkles, with thin lines and epidermal room, without pigmentation and hyperkeratosis. Skin Rejuvenation this can be done only through the peeling surface with the correct selection of cosmetics.

The second type of skin aging include wrinkles over time, the first spots, when palpated zone keratinization and roughness. In this case illustrates the application of the average peel.

The third type of skin to treat wrinkles, at rest, uneven pigmentation and hyperkeratosis. It is desirable to use the median and deep peeling.

The skin completely wrinkled and resembles a crumpled and straightened the paper refers to the fourth type of aging. This requires deep peels and skin tightening.

 Chemical peeling face at home: you want to make your skin shine?

Features of peeling for different skin types

Chemical peels oily, mixed or normal skin can be performed several times a week. For more sensitive and thin skin, such a procedure is shown only 1 time in 2 weeks. For dry skin should choose a chemical peel recipes containing alfagidrokislot. They improve the sensitivity of the skin to the action of moisturizing creams. In addition, the skin through exfoliation is better to breathe and shine with health.

Oily or mixed skin types require regular chemical peels. Good to know that the owners of such skin should use cosmetics containing glycolic acid, which will hide the reddened pores.

By peeling sensitive skin should be treated very carefully. Of course, it is better to choose a mechanical version, it does not irritate the skin. But one can also use chemical, using a low concentration acid.

Peeling in the salon or at home where it is better to spend?

Depending on what you choose depth peeling, so will the expected result. It should be remembered that the use of the median and deep peeling is indicated for the prevention of skin cancer. But if you find suspicious growths on his face, better give up this procedure and consult a specialist.

If in addition to the signs of aging on the skin, and there are still defects in the form of scars, scars and stretch marks, you just need to spend a peeling, regardless of age. In the future, as a result of the effort, a young and attractive appearance is guaranteed to you.

Naturally, it is best to carry out chemical peels can only occupational therapist with expertise in a specialized clinic or salon, and sterile conditions. There's also a specialist will determine the duration of the complete course of rejuvenation. But the price of such procedures are high, so not everyone can afford to use the salon services.

How to keep youth and beauty without significant material costs? The answer is simple: do yourself a chemical peel yourself at home. Remember that in this case you should be very careful and follow all the safety rules with acids, at least for this and used their weak solutions. Also, at home can make only a chemical peel, which will refer to surface type.

What are the types of chemical peels?

What advantages does a chemical peel based on acid? Thanks to him, the structure of the skin is significantly improved, removes facial wrinkles and shallow, restored the tone, regulates the production of melanin, slows down the process of pigmentation disorders. To perform this peel at home using masks, special formulations (containing low concentrations of fruit acids) and enzymes. This mixture helps to dissolve dead skin cells. And, mind you, the procedure is completely painless. Agree, it is much better than the mechanical damage that can leave scratches.

Fruit acids are different: lactic, malic, citric and glycolic. But, as the solutions are very weak, their effects tend to increase other types of acids (salicylic, retinoic and ascorbic). In some recipes you can find the addition of antioxidants and bleaching agents.

Chemical peeling face, held at home, make your skin radiant. Beauticians know that the dead skin cells of the top layer of the light is reflected very poorly. But if they exfoliate, open new cells. They are in close contact with each other, which in turn contributes to the emergence of a healthy shine. Therefore, you will look younger.

With regular exfoliation at home cell renewal is accelerated, and in the deep layers of the skin increased production of collagen and elastin. Such a procedure can make small inconspicuous spot on the skin. It's enough to just turn into a recipe peeling bleach (eg, vitamin C). The skin will be perfectly smooth, soft and supple. Number of wrinkles significantly reduced by regular skin cell renewal. Chemical peeling face, held at home, working on a thoroughly cleansed skin. Therefore, we can not worry about clogged pores and the appearance of unsightly stains.

Simple recipes for chemical peels at home

Weakly concentrated salicylic acid is ideal for oily skin peeling home. This drug helps to exfoliate all unnecessary, reduce inflammation and cleanse pores, to normalize the sebaceous glands, prevent acne, reduce acne marks and align the complexion. Another advantage of such an acid is that it does not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. Consequently, it can not hurt and cause side effects.

