Thursday, 9 April 2015

Ficus Benjamin sick: improper care or wayward character?

 Ficus Benjamin sick: improper care or wayward character?

Among fellow family room mulberry Ficus benjamina - one of the most popular representatives of the trees and shrubs Ficus genus.

In the natural environment (India, China), it reaches twenty-five meters, domesticated varieties in favorable conditions can grow to two or three meters. The main advantage of this evergreen tree - crown with its wide variety of glossy green or variegated leaves. And so the main feature of most ills that have plagued the ficus will be a condition of its foliage. And if the conditions do not suit your plant, it is primarily Ficus respond dropping its lush crown.

Immediately I want to warn beginners florist - almost all diseases are related to improper maintenance and care of the ficus. Details of the rules favorable content we have said in other articles, which you can find on our website, so today will focus only on the specific points that affect the health of Ficus benjamina.

 Ficus Benjamin sick: improper care or wayward character?

Factors affecting the health of Ficus benjamina

The first reason why the Ficus benjamina can dump the leaves is natural aging. Each leaf of this plant lives about three years, and then turn yellow and fall off. But the process of renovation of the crown is usually not sharp and massive: from time to time one or two or three of the lower leaf old replaced by new. However, if a large amount of yellow or green suddenly comes "baldness" barrel, it is a call to action!

What to do? Conduct a thorough visual inspection of the plant. Identify the nature of the yellowing of leaves: green color lost the entire sheet or just the tip, and perhaps there were brown spots, the leaves curl, or just dry? And which side more than yellow? Look under the leaves - may cause disease are pests. Pay attention to the ground conditions: Do not smell or decay may be dried up roots? The more scrupulous you check Ficus benjamina, the better will be your diagnosis, and hence the treatment will be to choose the right.

Here's how various factors affect the health of your pet green:

  • Lighting

Or pale yellow and then fall off the leaves from the shady side? So, your plant is not enough sun. Put the pot closer to the window or add artificial lighting.

The appearance of brown spots, followed by leaf yellowing by light source, probably indicates that the received ficus sunburn. Shaded or sunny window, move the pot to a tree some distance from him.

  • Temperature

It also happens that the ficus leaves wither and curl - it happens at low temperatures content. Or maybe your pot is too tight for the winter cold window or standing by the open window. In this case, the treatment will be obvious - increase the air temperature and do not put the plant in the way of the draft.

Due to sudden changes in temperature or sudden changes in illumination (eg, in the spring you will immediately put the ficus balcony) on the leaves are formed small watery yellow spots, which lead to the death of all of the sheet, and in severe cases - and just ficus. Ficus benjamina accustom to changing conditions should be gradually introducing fresh air for two to three hours a week. Likewise, the fall should be gradually adapted to the indoor content.

  • Humidity

With the lack of moisture leaves can fall in Ficus benjamina unexpectedly quickly. And the reaction of the plants may be delayed, that is, the fact of low humidity has already been fixed, and the leaves may still fall in. In such cases, not be amiss to have a home moisture indicator.

The presence of brown leaf tips also indicates excessive dryness of the air. To increase the humidity is recommended to use a humidifier or put the pot in the pan with a wet expanded clay, and do not forget to spray from the sprinkler ficus.

  • Watering

Excessive watering is extremely negative impact on the general state of ficus. This is evidenced by the appearance of dark spots on the leaves and putrid smell coming from the soil. At constant stagnant water rots the root system, and save the ficus, is not likely to succeed.

To prevent negative consequences, reduce watering and stop spray the leaves. Remember that the ground before each watering should be a little dry. And is used for irrigation defended warm water, cold water will provoke a decrease in temperature, and leaves can fall in.

  • Fertilizer

The general condition is satisfactory ficus and new shoots are thin, small leaves grow. Why is that? Unfortunately, your plant or not enough light, or lack power. In this case, the treatment is to increase the lighting or additional fertilizer ficus mineral supplements.

  • Transplant

If you start to become bare trunk and yellow leaves, look at the size of the pot and replace the old soil. Perhaps the roots of ficus is not placed in the "home" and even stick out of the drainage holes. Pick up a little more capacity and replace old soil.

  • Pests

Pests affecting ficus - spider mites, aphids, Jose scale, mealybug. Basically affect your plant pests at a high temperature and low humidity. Characteristic features of this scourge is the appearance of spots on the leaf plates, sticky plaque, cobwebs, why leaves turn yellow, wither and fall off.

From spider mites and aphids can be removed easily by wiping and spraying the plant with soapy water or a diluted solution of Bordeaux mixture. To destroy other pests will not be enough, additional insecticide treatments.

  • Infection

Unfortunately, the Ficus benjamina is exposed and some infectious diseases and fungal diseases. For example, you may see black sooty fungus. Favorable conditions for infection are sticky discharge plant pests. Or mildew - it looks like a white coating on the leaves, which when moving easily separated from the plate and transferred to another part of the plant. Methods of controlling fungal disease involves removing the affected leaves and treated with a solution of fungicide crown.

Root rot - a bacterial disease, is the result of excessive watering. It is necessary to replace the soil and remove the rotten roots. With advanced cases thrown ficus with pot.

According to the majority of amateur gardeners, Ficus benjamina easily drops leaves. For him it is enough dissatisfaction with the usual change of scenery - for example, when you carry it home from the store, or even if you just suddenly turned pot with other plants to the light side. Any stress - and ficus immediately resets even green leaves. Try to take it into account!

You love your plant, take care of them and do not disturb the waste, and then no disease will not be afraid of your home tree. And for many years, you will enjoy the beautiful and noble symbol of the capital of Thailand - a magnificent Ficus benjamina.

 Ficus Benjamin sick: improper care or wayward character?

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