Monday, 30 January 2017

Effective ways to deal with oily stains on clothing

 Effective ways to deal with oily stains on clothing


  • As no trace output greasy spot
  • Grease stains on leather products

We all have favorite clothes - a summer dress, skirt office, strict pants and more. They were very sorry mess, dirty, torn, because exactly the same article of clothing is unlikely to buy and fix the damage caused is sometimes almost impossible. Of course, one of the main problems - spots. Even the most accurate of us are not immune from these annoying little things. The greatest difficulty is greasy marks. They remain even after washing, sometimes the most effective laundry detergent is powerless to combat them. Fortunately, over the years of women's struggle for the purity it was calculated many ways how to get grease stain from clothes.

 Effective ways to deal with oily stains on clothing

As no trace output greasy spot

Firstly, it is now easy to purchase special equipment that bind fat molecules. Second, if the stain is old and you have not had time to wash the thing great help dishwashing detergent, was originally designed to fight fat. Such means should be put on the spot itself and faded thing. However, please note that the sensitive tissue in a similar way to spoil definitively easier than save, and chronic spots he simply will not work. Other ways to take a closer look.

Fresh stains are also output using chalk powder, they have to fill up the soiled place, leaving the chalk for a couple of hours. Then you need to gently shake it. If traces of grease left, repeat the procedure. Even against fresh stains work perfectly ordinary soft cloths. Take a few napkins, place them in two or three layers under the spot and the same number of layers of fabric on top of the stain, then not too hot iron progladte this place. Since tissues absorb fat may have to change them. Continue to change the towels, until the fat is completely removed.

Fresh stains can be removed with acetone or turpentine; To do this, apply a small amount of liquid called on the spot to soften it. Then, wipe the stain with gasoline until it disappears. If you are struggling with old stain, use the heated turpentine and instead of gasoline - a solution of normal soda.

Generally, the old spots to fight a little harder, usually multi-step process. But anyway, even they can withdraw without a trace. The easiest way - to use absorbent. The absorber can act as talc, corn starch, or soda. Liberally sprinkle powder available on the spot, push it, condensed, and leave overnight. In the morning, remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner or a whisk. Then use a shampoo for oily hair, ammonia, a paste of powder detergent and water or a solution of water and vinegar - Apply one of the means in place of pollution, rubbed them well in the spot and leave on time from fifteen minutes to half an hour. Soak in water, then the thing and wash it as usual.

If the measures adopted by the old stain persists, repeat these steps. Or try the following method: take an ordinary soap, otschipnite him slice and add to it a small amount of water to make a soft porridge. Rub it in place of pollution, let it sit for a few hours, until the fabric is completely dry. Wash as usual.

Perhaps, this method will not help you. Then it makes sense to try a grease stain from clothing with the help of regular table salt. Soak rotten thing in the sink or in a basin of hot water, of course, if the fabric allows it, add half a cup of salt banal. Leave the item in the solution for half an hour, then wash as usual. I must say that this method is especially effective for removing stains from wine, blood and grass.

You can try to use to combat spots glycerol. It must be applied to the contaminated area. After 20-30 minutes, wipe it with a soft cloth. Glycerol, moreover, helps in controlling rust stains, inks and wine.

Of course, the above methods are suitable for normal dense fabric with silk spot as you want to display accurately. Ideally, things should carry silk to the cleaners, because at home you can spoil them, trying to get grease stains. Of course, even the cleaners have a chance to ruin the thing, but it is much less. If, nevertheless, you want to handle yourself, try to soak in the solution contaminated glycerin (tablespoon), ammonia (half tablespoon) and water (tablespoon). Leave it there for five or ten minutes. Once done, rinse the cloth with warm water and soap.

 Effective ways to deal with oily stains on clothing

Grease stains on leather products

Another material that can not fail to mention - it is, of course, leather. On a smooth natural skin grease stains look particularly depressing. Fortunately, there are many ways to clean them and return the product to the previous form.

Fresh stains can be removed from the skin with the help of well-whipped egg white. It needs to be put on the dirty portion, leave for ten to twenty minutes and remove. Old stains can be removed from the skin, and using the good old vinegar. Apply it to the place of contamination with a cotton pad, wash it off after half an hour. It is possible to use a mixture of potato starch and gasoline, taken in equal parts. It is necessary to impose on the stain and leave to dry. Gasoline evaporates, and the meal will be a shake.

Speaking about the skin, we can not remember and suede. Since it is very difficult to work with because it leaves stains on even water. To remove grease stains from the surface of suede, it is necessary to fill them with talcum powder, chalk or starch, wait a few hours and remove. In no case do not use to remove stains from suede liquid funds!

Several important points on which to focus:

  1. Working with turpentine, gasoline or smelling salts, whenever possible, use gloves.
  2. In no case do not smear the stain on the fabric, it will be harder to remove. If you can, as quickly as possible dab it with a soft cloth, that removes excess fat.
  3. If any of the above methods did not help you, do not despair, try the other; besides you have always the opportunity to take the thing into a specialized dry-cleaner.

If the stain is still turned Undelete, you can alter the thing: sew applique, do embroidery, paint or alter. Of course, it will not be exactly what you like the dress, skirt or jeans, but with a little effort, you can breathe new life into a thing. Do not be afraid to experiment, to make it easy appliqué. Having bought in a specialty store crayons or paints for fabric, you can show your imagination to the full. Even the usual spots may be an occasion for creativity!

 Effective ways to deal with oily stains on clothing

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