Friday, 31 July 2015

How to get rid of traces of acne at home?

 How to get rid of traces of acne at home?


  • Spots
  • Scars
  • Prevention

Probably, every second person in the world faces such a problem like acne on the skin. And most importantly, that the age of this scourge is not an obstacle - pimples appear as teenagers and old people. But are the representatives of different age groups is also not the same. Teenagers know that awkward age often surprises in the form of acne, so just try to ride out this period. The senior category is trying to use more radical methods to eliminate rashes. But there are times when, in his quest to get rid of the problems on their own way of extrusion or by a variety of unproven cosmetic products, many only exacerbate it.

In order not to repeat such mistakes, you first need to understand the causes of acne. Our paper is just dedicated to this, and even to get rid of acne marks. So, imagine that our skin is a sponge, through the pores of which it is not only breathes, but also removes from the body of harmful substances. If this system is not working properly, the pores are clogged, they accumulate all the "garbage", not having the possibility of entering a natural way and start an inflammatory process.

Any inflammation requires appropriate treatment. In addition, not a balanced diet, not enough or the wrong skin care, various malfunctions of the endocrine, digestive and hormonal systems, as well as systematic nervous stress can also lead to acne eruptions.

One way or another, but the treatment and removal of acne does not always lead to a successful end to this problem. Scars, scars and dark spots on the skin can be an unpleasant reminder of the acne. The reason for this can be called a delayed treatment of pustules, independent of squeezing or getting infections and fungus under your skin.

Since acne is formed on the site of inflammation and redness occurs, the body produces a lot of melanin, which focuses precisely in the patient area. The more serious inflammation, the longer it will stay dark spots on the skin and upset its owner. Therefore, try not to squeeze pimples alone and do not run acne. If this could not be avoided, use our recommendations about how to get rid of traces after acne.

 How to get rid of traces of acne at home?


To begin, consider ways of getting rid of age spots in the home - a bright reminder of acne, once the ruling on the problem areas. The market is full of cosmetics various promising proposals for the rapid removal of traces of acne after. But, as experience has shown, more promises is not going. A positive result - an extremely rare occurrence.

More effectively and quickly to deal with traces of acne you can use vegetables and fruit (lemon, tomato, cucumber) and natural products (essential oils and aromatic), which can always be found in stores or pharmacies. To acquire the ingredients should only include time, patience, patience and attention.

The elimination of red spots from acne is very well established product based on green clay and essential oil of rosemary. For its preparation, mix 1 teaspoon of fine clay and a few drops of oil with a small amount of clean, cold water. Receipt of funds put on the problem areas of the skin and soak 12 minutes. After a rinse with warm water. For a stronger effect, grease spots and acne scars after rosemary oil throughout the day.
Get rid of the dark pigment spots from acne will help clarifying mask recipes for a few of which are listed below.

  1. It is necessary to mix 1 egg white and lemon (2 tablespoons juice). The resulting mixture is spread spots, avoiding healthy skin, as it is likely to whiten them too. After 15 minutes, warm water wash follows. Lemon is very good at helping to counter the problem of acne spots.
  2. 1 teaspoon fine white clay mixed with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and a little water until a thick mass. This mask is applied to dot locations stains of acne and aged 15 minutes. After all you need to rinse with warm water.
  3. 2 teaspoons tomato pulp must be carefully rub with half a tablespoon of starch. The mass should be applied only on dark spots and withstand about 15 minutes. At the end of all rinse with warm water.
  4. Good help lighten dark spots from acne rubbing their usual cucumber juice or use a mask of grated cucumber, which is held about half an hour and wash off with warm water.

Besides masks quickly to deal with spots from acne and help to wipe various lubrication. For this you can use tea tree oil, lemon oil, lavender oil, lemon juice come clean garlic cloves. Also worth a try to use a decoction of parsley, which is prepared on this recipe: chopped bunch of fresh parsley pour 250 ml of boiling water and cook on low heat for 10 minutes. Broth to use in a frozen or refrigerated liquid (cubes) form.

Also recommended to wipe the scars and blemishes from acne formulations of various essential oils, some recipes are given below.

  1. In half a tablespoon of olive oil you need to add 2 drops of rosemary oil and a drop of oil of cloves, mint and lavender. Received means further stir and use multiple times throughout the day by rubbing in problem areas.
  2. We need 5 drops of incense mixed with the same amount of oil of lavender and neroli. That means every day spread on patches of acne.
  3. 1 tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar should be diluted at a ratio of 1 to 3 with pure water, and the staff every morning to wipe the spots on the skin.
  4. Every day you need to use a tincture of St. John's wort. For its preparation, pour 2 tablespoons of the herb to 250 ml of alcohol and store in a dark place. The term infusion - about 10 days. The finished tincture simply wipe the stained leather seats.

To remove stains on the face after acne, dermatologists recommend the use of the ointment on the basis of salicylic acid. You can use other means: Ointment zinc-based ointment and ihtiolka sintomitsinovaja also very effective. The ointment is applied to the face for an hour, then wash off with warm water. This cream is sold in any drugstore and is cheap.

Cosmetic paraffin, which is commercially available at any pharmacy - a very effective tool in the fight against signs of acne. Before use, it must be melted and applied to the spot on the face of a point by means of a cotton swab. These points should be fully harden. Only then cooled wax is removed from the face and stored until the next time. Before and after this procedure, it is desirable to use a nutritious, fortified cosmetic cream. Such a method is not suitable for the skin with a distinct Spider veins.

Get rid of acne blemishes on the face mask makes regular use of cinnamon and honey. To cook it, you need to take half a tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. These components mix and apply on problem areas for about half an hour. Rinse this mask to warm water. Incidentally, honey can be replaced by clay green or white, but in this case it is necessary to include in the mask and clean water. Dry cinnamon also has a deputy in the face of the essential oil of cinnamon, but not more than 3-4 drops. People who are not healthy vessels of the skin, should renounce the use of a mask.

Also popular ways you can use the services of a beautician who can offer you several methods to eliminate acne blemishes. One of them is microcurrent therapy. This method is based on the effects of electrical pulses to the affected areas of the skin, blood and lymph vessels. In addition, microcurrent therapy in addition to eliminating unwanted pigmentation of the skin, helps to involve the small muscles of the face and eliminate the signs of aging.

Also, cosmetologists in the fight with traces of acne is recommended fractional thermolysis face, which is based on the impact of the laser beam on the microscopic areas of skin. This healthy skin untouched. This method allows you to get rid of, even from very deep traces of pigmentation.

 How to get rid of traces of acne at home?


Scars formed after acne, distinguished by shape, color, depth, and the total area of ​​defeat, but the methods of treatment and correction in many respects similar. The goal of treatment of acne scarring is the alignment of the relief skin, eliminating inflammation, normalization of metabolism, smoothing the skin and restore the blood flow in her vessels. Therefore, these procedures are not possible at home, and the application of various folk remedies to deal with this problem does not lead to the desired result. In this case it is necessary to resort to the services of medicine.

If you have decided once and for all get rid of acne scars, you know that at the same time you need to consider your age, skin type, the severity of scarring, and the immune system. That is, the method of treatment in each case be an individual.

To date, the most effective treatment for acne scars is laser therapy. It consists in burning the damaged layer of the skin with a laser. Such damage to the upper layers of the skin causes the body at an accelerated pace to produce collagen, so there is a rapid build-up of new skin. In that case, if the skin is badly hit by the deep scars and acne scars, this method can only improve the skin and smooth out her top layer. But there is no guarantee that the scars will completely disappear.

Also, in some cases, combat scars on the skin can achieve success through the use of the median and deep chemical peel, which takes place in specially equipped rooms and beauty in its basis includes the use of a weakly concentrated fruit, glycolic, lactic and other acids. Their action is directed to a dissolution of the surface layers of the epidermis.

When the above methods do not lead to the expected results, beauticians use mesotherapy. This method of treatment of serious damage to the skin after acne is administered under the skin surface in the area of ​​scar biological substrates, which is filled via intradermal microstructure. In rare cases it is necessary to apply the surgical technique, the essence of which is individually excision of large scars

Practice shows that only through an integrated approach to solving the problem, we can easily get rid of the traces of acne, you can achieve excellent results and bring your skin to perfection.


Any treatment requires preventive action. This also applies to the traces of pimples. Therefore, in order to avoid the emergence of new tracks, should maintain a healthy diet that contains a lot of vitamin E, to use special clothing to protect your skin from the possible re-inflammation, abandon self-squeezing pimples. All of these tips will help you to make your skin smooth, beautiful, blooming, smooth and well-groomed.

 How to get rid of traces of acne at home?

Anti-cellulite massage banks and other ways of getting rid of cellulite

 Anti-cellulite massage banks and other ways of getting rid of cellulite


  • How can I prevent cellulite?
  • What if there was cellulite?
  • How to fight cellulite
  • Vacuum massage banks of cellulite
  • Technique of massage banks of cellulite
  • Contraindications to massage banks

Cellulite - the number one problem for many women of the 21st century. In recent years, a fine half of mankind pays special attention to their appearance. Women regularly visit beauty salons and gyms in the pursuit of beauty and youth. Once science and ordinary people were not familiar with such a thing as cellulite. In fashion were so-called women "blood and milk" pyshnotelye, with nice, as it seemed, dimples on the body. These young ladies are a symbol of femininity. After all, they were considered able to bear healthy children.

