Thursday, 9 April 2015

Methods of propagation Dracaena

 Methods of propagation Dracaena


  • Reproduction apical cuttings
  • Propagation by stem cuttings Dracaena

One problem in the cultivation Dracaena is that it grows quite high and abuts against the ceiling. Dracaena - very beautiful, pandanus plant, but from lack of light it shoots are thin, long and longer stay in the upright position. When this plant branches break apart and fall off the bottom of the stem leaves, making it naked Dracaena loses its form and becomes less attractive. In this case, it is worth considering how to rejuvenate it by breeding plants.

The home is fairly easy to breed varieties of Dracaena such as fragrances and fringed. It is best to carry out the reproduction of dracaena in the spring, in March and April, at which time the growth processes are activated. If the plant is propagated in the other seasons, the rooting process will take much longer. Basically dratsenu propagated manner as cuttings. For cuttings can be used as the stem without leaves, and the upper part of the plant leaves.

 Methods of propagation Dracaena
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Reproduction apical cuttings

This method of breeding dracaena also called "multiplication of the crown." The upper part of the stem with leaves, length of about 10-15 cm, cut with a sharp knife or shears. At what angle will make a cut, large does not matter. It can be placed diagonally or straight. It is very important during cutting does not crush the stem, the cut must be smooth, and not to touch the bark with a knife.

If the cut is jagged and manifest on the stem fracture, a stalk will not take root, and simply rots. Once it will cut off, it can be directly rooting or to hold in the air a couple of hours, but only at room temperature. Roots should apical stems in water or in the ground, intended for palms and cactus, in the hydrogel, as well as inert materials such as sand, vermiculite and perlite.

Before rooting in water, it is necessary to add the whole tablet of activated charcoal. This will help the water not too quickly deteriorate. Additional water can be added any drug that promotes rooting plants at home. It is necessary to ensure that the water was always at room temperature, and replace it every three or four days.

Breeding or edged dracaena fragrant - not too easy to do. Sharing may rot in any substrate. The most common decay occurs in the soil substrata. This is facilitated by the microorganisms that exist in the soil, destroying the tissue cutting and eat organic component of the soil. If the soil in which the root stalk dracaena be constantly wet, rotting will begin immediately. The ground dried up recently formed, young roots will dry up.

It is best to root cuttings in a small teplichke, a plastic, glass or transparent bag. The temperature of air and soil in the rooting should be a plus 20-22 degrees. Leaves should be sprayed defended water at room temperature 4-5 times a day. It is also important for the rooting in the morning and evening to take shelter for fifteen minutes to air, it will remove excess moisture.

 Methods of propagation Dracaena
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Propagation by stem cuttings Dracaena

For reproduction Dracaena stem cuttings at home to choose nevyaly, elastic stalk of normal color and cut it into cuttings 5-20 cm long. Cut them need a sharp knife on the leaf scars. Rooting is best done in the sand, soil or ground sphagnum moss,.

Well rooted stem cuttings in the same conditions as the terminal, only at a temperature of 20-24 degrees. Most often, cuttings are rooted in six weeks, and about the ninth, new, young shoots. In case of unsuitable conditions or root cuttings die, but rooting takes much longer.

Dracaena propagated by means of rooting stem cuttings in two ways, horizontally and vertically. For vertical rooting need to immerse the bottom of the stalks in a wet substrate at a depth of 3 cm. If rooting occurs in the soil on the surface it is necessary to put a layer of sand with a thickness of 5 cm. This is in order not to damage the young roots ambulance transfer.

Sharing first take root in the sand, and in the future will sink its roots into the fertile soil. With horizontal rooting Dracaena is laid on the surface of the substrate and gently press it inwards.

 Methods of propagation Dracaena

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