Liquor, existing in the world, have a different taste, the fortress history. Today we talk about tequila - Mexican alcoholic beverages, which taste so bright and unusual, that many men compare it with a beautiful girl, whose love can bring happiness and mischief, and pain. To fully experience the taste of the drink you need to know how to drink tequila, that is not to disturb her with another alcohol, and, of course, know when to stop, because the tequila, like vodka gives a strong hangover.
"Moonshine of cactus"
Quite often you can hear how the tequila is called "Mexican moonshine" or "vodka of cactus" - far from it. Prickly plant has nothing to do with it, as well as homemade Russian alcohol. This drink is made from the sap of the blue agave - the plant grows only in Mexico. For Mexicans themselves tequila drink is quite important because it is associated with many historical moments of the country.
Agave grows in Mexico for more than nine thousand years. In ancient times it ate, thinking is very useful. In XVI century the first drink from the agave plant. This happened thanks to the Spanish conquistadors who did not spend a day without drinking. Brought them brandy rather quickly ended, and the Spaniards, showing resourcefulness, try to make an alcoholic drink made from agave core. So there was a "mezcal" - the ancestor of the modern tequila. Mezcal exists today, but it's a little different drink than real tequila is manufactured from the blue agave, while for the production of "mezcal" is used five varieties of this plant.
Drink in the form, which is presented today in stores, it appeared in the XIX century. There are several different categories of tequila, it varies according to the method of production, and exposure degrees. Each of these has its own aroma. Tequila Connoisseurs claim that the best drink must be kept for at least four years and is made from 100 percent agave, without adding extra sugar. Beverage strength can vary from 40 to 55 degrees - it also depends on the method of production.
From simple unseasoned varieties especially popular "gold tequila." For color adjustment drink embellish his burnt caramel, which gives it a resemblance to the seasoned tequila.
How to drink and what to drink
There are many ways to use tequila. Quite unusual is that in Mexico, this fact does not play an important role, no one thinks about how to drink tequila - one drink a drink as it is convenient.
But the Europeans have a real ritual that give enough time to drink tequila because - it means to be his own man in the company of her admirers. Man has always been prone to all sorts of groups and societies, and there's no getting around it ...
The most famous and popular way - the use of tequila with lime and salt. Day First you need to prepare a little bit. Between the middle and index finger on the back of the hand squeeze a few drops of lime juice and sprinkle with salt. Slice of Lime go for a snack, so put it next to a glass. Now lick the salt with your hands, drink a drink quickly and seize lime. Incidentally, if there is no lime can be replaced with lemon.
A very common way of drinking tequila in young people is a cocktail of tequila boom. It has gained its popularity in nightclubs and discos because of its invigorating effect. It is necessary to mix tequila and tonic or Sprite, cover glass and hand sharply to hit them on the table. From shake drink like boils, need a quick drink, a cocktail is not settled.
Drink tequila in its purest form, while drinking a cocktail prepared with tomato and lemon juice with a pinch of chili.
The youth clubs often use this drink for making popular cocktails - El desierto, SANGRITA Margarita. True fans of tequila add it to tea, coffee, and even brandy.
On the basis of all the facts to answer the question how to drink tequila gold, and any other, can not be answered unequivocally. Just one drink of her own, as you wish. So let's take the example of the Mexicans and not ask this question, and rest easy drinking this excellent drink!
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