Who ideals have changed significantly. Women, if they do not aspire to the parameters 90-60 -90, then still dream of a slender and toned figure. However, I must say that cellulite is not always associated with being overweight. Often the problem facing quite slender, and often lean women. On the other hand, quite a few ladies pyshnotelye having supple and taut skin. Unfortunately, these representatives of the beautiful half of humanity is becoming less and less. The reasons for that there are so many. This is wrong and a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet, and stress, and even bad ecology.

How can I prevent cellulite?

  1. Eat right!

    It is no secret that what kind of food we eat depends not only our health but also the appearance. Eating is necessary, first of all, right. Many of us throughout the day almost nothing to eat, and after work, indulge yourself a hearty dinner. This is absolutely wrong. Eat better to often, but in small portions. The body needs time to digest the food offered to him, are not formed to excess fat, which lead to cellulite.

    It is important not only what we eat, but also what foods we eat. Modern food industry can boast its naturalness produced food. The majority of them are added all sorts of preservatives and flavorings, which are certainly capable of causing harm to the human body.

    Try to eat only organic foods. Try to reduce consumption of fried and fatty foods. Completely excluded from the diet sodas, and alcohol products, which include a large number of preservatives. Fruits, vegetables, grains, natural meat and fish - these are the foods that should be the basis of your daily diet. Adhering to proper diet, you keep healthy and attractive for years to come.

  2. Say "no" to stress!

    Certainly, in our difficult time, it's hard to stay calm. Problems at work and in your personal life experience cause stress almost every day. However, few people know that the experiences and bad mood - it can be said, one of the major causes of health problems and, consequently, to the appearance. Not for nothing that there is a saying: "Nerve cells do not regenerate." In addition, stress is often the cause of overeating. It can not be denied. And, as mentioned above, poor diet leads to cellulite.

    Learn to control your emotions and guide them in the right direction. If you do it yourself does not work, you can try to support the body with antidepressants, but be sure to plant-based. Well established products containing St. John's wort in its composition. They not only calm but also uplifting. Medicaments based on the chemical components may cause cellulite. Avoid their use.

  3. Move more!

    Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to go to the gym and engage in shaping. However, to find the time for a short evening stroll everyone can. Move at every opportunity, especially if you have a sedentary job. After all, because of the permanent seats are formed of stagnation in the pelvic area, and poor circulation. Even in the workplace can be found in the five-minute warm-up time. And even if you stop using the elevator, living in apartment buildings, the already noticed positive results.

  4. Take care of your body!

    Regularly indulge your body a variety of beauty treatments to keep it in good shape. With age, the skin loses its elasticity. This is not surprising. Because collagen production gradually decreases, and that no one can escape. We need to use the scrub and body lotion, make nutritious and firming mask. This will help to avoid the appearance of cellulite.

What if there was cellulite?

How can that be, if the cellulite still appeared? What to take action? First you need to determine its stage. Maybe it's just a minor symptoms. But it also happens that without the help of a specialist beautician can not do. In the first stage the dimples and bumps visible only if you squeeze between your fingers small area of ​​the skin. In the second stage of the disease varying degrees of unevenness is easy to see the skin without producing any manipulation. A more serious stage - this is not just a cosmetic flaw. The body does not just appear dimpled and seals. Due to exposure of the skin may occur even pain. This stage requires more than a serious approach. Therefore, we can not do without the help of a specialist. We will tell you about how to get rid of cellulite in the earlier stages.

 Anti-cellulite massage banks and other ways of getting rid of cellulite

How to fight cellulite

The problem of cellulite at home quite difficult to handle. You can try to deal with it, both independently and with the help of salon procedures.

Without the use of special equipment in the home can be used to treat a variety of cellulite body wraps and rubbing. We offer you a simple recipe that is available to everyone. As you know, the state of the subcutaneous fat cells beneficial effects of caffeine. It contributes to their degradation. No accident that many of the expensive anti-cellulite creams are made on the basis of coffee. We also offer a more affordable way to treat cellulite.

You can prepare yourself a very effective scrub. Surely, in your family someone is drinking coffee. What many do not represent life without this refreshing drink. Take a couple of tablespoons of coffee grounds sleeps. Throw in any shower gel, you use regularly. To enhance the effect, you can add a little sea salt and a few drops of essential oil has anti-cellulite effect. As a rule, for this purpose using the essential oils of citrus fruits: orange, lemon, mandarin, grapefruit.

The resulting mixture rub the problem areas directly in the shower, pre-steam the skin. You can do this simply by using your hands or a massage brush or a masseur. Duration of treatment - 7-10 minutes. After this massage, it is desirable to take douches and lubricate the skin anti-cellulite cream.

With regard wraps at home, it is very simple and at the same time an effective recipe - a wrap with red pepper and cinnamon. Take 2 tablespoons of cinnamon and 1 tablespoon hot chili peppers. Add the resultant powder 30 milliliters olive oil. It can be used, and sunflower.

Spread the mixture problem areas - thighs, buttocks and stomach. Turn around food film. To enhance the effect, you can wear for insulating pants. Do not worry if you feel a slight burning sensation. This suggests that the procedure operates. You should wait for 10-20 minutes, then wash off the pepper-cinnamon mixture of warm water. The skin is slightly red. This is normal. These procedures will help you quickly get rid of cellulite, especially if you start using them already at the first sign of the disease.

Vacuum massage banks of cellulite

Since cellulite is necessary to fight the complex. If you add the use of coffee scrubs and wraps from pepper-cinnamon mixture of anti-cellulite massage banks, you can even get rid of cellulite at an advanced stage. Previously, cupping massage can be done only in the cabin. At the same time, many stores you can find the necessary equipment to carry out the procedure at home.

Many people, hearing about the Cup massage at home, remember the days of childhood and glass jars in which it was necessary to start a fire, so they stuck to the skin. And then the ugly dark brown spots that remain after such a procedure. Previously, banks treat bronchitis and osteochondrosis. Now and indications for this procedure have expanded, and the equipment itself was quite different. Yes, in our time there are glass jars. But they have a special rubber pump and nozzles, makes the procedure less painful.

A more popular and convenient massage silicone banks. They are very light, they are easy to clean. There are banks and rubber. Before use, they must be heated to very hot water. Under the influence of high temperature, banks are soft and easy to stick to the right parts of the body.

Banks usually for vacuum massage are sold in sets of 12 pieces. The kit includes a pair of cans of different diameters: 60 mm, 50mm, 42mm, 35mm, 25mm, 17mm. Sizes may vary slightly. What bank diameter choose depends on what area you are going to mass. The greater the area of ​​problem areas, the greater the diameter of the equipment. You can also buy kits for vacuum massage, which includes 2 or 4 cans.

Some kits for anti-cellulite massage equipped with special magnetic nozzles that can be inserted inside the bank. With their help, there is an additional curative effect on the body. The magnetic field penetrates into the tissue to a depth of 6 to 10 mm. Thus, the effectiveness of the procedure is increased several times. Massages banks with magnetic attachments in its effects similar to acupuncture session. But this is no mechanical massage of skin penetration. There is only the impact of electromagnetic waves on the body tissues.

 Anti-cellulite massage banks and other ways of getting rid of cellulite

Technique of massage banks of cellulite

Before the procedure you need to take a shower. It is advisable to clean the skin with scrub. Increase the effectiveness of massage banks use the coffee scrub or wrap with pepper and cinnamon recipes are offered above.

After a shower with body scrub dry towel and prepare the body to massage banks. The skin should be warmed. Massage the skin surface without the use of special equipment for 5-7 minutes using a conventional cosmetic or olive oil. Be prepared jars for anti-cellulite massage. Carefully lubricate them with oil. Banks should slide freely on the body, so as not to hurt her. The move produces in the course of lymph flow. Legs - upwards and back - up and down. Avoid the chest and abdomen. Try not to touch the location of the lymph nodes. Mechanical impact they may cause inflammation.

First massages banks can be quite painful, especially in cases where cellulite on the second stage. Occasionally, if the skin is very sensitive, can stay bruising and swelling. However, after the second procedure, discomfort and pain to disappear. Otherwise, you'd better not to use the anti-cellulite massage banks, so as not to harm your body.

Due to the action of the vacuum massage sebaceous glands secrete various toxic substances: salts of urea, acetone, and bile acids. Thus, we achieve the effect similar to the effect of the bath. After the procedure, anti-cellulite massage banks need to take a shower and clean the skin from harmful substances.

Remember, if you do massage by banks in the home correctly, it may not only be a consequence of the bruises on the body, but also lead to the opposite effect. No accident that many complain that after several treatments of cellulite appear even stronger. Therefore it is better at least a couple of procedures to do with an experienced professional who will teach you the proper technique of massage.

