Extraordinary and circumstances are relatively rare birth defects, stillbirth, birth injuries. No particular reason you should not even think about the possibility of such an outcome, pain and bitterness in this case it is difficult to convey in words.
Each loss of a child is the mother cracked difficult to express. A woman waiting for her baby almost 9 months. I dreamed about him, I felt his thrusts, listened to the beating of his heart, for it absorbs crib ordered outfit, cook your friends, family, and life to the adoption of the new man, and now returns home empty-handed. Perhaps there is no greater pain than this - the loss of a child. Although it is impossible to compensate for the loss felt by a woman, time goes forward, the problem becomes more portable, depression disappears.
Coping with the woeful first day a little easier if you decide in advance how you will do in a similar situation.
If a child dies before birth, you can think what you want to give birth. It should artificially induce labor, and if so, when? All this you can discuss with your doctor and family. It should also consider how to proceed in the case of stillbirth or the death of the child shortly after birth. Whether you want to restore power in the post-natal ward where the mother with the children in another ward or prefer early discharge? Would you agree to an autopsy to establish the cause of death of a child?
What do you want to leave in the memory of the baby? Many consultants recommend that parents saw and used the arms of his dead or dying baby. Give the child a name, to baptize, to take photographs, fingerprints legs to save a lock of hair - as a way to pay tribute to the child. Burial and funeral also give family and friends the opportunity to come to express their condolences and love to you. Some assistance can communicate with their parents, which have borne such a loss. While nothing will reduce your pain, emotional support can help you in this difficult time.
If a child is born with a defect, premature or very sick, you need to make other decisions. If the child is transferred to a clinic specializing in serious childhood diseases before you can be discharged from the hospital and visit the child. You can feed your baby, or giving the breast or sucking milk, then gave it to the child. It all depends on your condition.
Doctors and nurses can give you the necessary information about your child's treatment, about what to expect in the future and show how best to help your child
If your child was born dead or sick, you take time to go through and think about their situation. After discussing the incident with the birth attendant midwife or doctor, you will understand better the full picture. Talking with a psychologist-consultant, therapist, spiritual guide will also help you cope with emotions. Family and friends as the same may help you protect from excessive curiosity of others, distracting you with pleasant chores and so on. D.
If your child was born dead or sick, you need time to cry. Mourning painful and debilitating, but woe be experienced. Eventually, after many months or even years, you humble yourself, but the grief will last long. Give yourself time to heal emotionally and physically.
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