Thursday, 16 April 2015

Caring for the skin around the eyes at home

 Caring for the skin around the eyes at home

For beautiful women there are no trifles. They always tend to look at 100%, so that even the process of the skin around the eyes and pay attention to the time. And no wonder! Eyes are called the mirror of the soul, the skin around the eyes can be called a rim of the mirror. Do not forget that this frame emphasizes the beauty of the mirrors, so the skin care around the eyes should be attributed to the most important component of beauty and attractiveness .

Before you learn about skin care around the eyes at home, it is necessary to talk about its features. There are quite a few features:

  1. The thickness is only half a millimeter.
  2. No subcutaneous fat layer.
  3. A small amount of the sweat and sebaceous glands.
  4. Few of elastin and collagen.
  5. Hypersensitivity.

Bad effect on the skin around the eyes has a lack of sleep, lack of oxygen, lack of or poor skin care age. There may be bags, dark circles, wrinkles, fading. Also, there are natural causes wrinkles. No one can stop blinking. This is one of the most powerful urge to wrinkle. To avoid all these hassles, it is better to know how to care for the skin around the eyes. Even better, if you take care of the eyelid skin every day at home. But do not forget that very carefully deal with the skin up to 25 years does not make sense. At this age, every day is enough to wash off applying makeup and maintain a sufficient amount of nutrients. Generally, the process of skin care in this area consists of cleansing, toning and moisturizing.


So, how to care for the skin around the eyes at home?

The first thing you should always clean the eye makeup on. This is one of the operations to be in the care of the skin around the eyes to 25 years. For this purpose, use a special cosmetic milk. Recent trends in this area contain two immiscible liquids. The structure consists of the first ultra-light oil (for the purification of water-resistant makeup), and in the second - herbal ingredients that remove the standard makeup and reduce irritation. If you do not use waterproof makeup, there is no reason to apply the cream or fat pads with oil. For people who use contact lenses, there is a fat-free make-up remover lotion. Also, it would be better if the skin around the eyes after 25 years they will not use waterproof mascara.

Remove make-up should be daily. This is done by soft movements that will not stretch the skin. To do this, put the milk-soaked swabs on the closed eyes for 50 seconds. Then remove makeup move downwards. It is impossible to care for the skin around the eyes after 25 years of using the funds for removing make-up from other sectors. They may contain spread components, which can easily get into the eyes and cause irritation. These creams are not tested by ophthalmologists, and therefore doubly dangerous.

Hydration & Nutrition

 Caring for the skin around the eyes at home

For food and wetting uses special lotions, creams and gels. These funds should nourish and moisturize well to penetrate into the inner layers of the skin, do not irritate the skin of the eyelids.

For dry skin, the best option skincare century home is a cream. They will help to restore the balance of lipids, to cope with the wrinkles, give elasticity and smoothness of the surface of the skin. Better not use creams with lanolin. This component causes redness and inflammation of the skin. Apply the cream should be on the lower eyelids, as from the top, they can get into the eyes and cause irritation.

Lotions have lightened up, so absorbed by the skin very quickly. Skin Care century home using lotions give elasticity and smoothness of the skin, get rid of wrinkles.

The most useful tools are gels .  They are suitable for the eyes prone to swelling and increased sensitivity .  Change skin care around the eyes every four months will help to avoid allergies and conjunctivitis .  A variety of means for care allows you to choose the best option for any type of skin around the eyes .  Besides skin type should look at the age of .  So, skin care around the eyes after 45 years to perform better drugs with concentrated substances updated elastin and collagen .  There are components that fill the space between the fibers of collagen and restore skin elasticity .  To care for the skin around the eyes after 30 years, requires only the use of extracts of fruits and vegetables, vegetable oils .  It is necessary to carefully consider the choice of means of slowing down the appearance of facial wrinkles .  Some of them are only temporarily improve skin .  If they stop using, the skin looks even worse .  Just the action of the cream is aimed at reducing the power of muscles, so they are weakened and can not independently maintain skin elasticity .  This leads to the appearance of wrinkles and aging effects .  Caring for the skin around the eyes after 30 years it is possible to carry out more and using masks .  They smooth out wrinkles, pigmentation will be removed and will help get rid of edema .  It is necessary to properly apply the cream on the eye area .  Otherwise, even the best cream will cause negative effects .

Here are some tips on the correct application of the cream:

  1. Rub the cream should be light circular massaging gently around the eyes. If there are circles around the eyes, do faint tapping fingers. This stimulates the local blood circulation and promotes the absorption of the cream.
  2. The cream is applied from the outside to the inside corner of the eye, many do the opposite - it's not right.