Contraindications to massage banks

Do not forget that banks cellulite massage - a procedure that has a serious impact on the body. She has a number of contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to do massage banks in the following cases:

  • in the presence of tumors of different localization;
  • a tendency to hemorrhage and thrombosis;
  • during the second half of pregnancy;
  • in the presence of inflammatory elements in the skin and pustular formations;
  • varicose veins;
  • in diseases of the cardiovascular system of varying severity;
  • a tendency to neurosis.

It is not recommended to do massage banks of cellulite people intoxicated after heavy physical exertion, after a hot bath. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences you must pre-course anti-cellulite massage treatments banks consult with your doctor.

Properly executed massage banks of cellulite will save you from this problem in the short term. After a week of treatments your skin will look smooth and taut, of course, to achieve good results as quickly as possible, it is necessary to combine this massage with diet and a healthy lifestyle.

 Anti-cellulite massage banks and other ways of getting rid of cellulite

How do anti-cellulite massage at home

 How do anti-cellulite massage at home


  • What you should know about cellulite
  • How to make your own anti-cellulite massage

Nowadays, many women are faced with the pressing problem as cellulite. The reasons that cause its appearance can be unhealthy diet, unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits and disorders in the ecological environment. Affects purely physiological factors - genetic predisposition, hormonal changes, violation of the circulation of lymph fluid, a variety of diseases - for example, lack of functioning of the thyroid gland, or a violation of the pancreas.

More often than fat located in the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. In rare cases, cellulite appears on the upper arms. If you are affected by this problem, today we offer you to learn how to do anti-cellulite massage at home in such a way to help myself once again make your body healthy and attractive.

 How do anti-cellulite massage at home

What you should know about cellulite

In order to successfully get rid of the problem, we must first thoroughly understand what it represents. Strictly speaking, cellulite - not necessarily body fat. Normally, the fatty tissue must be in every organism, even in lean women it is. The cells of healthy fat tissue is removed through a special membrane products of their livelihoods, and the bloodstream, they are carried away.

Under unfavorable circumstances - we already talked about them - the membranes are blocked, "waste" is no longer displayed, because this fat cell is sealed. Such cells gather to densified "groups of" creating densified portions in adipose tissue and further blocking blood flow and liquid in these areas. And we find unpleasant surprise at "orange peel", as they call the visible appearance of cellulite because of visual similarity with the peel of citrus.

In general, the appearance of cellulite is safe for the health of women, but it gives the appearance of great discomfort and sometimes even a sense of inferiority complex.

The dream of every woman suffering from cellulite - to find a remedy that "heal" and finally save her from this problem. To fight against cellulite, there are entire programs that include special complexes of exercises and different diets. As well as selling drugs, special clothes and fitness equipment, which can be engaged not only in the gym, but also at home.

But the most effective tool against fat is massage, which can be easily carried out at home, in a familiar and comfortable environment. If you master the technique of anti-cellulite massage and begin to deliberately make it to the problematic areas of the body, the result can be rewarded for the effort and for all say goodbye to this harmless but highly unattractive flaw.

 How do anti-cellulite massage at home

How to make your own anti-cellulite massage

Preparing for massage

Before the massage you need to clean the skin of the body, so it is necessary to take a shower (here's the first evidence that the anti-cellulite massage is best done at home). But it is to steam the skin is strictly forbidden, or with a massage, you can damage the capillaries.

Water for showering should be warm, but not hot. In order to become a body skin soft and supple, it is best to make a soft peeling. Gentle cleaning of the skin contributes to its regeneration, removes the remains of dead cells and thus does not injure living. A massage will have to clean the skin more beneficial effects.

Anticellulite massage

This anti-cellulite massage is considered superficial and based on spanking and stroking movements. While at home, you can relax well, and then this movement will have a better effect. Here's how to perform the procedure:

  1. Massage is recommended to begin with light strokes across the palm, in the direction from the knee to the hip. Gradually move on to more intense movements of the hands.
  2. Then it is necessary to collect finger skin and fat from the tribe of the shaft and move it up her thigh. This exercise should be done twice all round hip - first on one leg, then on the second.
  3. We continue to light stroking massage all over your palm in the direction from the knee to the thigh, gradually moving to more intense movements for speed.
  4. After that, begin to knead and rub the problem areas of the body. Doing cellulite massage at home when you do not see strangers, you can use the massage movements reminiscent of kneading dough on the most problematic areas that you would be ashamed to open prying eyes.
  5. The following exercise: hand, closed fist, to carry out his knuckles on the leg from the knee upwards. This is done twice on all sides thighs.
  6. Finish the massage against cellulite is necessary vigorous pat on all problem areas of the body, which gradually replace stroking hands. This should be a light burning sensation of the skin, which by the end of the massage session should still blush.

Another version of anti-cellulite massage

Technique of massage directed against cellulite, is based on the original exciting movements. This method is considered more effective and efficient in comparison with the superficial massage. Using gripping movements possible to study deeper tissue, which increases the blood flow in them. When this is achieved by strengthening of the connective tissue and the skin, reduces the appearance of cellulite.

To perform this massage you will need no more than ten minutes and you can easily find for himself this time, every day, in the morning, before leaving the house, or in the evening after a hard day. For this special massage oil or cream is not recommended, as the slippery skin exciting massage action will be difficult to carry out, and the desired effect in the fight against fat achieve fail.

So, we begin to massage:

  1. Clenching his fist, his knuckles begin to massage the skin on the thighs, buttocks and knees. At the same time the skin on problem areas should blush.
  2. Fold your hands so that you could fingertips in a circular motion to massage the problem areas of the body.
  3. The skin of the thigh or the upper part of one arm pinch between the thumb and fingers of your other hand, then start to perform such an exciting movement from the bottom up.
  4. The skin of the thighs, buttocks or abdomen pinch between thumb and forefinger. And without releasing the captured skin, passing it between clenched fingers, move up. When driving down the thumb as if stroking the skin with slight pressure.

Anti-cellulite massage - this is a great preventative tool, which helps to fight even against the possible occurrence of fatty deposits in the future. So this type of massage is recommended even for those women whose skin is not associated with an orange, if for one reason or another they are at risk.

Perhaps you diligently lose weight by dieting or struggling against excess subcutaneous "stocks" by visiting the sauna or the gym; it all - a great way to maintain good physical shape. But if at the same time you also add the anti-cellulite massage, which you can do yourself right at home, you're using it only to accelerate the achievement of a positive result. At the same time you do not even need to seek the services of a professional masseur - master and a massage itself quite easily. In practice this massage technique is available and easy to use at home. The most important thing - the desire and the desire of every woman to look spectacular every day.

 How do anti-cellulite massage at home

A noticeable rejuvenation and effective facelift using gelatin

 A noticeable rejuvenation and effective facelift using gelatin


  • Rules applying masks
  • Recipes masks gelatin

Homemade face masks do not need advertising. Their use and ease of preparation to compete with dignity facials offered by well-known manufacturers. Our article is dedicated to the simple and affordable product - gelatin.

What is the value of gelatin? The fact that this product is an indispensable protein or natural collagen. It supports collagen our skin to tighten the state is responsible for its renewal. Most modern cosmetics contain this element, and gelatin, it consists almost entirely of collagen digested so well into the cells of our skin.

Especially useful gelatin face mask when the first signs of skin aging as laxity and heterogeneity of the color of the skin, wrinkles and enlarged pores, skin drooping and other age-related changes. But the mask of gelatin also has a whitening effect: with the help of it you can get rid of freckles and lighten age spots.

 A noticeable rejuvenation and effective facelift using gelatin

Rules applying masks

Before applying the mask must be cleaned skin. To enhance the effect of masks and penetration into the deeper layers of the skin is necessary to steam the face and (or) use the scrub. Home scrub can be made from a spoon (the dining room) and a spoon of honey (teaspoon) of fine salt.

Apply the mask should be in a prone position, and after the application can not talk or smile. Gelatine mask strongly tightens the skin, tightening its natural cosmetic lines, so try to relax the muscles of the face and to have fun, relax during the procedure.

When completely dry gelatin necessary to wash off the mask contrast shower and apply your usual face cream. Recall that you need to wash off the mask, without stretching the skin, apply the cream should still wet on his face.

Gelatin mask can be applied not only to the face. The neck and decollete area also require your attention. These areas of our body is also subject to the first age-related changes. However, in no case can not apply a mask to the area around the eyes. The skin in this place is very thin and delicate, and gelatine mask her very much deformed.

Gelatin can be bought in any store, and can be either powdered or granulated. It is recommended to buy the usual classic gelatin without flavor additives and other fillers. For breeding gelatin or use the supplied instructions, based on your skin type, dilute it with milk - dry, the juice - for oily or herbal decoction - for oily skin. The prepared mixture can be used as a ready-made mask, or serve as a basis for the preparation of hybrid mixtures.

 A noticeable rejuvenation and effective facelift using gelatin

Recipes masks gelatin

Gelatine mask classic

Ingredients: one spoon (tea) prepared gelatin, one spoon (dining room), yogurt or milk, one scoop (tea) of wheat flour or ground oatmeal. All mixed to the consistency of sour cream and apply on face. The resulting thin film after drying washed off with warm water.

