Thursday, 9 April 2015

How to grow home "female dragon"

 How to grow home "female dragon"


  • Recommendations on the content
  • To summarize

Dracaena Marginata, or bordered, is one of the most common species of the entire family of asparagus. Homeland dracaena are tropical forests and savannas of Africa and South Asia. And she has won its popularity due to the qualities of simplicity, minimal maintenance and easy reproduction.

In most cases in Europe, this tree is used as a decorative flower room. Although, if you put dratsenu the street, dracaena marginata perfectly adapted to the local climate. The only condition for strong growth: the ambient temperature must not be lower than eighteen degrees.

Dracaena marginata grows slowly, but over the life reaches up to three meters in height and more. The leaves of the tree fringed contrasting red and can grow up to 50-70 cm in length. There is a kind of Dracaena with two-tone bordering: first leaf is outlined red piping, and then yellow - the effect of gilding have a Dracaena very impressive.

High Dracaena copies look good in offices and a spacious hall, and the little "shaggy tails" without problems fit into any housing interior. Besides decorative qualities, it is a kind of Dracaena bordered humidifier and air purifier. Plants absorb formaldehyde and trichlorethylene, which is the decay product of powder used in laser printers and copiers.

You will be interested to learn that, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, Dracaena Marginata will inspire you to feats, to help fight laziness and pessimism. Ancient Greek translation of its meaning "female dragon", or found another version - "Dragon Tree". The bark of the trunk bare skin really looks like a dragon, this effect is associated with the formation of secondary tissue on the trunk of the extinct leaves.

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Recommendations on the content

Thus, despite the simplicity of dracaena marginata, is still the main focus on the recommended conditions for its content. What they need to know? In the first place to prevent a number of diseases that affect the external characteristics of the plant. In addition, illiterate care - the main cause of death of the tree, and infection of all the colors in the house.


Dracaena Marginata - lover of the scattered light, and, like all leafy plant, she is afraid of direct sunlight. Variegated forms of Dracaena prefer intense light than dark green specimens. With a lack of light leaves begin to lose their color, and burns from the sun leaves yellow spots on leaves, which gradually grow and drain them.

The best place in the apartment for Dracaena - in front of a window in the back of the room; In addition, Dracaena marginata "not disdain" and artificial lighting. And in the summer you can put dratsenu on the balcony or in the garden, not forgetting to choose shade place. Care in winter differs only by the addition of extra lighting, for example, a conventional light bulbs.


What is significant in a favorable content of dracaena, it's temperature. Dracaena Marginata - heat-loving plant, and therefore should take care of that in winter the temperature does not fall below sixteen degrees Celsius. But the upper threshold temperature, the plant adapts better and special significance for the growth it has. In summer, plant care and do simple: set the pot in the shade dratsenu balcony, spray more often and timely watering.


Humidity is another important factor in the healthy growth of plants. Dracaena bordered easily adapts to the dry air in the apartment. The main feature of low humidity are the outward signs - dry leaf tips. In this case, you need to increase the intensity of spraying or put a pot on a special pan with a wet expanded clay. Dry leaves must be cut, but in any case not to cut the living tissue of the leaves.

You probably know how destructive to any plant radiators. The most common cause of death of most of the leaves is a hot, dry air coming from them. In order to avoid the negative consequences it is strongly recommended not to put a pot of flowers next to a radiator.

And one more recommendation - arrange her favorite water treatments. Put a small pot of souls, previously covering the ground with plastic. This simple technique will make it easier currently care leaves and prevent the appearance of small pests.


There is nothing easier than to water dratsenu: watering should be frequent and moderate, and the soil - always a bit moist. Sometimes, once a month, it is possible to dry the ground to a depth of three or four fingers. For more damaging Dracaena overabundance of moisture, dryness of the soil rather than short-lived.

In the case of the formation of white salt deposits on the surface of the soil you need to replace the top layer of the substrate to a fresh and often loosen the soil. In winter, the volume and frequency of watering reduce spraying when the ambient temperature is below + 15 ° C generally is terminated.


