Tuesday, 14 April 2015

What is folic acid?

 What is folic acid?


  • When to start taking folic acid?
  • The daily rate and products
  • Contraindications to receive folic acid

Certainly few can boast that consumed with food, in addition to proteins, carbohydrates and fats, they are getting enough vitamins and minerals. Their disadvantage is often the cause of sickness, disease, nervousness, fatigue. Therefore, the stock of useful substances for the organism to constantly replenish.

Especially need to think about health when planning a pregnancy, since there are some vitamins that are essential to the full development of the fetus in the womb. These include a folic acid or vitamin B9. And it will be better if folic acid when planning pregnancy found in the body in the right amounts.

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When to start taking folic acid?

Typically, doctors prescribe vitamin B9, when a woman is determined by the pregnancy. However, after 2-3 weeks after spermatozodov fertilize the egg and the embryo is formed, begins the formation of the child's internal organs, especially the heart. If the expectant mother is not enough folic acid, it can lead to various complications during pregnancy and the occurrence of birth defects in the baby. A sufficient amount of this element reduces the risk of congenital diseases. This is the primary reason to start taking folic acid when planning pregnancy yet.

In addition, during pregnancy the number of functions performed by vitamin B9. This element is involved in the following processes:

  • DNA synthesis
  • the formation of the placenta
  • the formation of the neural tube of the fetus, blood cells
  • strengthening the immune system
  • metabolism.

Low concentration of folic acid during pregnancy can lead to serious consequences. A woman with a strong lack of this vitamin may experience the following symptoms:

  • anemia
  • fainting
  • pale skin
  • irritability
  • loss of appetite
  • severe hair loss
  • diarrhea
  • stomatitis
  • weak immunity.

Time to fill the acid content is essential, as is suffering not only the pregnant woman, and child.

Folic acid deficiency can cause detachment of the placenta, miscarriage or missed abortion.

With regard to the health of the baby, it can be a malfunction of the nervous system and brain, spinal diseases.

Folic acid plays an important role not only for the woman, preparing to become a mother, but also to the future pope. It increases motor activity of male germ cells, respectively, increases the chances of fertilization. Pass the necessary tests, pass medical examination for the 3 months prior to the planned conception. Low levels of vitamin B9 in the body can trigger hormonal drugs, diseases of the stomach and intestinal tract, alcohol abuse.

Thus, planning to become pregnant is the time when you need to start taking folic acid. But the doctor's consultation is required in any case.

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The daily rate and products

When planning your food, be aware that there is a norm of vitamin B9, in which the body of a pregnant feels the need every day. According to various reports, it is 400-600 micrograms.

During the 1, 2 and 3 trimesters of pregnancy the gynecologist often prescribe a vitamin complex, which already contains a daily rate of folic acid. And at the planning stage should follow a special diet, eating foods rich in this vitamin. Eat green leafy vegetables and fresh culture, since the heat treatment acid molecules are destroyed and lost utility products. From fruits are rich in folic acid, apricots, avocados, melons, citrus. In addition, pregnancy include in the diet products listed in the table.

Foods rich in folic acid Vitamin B (mg per 100 g product)
Beef liver 240
Pig liver 225
Soybeans 200
Cod liver 110
Parsley 110
Beans 90
Spinach 80
Cabbage lettuce 48
Rye bread 40
Green beans 36
Buckwheat 32
Dill 27
Celery 21
Peas 16
Green onion 14

It is believed that lack of vitamins better than their excess. Indeed, if we exceed the recommended dose of vitamin B9, the accumulation of crystals occurs folacin. Intoxication can lead to side effects:

  • vomiting
  • abdominal distention
  • flatulence
  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • sleep disturbance
  • convulsions.

You can own a balanced diet, but the medication can be prescribed only by the doctor. Self-medication is not permitted!

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Contraindications to receive folic acid

Speaking of the need for vitamin B9 of the body prior to pregnancy and during this period, we can not say that there are diseases in which folic acid is prohibited. These contraindications include:

  • allergic reactions
  • bronchial asthma
  • oncological diseases
  • renal failure
  • pyelonephritis
  • vitamin B12 deficiency.

If you deliberately came to the conclusion that you want to have kids, be twice as attentive to their health. Treatment of any medication must be administered by a doctor of the results of laboratory tests. The specialist will determine if there is enough only diet or need to take folic acid in the form of medicines.

 What is folic acid?

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