Monday, 30 January 2017

Getting rid of the pellets on the clothes: measures for control and prevention

 Getting rid of the pellets on the clothes: measures for control and prevention


  • Why is there pellets?
  • How to remove pellets

Each of us really want to see the new clothes remained as long as possible. Anyway, getting refreshed, we hope that this thing is really permanently retain its original appearance. However, troubles await us where we least expect them. Often, even a nice and good-quality clothes somehow suddenly "cluttered" treacherous spool, which is not clear where are. And the thing is still good and presentable loses! What is there to say, pellets on our clothes - a phenomenon not only unaesthetic, but hard enough eliminated.

True, this is only if you do not know how to get rid of the pellet. But still it is very important to understand why these same pellets appear. Let's try to understand the causes of their occurrence, as well as learn how to remove the pellets from the clothes.

 Getting rid of the pellets on the clothes: measures for control and prevention
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Why is there pellets?

With the spool on the clothing know, probably all. After all, there are knitted things in almost any wardrobe, and the pellets appear faster and more often on such things. Generally, pellets are formed due to repeated contact with other tissue surfaces and its friction. For example, warm sweaters and pullovers are worn under outer clothing. Or, in the place where the bag hanging on his shoulder touches shirts or skirts.

It is believed that the pellets - a sign of low quality fabrics. Most often they occur on clothes made of friable tissues in which a loose weave. Fabric with a nap - as the first contender for fouling spool. And that's all - features of the jersey. However, there are other causes of the pellets on the clothes sewn from other tissues:

  1. Availability of synthetic materials. Incidentally, artificial tissues less susceptible to pilling on them than those that combine elements of both natural and synthetic.
  2. Violation of the rules of the garment care. The first wash water temperature and unsuitable using unsuitable powders.
  3. Long pulling threads in the fabric. This can be determined visually by simply having carefully considered the purchased item.
  4. Loose tissue in which there are not tightly twisted yarn. This, incidentally, does not apply to knitwear, which, by definition, is made of light and lush strings.

Remember that prevent the emergence of pellets on the clothes easier than to try to remove them. So try, first, to buy things made from high-quality fabrics. Second, strictly follow the recommendations on the labels of clothes. Thus, for example, absolutely all the things wash with the addition of softener. Clothes made of loose, fine woolens and subject only to wash delicate cycle or hand wash. For washing do not use too much hot water. If you can, then give to such clothes to the dry cleaners.

If the pellets is still there, try to delete them at an early stage. Too launched in this regard, it is difficult to return the dress original appearance. Yet the effort is worthwhile. In addition, ways to remove pellets from the clothes is not so little.

 Getting rid of the pellets on the clothes: measures for control and prevention
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How to remove pellets

As we have already said, a dry cleaning service - a great way to preventing rolling nap on fabrics, as well as a real opportunity to get rid of rolled-up cloth. True, the fun is not cheap. It is one thing - to give to the dry cleaners robe, and quite another - to clean the things that are in the intensive "exploitation". So often we resort to proven old-fashioned way - just clean cloth ordinary razor.

This method, by the way, quite effective. However, it is not suitable for all fabrics. For example, a fabric with a relief surface can be easily damaged when shaving. Knitwear is also very easy to cut, because its a loop structure does not allow the blade to move freely on the fabric. Another disadvantage of this method - the "alopecia" fabric. This primarily concerns the napped fabrics and wool.

If you do get rid of the pellets using a blade, it is usually safe to select a disposable razor in which no soap bars. Getting to the procedure, try to lay the garment on a flat surface as possible. Pull the treated area so on the cloth was not even the smallest creases.

If the pellets in the clothes is not very much, but the thing wool, try to remove them more gentle way, using a toothbrush or a sponge for washing dishes. With fleecy fabric so you can just comb out all the excess. However, it will only at the initial stage of rolling cloth.

It is very convenient and effective tool, invented specially to remove pellets from the clothes - trimmer. It's such a special machine, which either cuts them or collects sticky roller. It cost inexpensive and works very efficiently. Besides the indisputable beauty of this device - it is powered by conventional batteries. Therefore, the machine can always and everywhere have on hand.

Another possibility is to combat pellets - a stationery scotch. This is especially useful tool if there is a need to clean small areas on clothing. However, for more extensive field of activity is also nice scotch. And this tool, you certainly do not damage clothing. To do this, just need to stick firmly to the fabric strip of adhesive tape and a sharp movement to remove the tape - it will come off with fluff and stringy. You can use adhesive tape somewhat differently by attaching it to a paint roller. Only in this case it will need double-sided adhesive tape. Roll of scotch just need to go through the fabric, gathered all these unsightly matted balls with clothes.

Well, the most harmless variant of struggle with pellets - the use of washing powder containing special additives. Usually it is not even a powder and liquid detergent, marked the inscription "softens fiber fabrics." Typically, after several washings with a means of fabric becomes smooth. By the way, the tool can be used for preventive purposes.

Finally, the usual manicure scissors also help you get rid of the pellets. However, the need to tinker a long time. But you will be able to more thoroughly clean their clothes from the unfortunate and completely matted lint will save tissue from damage.

So now you know how to get rid of the pellets. It only remains to choose the most appropriate in your case, the method and try it out in practice. By the way, what would choose, practice first on some old things. In general, try to buy clothes of quality fabrics and take care of it by all the rules. Then the problem of dealing with the notorious spool you may not occur. Good luck!

 Getting rid of the pellets on the clothes: measures for control and prevention

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