Gelatine mask for normal to dry skin

For its preparation you need a spoonful of gelatine (for measuring tablespoon of need), glycerin and honey, four tablespoons (same table) of water. Cook separately gelatin mixture and dilute with water glycerin. Mix both the concentrate and add the honey. The resulting mask to survive in the face for twenty minutes. The remaining mass, place in the refrigerator and use it next time, pre-heating.

Gelatine mask for aging skin

For this mask you need to mix one teaspoon of diluted gelatin and a spoonful of crushed banana (measure ingredients tablespoon). The concentrate was put on the face for twenty minutes, and after the required time, carefully remove the mask with warm water.

If the skin you have dry, we recommend using a banana instead of a melon, avocado, gooseberries, persimmons. And you can add a small spoonful of sour cream. For oily skin component will be a fine pear, cranberry, strawberry and grapefruit. And for the drying effect as an additional component, use the egg white from one egg. For normal skin, use kiwi, peach, orange. As the nutrient can be added oat flour or flakes.

Gelatine mask of wrinkles

Preparing for the future for a few days. To prepare, mix one teaspoon of gelatin (tea), half a glass of water and the same amount of glycerin (available at pharmacies), and one gram of salicylic acid (also sold in a pharmacy). Bring the mixture to homogeneity on a steam bath, then cooled, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a gelatinous state.

The resulting composition is applied daily for twenty to thirty minutes, as a means of avoiding the evening; its remains that the skin is absorbed, it is necessary to take a napkin. Stored cooked mass in the refrigerator before using a portion of the necessary pre-warmed at room temperature.

Whitening Mask gelatin

To enhance the bleaching effect of this mask should be diluted gelatin fresh cucumber juice. After swelling mixture, it must be heated in a water bath and add one spoon (tablespoon) finely grated cucumber. The resulting mask cool and applied to twenty minutes.

Pores gelatin mask

For its preparation you need one spoon (tea), gelatin, egg white (one) and one spoon (tea, too) lemon juice. Apply on your face steamed certainly not more than twenty minutes. Mask to narrow pores can be used only once or twice a week, not more.

The mask of black dots on the face

As a measuring tablespoon take. It should be mixed in a glass of milk and two tablespoons of slightly less than one spoon of gelatin. The prepared liquid is put in the microwave just fifteen seconds - until dissolved gelatin and then mix everything into a homogeneous mass. The resulting mixture should be applied to the problem areas in several layers, each layer dries wait, and wait the complete drying of the mask.

Then, having picked up the edge of a dried film to pull the mask off the face from the bottom up. Penetrating into the steaming the pores of the gelatin film draws a black point, after which the pores are narrowed and the skin gets a healthy appearance.

Efficiency gelatin masks you can see after the first application, and regular treatments will give your face a fresh, fit and beauty.

 A noticeable rejuvenation and effective facelift using gelatin

Technique of lymphatic drainage Home

 Technique of lymphatic drainage Home


  • Lymphatic drainage procedure
  • Terms of lymphatic drainage Home
  • Technique of the lymphatic drainage of legs, thighs and abdomen
  • Lymphatic drainage facial features

Visiting a beauty salon and read a list of services you may be interested in the procedure of lymphatic drainage. For what it is, who need this procedure and whether it is possible to carry out lymphatic drainage in the home? To answer these questions, we conduct a brief digression into the anatomy of the human body.

The body (depending on age) 60-70% of water. "Without water - we do not amplitude, and not syudy"! Water is everywhere, both in cells and in the extracellular space. While the blood cells deliver food, waste products (toxins, toxins) are excreted through the "sewer" network of the body - lymph. Sometimes lymph "river" stagnate, and this leads to very unpleasant consequences, starting with edema and cellulite and ending illnesses such as varicose veins and high blood pressure.

Eating a day at least two liters of water, you provide your body the timely removal of harmful toxins. Traces failure "cleaning system" can be found primarily on the face - this bags under the eyes, tissue edema, and the like. Moreover, stagnant lymph drainage immediately reflected in the lower extremities. The legs get tired quickly, grow heavy, there are defects in the skin as cellulite, edema and swelling of the veins.

To stimulate the outflow of fluid through the lymph and carried out this kind of fashionable and effective massage - lymphatic drainage. Further, lymphatic drainage massage stimulates blood flow, which has a favorable effect on the operation of the whole organism. Cosmetic results seen in the fact that this procedure is combined with other activities helps get rid of cellulite, prevent the formation of edema and make the body more fit, and, therefore, beautiful.

 Technique of lymphatic drainage Home

Lymphatic drainage procedure

Like most kinds of massage, lymphatic drainage has contraindications. It should refrain from lymphatic drainage during pregnancy, skin diseases, dermatosis, chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver, thrombophlebitis, infections of various kinds, malignancies. Lymphatic drainage procedure can be carried out in two ways: by using a special machine and manually, ie by hand.

Mechanical lymph drainage, of course, carried out by experts in cosmetic or medical stores and, in turn, is divided into several types: vacuum, Microcurrent, pressure and Endermologie. The degree of influence also depends on the type of massage.

Manual lymphatic drainage can be done at home. The effectiveness of the massage will depend on the diligence and desires of the individual. A convenient method may become a partner massage between couples or friends: you - I, I - you.

Terms of lymphatic drainage Home

In order to achieve the best results, you must fulfill several conditions:

  • Lymphatic drainage massage should not be painful. Technique of massage involves tapping and stroking in the direction of lymph, that is from the bottom up.
  • For maximum effect, it is desirable to use essential or special anti-cellulite massage oils. These include oil of geranium, ginger, orange or lemon and oil of cedar. An excellent tool for weight loss are the honey and coffee. Honey itself is a good adsorbent, and in combination with aromatic oils also helps toning. For the facial massage is recommended to use coffee grounds, tea bags, or steamed filters fees medicinal herbs.
  • It is strongly recommended prior to the procedure of lymphatic drainage to take a warm bath with the addition of any essential oil.
  • During the course of massage is necessary to drink at least two liters of water a day. And immediately after the session, you can not drink water for two hours. And the last fluid intake should be at least four hours before bedtime.
  • Active physical activity during the course of lymphatic drainage will not only enhance the drainage effect, but also help to reduce weight and give your body firmness.

Since you decided to lymph home, be consistent and try to complete a full course of twelve to fifteen procedures. Massage should be performed in a day.

 Technique of lymphatic drainage Home

Technique of the lymphatic drainage of legs, thighs and abdomen

Foot massage - is a simple and effktivnaya prevention of varicose veins. Early symptoms of the disease are swelling, heaviness in the legs and the emergence of the so-called stars of the skin. Restore the outflow of fluid and activate blood circulation will help lymphatic drainage massage legs.

For carrying out massage of the lower limbs need to sit on a chair and put his foot on the extended ottoman is not above the pelvis. This situation will provide better circulation of blood through the vessels. The movement of blood through the vessels up extremely difficult, and only thanks to the valves, the blood circulation has a cyclical nature.

Massage is necessary to start with the upper leg (from the knee to the thigh), gradually moving to the lower part (from the ankle to the knee), - it will facilitate the outflow of blood from the lower part. Sit back, relax your leg and soft circular motions, apply oil or cream. An important stage of the massage movements are warming up, in which you "wake" lymph channels. Slowly swipe edge of his hand against his thigh, gradually increasing the force of pressure. After warming make pat variable degree of force, it stimulates the blood circulation. This is followed by intense stroking the legs from the bottom up, and finally, his hands clasping calves with light pressure produce upward movement. A session for each leg must be between five and seven minutes.

If you often get cold feet and hands, you need a massage of the feet and hands, which is grinding with an increase in pressing force in the direction of the toes to the ankle, and in the case of hand massage - to the wrist. Also used technique of pressing with fingertips, which is slow, small "little steps" moving upwards.

Lymphatic drainage massage hands is different from massage feet and made the following directions: from the elbow to the forearm and wrist to elbow on. Before the procedure, apply the necessary means to heat the skin and massaging it. Then follow the pat with different force and at the final stage, holding his wrist brushing the other hand, slowly moving up to produce a gradual increase in pressing force. All movements should be done away from the hands to the elbows and forearms from the elbows to.

Similarly produced abdominal massage. Before the procedure, apply anti-cellulite cream on the necessary and rubbing movement in a circle make a preliminary massage. Followed by patting and light pressure in a circle.

Lymphatic drainage facial features

Lymphatic drainage is required when a person signs such as puffiness, swelling, bags under the eyes and bruises, the heterogeneity of the surface of the skin, its laxity, as well as other age-related and cosmetic changes.

This type of massage not only stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow, but also contributes to the saturation of the skin with oxygen and improve metabolism. As a result, due to lymphatic massage, your face will look much younger and fresher.

Just ten minutes a day, and soon you will see the result "on the face and on the face!" So, before you start you need to clean the face of makeup and remove the hair under the bandage (headscarf). You may want to pre-lubricate the face cream or a special oil. And even better - a little steam out face to open the blood vessels and capillaries.

Technique of massage to different parts of the face consists of the following methods:

  • Forehead

Use your fingertips to slowly flowing movements swipe from the center of the forehead to the temples. Then perform the same movements that resemble drum tapping, and repeat the first method.