Dratsenu marginata is recommended to fertilize almost the entire year. In spring and summer, when the leaves of the plant is actively growing, it is necessary to feed twice a month in the winter, in a rest period should reduce the amount of fertilizer in half and make the composition more than once a month. And if the temperature of the contents of the plants below + 18 to + 20 ° C, the feed dratsenu and is not recommended.

As a fertilizer is best to use ready-made formulations designed specifically for palms and dracaena. Making a nutrient mixture should be in diluted form to the newly moistened soil.


Young plants may be transplanted annually in the pot, the larger the volume of two fingers. Adults shoots are transplanted in spring every two to three years by handling: do not hurt the fragile root system. Large Dracaena contained in pots, not transplanted, but only replace the top layer of soil to fresh.

The substrate is best to buy ready-made, special - transplant palms and dracaena. It is worth adding to the soil brick chips for looseness and charcoal for the prevention of diseases of the root system.

When transplanting Dracaena marginata pay special attention to quality drainage. As mentioned above, the plant can not tolerate an excess of water in the soil. Caring for transplant dratsenu need in the same way, reducing a while dressing.


Reproduction dracaena not of great complexity and is considered quite unsophisticated. The easiest method of propagation Dracaena - cuttings. For this part of the stem is cut off the top and cut after processing composition for stimulating root growth is placed in a container with water or traditional substrate. Be sure to cover the stem cap, or place in the mini-teplichku. Remember to aerate it and moisturize the soil. In a month there will be the first roots, then it will be possible to transplant the required process in a pot. Further care for the plant provides for compliance with all of the recommendations.

Another version of the breeding - by stem cuttings. Characterized in that the cuttings are not used tip and a part of the stem. So you can get several shoots for propagation. Cut the cuttings should be a little dry, and plug in the necessary earthen mixture. Formation of side shoots on the cuttings will testify about the development of the root system.

It is important to remember that when propagated in any way for the successful growth of the roots is necessary to increase the temperature of the mini-teplichke periodically venting air.

Diseases and pests

Fortunately, Dracaena marginata, or fringed, not among the frequently ill houseplants. Basically, the plant can attack the pests such as Jose scale, thrips and spider mites. At the initial stage it can be cured dratsenu elementary way, treating the leaves with soap solution. For the affected plants require meticulous care, which is a daily processing; Pay special attention to the inside of the leaf. With severe cases need to use chemical insecticides. To avoid pest attack will help you a regular preventive maintenance: spraying Bordeaux liquid, weekly shower and regular external examination.

 How to grow home "female dragon"
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To summarize

So, such a feature as yellowing and falling off the lower leaves, a natural phenomenon and should not bother you. As a rule, the leaves die off because of their age every two years. Continue to care for plants in the usual way for you, and if you bother much lower dry leaves refresh dratsenu applying multiplication air layering.

Dry the edges and ends of leaves indicate lack of humidity. If such symptoms will be treated to enhance moisture by additional spraying and increasing the number of water treatment.

If you notice that the leaves become soft and thus twisted, it is a clear sign of hypothermia dracaena. It is necessary to raise the temperature of the contents of the plant, but do not put it to the pot next to the battery. The formation of brown spots on the leaves indicates a lack of water. Increase the amount and frequency of watering dracaena. But the pallor of the leaves - is not nothing but a sunburn. Remove the pot from the windowsill plants or shade the window.

Here, perhaps, and all recommendations on the content of Dracaena Marginata. Agree care it is no more difficult than the usual potted flowers, and there is always the possibility to avoid unnecessary problems, with the least time on prevention.

I'm sure many of you already have experience in floriculture and you know how to care for dratsenu marginata, so we are pleased to supplement the article with your recommendations. Finally we want to say only one thing: without care and love wither even a century bamboo!

 How to grow home "female dragon"

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