Saturday, 9 May 2015

The three "whales" of female beauty

 The three "whales" of female beauty

Every woman, who is over "...", wants to keep its youth as long as possible. She embarks on all sorts of tricks to stay longer attractive, fresh and young. Basic manipulations are carried out with the person. There are several ways to rejuvenate it cosmetics (using serum and cream); photos, Elos, laser rejuvenation; Facelifting.

Each of the methods has some advantages and some disadvantages. For example, the most painless - beauty - has a dignity naturalness. All good cosmetics aimed at the rejuvenation of the face, is made only from natural ingredients. But the drawback of this method is its duration and ineffectiveness. To efficiency was higher, you need to start taking care of facial skin as soon as possible as to preserve and prevent aging of the previously much easier than stretch, correct and fill the already formed wrinkles. All other methods can be attributed to the fast and efficient, but relatively painful, in addition, there are contraindications to remember when choosing them.

Next, what is struggling woman - is cellulite. Modern medicine offers several methods of getting rid of "orange peel":

  • using electric current (electrophoresis, lymphatic drainage, myostimulation, elektrolipoliz, microcurrent therapy);
  • by mechanical, vacuum and temperature effects (ultrasound, vibration therapy, the impact of vacuum, pressure, thermal);
  • mixed methods (Endermologie, mud therapy, mesotherapy).

This is an incomplete list of existing methods of getting rid of cellulite, when you select any one should not forget that treatment should be integrated. Along with the designated procedures must adhere to a certain diet in combination with sports exercises.

With the onset of a certain age, some women begin to appear rude, coarse hair in various places, sometimes on the chin, above the upper lip, on the toes and so on. Simply pulling as shaving and do not bring a long effect, and even, on the contrary, it seemed to stimulate the emergence of more and more coarse hairs. At one point, has not one, but three to five hairs sticking out obscenely at some prominent place. There are several methods for removing unwanted vegetation, but the most effective is laser hair removal. It is to transform the exposure to the laser hair into thermal energy, which is destructive to the hair follicle, thereby removing unwanted hair virtually forever.

 The three "whales" of female beauty

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