- Step by step
- Application Tips
- What color do
Even if you have never possessed the skills of drawing, water manicure become easy and fun process - this is subject to each, the main thing to want only! This technology is considered to be new, but it was fairly widespread. Learn to do manicures water, learning all the subtleties and secrets of this procedure, you will always shine manicured nails.
Step by step
Most importantly - clean the nail from the old coating and process the cuticle, without it to the application can not proceed manicure. That is, spend a full manicure, using scissors, nail files and degreasing agents (eg acetone). Now, proceed as follows:
- Apply the first coat of varnish, it must be white matte color. This will be the basis of all manicure, in that it will be a bright color and exemplary;
- A small cup (can take a pile), fill with water to the brim - water must be cold and clean. Note that this capacity will be permanent - take the one you do not mind, because it is stained with varnish;
- Now preparing colored paints - just open each bubble to, as they say, everything was at hand;
- Now Do the following: lubricate the skin around the nail fat cream (anyone can face, more importantly, that it was very greasy). This is done in order to avoid getting polish on the skin;
- So, take the first paint and a brush dipped into the vial. Then brush tray to the water (as close as possible) exactly in the middle and drip capacity exactly one drop. She immediately begins to fade;
- Then take the next color and do the same thing. The drop should fall on the previous color - right in the middle of colored spots;
- Such visits do 10-15 times, that is, you should have a multi-layer construction of spots on the water. By the way, at the end of the procedure no longer stain spread at lightning speed, and are already fixed in place. Here it is necessary to stop - it will be enough;
- Take a toothpick (as an option - a needle) and the sharp tip of nail gently stir in the water - as if making swirls and spirals, zigzags and easy strokes. It will turn an abstraction. In general, then you can improvise - as you like;
- Now bend your finger so that the nail was parallel to the surface of the water, and quickly lower the nail plate resulting in a mixture of paint and water. And in water can be flattened by a finger;
- Not pulling your finger, simply drag the toothpick varnish with water - it is as if the film will be pulled over sharp tip. Remove nail polish should be on all sides - there will have to be accustomed, but you will succeed;
- Pull the finger out of the water and wipe the cream around the nail using the normal tissues;
- Allow to dry thoroughly and then apply a coating layer of transparent fixing varnish.
Application Tips
Actually, I must admit that such a manicure - this is a very simple, but at the same time quite a laborious procedure. So choose for him is absolutely free time - you will need it a lot. You can cheat a little bit - just apply a pattern, for example, two fingers. So you can set off and embellish your normal everyday manicure. Very original look little fingers or finger with the pattern.
Secrets of Water manicure is quite simple:
- Luck prepare several colors, at least three;
- It is better for this purpose to take the enamel (opaque) colors, but also looks beautiful pearl;
- Drawing on the water can be any pattern, and lower the nail in the place that is most liked;
- In order to give your nails shine and transfusion in the light, be sure to cover them with fixing varnish.
- Remember - the base (in the above example, it is white) and can not be applied. But in this case, the aqueous nail polish should be used bright colors - they must not look dull and unattractive, and the enchanting and festive;
- You can not spread the finger fat cream, and just wrap it with tape. Just do not forget that to be wrapped all the finger other than the nail plate - it must be absolutely clean and dry;
- To remove adhesive tape or erase the cream with the skin only after complete drying of nail polish - otherwise you will spoil the whole picture.
What color do
Basically, it all depends on the preferences of the ladies - choose a favorite color and fantasize! Just consider some of the nuances:
- If you prefer a soft blue shades, they are better grouped with white or dark blue;
- The same applies to the green shades - it is better to combine them with other variants of the basic colors;
- If you want to have some kind of lacquer present in a number of bars, it should be a drop in the number of the latter;
- When painting on lacquer, not to go into the water - easily and barely touching it is necessary to drive a toothpick or a needle right in the varnish.
This type of manicure is quite stable - in fact, it is customary for lacquer painting not only on the nails and on the water. Thus, this method simply facilitates your work. Agree to draw on water (varnish) is much more interesting and you can try several options before settling on one thing.
Yes, you have to spend a lot of time for a manicure - it is necessary to make each finger individually to prepare for drawing varnish for each dive claw. Yes, very high consumption of lacquer goes to such procedures, but after all it's worth!
First, give yourself time favorite, definitely not. The no reason to turn off the phone and relax? By the way, during a manicure and you can arrange a session of aromatherapy - Light aroma lamp, set to relaxing music and enjoy your favorite artist!
Secondly, currently all cosmetic stores commercially available small bubbles lacquers, so-called probes, and they are all inexpensive. And then, do not be a woman at least something does not deny?
And, thirdly, you will get rid of the run of a beauty salon. While your girlfriend will find time to visit manicurists, you will relax at home and then a show "in all its glory."
In general, despite the complexity of the process, water-based nail polish will become your favorite "accessory". And given the fact that the same drawings done by this technique is not the case, you will always look unique and original. So it is necessary to allocate time to the general busy schedule, tune in to a quiet way and start creating! Sami then be surprised how interesting and exciting!
We recommend that read: Manicure with water
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