Monday, 6 July 2015

Prolonged pregnancy

 Prolonged pregnancy

Estimated delivery date has passed, but there is no welcome sign, the excitement increases, but ... 70 75% post-term pregnancy - it's just a statement of wrong timing. This is usually due to an error in the calculations (the beginning of fertilization is usually a mistake because of the incorrect date of the last menstrual period). In fact, to use ultrasound for estimating gestational age, pregnancy perenashivanie frequency decreases from 10% (as was believed for a long time) and 2%. However, prolonged pregnancy is possible, especially in the case of the first birth. If delivery is not going to 42 weeks, usually called generations various methods of stimulation. When prolonged pregnancy, there are two versions of events and decisions made by the doctor.

Firstly, you should doubt the correctness of the date of delivery. In this case, if during pregnancy corresponded to a period designated by the magnitude of the uterus and uterine fundus height (highest point of the uterus), the date of the first movements of the fetus of a pregnant, the doctor listen to the date of the first heart beats of the fetus, then you can be sure the right stage of pregnancy. Previously performed ultrasonographic examination or pregnancy test based on measured concentrations of hCG (horioticheskogo gonadotropin) in the blood of pregnant women, can further confirm the correct date indicated.

Second, the physician must check the normal course of further development of the fetus. Often, the fetus is growing and developing properly in the tenth month of pregnancy (though this can cause difficulties during childbirth, as the baby will have a major difficulty with the passage through the genitals). Sometimes, however, the environment inside the uterus before the ideal, begins to deteriorate. Aging baby seat does not provide the appropriate amount of nutrients and oxygen, and the production of amniotic fluid decreases. Dangerous decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus. Under these conditions, the further development of the fetus in the uterus becomes difficult.

Prolonged children are usually thin, dry, scaly, wrinkled skin, no tribal layer coating on the skin is generally a full-term newborn. They have longer nails and hair, eyes open and be more active. Newborns who stayed longer in a hostile environment, yellowish skin and are more exposed to danger during childbirth.

Often, post-term fetus is born by Caesarean section; children who stayed in the womb for more than 40 weeks have a large head circumference and / or they may have hypoxia. During labor they can draw original cal. These children also require special monitoring in the neonatal unit. The rest of the children born in 42 weeks in the normal course of pregnancy, chronic diseases are not exposed to a greater degree than children born at term.

After 41 weeks of pregnancy, if during the survey noted that the cervix is ​​ripe (soft), many doctors prefer to encourage childbirth. Induction of labor or caesarean section will also be applied (irrespective of the maturity of the cervix), when there will come complications such as hypertension (chronic or caused by pregnancy), diabetes mellitus, green amniotic fluid caused by the release of the first-born of feces, inhibition of fetal growth or other threatening child situation. If the cervix is ​​not ripe, it is possible to accelerate the process of induction of labor before the introduction of the appropriate medicine. In this situation, conducted tests to ensure fetal well-being. You can repeat this test 1-2 times a week before the birth.

In some cases, doctors prefer to wait 42 weeks or more conducting constant monitoring of the state of health of mother and fetus. If there are any observed adverse events associated with the children's place, or a very small amount of amniotic fluid, or receipt of any other signals about the threat of the mother or the child, the doctor will take effect immediately. The situation will prompt whether to encourage childbirth or better to resort to caesarean section.

 Prolonged pregnancy

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