  • Eyes

Paw ring finger light pressure go to the bottom edge of the eye socket from the nose to the temples, and then go spiraling strokes on the upper edge directly under the eyebrows from the nose to the temple.

  • Cheeks

The massage is performed in three stages. First, perform a massage stroking movements from the middle of the chin to the ear lobes, from the corners of the mouth to the middle ear from the wings of the nose to the top of the ears. Then, along the same lines, do the "drum" tapping and repeat strokes. Nasolabial folds massaged by pressing forefingers.

  • Chin

Thumbs put at the center of the chin and pressing movements to perform ear lobes.

Lymph at home is a simple but effective way to prevent diseases associated with the violation of blood circulation and lymph flow. In addition, competent massage supports your figure taut and toned, and you'll never have to resort to liposuction or any other surgical procedure. And most importantly, performing this procedure at home, you save both time and money.

 Technique of lymphatic drainage Home

How to make your own facial toner: simple and effective recipes

 How to make your own facial toner: simple and effective recipes


  • Cooking tonics home
  • The use of herbal concoctions

Complete cleansing facial skin - a mandatory part of the program of care for each girl. And one of the stages of any program is the cleansing toning, whose purpose - to improve the effect of cleansing gel or foam and prepare the skin for moisturizing. Today we will discuss how to make a tonic for the person at home, using affordable and simple ingredients.

Tonics and lotions are effective in disinfecting the skin, clean it and get rid of excess sebum and dirt accumulated during the day. Owners of oily skin tonic will help narrow the pores, and those girls whose skin is very dehydrated, on the contrary, it will help moisturize and soften.

Tonic for oily skin in its composition may include alcohol, such as vodka or wine, but in the case of dry skin, on the contrary, it is recommended to prepare alcohol-free, softer lotions. Whatever it was, for the manufacture of such tonics need components that can be found in any home.

 How to make your own facial toner: simple and effective recipes

Cooking tonics home

Now on to the recipes themselves, but above all remember a few key features. Pets are not stored for a long time tonics. If lotions do not contain alcohol, the use of them can not be more than two days. If the alcohol in the composition is still available, it is possible to increase the shelf life of up to two weeks. But herbal infusions and decoctions are stored for about a week.

Tonics for normal skin

Normal skin is not too demanding for care - to cleanse the face, you can use all sorts of ingredients in different proportions, without fear or moistened skin retain moisture. Here are some effective tonics that are easy to prepare:

  • Peach, watermelon tonic

For the preparation you will need about 50 ml of watermelon and peach juice as well as three milliliters of lemon ether. Tonic is preparing very simple - mix the ingredients until smooth liquid consistency. Use every day, rubbing the face with a cotton pad soaked in the lotion.

  • Cucumber tonic with narcissus

Extremely useful for the skin tonic, which is composed of 40 ml of cucumber juice and just a couple of drops of essential oil Nartsissova. Mix the ingredients, and the vehicle is ready. Cucumber juice is perfectly tones skin, refreshing it and making it more tender and soft and matte.

  • Tonic with oatmeal and milk

Take a couple of big spoonfuls of oatmeal combined with milk (230 ml) and a spoonful of honey. Crush cereal and pour the boiled milk. Let the mixture infuse for ten minutes and strain, then add honey. All carefully mix. It is recommended to apply it morning and evening.

  • Lime Lotion

For such a large spoon tonic useful lime color and a bit of honey and 250 ml of water. Pour lime-blossom water (it should be quite hot) and leave it for about one hour and then strain. Now add to the infusion of honey and stir. This lotion will provide not just a good toning, and moisturizing skin deep.

  • Hop Lotion

One of the most effective recipes for which you need chopped drunken cones and 250 ml of water. First of all the bumps fill with boiling water. Give them a real twenty to twenty-five minutes and strain. Before you start using the lotion, it should be well cool.

  • Tonic rosehip

Another prescription lotion for normal skin. Take a spoonful of chopped rose hips and rose petals, as well as 120 ml of mineral water and the same amount of vodka. All petals pour vodka in combination with mineral water and leave for fourteen days, then strain. Rub skin lotion swab dipped in. You will be satisfied with the result!

Tonic for oily skin

Oily skin requires thorough, more serious care, and nothing in this case does not fit better than folk remedies. As a rule, this type of tonics for skin contain vodka, honey, lemon juice, and grapefruit juice, orange and aloe - all these components dries the skin, reducing the allocation of skin secretions. Oily skin needs daily toning in the morning and evening. If the skin is very shiny, the tonic is recommended further use in the daytime.

  • Tonic with Grapefruit

Press about half a glass of grapefruit juice. These add a large spoonful of lemon juice and about the same amount of vodka. Stir mixture and pour into a small bottle, tightly corked it. Give tonic brew time - just two days. Each time before using shake the mixture in the bottle.

  • Tea Lotion

It is known that tea is effective against cutaneous fat. Use as a base for a tonic green teas need just one glass already cooled drink, where you want to add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice or vodka. After rubbing lotion so the skin becomes matte and delicate shine disappears.

  • Tonic with strawberries

To produce the strawberry lotion should be to stretch a little more than half a glass of fresh strawberries - must stand out from the berries juice. Now add in a glass of 200 ml of vodka and close lid. The mixture should insist for about thirty days. Then strain it and add a little boiling water here - it will make the tonic less concentrated.

  • Lemon Lotion

Cut a large lemon identical slices, place them in a jar. Right bank lemon mash with a spoon and add to the several large spoons of vodka. Close the jar and leave the lotion a week. Then strain the mixture and add half a glass of mineral water in a jar. By the way, as the perfect tonic for the skin type of fat suitable white wine, preferably dry - wipe them daily skin.

Tonic for the skin of the combined type

Mixed Skin is characterized by dryness in the cheeks and fat in the so-called T-zone (forehead, nose and chin). In this case, care also involves some of the nuances. Those lotions, in which there is an alcohol used for fat areas and without at the alcohol used for the cheeks.

  • Lotion salt

In one glass of cool boiled water, add a little sea salt (a teaspoon). The salt should be completely dissolved in water. When this happens, you can apply the lotion for skin care - it will prevent the formation of acne and blackheads. If there is sea salt, use normal. If the skin on the cheeks is very dry, add a little glycerin.

  • Grapefruit Lotion

Grapefruit is ideal for combination skin. You will need a fresh peel of the fruit. Put it in a ceramic dish and cover with water (about a half cup). The water should be cold. Just slice the peel in the water and let the mixture infuse for a couple of days. Wipe face in the morning and before bedtime.

  • Lotion with parsley

Parsley - a great tonic and bleach. Furthermore, it narrows the pores. Useful couple large spoonfuls of chopped parsley - can take dry or fresh, it is not as essential. Pour green cup boiling water and soak the mixture on the fire for about twenty minutes. Now cool the resulting mass and add one teaspoon of lemon juice.

  • Watermelon tonic

A good tonic can be prepared on the basis of watermelon. This tool will make your skin fresh and give it a natural natural glow. Squeeze the juice of half a watermelon and pour it into the special molds for ice. Freeze. Wipe the skin with ice each morning.

Mild care for dry skin

  • Strawberry Tonic

Since dry skin needs a good hydration, it is important to carefully select the ingredients. In this case, we use strawberry or strawberry. Pour a glass of boiled water berries. If the skin is too dry, take the milk. Leave the berries in water / milk for one hour, then strain. The remaining mixture, add a small spoon of glycerin.

  • Cabbage Lotion

Use cabbage skin has long been known - it is used for the manufacture of various creams and serums. Grind the three or four large cabbage leaf, fill them with hot milk (0, 5 cups). Now, cover and let sit for thirty minutes. Drain the cabbage leaf and apply the remaining milk to wipe the face, morning and evening.

  • Vegetable oils

Average oil can serve as an excellent lotion flaky, sensitive and dry skin. Pay attention to the olive oil, wheat, grape seed oil, peach kernel oil or coconut oil. Make sure that their structure was natural.

  • Lotion of oatmeal

Rolled oats are not only useful for oily or normal skin, but also in the dry. Take a couple of spoonfuls of cereal and fill them with two cups of boiling hot water. If a strong peeling, use milk. Cover with a lid and allow the mixture to cool.

  • Egg tonic

It is known that egg yolk effectively helps dry skin, struggling with peeling, allergies and redness. Take one egg yolk and rub it with olive oil (one big spoon). In this mass moisten a cotton pad and wipe his skin. After twenty minutes pass after applying a tonic, wash your face with warm water.

 How to make your own facial toner: simple and effective recipes

The use of herbal concoctions

Beauticians recommend today in caring for a person to use the most natural cosmetics. If a tonic we use natural tonics without chemical components, in the form of primary cleaning means better use decoctions. Of course, do not forget about the professional care, but the more you pamper your skin with simple non-chemical means, the more you will please his own reflection in the mirror.

Broth supplement tonic effect, and prepare them well, very easy! To care for oily, acne-located or acne skin doctors are advised to opt for the decoction of chamomile, sage, wormwood, nettle, and St. John's wort. For preparation of such concoctions need no more spoons one of these herbs, or combinations thereof. Just pour boiling water and allow time to cool. That's it - the broth is ready!

