Saturday, 14 January 2017

A couple of tips on how to whiten your teeth yourself

 A couple of tips on how to whiten your teeth yourself


  • Why darken teeth?
  • Prevention as a way to whiten your teeth
  • Methods for bleaching teeth at home

Smile - a powerful weapon in dealing with others. You can smile at you a pleasant person, or just pretend glad someone if the person you care about. And in fact, in both cases you will consider agreeable. But what if a smile is not perfect? If the yellow plaque on the teeth spoils the whole picture, and not save even the proverbial politeness? Then you direct road to the dentist in the teeth whitening procedure. And while you tune a moral to this visit, we will teach you how to whiten your teeth yourself or damaging the enamel at the same time.

Why darken teeth?

Perhaps, to the list of endless "why" is to add a question about the causes of yellowing enamel. Moreover, 90% of the population knows why darken teeth, but continued to pretend he did not understand why their enamel is far from perfect. So the enemies of toothy smiles are:

  1. Coffee

    Probably the most popular and proven way to wake up mankind in the early morning, not only helps to restore vitality, but also makes the tooth enamel darker. And the more coffee you drink, the higher the risk that you will smile, without moving his lips. How to deal with it - drink less espresso or after every coffee break to brush your teeth - you decide. Just do not forget that caffeine is harmful not only to the teeth, but also for the heart.

  2. Black tea

    Everyone understands that in tea, no less, and sometimes even more caffeine than in a strong morning coffee. Nevertheless, people continue to drink and complain about the yellowness of teeth. It is at least strange, because just enough to reduce the strength of the drink or the amount of tea drinking in the day to the problem of "color" the smile was not so acute.

  3. Cigarettes

    Another avowed enemy of the teeth, lungs, and human health in general. Look at your fingers smoker, they are yellow, as well as tooth enamel. Now imagine what state amateur drag cigarette lighter?

  4. Red wine

    Why is it? Yes, because our valiant manufacturers like to add to the wine not only alcohol, but also a lot of dyes, which give the drink a beautiful ruby ​​color. And all would do, but as a result of the dye deposited on your enamel.

  5. Genes

    If many family members "famous" yellow teeth, then you are likely to also be a problem with the color of the enamel. No, we do not encourage you to accept the situation. Just be prepared for the fact that whiten teeth (even at home), you will more often than correcting her hair in a hairdressing salon.

 A couple of tips on how to whiten your teeth yourself

Prevention as a way to whiten your teeth

Why set yourself on the trip to the dentist, pay money to pass the difficult process of bleaching or to learn to lighten the enamel in the home, if simple preventive measures can help avoid the problem? Of course, the Russian people like to think in hindsight, but we are wiser than you, right? Therefore, let us learn to adhere to simple rules to ensure that our smile was pure white with no extra effort?

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day

    Moreover, the brush should be chosen not by brand or by price, and based on the advice of your dentist (yes, go to see him still have). The same applies to the toothpaste (we'll talk about it in more detail later).

  2. If you have problems with tooth enamel, you must restrict yourself to the use of coffee and strong tea

    Of course, a cup of espresso in the morning - is sacred, but we will turn into a coffee lover you still do not recommend.

  3. By the way, this is not all the drinks that fall in the Prohibited List

    You will have to give up red wine (which we mentioned earlier), carbonated drinks and ice ... in glasses. Of course, the ice facets look through the glass is very nice, but too cold for liquid enamel makes sensitive and, therefore, susceptible to the influence of all sorts of coloring elements.

  4. Quitters

    Now our motto reminds many labels on cigarette packs, but believe that the Ministry of Health, and we particularly wish you nothing but good. Why poison themselves with cigarettes, if in addition to yellow teeth, lung problems and nicotine addiction, they do not carry with them?

  5. Do not forget the way to the dentist

    Beauty smile - it's not just the snow-white enamel, but also healthy teeth. Therefore, busting your own sign up, finally, a dentist.

 A couple of tips on how to whiten your teeth yourself

Methods for bleaching teeth at home

How carefully would you not guarded own teeth yellowing, from time to time, the enamel is "please" you with their unhealthy color. What to do in such cases? First of all, patience. Further, we advise you to rummage in your home medicine cabinet. What to look for? Who will tell.

  1. activated carbon

    It turned out, not only helps in case of poisoning, but also in case the yellowing of teeth. To do this, crush a few tablets and apply the resulting powder to the teeth. To obtain a better rub properly activated carbon yellowed enamel. Rinse with warm water. If your teeth are not immediately began to sparkle like the waves in the sun, do not worry. Dentists say that the effect will be visible after a month and a half after the beginning of the use of activated carbon as a bleaching agent. Incidentally, the procedure can be repeated more than 1 second per week, otherwise damage the enamel and the color will not have values.

  2. Baking soda

    That is certainly the product exists in every kitchen. And it is not only suitable for baking, but for the teeth. Apply a thin layer of baking soda on your toothbrush and gently brush the enamel. Try not to hurt the gums at the same time, otherwise the risk to injure the delicate skin. Do not repeat the procedure more than once a week, and if the tart taste of soda you do not like it, mix it with toothpaste.

  3. Hydrogen peroxide

    Perhaps this is the most effective, but at the same time the most dangerous way to whiten your teeth. Effective because the hydrogen peroxide immediately returns the white enamel. But the danger of this method of bleaching is that the careless use of peroxide can damage the enamel or gum disease.

    To your smile still shining, and harm the teeth when it was not, put peroxide on a cotton ball or cotton swab. Gently wipe the enamel without affecting the gums. Then you can wash peroxide and save the bottle for exactly a week. That is the frequency of offer dentists using this method of teeth whitening.

  4. Lime

    Rub teeth lemon slice, and begin to lighten the enamel. Of course, this will not happen immediately, and white will not be perfect, but as a method of emergency rescue smile, this method is quite suitable.

  5. Whitening Toothpaste

    Here everything is clear. Familiar to all from childhood paste will not only clean off the accumulated per day raid, but also whiten your teeth. But before buying bleach at the pharmacy, we recommend you consult your dentist or at least, not to save money on the purchase. The cheap pasta manufacturers put a lot of fluoride, which destroys tooth enamel. So be careful.

  6. <>
    & gt; By the way, a strawberry is also able to bring back luster and whiteness of teeth

    True, eat it you need to do a lot, but then the fun and you can get a huge, right?

Finally I want to warn all readers: do not chase the perfect whiteness. Not all white enamel, so do not ask the impossible from his teeth. Well, if you are determined to combat all others smile, and all of the above methods do not help, consult your dentist. Especially that professional tooth whitening procedure is not only the most effective but also completely painless.

 A couple of tips on how to whiten your teeth yourself

We strongly recommend to read: How to whiten your teeth at home for 1 day

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