It is also very effective during a chemical peel oily and combination skin acting calcium chloride. This preparation requires very careful use at home. If done correctly, you can achieve amazing results, virtually identical to the salon procedures.

Pre-trial peeling should be done in a closed area of ​​the body. When a positive response to the treatment can begin face. Note that the chemical peeling using calcium chloride should not be done for women who have facial skin is dry, sensitive, prone to redness and rashes, or else there are clear damaged or inflamed areas. Owners combination skin is peeling to expose only the T-zone.

The recipe is relatively simple. You will need to buy at any drugstore five-ten percent calcium chloride solution in a glass container in the form of bottles. For beginners are advised to ten percent solution of the drug further diluted with saline solution or plain water. Also take baby soap on medicinal herbs.

Next, a cotton swab or cosmetic disk soaked in the above solution, the treated surface of the skin of the face and left at rest until dry (procedure must be repeated 5 times). Please be aware that the action of calcium chloride on the skin should not be a sense of a strong tingling or burning sensation. If such trouble occurs, immediately wash with soap and water and rinse the baby's face with warm water.

After drying, the last layer of calcium chloride can start easy soaping skin with baby soap. Thus the solution should be rolled. Massaging the face should be carried out carefully, with the repetition of the procedure soaping and rolling the remaining solution. At the same time you are sure to feel like just removed the stratum corneum of the skin. Remember that if done correctly, the skin begins to "squeak" under your fingers. This means that it is time to wash away everything from the face.

Naturally, peeling lead to inflammation and skin dehydration. You must be ready not only morally. Get a pre-cooking ingredients for a soothing and anti-inflammatory mask. In such a case will be very useful herbal tinctures mixed with finely grind oatmeal and baby powder. Adding tea tree oil in a mask makes it not only soothing, but also anti-inflammatory. After enduring 10 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and use a light moisturizer.

Some artists chemical peel at home is also recommended to use the specified recipe, but starting from the end. That is, after application to the skin layer of suds, you need to massage it with your fingers dipped in a solution of calcium chloride, moistening them periodically. In this embodiment, the main thing is not to overdo it and the results are simply numb.

There is one more miracle cure for peeling face. For its preparation should grind 40 grams of dry powder concoctions and mix with trёhprotsentnym hydrogen peroxide solution until a creamy mass. A person must first be cleaned and steam. The eyebrows, lips and eyelids, it is desirable to lubricate with Vaseline in order to avoid severe exposure to them. Do not forget the rubber gloves for hand safety.

The resulting mixture with a cotton swab, apply to the skin and rub with soft circular motions. The mask should stay on the face until it is fully dry - about 20 minutes. When you need a good wash with warm water. You should not wipe his face with a towel, just wet it with gauze. To complete the talcum powder the skin. To soften the skin, use boric Vaseline. Such peeling should be done every day, but not more than 3-4 times a week. Avoid contact with the skin to direct sunlight.

At home chemical peels should be done only closer to the night. During sleep, the skin will be able to calm down, and the risk of exposure to UV rays it will be removed.

 Chemical peeling face at home: you want to make your skin shine?

What else you need to know about the procedure?

Whatever the drug for home chemical peel you choose, be sure to read the instructions for its use. In addition, remember the basic rules that apply to virtually all types of skin. To start with clean and dry skin. Then apply a small amount of product on the face, except the eye area. Allow 5 minutes and wash thoroughly with warm water. Even better, if you remove the peel using a neutralizing agent. Then turn moisturizer. If the skin still - there were still clear signs of irritation, use cool gadgets from herbal series.

After the chemical peel, you try not to touch the person, do not use make-up and the main thing - in any case do not go out in the sun. Direct sunlight adversely affect skin that has undergone chemical peeling. Therefore, in the spring and summer of this procedure should be done very carefully. Frequency of mild exfoliation depends on the type of skin. For owners of dry skin is enough and 1 times in 2 weeks. But oily skin requires intervention 4 times more often. Deeper peels can "pamper" their skin is not more than 1 time in 2 weeks for 6 months.

