- Do cats "odorless"?
- How to get rid of the smell of cat urine?
- What if the cat "shat" on the couch?
Cats - an incredibly lovely and cute creatures. They are great companions, wonderful "sides" ... and even catch mice! As is well known, "without a cat is not the life." Everybody loves cats, but these furry "cuties" Yet there is one very significant drawback. It is their smell. Everything else can endure: bitten potted flowers, scarred furniture and even the ubiquitous wool. However, the smell - a very tricky thing. He hovers everywhere. Often in the stairwell, you can determine which of the residents have a furry pet. That cat's "flavor" many people are allergic. How to remove the smell of cat urine - an issue of interest to many housewives four-legged pets.
What can we do for those who have lived a favorite? Can I get rid of the smell of cat urine, leaving your pet at home? Are there any universal shredder in order to avoid that horrible stench? Is it possible to remove the smell once and for all? Let's see whether there is such a tool.
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Do cats "odorless"?
If you do not have a cat, but you really want to have "nevonyuchuyu" breed, note the advice "cat owner". They definitely say that many pedigreed cats are almost no smell. After all, they were derived specifically for people who need affection and cat do not need trouble. Some of them do not mark area is in their genes. Choose exactly these cats! Then the removal of unpleasant odors will not be a serious problem.
Sphinx. This "monster" did not smell and does not have the wool from which people may be allergic. So that the Sphinx is fine with allergies. Despite the fact that the Sphinx is no smell, the toilet would still need to be changed regularly. Because even if you do not smell of cat urine stinks anyway. Although not as strong as that of conventional cats.
Other breeds that have weakened the smell - Toyger, Kuril Bobtail, Scottish fold, etc. you can ask the seller, as required sterilization of a cat. There are breeds where this is not even required.
A couple of tips. The cat is not inclined to mark territory, in contrast to the cat. Therefore, choose a female. If you have a 'boy', it should be neutered (of course, if it is not breeding animal for the breed). However, some owners feel sorry for the cats, leaving them with their "amorous joy." In a private home or cottage intact cat will not take so much trouble, but in the apartment. On the contrary, the cat "with dignity" will zealously protect territory from other males cats that you as the owner of the site at hand. However, the stink ... The stench in the corners of the house, on the site, on the fence is able to simply drive you crazy!
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How to get rid of the smell of cat urine?
It is believed that the smell of a cat is difficult to remove. The answer, it is not so! How to remove the smell of cat urine?
The smell of cat urine elementary cleaned using wet cleaning, which in the presence of house cats should be conducted at least once a day. If you have a particularly fluffy and "aromatic" or cat breed male, it is best to clean up twice a day, morning and evening. The only way to destroy a haunting smell of Cat.
Wash the threshold of the house and should be locked with a solution of bleach or "Whites". The smell of chlorine can completely kill the smell of cat urine. However, with prolonged use, it can kill a cat ... and the very fact chlorine is very harmful to the respiratory organs as cats and humans. So for porches and yard chlorine perfect. However, inside the apartment or house should be used more "forgiving" means. How to bring the smell of cat urine? Destroy it all easy, but temporary - is easy.
If you are saving a cat should abandon air fresheners and other perfumery "fabrications." Cats bad smell of perfume, as well as the smell of chlorine.
What to do? How to remove the smell of cat urine? What exists converter? Eliminate the bad smell will help a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Should wash their place "dislocation" odor, and everything goes. Some women use iodine (some drops in the bucket of water). Iodine - a very nice cat odor neutralizer. More makes hydrogen peroxide and alcohol. Alcohol - a fine shredder any odors. It can be replaced and vodka. Half a liter of vodka should be routed to a few buckets of water. The smell of alcohol quickly disappears as phenolic compounds are volatile. Beat off a strong smell can be a high concentration of vodka. Some housewives cats use vinegar. Vinegar is also able to kill the smell of urine. This was mixed with water, 1: 4. Soda also perfectly cleans and disinfects wooden floors and tiles. It helps to remove stains and yellow.
If the cat is "done deal" just should immediately throw the paper on top of puddles. It absorbs moisture and you will only have to wash off residual urine first with water and then with a cloth soaked in vinegar or vodka solution. This is a good remedy against any unpleasant odors. If the "smell" a long-standing, ingrained, then one will not be enough vinegar. Kill the old smell of chlorine can be only one. Single, double use of "whiteness" in the apartment does not hurt. For chlorine, as already mentioned, wonderful smells destroyer.
Sometimes everything is so "running", which should begin to cosmetic repairs. The only way to bring the smell of cat urine. Wallpapers can keep the smell in a very long time. So if you have a cat at home, take care of "washable" walls, at least in the lower part thereof. For this purpose, suitable fashion bamboo wallpaper (they have the same "perfect" fit to sharpen claws) and tempered glass, plastic, tile and other hard materials.
When the stale smell of a cat in the apartment anymore, you can use the tools already listed in small doses. In order to maintain cleanliness and a pleasant smell in the apartment, many housewives use tea or coffee (you can gently pour in pialochkah broths or wipe the floor), herbs, aromatic oils in the light concentration. They were able to kill the smell unpleasant aroma Cat. The same applies to the lemon juice. He is a great neutralizer of smells. Lemon can eliminate any bad odor.
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What if the cat "shat" on the couch?
This is a real problem, as the smell of cat urine is able to permanently vestsya in soft fabric sofa. So much so that it would be uncomfortable to sleep. To remove the smell of urine and the need to take a vinegar solution of 1: 4. It should be applied with a sponge on the stain, then soak the paper. Vinegar can output odorous compounds. Then you need to sprinkle the stain with salt or baking soda and let soak and dry. This will help remove the stain itself. If the surface is colorless, it can be used as a destroyer of hydrogen peroxide. If the fabric color, the stain will appear.
In this case, limit to plain water. It will be possible to use and lemon juice in a weak concentration. Remains of soda clean brush or a vacuum cleaner. Nice to have a home and a steam cleaner. With such a unit you do not have problems with unpleasant odors. Incidentally, in the steam cleaner capacity can drop a droplet of lemon juice or other low-fat flavor and odor then goes faster. In the future, the soft surface should be closed waterproof poponku.
All of the above, you can add one thing: the best way to protect yourself from cat urine odor - to accustom the cat to the tray. There are even some cats who go to a human toilet. They never will "spoil the air" at home. So the smell in the house - it is rather a question of education of your four-legged friend. And Radivoje mistresses, of course. If you regularly clean their apartments, to eliminate the smell of a cat - not a big problem.
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