Piercing translated means "puncture". Today has become fashionable to pierce various parts of the body, the fantasy went far beyond earrings in his ears. In the course went lips, eyebrows and noses. One of the most common is the nose piercing. Especially this type of piercing is popular among women because it allows you to draw additional attention to the face, but at the same time not too conspicuous. The peculiar zest.
Nose piercing procedure itself is simple and it does not require much effort and devices. Body piercing is performed with a special needle, which will form the "track" for earrings. Soreness puncture depends on the individual human pain threshold.
Piercing at home
Make a piercing in the nose, and can be at home, of course, if you love extreme sports. Despite the simplicity of the procedure, there is a risk the sad consequences. Of course, on the wings of the nose is a little bit of blood vessels, but there is no guarantee that you will not get it in a bottle. Therefore, you should stock up on cotton, alcohol or other antiseptic and gloves. Needle puncture and earrings must first be disinfected. It is best to buy from a pharmacy sterile system (it does not need to be disinfected), the main thing to consider its size - it has to match the diameter of earrings.
The process itself is simple puncture:
- Treat the place next puncture antiseptic;
- Wrap nostril as high as possible to buckle earrings later was not outside;
- Quickly make a puncture from the inside;
- Insert the earring hole catheter, and gently pull the needle;
- Rinse well with a puncture and check that the earring is well kept and does not fall out.
Features care piercings
Special difficulties in treatment and care of the piercings there. While puncture heals completely, it is necessary to process antiseptic twice daily. As a suitable antiseptic chlorhexidine. Teasing or remove the earring is not necessary.
Contraindications and consequences
Despite the simplicity of the procedure, it has contraindications, and adverse effects. Nose piercing is contraindicated if:
- There is a risk of keloid formation in places of healing;
- There are allergies to metals;
- Disturbed blood clotting, or some other related blood diseases (hepatitis, leukemia, diabetes);
- There are congenital heart disease, kidney disease, and the presence of asthma, sinusitis, and skin diseases;
- There are nearing pregnancy or menstruation.
Even if you make a puncture in the cabin, there is a risk of complications such as swelling, infection, and even blood poisoning. In the case of an abscess is an urgent need to consult a doctor who will help you find the root cause of infection and suggest appropriate treatment.
Sometimes puncture stands clear liquid - lymph. This is perfectly normal, it can be removed with care. Cotton wool soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
It is not necessary to remove the pier until the wound is completely healed, so you only increase your risk of getting an infection. You should not abuse the cream and powder until the piercing is not accustomed. In any case, the main thing - competent care. Only then nose piercing, the consequences of which may be severe, do not cause trouble.
Nontraditional forms of the nose piercing:
- Austin Bar - this unusual puncture is on the tip of the nose horizontally with it while not touched cartilage piercing septum.
- Septra - a puncture the underside of the tip of the nose. It is centered towards the bottom ledge of the nose through a wider puncture.
- Bridge - a puncture near the bridge. There are vertical and horizontal bridges. As the decorations used Earring-Rod.
Also, there are all kinds of combinations of types of piercing, it's up to your imagination and courage!
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