- Location dislocation - arms and back
- Freckles on the face - Fixes an issue delicately!
- Dangerous fight with freckles or what not to do
Small golden spots appear on the body with the arrival of the first spring sun and inconvenience many of the fair sex, who annually spend large amounts of effort and finance to fight with them. Peels, masks, grinding skin - beauty ready to experience all, just to get rid of freckles, while forgetting that the most simple and reliable methods of stain removal was invented even by our great-grandmothers.
Location dislocation - arms and back
The specific answer to the question on how to get rid of freckles fast, does not exist, because each person's body reacts differently to the impact of a substance. Someone enough to grease a couple of times hand cream with UV protection to spot did not appear, and some accounts daily prodelyvat lot of manipulation to partially disguise these defects. But there are universal beauty recipes that will allow home if you do not remove them completely, significantly reduce the number of freckles on the skin.
- Lemon juice
That lemon has bleaching properties, nowadays know almost everything. It is added to the water to lighten your hair, they lubricate the nails to get rid of yellow, it also finds application in anti-brown spots on the hands.
So, cut the lemon into thin rings, put it on problem areas for ten minutes, then wash your hands or the back with plenty of water and apply a nourishing cream. Repeat similar procedure is recommended that no more than twice a week until the problem is solved.
- Creams
How to get rid of freckles quickly and permanently? Use special lightening cream with a unique ingredient - hydroquinone, which effectively eliminates even large dark pigment spots. As such products are no hazardous substances, with similar means to cope with the problem is not much worse than advertised and expensive drugs. Such cream is commercially available, but it is best to buy them in drug stores or in areas where you can provide quality certificates.
It is enough to put the cream on the hands in the morning and evening for two to three weeks in order to achieve positive results. But the only thing is that some of the fair sex could be allergic, so before using the recommended study the instructions and test the vehicle on a small area of the skin.
- Sour milk and wine
What unites these two drinks? That's right, they contain alpha gidrokisloty that affect the process of exfoliation of keratinized skin. Thus, after application, for example, yogurt, cells begin to be updated quickly and the skin does not have time to get dark and covered with spots.
There are several ways to get rid of freckles quickly with the help of the two. First - cleaned several times a day during the week the hands of the fluid that is to use wine and milk as a tonic or lotion, and second - to mix with black bread or yeast to make the twenty-minute mask. If you do not wish to bother with cooking cleansers, buy ready-serum can be at the pharmacy.
Freckles on the face - Fixes an issue delicately!
The girls decided to remove freckles using a home-made tools must be very careful with some of their ingredients. Any impact on the delicate skin of the face can cause a lot of adverse effects, starting with the banal dryness, to serious allergic reactions (burning, irritation, inflammation, rash).
Oily or combination skin: solve two problems in one fell swoop
- Eau de cologne
Girls belonging to this type, it is recommended once a week to use a mixture of cologne with lemon juice, as both these ingredients not only removes dark spots on the face, but also strongly dries the skin. After five to ten minutes after the treatment should wash thoroughly with water, then, if there is a sensation of dryness and tautness - apply a nourishing cream.
- Glycerin
If several days wipe freckles small amount of pure glycerin, they disappear from your face permanently. To make it easier to carry out such a procedure, without affecting the clean skin, use cotton swabs.
Gently dry skin!
The fair sex with dry skin doubly difficult, as most of the bleaching agents hurt her even more. Of course, after the procedure of clarification in the home, you can put on the face nourishing and moisturizing cream, but this precaution is not always save. Yet if to choose the right components for masks and tonics, aggressive action on the skin can be reduced by several times.
- Refreshing cucumber tonic
Take a small onion, chop it in a meat grinder or blender, mix the resulting slurry venture with grated on a coarse grater cucumber, pour all the glass of filtered or mineral water, preferably boiled, and leave it for twenty minutes. Recommended to wipe the face three times a day, then it is necessary to apply a small amount of fresh homemade cream to moisturize the face and enhance the effect of tonic.
If the procedure is unpleasant odor, wash with baby soap or shower gel. Do not forget that the tool itself should be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed glass container, as the mixture is quite perishable and gets a pungent smell.
- "Fatty" mask
This mask is difficult to cook at home, but if you have the opportunity to get all the ingredients and spend half an hour to cook, be sure to make it. It not only has a bleaching effect, but also eliminates skin blemishes such as acne, pimples, etc.
So, you need to mix five hundred grams of melted on a steam bath white petrolatum, three hundred grams of pork fat and anhydrous lanolin (animal waxes), one hundred and fifty grams of zinc oxide (available at pharmacies), two grams of orange oil nadbornonatrivevoy salt (about fifty grams) . Tool can be used to get as a regular skin cream.
Dangerous fight with freckles or what not to do
How would you not want to get rid of spots on the body, do not use dubious products, even when producers promise a quick effect for one to two weeks. If it would be so strong, it would be sold only in pharmacies and only by prescription, since fast results can be obtained after a serious aggressive and corrosive substances. Such products are used by those skilled in beauty parlor and beauty salon.
Also, do not go to the solarium, sunbathe and go out without causing the body of sunscreens. Even if you have long coped with the problem, continue to use whitening cosmetics for prevention. If you are planning to go to the sea for a few days, in addition to sunblock, bring a hat with a wide brim and special gloves.
And last but not least - before any procedure, whether the mask of cucumber and lemon, home-cooked, or peeling in a specialized institution, be sure to consult your doctor to avoid any side effects.
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