If skin combined, prepare herbal teas based on mint or sage. In the case of dry skin it is also recommended to use sage and mint, and moreover, linden blossom, fennel, hips or rose petals. Not bad moisturizes the skin and a decoction of elder. All of these components are prepared in the same manner as in the first case.

In the case of combination and dry skin can be used milk broth, which take a few leaves mother and stepmother (large spoon) and fill them with just boiled milk. Cover the mixture lid and wait until the cool down. Gently wash your face in this broth, and thirty minutes after the useful substances from broth and soak will act, wash off the remains of his face.

If the skin is irritated greatly, constantly suffering from rashes, acne or pimples, use a decoction of marshmallow root. Take a couple of spoons of crushed root and fill with warm water. Means should insist night, after which they can begin to enjoy. Soon your skin will be softer on it and there will be no trace of irritation.

The above recipes are more than enough to keep a person in excellent condition - you have to choose from. It is not necessary to spend fabulous sums of money to look great - make your choice on natural cosmetics and do not doubt that the result of its use will not disappoint you!

 How to make your own facial toner: simple and effective recipes

Advantages and disadvantages of anti-cellulite vacuum massage

 Advantages and disadvantages of anti-cellulite vacuum massage


  • Features anti-cellulite massage
  • Vacuum massage against cellulite
  • This vacuum massage is contraindicated
  • Wraps against cellulite

Cellulite, which appears on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen - is a problem that haunts almost all girls. Many people believe that cellulite is formed solely due to excess weight. Immediately it is to say that this view is mistaken. Naturally, poor, poor diet also contributes to the formation of cellulite, but its manifestations can also contribute to an unfavorable environment, and various diseases, and hormonal disruptions.

Today we talk about how you can get rid of the "orange peel" using anti-cellulite vacuum massage - one of the most effective and simple methods. But before you begin a story about this kind of massage, we would like to say a few words about the female physiology.

Connective tissue disposed between subcutaneous fat (adipose tissue) and the upper layer of skin, called epidermis. It is the connective tissue and is responsible for smartness, flexibility and overall condition and appearance of skin. Men are slightly more fortunate than us - even with age the quality of connective tissue have not changed, but that's about the girls do not say - from year to year lost strength and elasticity of the fibers.

However, it is justified, because in nature nothing is simply this: if the fabric has not been changed, the women would not have to bear and give birth to children. But what can be done to the appearance of cellulite and swelling are not made themselves felt? Help comes massage! It's time to discuss how to do it properly.

Features anti-cellulite massage

It is not necessary to say once again that massage is one of those physical treatments, the effectiveness and value of which has been proven many times over the centuries. It is true that this massage is to trust much more than expensive methods, among which are called LPG, or hardware massage, which helps not all. Naturally, we should not deny the possibilities of professional beauty, but not everyone can afford it. With the right approach is the use of a home massage is no less visible.

Massage affects all the complex processes taking place in the body: stimulates circulation, warms up the body - that the complex allows you to burn excess fat accumulation. This kind of passive gymnastics and will have a restorative effect on muscle mass. Especially useful it is for those people whose lifestyle can not be considered active. Massage is combined with daily physical exercise and beauty treatments.

If you do daily anti-cellulite massage, working on problem areas, you accelerate the process of detoxification, cleansing tissues. In addition, the activity will be activated lymphatic system. Experts recommend to carry out self-massage after exercise to enhance its effect.

 Advantages and disadvantages of anti-cellulite vacuum massage

Vacuum massage against cellulite

Before the procedure, anti-cellulite massage vacuum prepare your body to perform daily manual massage. For the meeting, you can use rollers, brushes or special massage glove. Start massaging the body with a calf gently stretching the leg from the bottom up, in the direction of lymph flow. Incidentally, the hands are massaged in the same manner. And in any case, do not put pressure on the skin much in those places where there is even a faint manifestation of varicose veins. This massage should be done in the morning and evening, every day.

Vacuum massage clinic

Of course, if you spend a massage clinic, its effectiveness will be a little higher, because the expert is better versed in what areas of the body need more elaboration. The equipment allows you to adjust the pressure and the intensity of the performance - all these parameters are set according to the sensitivity of your skin. Hardware massage - is carefully and accurately rolling the skin in different directions.

Massage is carried out according to the principles of acupuncture, according to which the surface of the body is divided into separate zones. The vacuum that formed in the process of massage affects all active points, helping the local recovery and strengthens the body and relieves fatigue.

Home Vacuum massage banks

You can do vacuum massage at home, using a simple jar. It is important to know that this procedure should be done very carefully and gently. You will need to purchase multiple polymer-glass or silicone cans that are sold today in almost every pharmacy. In addition, you will need anti-cellulite cream and a bit of warming essential oils. Effectively fights cellulite orange and grapefruit oil.

Vacuum massage of cellulite with the help of cans held as follows: attach themselves to the problem areas the banks so that there is a significant tension. After that, the bank moved in slow circles. In the course of such an impact is mechanically broken all the fat cells.

However, banks are very easy to overdo, and the massage itself gives quite painful. Sometimes the skin can leave bruises vivid proof - is evidence of the procedure properly. And therefore absolutely necessary to monitor the performance of precision and accuracy of movement. Visit your doctor and he will show exactly how to do cupping massage. Do not forget to follow its recommendations!

Honey cellulite vacuum massage

Honey vacuum massage - a nice way to deal with cellulite. You will need lime or buckwheat honey, as well as the bank for the massage. First of all, take a bath to steam the skin. Take the honey and start slow, circular movements rub it into the skin on problem areas. Now take the jar and gently pressing it to the body, massage the skin. Sometimes, tear off the bank from the body, and then press it again to the skin and continue to massage.

Observe the regularity and carry out the procedure twice a week. The general course of the treatment - two months. To enhance the effect, use a good massage and anti-cellulite gels or creams. Adjust intensity, ignoring the peculiarities of their own skin. Needless to hard massage can damage it, and on the skin remain visible bruises.

It happens that the skin is sucked into a jar. In this case, press it tightly to the body and skin of a finger push into the banks, then it quickly prisosetsya.

 Advantages and disadvantages of anti-cellulite vacuum massage

This vacuum massage is contraindicated

As with any procedure, vacuum massage has some contraindications because of its intensity. Massage is contraindicated in the presence of diseases of internal organs and defects of the skin in problem areas. This includes kidney stones and gallstones, thrombosis and tumors of various kinds.

Vacuum massage against cellulite is forbidden to do to those who suffer from diseases of the blood and pronounced varicose veins. With increased sensitivity of the skin to do massage is not recommended. Please note: in the course of this anti-cellulite treatment is not necessary to massage the popliteal fossa, and the inside of the thighs, chest and abdomen.

Wraps against cellulite

Action vacuum massage perfectly complement wraps that today there are many varieties. Wrapping effectively that even a single session, you can get rid of a pair of centimeters in the hips and waist. Usually, this effect is achieved due to the abundant outflow of excess fluid from the tissue. All beauticians recommend to include this procedure in a program of anti-cellulite care.

The easiest option wraps - a wrap with a warming anti-cellulite cream. To do so it is necessary to: apply the cream on clean skin, rub well and distribute it. Now, using the plastic wrap, wrap the hips and waist. To enhance the effect, lie in bed and cover with a woolen blanket - you will begin to actively sweating. However, excess liquid will come out all hazardous substances and wastes. The effect of the wrap is similar to the effect of the Russian bath or sauna.

To make homemade wraps, you can use a variety of products, such as honey, combined with mustard powder, a combination of coffee and massage cream (hope you know that caffeine is actively breaks down fat). Often used the pulp of vegetables or fruits, herbs, mummy - all this has a positive effect on the shape and condition of the skin. Experts advise to carry out procedure before wrapping massage.

Anti-cellulite vacuum massage - this is what will allow you to keep your figure in excellent condition. However, do not forget that it will help you only if you play sports every day (even if it is the usual warm-up), periodically go to run and, of course, to eat. By acting on the body in a complex, very soon you will notice a pleasant change in their appearance. You can be proud of not only the perfect forms, but also their commitment and perseverance.

 Advantages and disadvantages of anti-cellulite vacuum massage

Practical Magic: what to do if the facial skin has lost elasticity

 Practical Magic: what to do if the facial skin has lost elasticity


  • Say "no" to bad habits
  • Proper nutrition - the key to youthful skin
  • Face masks - the main means to preserve the skin's elasticity
  • Gymnastics face: effectiveness is proven!

The facial skin will reveal all your secrets to others. She can tell you how many cups of coffee do you drink a day, whether you sit up late, playing computer games, how often do you spend time outdoors and more. Dark circles under the eyes, flabby, lost elasticity of the skin and fine wrinkles - these are the consequences of your bad habits, unhealthy diet and irresponsible attitude to their appearance.

"All the ugly - is perishable and beautiful - eternally, except for the skin" - said British writer Edith Sitwell. Under this sad observation subscribed to almost every woman in his thirties. Of course, "a person not to drink the water," assures yet another wisdom. But tell me, honestly, do not you want to be even more attractive to have a dazzling complexion and healthy skin? I'd like to? Then down to business! Today we tell you how you can restore the elasticity of the skin.

