- The causes of the disease and the consequences
- In what form the disease is manifested?
- Appointment of medicines
- Folk remedies
- Preventive measures
Women do not need to tell the audience the details of this unpleasant disease, as thrush. But there is a lot of questions when such disease that is considered to be characteristic exclusively for adults, found the child. In this case, the lesion is usually localized to the mucosal surface of the oral cavity.
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The causes of the disease and the consequences
Candidiasis (the scientific name of the disease) refers to fungal diseases and requires special treatment. It is considered a fungus pathogen genus Candida, which is present in small quantities in each organism. But inflammation develops only under the influence of certain factors that have a detrimental effect on the microflora of the mucous. The most common reasons for the emergence of thrush are antibiotics and decreased immunity.
Due to underdeveloped immune body's resistance to viruses and bacteria candidiasis occurs in infants.
Most pick up a disease from the mother during childbirth. In this case, it does not matter as they were: the natural way or by means of surgical intervention (cesarean section). Neglecting personal hyena baby badly washed and sterilized pacifiers and bottles - a direct path to his infection.
Candidiasis can get sick and children after a year of life. The cause of their illness usually become antibiotics that simultaneously with the destruction of pathogenic bacteria destroy useful, and various types of hormonal preparations. Frequent illness and decreased immunity supplement and accelerate the development of thrush.
The oral cavity - a place where most often localized candidiasis. But it can occur, and the diaper, which are often formed diaper rash. If you do not start early treatment, the disease will grow into a chronic form. As a result, it will serve as the backdrop for allergy and various inflammatory processes.
A belated visit to the doctor, late diagnosis and incorrect treatment regimen chosen system contribute to exacerbations of the disease. As a result, this will lead to the defeat of the internal organs of the child. There are cases when a fungal disease has led to blood poisoning.
The hardest part has to premature babies with weight shortfalls that have lowered immunity due to immaturity. The development of these candidiasis can lead to serious complications and death. As for infanticide, for them thrush in the vagina often cause adhesions (splicing of the labia).
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In what form the disease is manifested?
Thrush in the mouth can be recognized by the white fly in the sky such as curd, gums and tongue, which can be mistaken for the remains of the mixture for feeding or breast milk. But if you remove the stain, you can see underneath the surface of the inflamed mucosa red. This type of disease is called thrush. It can be severe, moderate and mild forms.
In mild, except the presence of the white plaque in the mouth, there are no symptoms. A general condition of the patient does not change, the kid feels well, it is active and eats well. To cure this form of candidiasis is quite simple. And subject to doctor's appointments are all symptoms disappear within a week.
Moderate disease can be accompanied by raising the temperature to 37-37, 5 ° C. The child begins to refuse food, it becomes restless and moody. When removing the white plaque in the mouth from the wound acts as blood. This form of stomatitis requires complex treatment. Doctor addition assigns oral antifungals for ingestion. The kid feels healthy after 2 weeks.
In severe candidiasis temperature may rise to the level of 38 ° C. The child is difficult to eat, he was constantly crying and complaining of pain. The raid on the mucosa is more like a continuous film that covers the entire mouth, moving to the throat. To cope with the thrush, you will need more than two or three weeks.
With the defeat of the fungus skin disease called candidiasis dermatitis. Its main localization: inguinal folds, buttocks, neck, arms and legs. Breeding contributes to moist environment of high temperature, which is formed by the diaper. The resulting rash can look like moist spots or small pimples with a white tip. Regardless of this, they cause pain and discomfort to the child.
The manifestation of the disease in children older than one year is considered a sign of reduced immunity. Plaque usually appears on the mucosa in the mouth, but if the child has a habit of sucking her fingers, symptoms may occur on the skin around the nail plate.
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Appointment of medicines
Drugs that can get rid of thrush, a lot, but more common are:
- Nystatin;
- Candide;
- miramistin.
Nystatin. Doctors often prescribe it to treat the drug. Its release in the form of tablets, ointments or suppositories. Nystatin main feature is that the fungi of the genus Candida extremely slowly adapt to it. Write out the drug under the threat of severe thrush. This refers to premature and newborn babies suffering from advanced forms of candidiasis. The ointment should be applied 2 times a day to the affected areas, and to use pills, following doctor's orders and instructions. The course of treatment is about 2 weeks.
Candide. The preparation according to the principle of action is similar to the previous one. It is administered as a solution. Kids should wipe the oral mucosa with a cotton swab dipped in medicine. The procedure is repeated several times a day for about 10 days.
Miramistin. The drug has a broad spectrum of action and can be used as a remedy for thrush. It is produced in the form of solution and ointments. Typically, lubricate the affected areas using a piece of gauze moistened with a solution. As a rule, administered in combination with anti-fungal medications.
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Folk remedies
The most common treatment for candidiasis is rinsing the mouth with soda. To prepare the solution you need a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water. Infants can wipe your mouth this lineup. Procedures performed at intervals of 2-3 hours.
Coping with thrush help flax seeds with honey. To prepare the seeds (1 hr. L.) Is poured boiling water (100 ml), insist about an hour, followed by addition of honey. Means lubricate the mucous membrane several times a day.
You can wipe the raid and tincture of calendula flowers. For the preparation of dry flowers (1 tbsp. L.) Pour boiling water (100 ml). Insist, wrapped container per hour.
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Preventive measures
Preventive maintenance will help to prevent the development of thrush. To this end, future mums should prepare for childbirth and cure candidiasis. This will minimize the risk of a newborn baby. In the future, we should take seriously the rules of hygiene: to monitor the cleanliness of clothes, bottles and teats.
Breastfeeding increases the child's immune system, normalizes the intestine and reduces the likelihood of the risk of fungal diseases. It is also important to monitor the hygiene of the breast, monitor the condition of the nipples. It is also often necessary to change diapers and hold the baby air baths, to prevent the development of yeast in a moist and warm environment.
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