Do not neglect the test for allergic reaction before the procedure. In no case do not do a chemical peel at home if you have been idiosyncrasy drugs, hypersensitivity of the skin, there are tumors and inflammatory processes, there is an active herpes. In addition, if you have cardiovascular disease, are pregnant or breast-feeding a child, better give up the peel to avoid unwanted consequences. As mentioned above, after the procedure, avoid contact with the skin to ultraviolet rays even for 10 days.

If you want to carry out a chemical peel the skin of her face at home, start with proven home remedies. Remember that peels are not a panacea for all the problems of the skin. So try every day to care for her not only with the help of cosmetics, but also by a healthy lifestyle. Take care of yourself, take care of yourself and be beautiful and healthy!

 Chemical peeling face at home: you want to make your skin shine?

How do anti-aging face masks at home

 How do anti-aging face masks at home

Began to notice wrinkles on the skin, and maybe they have long settled in your beautiful little face? In any case, it is not a reason to buy huge amounts of expensive creams and masks to mark Anti-Age or resort to plastic surgery. Correct this unpleasant situation will help effective anti-aging facials, prepared independently.

In this article we will share with you effective recipes masks, consisting of access to affordable products that are easy to perform at home. Of course, from a single application once all the wrinkles are not smoothed, so please be patient. Smooth, toned and radiant skin is definitely worth it to fight for it and invest their time in the care of her.

Recipes masks for the face, tightens and smoothes the skin

Mature skin or skin, which only began to show signs of aging, needs regular nutrition and hydration. Special mask with rejuvenating effect not only tighten the skin and rid it of fine lines, but also improve the complexion, adding a healthy glow.

We picked for you the simple but effective recipes for smoothing and tone masks that you can easily replicate at home, because most of the ingredients you are directly in the refrigerator. To achieve the desired result be sure before applying the mask thoroughly cleanse the skin.

Super-mask on the basis of turmeric

Turmeric is used not only as a spice for cooking, but also as a useful component of cosmetics. It is rich in minerals and vitamins, has a positive effect on the skin. This spice has a healing, rejuvenating and lifting effect, so actively used by many women to rejuvenate the skin, improve its structure and color.

Preparation: Cosmetic clay (necessarily white) in the amount of two Art. Mix spoons with liquid yogurt or milk (one of Art. spoon), add a few drops of essential oil of lavender flowers and a little turmeric (on the tip of a spoon). The consistency should resemble a mask of sour cream. Hold it on the face five or ten minutes and rinse first with water, then yogurt or milk (for bleaching, as a little turmeric skin color). To post a mask on his face did not remain the yellowish plaque, when washing, wipe the skin with a sponge.

Do this procedure twice a week. The ingredients are simple, so you can easily make a mask at home. Using this recipe regularly, you can get rid of wrinkles and visibly tighten the facial contour.

Mask based on banana

Preparation: mash with a fork-third of a banana and spread the resulting puree 1 tsp milk. The mask rests on the face for 1/4 hour, then removed with a sponge soaked in the cool milk. It is quite simple, but very effective mask - it will saturate the skin with nutrients and "wipe" fine wrinkles.

Rejuvenating mask with parsley

Preparation: chop bunch of fresh parsley, mixed with fresh cheese or sour cream (Art. Spoon) .All ingredients you can find in the fridge at home. Rinse with boiled water after a quarter of an hour. Parsley leaves contain a large amount (greater than our favorite citrus fruits), vitamin C, which is responsible for the youth of the skin, as well as vitamins PP, K, B2 and B1. Mask with parsley results in skin tone, allowing a little bleach it and remove pigment spots.

 How do anti-aging face masks at home

The mask on the basis of peach oil and aloe juice

Preparation: Mix in a bowl for one item. spoon baby cream, aloe juice and peach butter. Before you lubricate the skin, slightly heat the resulting mixture. Keep it on the face for 1/4 hour, then rinse with boiled water. The mask is easily made at home, and its effectiveness will be pleased with you. Oil well softens the skin, aloe vera moisturizes, refreshes and soothes and baby cream promotes better penetration of useful components in the skin mask. As a result, the mask refreshes and rejuvenates your face.

Double mask to give skin tone

Ingredients: egg, lemon, a little vegetable oil. For the preparation of the first (preparatory) mask to thoroughly whipped egg white of one egg, add tsp. Lemon juice squeezed. Keep the mask for a couple of minutes.