 Practical Magic: what to do if the facial skin has lost elasticity

Say "no" to bad habits

What needs to change in your life, to again look young and fresh? To do this, you must fulfill several conditions:

  • Walk in the open air

It is no secret that in order to look healthy, our skin needs oxygen. Thanks to him, it is saturated with nutrients and looks young and supple. Unfortunately, we tend to sacrifice the walks in the fresh air for the extra work, or so-called "rest" in front of TV or computer monitor. Moreover, in the modern metropolis it is impossible not to feel a constant oxygen starvation because of the huge number of cars. Therefore, if you want to return your skin elasticity, often try to get out at least a one-hour walk of the city or the park.

  • Get enough sleep

To skin a rest and recover, it takes at least seven hours (or even more) of uninterrupted sleep. Who among us can afford such a wasteful luxury? Alas, the constant lack of sleep has long been the norm, and its effects are immediately reflected on the face. Sluggish and flabby skin - a sure sign of lack of sleep.

  • Give up smoking

Under the influence of nicotine small blood vessels narrow and blood flow is reduced. The skin is experiencing an acute shortage of oxygen and loses its elasticity. Oxidative processes which occur in the skin of smokers are much faster leading to premature aging.

  • Do not abuse alcohol

Unfortunately, a rare event, whether it be a friendly meeting or a corporate party, dinner for lovers or family celebration, costs today without drinking alcohol. But even a single glass of wine starts the process of dehydration of the skin. In most dry skin folds and wrinkles appear, it becomes less elastic and even sagging.

Do not underestimate our bad habits and think cleverly superimposed makeup or expensive cream will be able to hide the imperfections of the skin. Beauty - it is work and responsibility. Do not take your skin strength - give it the necessary nutrients and relaxation. We assure you, you will be satisfied with the result.

Proper nutrition - the key to youthful skin

The basic rule that must be followed if you are unhappy with skin - is to drink enough water. "Enough" - means no less than two gallons of ordinary drinking water per day. Dry skin is not supple and elastic. Restore the beauty of the skin and allow a balanced diet. The following vitamins and minerals help your skin restore elasticity (turgor):

  • Vitamin A

It makes the skin supple and smooth as stimulates collagen production, which, as of now, any woman knows, provides elasticity and strength of your skin. Yellow, red and green vegetables, fruits and berries, such as carrots, apricots, liver, cream and egg yolks - here's a quick list of foods high in vitamin A.

  • Vitamin B

It is responsible for maintaining the water in the skin cells, and hence enhances its elasticity. Vitamin rich in potatoes, bananas, beans (and other legumes), eggplant and greens. Unlike vitamin A, which are necessary for the absorption of fats, vitamin soluble in water.

  • Vitamin C

This powerful antioxidant acts as a protective barrier that protects your skin from ultraviolet radiation. It is also involved in the production of collagen and elastin. Therefore, make sure that your diet is to be sure to have foods rich in vitamin C (for example, herbs, lemons, apples, kiwi and others.).

  • Vitamin E

It is found that it contributes to the regeneration of skin cells. That is why it is called "tocopherol," ie, "Assisting the birth." We would call him a vitamin enduring beauty and eternal youth. It is found in vegetable oil, spinach, Brussels sprouts and other products.

To improve skin turgor essential fatty acids and antioxidants. They provide a synthesis of collagen and restore the elasticity of the skin allows. So do not forget to include in your menu nuts (especially walnuts), sunflower and pumpkin seeds, green vegetables, sardines and drink green tea (not tea bags, the benefit of which is zero).

 Practical Magic: what to do if the facial skin has lost elasticity

Face masks - the main means to preserve the skin's elasticity

Regain lost skin turgor help facials. You can buy ready-made masks with lifting effect, but you can make them yourself at home. Necessary requirements for the components of the masks - their freshness. Such masks like Rescue, restore skin elasticity and firmness, as well as provide nourishing and protective action. When using masks do not forget to observe the following rules: Do not apply the mask on the skin around the eyes, to impose it strictly for the massage lines, and at a time as any mask is on your face, do not talk, do not frowning or perform other facial actions.

  • The mask on the basis of egg white

Main components - fresh egg white and rice or oatmeal. One protein to rub with a tablespoon of flour (if there is no rice or oatmeal, take wheat) so as to obtain a homogeneous (uniform) weight. For best results, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil of fennel or roses. The mixture was put an even layer on the face. Wash off the mask with boiled water after it is completely dry. Then do not forget to use a moisturizer.

  • Mask based on gelatin

The main components - the powder gelatin, yogurt or yogurt, oatmeal (if your skin is dry) and wheat flour (if skin is oily). For a spoonful of gelatine, add a small amount of water and melt the swollen mass using a water bath. Add a spoonful of yogurt and a spoonful of flour. Wait until the mixture cools, apply a skin moisturizer and then - gelatine mask. After drying, the mask wash off with lukewarm boiled water. Instead of flour and yogurt into gelatin can add a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and a little glycerin.

  • Mask of honey

The main components - honey, egg yolk, glycerol. One tablespoon of liquid (melted) Stir honey with one egg yolk and a tablespoon of glycerin. The resulting mass apply on face. Rinse with boiled water after a quarter of an hour. Instead of glycerol suit any vegetable oil (olive, almond, apricot, grape seed, and others.). However, if you are allergic to honey, this mask you contraindicated.

 Practical Magic: what to do if the facial skin has lost elasticity

Gymnastics face: effectiveness is proven!

Gymnastics for the person or face building, - an extraordinarily effective means to improve skin tone and elasticity. Its undoubted advantage is also the fact that you do not need to purchase a subscription to the gym. Mirror and twenty minutes of free time, and you are armed with everything you need to start (and win!) Fight for the elastic skin.

Be sure to wash off makeup and clean your face before you begin to engage. So you will give your skin a chance to breathe. Hands must also be clean. Sit on the edge of a hard chair facing the mirror, keep your back straight, shoulders expand. Try to do the exercises only in a good mood - professionals face-Building, believe that this will enhance their effectiveness, therefore, return to the beauty of the skin will be easier. Each exercise should be repeated ten times.

The simplest remedy for skin elasticity - tweaks. Nothing complicated: slightly pinch the skin in the direction of massage lines, trying to delay it. Five minutes of such self-massage is enough. Plucked massage causes a rush of blood to the skin of the face, which, in turn, increases its turgor.

Gymnastics for the skin of the forehead

  1. Put your hand on your forehead a little above the eyebrows. Begin raising and lowering his eyebrows. This must press your hand on his forehead, so that you feel resistance.
  2. Two fingers press down on the tip of the inner eyebrows and slide the eyebrows to the nose. And your fingers should slightly resist movement of the eyebrows.

Gymnastics for the eyes

  1. Breathe in the air at the same time her eyes wide. Hold this position for a few seconds and exhale.
  2. The index, middle and ring finger put on the bone under the eye. Look up, and gently so as not to stretch delicate skin, pull the lower eyelid, closing the eyes. Then slowly release the lower eyelid and the eye open.
  3. Open your mouth, look up, and blinked his eyes rapidly. Optimum results are achieved when this exercise once a day for one minute.

Gymnastics for the skin of the cheeks

  1. Inflate cheeks, take them in your hand, hold your breath for a few seconds, dramatically deflate and relax the muscles of the cheeks.
  2. Inflate cheeks and distilled air first from side to side, then up and down and in circles. Total of ten times for each "direction" of air.
  3. Rectified hand cover her lips so that your fingers are covered cheeks. Smile. Cheeks begin to rise at the same time. Provide your fingers slight resistance. When cheek pripodnimut relax. "Smile" ten times and change hand.
  4. Cover the upper lip lower lip, and then vice versa.

Each end the set of gymnastic exercises for relaxation of the facial muscles. Your lips and start to blow air through them. Lower your head and repeat. Feel the skin of the cheeks vibrates when the muscles relax. Now, turning her head in different directions, still blowing air through his lips.

In addition to the tips above, do not forget about the most basic things: do not expose the skin aggressive exposure to cold or heat. In cold weather, apply cream cryoprotectant, in the heat - sunscreen. Any woman afford to turn back the clock and regain the youthfulness of the skin to be young again and irresistible!

 Practical Magic: what to do if the facial skin has lost elasticity

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

An effective wrinkle cream: Myth or Reality?

 An effective wrinkle cream: Myth or Reality?


  • Wrinkle cream: fiction or reality?
  • What hides packaging?
  • Danger!
  • How to choose the right cream
  • Use creams properly

All the manufacturers that supply to the market of cosmetic anti-wrinkle cream industry, assured that their products - the quality, reliability, and design. But as you know, trust advertising, and those who help themselves! Do not always believe the cost loud statement to the effect that they have opened a new, up to that point unknown substance, which is two to three weeks will remove even deep wrinkles and age, tighten the skin and make it smooth, supple as a baby.

Wrinkle cream: fiction or reality?

It is worth considering anti-aging cream - a ground-breaking discoveries or new invention of advertisers? Unfortunately, turning back the clock can not every surgeon, not to mention the usual jar of the new funds. After all, if these products do possess such unique abilities, it is likely to be considered a medicine rather than conventional cosmetics.

