Saturday, 9 May 2015

That "secret" rhinoplasty and otoplasty?

 That "secret" rhinoplasty and otoplasty?

Crash, accidents and various emergencies in the lives of the victims left deep wounds not only in the soul, but also on the body. And if the first pass or be easily cured by a psychologist, the latter can not be cured and, in any case, to leave a memory for years to come in the form of post-surgical stitches and scarring.

Fortunately, over the past few decades, plastic surgery has made high-quality, one might even say seven-league, steps forward. It became available to everyone, because even poor people can afford the most simple plastic surgery. Surgeons have become more skilled, and many began to literally work miracles, a vivid example - the appearance of most stars of modern show business). Side effects almost gone, and the number of deaths (some time ago, the event of death, even from rhinoplasty and liposuction) is practically reduced to zero.

A single word can be said about the operations on the nose. For some reason, this part of the body does not suit most people. And it really is, only 20% of these operations are carried out to correct acquired defects of the nose, in other cases, this slight correction at the whim of patients. Now make a rhinoplasty, the prices of which are falling rapidly due to growing demand, can be done at each clinic, and is considered a fairly "standard" procedure such as a facelift or liposuction.

Less common than rhinoplasty, but still very popular is surgery on the ears. Despite the fact that the otoplasty, the prices of which are equivalent to price for rhinoplasty, easier procedure and can be performed as often as wrinkle removal (in the sense of without consequences for the structure of the body), dealing with it is absolutely perpendicular to the operations on the nose. Only three out of ten people eliminate congenital defects in other cases, operations are carried out to eliminate the acquired defects (most of these operations, - the restoration of the integrity of the ear).

If plastic surgery will develop in the same direction, then in the near future we will be able in a few minutes almost completely change our image. For some, it's good, but someone does not like it. But the fact remains, the plastic is giant steps forward, and is still considered a relatively young science, which is still to come.

 That "secret" rhinoplasty and otoplasty?

We recommend to check out: the effects of otoplasty

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