Saturday, 9 May 2015

How to display the tattoo without damaging the skin

 How to display the tattoo without damaging the skin

Let's face it: tattoos all firmly embedded in our lives, defeating former negative public opinion. Moreover, the application of Tattoos became a craze: they make the 15-year-old girl, causing 30 year old woman, put middle-aged ladies. It is no surprise all kinds of butterflies, dragons and flowers in various parts of the body of the fairer sex.

Whatever it was, many of the girls, a tattoo, or give up on this idea, or are dissatisfied with the result. And then in front of them stands a legitimate question: how to get a tattoo of the body without damaging the skin? In general, is it possible to make a trace of the tattoo on the body is not there?

Barbaric methods of tattoo removal

The fact that reduce a tattoo in the home so as not to leave marks on the skin, is not possible. It is sad, but the cursor hover over the tattoo, click the right button and press "delete" you do not get. Even if you have just inflicted tattoo and paint is not yet soaked through - rubbing and discolor the image is too late. Otherwise, everything you earn - is messy, blurry spot on the skin. It is better to go with any tattoo, even with the most successful, than with the "beauty" of the body.

Although - there are a few "home" ways to remove tattoos from the body, and they are left on the body of the horrible scars that will be present in the body for life. Among them are the two most popular method - a thermal burn by means of potassium permanganate and a combination of thermal chemical burn by alkali soap. The essence of both methods is that after the burn an ulcer formed on the body, which goes along with the whole area of ​​skin involved tattoo.

These are absolutely brutal, primitive methods are very dangerous for the skin and overall health, their effects should be treated by surgeons and dermatologists. Moreover, it is not the fact that after such terrible torments come tattoo completely. But what can disfigure the skin area - an indisputable fact!

 How to display the tattoo without damaging the skin

Mechanical removal of tattoos

In addition to home methods to remove a tattoo can be in the same tattoo parlor or in a beauty salon or a medical clinic in aesthetic surgery. Believe me, getting rid of a tattoo is a lot more money, time and effort than its application. However, if you are firmly decided to take this step, we present you a few modern methods of tattoo removal from the body.

In the vastness of our vast country more than the most common method of reducing mechanical tattoos. Its essence is that, under local anesthesia, the patient is removed skin area, on which the pattern. This is done in a special milling cutter with an abrasive surface or a stone with a diamond coating. First, remove the epidermis, then the rest of the skin layer by layer - until then, until you remove the entire tattoo. Of course, the site of operation is impressive swelling, and after - a tremendous sore.

The worst thing here is that the skin on the site of the tattoo information must be kept in sterile until until it is fully restored. The thing is that the wound is healing after such an operation for a long time (a few months), but because the skin in this place is at risk of infection. Will the scars and welts on the former site of the tattoo - it depends on how professional specialist, doing the operation, and you were able to keep the wound from infection.

Laser removal of tattoos

It is much safer and more successful method of getting rid of a tattoo removal laser. Just a few years ago these operations were left on the skin very visible signs, because the principle of action is to put into place a thermal burn. After skin die off, along with a dry crust of sores disappeared and the tattoo itself.
Modern laser tattoo removal method was invented in 2004 and it is very different from the earlier methods. The fact that scientists are not taught laser influence on the entire area of ​​the skin, and optionally - specifically, only the color pigment. As a result, part of the granules ink evaporates and the portion disintegrates into small particles that themselves later excreted. This method is called - by selective fotokavitatsii.

However, if you think for one trip to the surgeon will get rid of unsuccessful tattoos, deeply mistaken. Sometimes it takes the whole year to get rid of this trouble: first tattoo becomes a little dull, then slowly begins to become discolored - and so on until the picture is not lost at all. Moreover, the end result fotokavitatsii depends on the following points:

  1. The quality of the paint if not used professional paint for tattoos, and, say, the ink of a gel or a ballpoint pen, the result can be negative - the tattoo is removed.
  2. The depth and technique of drawing: the more layers of the skin takes the tattoo, the more likely that a weak figure will remain on the skin.
  3. The place where the tattoo is located: on the human body there are places where the risk of scars is high, regardless of the ways to remove tattoos.

Thus, selective fotokavitatsiya - this is the answer to the question whether it is possible to deduce the tattoo, leaving deep, unhealed mark on the skin. While this is the only available method for the safe removal of the body tattoo.

The fashion for tattoos came to us from the United States, only a few people know that about 50% of carriers wearable drawings regret that once made a "mistake of youth" and dream to get rid of tattoos. And if you decide on that at all costs to make a tattoo, then go to this matter very carefully, from the pattern selection and ending with the professionalism of the master. Otherwise, unnecessary pain, and nerve spending money you can not avoid.

 How to display the tattoo without damaging the skin

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