- Terms of Ficus robusta content
- Diseases and pests of Ficus
- Disease Prevention
Ficus robusta, elastica, or as it is called, can be considered the most unpretentious plant of all the figs. And so amateur flower growers recommend that you start to grow your collection of indoor plants from that instance. It fits perfectly into any interior does not require time-consuming maintenance and care. A burdensome reproduction will be for you an additional bonus.
In addition, Ficus elastica, thanks to its large thick leaves, effectively cleans the air of harmful concentrations of phenol and benzene. And the followers of the teachings of feng shui recommend to buy this tree people prone to various excesses. For example, a spender or people with a big appetite. The plant has a positive effect on the general emotional atmosphere in the house; the main purpose of this ficus on feng shui - the aura of the house to clean and protect the house from evil spirits.
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Terms of Ficus robusta content
The maintenance and care of Ficus robusta should adhere to the generally accepted rules recommended for houseplants. Below, we discuss the basic requirements that need to be addressed.
- Lighting
I must say that, unlike most species of ficus, Robusta is not as picky about the light and feels good next to the shaded window or on a windowsill on the north side. But it's no light, of course, can not leave the plant. Lack of sun is easy to compensate for the additional artificial lighting. Most likely, this is not required, Ficus easily adapted to existing conditions. The only thing that can spoil a beautiful succulent leaves, - direct sunlight: they leave burns, leading to further yellowing and leaf fall.
- Temperature
Normal room temperature is optimal for the content of rubber fig. Perfect maintenance provides the content at a temperature in the range 18 - 25 ° C. But never put a pot plant next to the hot batteries. Hot, dry air - the worst "punishment" for ficus. Moisture evaporates from the leaves and the plant is dehydrated. Too low a temperature can lead to the collapse of the leaves. In general, getting used to the gradual change of temperature tolerated by the plant is quite bearable. For example, this happens in spring and fall when you carry the tree on the balcony or in the garden and in the opposite direction.
- Humidity
One of the necessary conditions which ensure the proper care and continued favorable growth wood - the humidity is above 50%. As a rule, especially in the winter, in the apartments of the humidity of the ambient air barely reaches 35 - 40%. Fortunately, it's easy to fix. Especially low humidity is also undesirable for people and water content in the body of which is 65 - 75%. Purchase a special humidifier; in extreme cases, often spray the plants, arrange his shower, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Providing the optimum moisture content, as a reward for your efforts you will receive a ficus leaves juicy healthy than he is valuable.
- Watering
Watering the tree should be all year round, in winter by reducing the activity of irrigation in the summer, on the contrary, increasing its frequency. Water is best to use to defend, at room temperature. Before you pour the tree again, always give ground a little dry. Do not overfill the ficus, is fraught with root rot and leaf disease. If you still had a long and numerous Bay, try to transplant the tree to another soil. In advanced cases, further care Ficus may not be necessary. Stick to the golden mean when watering - the best part and moderately than the rare and abundant.
- Fertilizer
Fertilize Ficus robusta is necessary during the vegetation period, ie during the active growth of the leaves. As a rule, this is the first spring sun, and to the middle of autumn. It is best to influence the activity of leaf growth and promotes branching tree nitric top dressing. It will be enough to water the plant with diluted fertilizer solution in ten to fifteen days.
- Transplant
Transplanting young ficus done spring or early summer once every one to two years. All depends on the growth rate of the tree and its root system. Long-livers transplanted seldom and if the instance is large, only replace the top layer of soil. Pot transplants should not be much larger than the previous, it shall be permitted only increase by two to three centimeters in diameter. The substrate for transplantation needs nourishing; requirements it does not differ from the requirements for substrates for other varieties of ficus. Necessarily the presence of high-quality drainage. In general, the Ficus elastica without difficulty taking root in new soil, and immediately begins to actively grow. Young shoots do not need special care, they grow rather quickly.
- Reproduction
Propagation by cuttings - the easiest way to get a new ficus. Shoot tips are used, which are placed in the ground or in water with the addition of a growth stimulant roots. For successful rooting need to raise the temperature of the contents, which is necessary to cover the young shoot a can or package. Naturally, it is necessary to provide ventilation in the mini-teplichke.
Reproduction is permitted air layering, allowing you to receive already large ficus.
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Diseases and pests of Ficus
Fortunately, this is not representative of the mulberry family of "wimps" and therefore resistant to diseases and pests. What should pay attention, because this is the yellowing of leaves, or reset. If this happens, review the conditions of his detention. Maybe the tree is in a draft or it lacks moisture. Maybe ficus need to get away from a sunny window or, conversely, to add lighting.
But brown wet spots on the leaves are talking about over-watering. Putrid smell from the pot indicates disease of the root system. There was a sharp relief leaves - the plant is under stress.
Dry warm air can attract pests such as spider mites and Jose scale. Basically they settle on the inner side of the sheet, forming colonies. They feed on the juice of the leaves, plunging the sharp proboscis in plant tissue, and leave behind a sticky liquid that is a provocateur fungal diseases. For example, you may see black sooty fungus.
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Disease Prevention
However, save your pet from all possible pests and diseases is not difficult to pass, and the main way to prevent them is an elementary prevention. What do I need to do?
- To arrange for all the newly acquired plant quarantine;
- Periodic visual inspection of ficus;
- Observe all basic rules of care;
- Weekly handle leaves with a damp cloth with soap solution and turn ordinary water;
- If possible (at least once a month) to arrange plants shower with warm water.
As we have said, Ficus elastica - undemanding plant. Giving him a minimum of time and a maximum of love, you will gain peace of mind, poise and a lot of positive emotions, presented you with powerful majestic handsome leaves, whose name - Ficus robusta.
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