For the second mask mix yolk with 10 drops of lemon juice squeezed and half hours. Spoon oil (peach, vegetable and so on). Leave the mixture on the skin for 1/4 hour and then rinse with boiled water. Because of this double exposed skin gets elasticity, fine lines disappear. This proves once again that in the home actually succeed in prolonging youth.

Mask based on semolina

Preparation: warm semolina, boiled in milk (two of Art. Spoon) must be connected to h. Spoon of honey, salt (half tsp.), Egg yolk and a pair of Art. spoons of juice pressed from apricot. If you can not squeeze the juice, you can just chop a couple of apricots and a little boiled water to dilute the sauce.

Time exposure mask - 20 minutes. It is perfectly tones up flabby skin, removes signs of irritation and dryness. In the early summer, when the apricots are sold in almost every store, to make such a rejuvenating mask at home there is no trouble.

The mask on the basis of aromatic medicinal herbs

Ingredients: linden flowers, yarrow, plantain, leaves, currants and strawberries. Some of these components can be found at his dacha, and some - over the counter. A mixture of these herbs in the amount of 3-4 tablespoons. spoon, spread a little boiling water. When the mask is obtained has cooled, it can be spread on the skin and leave a ¼ hour. After this procedure, your skin fragrant significantly posvezheet, get healthy color, it becomes more flat and smooth - and all this can be done at home on their own!

Mask based on blackcurrant

Preparation: some pureed berries black currant connected to one item. spoonful of sour cream and a thick item. spoon pulp of fresh cucumber. This super-hold on the face mask for 1/4 hour and then removed with a damp cotton pad and wash with mineral water.

Currants well refreshes tired skin, evens out its color and fights the signs of aging. Its composition much pectin and organic acids, a large amount of zinc, manganese, iodine, copper, barium, iron, calcium, ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamin PP, H, E and group B. Such saturated cocktail after several applications noticeably smoothes , giving it radiance and tone.

Rejuvenating mask based on fish oil

Ingredients: You will need one hour. Spoonful of cod liver oil, and honey, one item. spoonful of boiled water. Mix the ingredients and keep the resulting mixture on the face for about ten minutes. A simple structure of the mask makes it easy to apply it at home.

It is especially important for mature skin because it has a good firming and toning effect, perfectly smooths existing wrinkles on the skin. You can recommend this mask for young women, to prevent the appearance of premature, Adds age wrinkles.

 How do anti-aging face masks at home

Super-mask based on gelatin

With conventional powdered gelatin at home you can make a much greater effect than when using cosmetic finished products containing collagen. Collagen molecules that are present in almost all the industrial part of anti-aging creams and masks are too large to "walk" to the deeper layers of our skin. For this reason, their action is reduced only to the formation of a protective film that prevents the loss of skin moisture.

The gelatin also contain collagen, but it is presented in the form of a split and thereby capable digested skin. Gelatin masks are easy to make and do not require much work, so every woman can easily do them at home. Gelatine is able to drastically transform flabby, loss of elasticity of the skin - to try to mask the gelatin, you forget about expensive cosmetic products ever!

Preparation: ½ tsp. Of conventional powdered gelatin without additives Pour ½ cup of boiled cold water and let it swell, then add the juice of one cucumber and put the resulting liquid for a few hours in the refrigerator to thicken. The mask is applied to the face for half an hour. Do it twice a week and your skin is visibly rejuvenate.

Mask based on potato

Preparation: Boil the potatoes without adding salt, mash, add egg yolk and a little milk. The mask is applied in the form of heat and held for half an hour. It is easy to make at home, since all the ingredients can be found on any kitchen. The positive effect is not long to wait - you will see noticeable results after just a few treatments.

Beautiful skin is the result of a regular and thorough care. If you do not find time for myself today, your youth will disappear faster than you think. Do any of our recommended masks whenever staying home. This not only benefits to the skin, but also a reason to relax and get away from everyday worries.

However, keep in mind that anti-aging face masks - this is just one of the keys to the preservation of beauty. In addition, it is important to stick to a healthy diet and do not neglect physical exercise. Only if all three of these components can achieve really significant results in the fight for youth.

 How do anti-aging face masks at home