Monday, 11 May 2015

Japanese salt-free diet to help lose weight

 Japanese salt-free diet to help lose weight


  • Menu Japanese diet for a week
  • What advise Japanese
  • Tips medics
  • The advantages of the Japanese diet

Well, what woman does not dream to be slim and elegant? That's right - absolutely everyone! And it starts: trying to do morning exercises, jogging through the park and jumping rope, then limit yourself to sweets, biscuits and cakes ... However, soon all these aspirations somewhere to go, and again the drink of coffee with cream, seizing candy and cakes.

Diet is, of course, fine, but it is required to apply the diligence and patience. Try to use a so-called "Japanese" - everybody knows the Japanese salt-free diet. First you need to get acquainted with the diet.

Menu Japanese diet for a week

The first day

  • Breakfast - a small cup of black coffee (no cream or milk, sugar can be);
  • Lunch - cabbage salad with vegetable oil, you can sprinkle it with lemon juice, a couple of hard-boiled eggs, 2 tomatoes (can substitute tomato juice without salt);
  • Dinner - boiled Pollack (can be fried), salad left over from lunch.

Second day

  • Breakfast - organic coffee, you can let the toast of black or white bread;
  • Lunch - repeats the first day, but without tomatoes;
  • Dinner - boiled beef (preferably beef), about 300 grams of low-fat yogurt is not more than a glass.

Day Three

  • Breakfast - black coffee;
  • Lunch - carrot salad with vegetable oil. Carrots need to boil and grate. You can drink a raw egg;
  • Dinner - green apples in any quantity.

Day Four

  • Breakfast - as always;
  • Lunch - parsnips, grated and fried in vegetable oil, for dessert - apple;
  • Dinner - any fruit except bananas and grapes.

Day Five

  • Breakfast - on a fine grater grated carrot, a little lemon juice, coffee is not permitted;
  • Lunch - fish, with most (half a kilo), fried or boiled, tomato, or a glass of tomato juice;
  • Dinner - kiwi, pineapple, peaches, oranges, plums, pears. It can be in the form of a cocktail, you can simply as a separate dish.

Day Six

  • Breakfast - green tea;
  • Dinner - boiled chicken 300 grams (preferably white meat), coleslaw;
  • Dinner - raw carrots, two boiled eggs.

The seventh day

  • Breakfast - tea (and black, and green);
  • Lunch - young boiled beef, fruit;
  • Dinner - any of the previously proposed.

So it goes "Japanese." Seven days - and this is enough to achieve the desired effect. In strict compliance with all conditions of this period can get rid of the five extra kilos. Of course, it's impressive, but we must bear in mind that a diet to achieve nothing. Be sure to have to step up their entire life - enjoy a banal charge! You do not want? Then try to dance - you can enroll in a dance studio in any direction, but you can dance in the mirror - and the mood will rise and evaporate the excess weight.

You wash your floors? Throw a mop and start to bend, squat, and even lie on the floor - in fact you will have to reach the farthest corners of the apartment. Here is the charge! Do not use the lift - better go up and down the stairs on foot, do not go to the shops on transport - especially if you walk just a couple of stops. It is better to walk on foot, at the same time get some fresh air, take a look at the people around them and look around - what if you missed something very important for his vanity and problems?

 Japanese salt-free diet to help lose weight

What advise Japanese

If we adhere to a salt-free diet from distant Japan, it is necessary to know and what about nutrition think the Japanese themselves. In fact, it is necessary to limit itself to the absolute salt of a lifetime - yes, so say residents of the east of the country. And it's not so hard - just to get used to the natural, the natural taste of food and there is a couple of weeks.

Natural sodium content in products is so great that we are aggravate the state of his health. Appears osteochondrosis, joints start to swell, swell limbs - generally pleasant enough. So - try, stop all salt in the cooking process, it is better to do it yourself on the plate. Any semi-finished products, hot dogs and sausages, canned food and fast food completely eliminate, aim to use only natural products.

Tips medics

Note that out of the diet should be gradual and not lash out at all prohibited dishes. If you decide to hold a diet not one, but two weeks (is allowed), you should know that for a single day can not delay output - high risk of severe disruption of metabolism. And then, you must know who is contraindicated Japanese diet:

  • People with high blood pressure;
  • Those who suffer from diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • During pregnancy and during lactation;
  • When mental illness.

You have to be very careful when choosing this particular diet for people with diabetes, hormonal disorders and problems with the spine - in these cases it is better to consult a dietician.

In general, I must say that salt-free diet is considered to be sufficiently rigid and physically and morally, but the result is simply stunning. That is why, more often than once every six months to eat on such a schedule can not be - it is detrimental effect on overall health.

 Japanese salt-free diet to help lose weight

The advantages of the Japanese diet

  • It cleanses the body of harmful impurities;
  • Improves metabolism and tested the pain in the joints;
  • Weight goes forever - is confirmed by the fact that within 2-5 years Driven kgs will not be returned.

Agree, when such benefits can be called "Japanese" useful and recommend, if not all, then a lot of women.

 Japanese salt-free diet to help lose weight

We recommend to check out: The Japanese diet - 13 days

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