Yet one should not think that the anti-wrinkle cream - a waste of time and finances, because if you start to use really good, certified and proven production specialists in time, not when the face appeared quite a large number of wrinkles, aging can be delayed to between ten years fifteen.

A distinctive feature of this category of goods is that its production has not yet been taken under firm control, so called his invention manufacturers can as you like, though "a remedy for facial wrinkles," though "a mixture of cucumber and honey." What it should contain an effective wrinkle cream and how much, do not always know some digging, not to mention the fair sex.

 An effective wrinkle cream: Myth or Reality?

What hides packaging?

All have long studied the basic rule to the effect that if you can not judge a book by its cover, the cream - the beautiful and vibrant advertising. But the fair sex still continue to avoid the same mistake - buying the advertised vehicle in a beautiful jar. In fact, it is not surprising, because managers have spent more than one hundred rubles (or dollars) to make a tube attractive even for those who did not plan to buy it. So, before you put the chosen remedy in a basket, check it again and study its composition.

  • Collagen

Despite the loud claims of many manufacturers of the magical properties of the ingredient, the substance does not penetrate through the skin and is known to any chemist or biologist. Its molecules are simply not able to overcome the barrier, exhibited by the human body, because their size is too big for it. In other words, they remain on the surface, and at the first washing - completely washed away. On the other hand, the harm from these substances will not be any.

  • Retinol

This component is able to stimulate the production of collagen in the human body, it also has a positive effect on the regeneration of cells of small blood vessels, so its usefulness is undeniable. However, here too there is your "but" - such products are sold in pharmacies are usually, with the majority - only on prescription.

To this cream remains effective as long as possible, it should be stored in tight, sealed container (a tube, a jar) in a dark, dry place inaccessible to others, as direct sunlight for retinol - a ticking time bomb. A few hours in the sun - and this means you can throw as benefit from it will be gone.

The only disadvantage of this material is that it may cause serious allergy. Therefore, in order not to go a few days with a red, blotchy rash, and covered the face, pre-use cream on a small area of ​​the skin. If you previously did not use such a tool, enter it in the comprehensive care gradually (initially not more than two or three times a week).

Another nuance - it increased sensitivity to external stimuli, which appears a few hours after applying the funds to vitamin A in the face. Therefore, it is desirable that retinol is not a part of a day cream, otherwise the effects of UV on the skin will lead to premature aging. It is also not advisable to use such products in the position of girls and nursing mothers.

  • Coenzyme Q10

The presence of this component in cosmetics, designed to combat age-related changes - necessarily, and not merely desirable. He acts only on the top layers of skin, so smooth out wrinkles just can not but get rid of the newly emerged or prevent the emergence of new - ceremony.

  • Vitamin E

Tocopherol with Q10 does not provide collagen molecules to break down, so that the skin remains smooth and even much longer. In addition, it will protect your face from harmful UV rays. And after that, what harm the sun's rays are applied, they know even small children. Remember components giving no influence of UV on the skin, should be in any of such cosmetic products.

  • Vitamin C

Lack of this vitamin can lead to the rapid aging of skin, as it is one of the basic materials required for the production of collagen. Its presence in the cream necessary, especially if there is also the presence of vitamin E (an antioxidant this enhances its job). Plus, such products are recommended to the fair sex, who have problems with acne.

  • Alfagidrokisloty

ANA, if you use them too often and wisely, fairly useful, as they help to purify from keratinized. But those who will use the funds to, say, lactic acid each day, instead of the healthy and smooth skin will get a completely opposite one result.

Remember what the manufacturers of such products generally do not speak - alfagidrokisloty destroy the natural protective barrier, which is the cause of early wrinkles. European countries have already expressed their opposition to such a makeup, as it does not monitor the use (and added to many AHA cream) can cause burns.

  • Hyaluronic acid

The cream, as part of which has the component, will cost twice or three more expensive than usual, but the debate about its effectiveness, many scientists still. But strong arguments regarding the fact that the molecules of hyaluronic acid as great as the collagen molecules, makes you wonder whether or not to acquire such means.

 An effective wrinkle cream: Myth or Reality?


For several years, many well-known scientists say publicly: anti-wrinkle cream can be addictive! Is it really, or is it - another black PR, until now no one really can not say. Their main argument is that, if such a vehicle does on the face all the time, the positive effects will be noticeable after four to five weeks, but as soon as the girls stop using it, everything will return to normal.

However, on the other hand, as can be without the skin cream of the same smooth, flat and fresh if it ceases to receive vitamins and components that feed it before. The only thing that you may concern, is the fact that he had not fully understood the implications of some of the components. So how would you feel and what look like in the age of thirty or forty years, is still a mystery even for scientists, not to mention the technology. But as they say, afraid of wolves, do not walk in the woods.

How to choose the right cream

Of course, to ensure that the first time you find suitable option for themselves, nobody else (even experienced sales consultants) will not be able, but not to play roulette and not risk your health, you should follow a few basic rules.

  • Consider the features of the skin

Dry, oily, combination skin - every this type needs certain elements and materials, so you can not take the cream without first making sure that they are suitable for you. To find out which category you belong, once is enough to visit a professional beautician or spend a small test with a tissue. If after you protrete her face on it will divorce, then you have oily skin. Ensure proper daily care, you also get rid of some defects (acne, acne, etc.), but if the product is intended for dry and problem you have oily skin, you will only aggravate the situation.

  • SPF of at least 15

Remember, the sun - the greatest enemy of the skin, so such cosmetics should reduce its impact. The presence of substances that protect against ultraviolet radiation, in any way should not affect the cost of production, so effective is only the cream, which is more than 15 SPF record - for winter use, 30 - for the year. Note that it makes no sense to buy anti-wrinkle cream, if there is not, for example, zinc oxide, avobenzone, titanium dioxide, etc.

  • Humidification - a pledge of young skin

With age, the human skin loses its former elasticity and smoothness, and the main reason for this is the lack of moisture, so the means of anti-wrinkle ingredients must be present to prevent its loss. It is best if a whole lot of day and night cream will be from the same manufacturer, as in this case, all these nuances into account.

  • Do not buy the cream in questionable places

Even the best and most expensive cream will not be effective if it is properly stored. It is unlikely that in the transitions, in the markets and at home there is a specially equipped room, where lie the huge box with this product. The moisture and the sun's rays - is not the worst thing that can be. Unsanitary - is that in the future can lead to serious diseases of the skin of those who will use the purchased goods in such places.

Ideal - a store or pharmacy. In addition, there you may be given a first-class advice, prompt, that it is right for you, provide certificates and documents confirming the quality and show the summary. If necessary, the legal institution of trade you can exchange the item, if you give them a check.

  • Study structure

Manufacturers are required to indicate all the ingredients from highest to lowest: that is at the very top of the list, will be the primary, but that in the end - the least useful. Thus, if the advertisement stated that, for example, cucumber extract will make your skin smooth, and the component in the list of twenty, then you are simply trying to cheat, since the effectiveness of it will be very small.

 An effective wrinkle cream: Myth or Reality?

Use creams properly

Having bought the anti-wrinkle cream, do not expect that the second or third day, your face will be completely smooth. Before manifest a positive effect, it must pass at least a month. But, unfortunately, your face will not be the same as that of a young girl, advertise it means. If you use such a tool on occasion, then you just throw out money.

Root should not apply the cream when wrinkles are already visible, but much earlier. Of course, until the skin is young (twenty-five), a major product should not be used, it is better to stay on the usual moisturizer with UV protection. After thirty-wrinkle cream already belongs to the category of must-have of every girl, regardless of whether there is or her age facial marks or not.

Before each application of the cream sure to wash your hands and face. It is not only in personal hygiene, but also that fewer misses the microbial agent is, the better. That is why manufacturers produce many products in tubes with fine holes and not in the usual and customary we package. Due to the similar cosmetics much longer stored.

Wrinkle cream in any case not be applied to the eye area, for a delicate and sensitive skin should be used specifically designed for this product. Nourishing cream is not necessary to lubricate the place where the filaments are arranged on the face, otherwise they will start to grow much faster.

Remember that you can not experiment with such cosmetics. Always follow the instructions, and if it is specified that the night cream can be applied, for example, only a half hour before bedtime, do not do it sooner or later. If during this time it is not completely absorbed, remove the remnants of dry paper towel or cotton swab. Also use a cream day since it does not come into contact with sunlight.

Apply any cosmetic product should be carefully! Rubbing cream into the skin, much patting on the cheeks and forehead with your fingertips, you will only worsen the situation, because of microtrauma faster there will be new wrinkles. Movement should be light, circular and barely noticeable.

To be most effective pre-make masks or wipe the skin tonic lotion to active components it makes it easier to get inside. If you can not clean the face, wipe it with wet cloths to remove dust and dirt.

And last but not least! Never use more than you need. A thick layer of cream will be a very long time to soak in, and if you leave it for the night, the morning will find him dry residues. Benefit from this will not be any, but the harm from infection, ending premature wrinkles, abound. Typically, once a small enough droplet size of a pea.

 An effective wrinkle cream: Myth or Reality?

We recommend that read: good wrinkle cream around the eyes