Compliance with these rules in the care of the skin around the eyes after 40 years will help avoid stretching the skin of her injury.

Do not use a normal day cream for the skin around the eyes. There is no guarantee that he will cope with the task and will not cause irritation. Such creams typically are not tested by ophthalmologists. If you want to protect the skin around the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, it is possible to safely use the ordinary cosmetics for sun protection. It must be sufficiently intense and at the same time does not irritate the skin around the eyes.

Toning. Masks for eyelid skin

 Caring for the skin around the eyes at home

For the skin around the eyes after 45 years and not only possible to use plant extracts in the form of a tonic, lotion or gel. They soothe and refresh the skin. It is to moisten them and pave the swab to the skin for 5 - 10 minutes. Well-toned ice cubes. For this morning, after washing moisten the skin around the eyes and let it dry on their own. Caring for the skin around the eyes in the home must include a mask (at least once a week). Sufficient supply, toning and refreshing masks for skin care age below.

  • A good tonic is cucumber juice. Apply to the eyelids cucumber slices for 5-10 minutes. You can make a tonic mask: mix and apply to eyelids for 10 minutes, mix 1 teaspoon of cucumber juice and the same amount of milk powder. After carefully removed wet swab.
  • To moisten the eyelids, use olive oil, castor oil, jojoba oil.
  • 2 tsp. Dried dill on 0, 5 cups of boiling water. Infuse for 15-20 minutes. Soaked tampons to impose on the eyes for 20 minutes. It refreshes the skin.
  • Nourishing Mask: 1, 5 tablespoons of tomato juice mixed with 1 egg yolk. Dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of infant formula in a little water and mix with tomato yolk mixture. Apply to the skin around the eyes.
  • A decoction of parsley: 50 g. parsley at 0, 5 liters of water, boil for 15 min., then drain. Cotton swabs wetted and applied to the eyes for 1-2 minutes .. The swab should turn a blind eye from the eyebrows to the zygomatic bone. Repeat 3-4 times, soaking tampons in a warm broth. At the end of the procedure is necessary to make a cold compress, dry skin and cause fat cream. Applying in the skin around the eyes of the recipes, you will be able to soothe and refresh the eye, if necessary - reduce inflammation.
  • Cut grape and hold on a lower eyelid of the eye. Eyes get natural food. Very useful so nourish the eye.
  • Natural yolk and honey mask for dry skin around the eyes: Take 1 egg yolk and 1 hour a spoonful of honey. Apply to the eyelids for 10 minutes.

Masks - can be carried out using for this purpose the berries: raspberries, strawberries, rowan, watermelon. If you can not cook and prepare a special mask, you can simply wipe the eyelid is cut berries or juice.

During the skin around the eye to do the soothing mask. One good option is the oatmeal mask. Its very easy to make oatmeal and milk. Put the mixture into the swollen gauze and put on the skin for 20 minutes. Very good smoothing and nourishing effect has a Spanish mask broth of beans. Boiled Beans should be rubbed through a sieve, mix with the rest of the hot lemon juice (half a lemon) and a spoon of vegetable oil. Apply on the eyelid skin and keep for 15-20 minutes. Rinse first with hot, then cold water. Among folk remedies mentioned honey oatmeal mask. It get rid of wrinkles, but to use this mixture often not worth it. Preparing it two teaspoons of honey and one teaspoon of very strong tea. It's mixed with two tsp. Oatmeal. The mask should be on the eyelid skin for 20 minutes.

To learn how to care for the skin around the eyes in the home you now know .  It remains to apply the knowledge on how to care for the skin around the eyes, in practice, .  Remember that it takes so much time and brings a lot of benefits .  Your eyes are beautiful: a complete lack of wrinkles, bags, dark circles .  You own surprise the skin around the eyes .  There will be no discomfort, fatigue, pain and discomfort .  Use the most natural ingredients, do not overdo it with creams, use the correct technique of application and solve problems as they come .  At any age, including caring for the skin around the eyes after 35 years, it is not necessary to use anything that comes their way .  Protect thin and delicate skin around the eyes from ultraviolet radiation hard, enough sleep, remove makeup every day, nourish your skin .  Once a week, apply one of the masks .  The effect of the skin around the eyes will be obvious to you and others .  The influx of attention is guaranteed, as one-third of the men immediately draws attention to a woman's eyes .  Make your mirror of the soul perfect frame .

 Caring for the skin around the eyes at home

We recommend that read: cream of wrinkles around the eyes

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