Saturday, 14 January 2017

Bags under the eyes: the causes of and ways to combat them

 Bags under the eyes: the causes of and ways to combat them


  • What do the bags under the eyes
  • Why should I see a doctor

Waking up in the morning, you will find bags under the eyes, with no cosmetic product does not help to overcome this problem? Do not rush to buy the night cream and tonal foundations to disguise puffiness and dark circles. According to doctors, any, even the smallest changes in the face of evidence that us something is wrong. And popular recipes beauty in such a situation does not save the beautiful ladies.

 Bags under the eyes: the causes of and ways to combat them

What do the bags under the eyes

In fact it is very difficult without the help of a specialist to determine why at one time or another girl were bags under his eyes. The reasons may be different, ranging from allergies to cosmetics, ending with kidney disease. That is why it is important to first pass a comprehensive examination, and only then proceed to the treatment of the popular and professional methods.

  • Preferences: Salt and pepper

Lovers of the more acute and salty foods should be careful, because the spices cause thirst and salt retains fluid in the body. As a result, there are bags, bruising and swelling under the eyes. This does not mean that the rest of your life you have to eat only fresh food. It is enough to follow recipes and observe the daily rate. Not so long ago it was thought that a woman should consume in a day, no more than ten to fifteen grams of salt, today recommended to eat no more than six grams (maximum - teaspoon).

  • Wrong lifestyle, wild parties

Alcohol, tobacco, toxins, dehydration, sleepless night - this is not the best friends of our health. After a wild party (with booze, cigarettes, or even worse - with drugs) on the morning of periorbital tissue swells, the area under the eyes change color tone (dark or red). To avoid swelling after partying still get some sleep at least eight hours, and before going to bed drink plenty of fluids.

  • Genetic predisposition: from mother to daughter

If your parents had a similar problem, you it can also be hereditary. In such cases, bags under the eyes appear in adolescence, and fight with them you will have the rest of your life. Girls who fall into this category, you should eat well, exercise, use of high-quality cosmetics and give up bad habits.

  • Serious illness: the failure of the body

If the fair sex had never faced the bags under his eyes, and she suddenly appear swelling, it is most likely a symptom of a serious disease. It is necessary to check the kidneys, sinuses, tested for the presence of a respiratory infection.

  • Fatigue and stress: work less, rest more

Perhaps the most banal cause of swelling on the face - this overvoltage eyeballs for two to three hours. Try before bedtime did not sit at the computer, take breaks while watching TV. By the way, if you like to fall asleep with a book or newspaper, then remember that you can not read lying down.

Also, the human body does not respond well to the constant stress, tears and tantrums. Sensitive individuals should not take everything that happens to heart, and rapidly respond to a particular situation. If you cried, always wash with cold water and do not go to sleep for the next two hours.

  • Ultraviolet: dangerous radiation

No wonder doctors constantly say - ultraviolet light is harmful to health, so do not be too carried away sunbathing or tanning. In the hot season, always use protective cosmetics (SPF at least 15) and wear sunglasses of high quality glass, not plastic. On the beach is better to go in straw hats with a wide brim or a cap with a visor.

  • Age: irreversible aging

Unfortunately, the girls late thirties begin irreversible processes - periorbital tissue loses its elasticity, it begins to grow in size, and after a year or two under your skin begins to sag. Why does this happen - scientists have not yet figured out. Average of cosmetic products, which would help to overcome this trouble does not exist. In such cases, it will only surgery that is performed in specialized clinics.

  • Allergic reaction: Dangerous cosmetics

Improperly selected cosmetics (cream, eye shadow, carcasses, tonal basis) can cause eye swelling. Remember, you may have recently purchased a new product for too long or using old and its shelf life has long been released. In any case, all test on a small area of ​​skin to determine why there have similar troubles.

 Bags under the eyes: the causes of and ways to combat them

Why should I see a doctor

Once you figure out the cause of the bags under the eyes specifically in your case, immediately begin treatment. Do not tighten with a visit to the doctor, because even one or two months can be critical. Otherwise, even if you deal with the problem on the face may appear early wrinkles, or, even worse - a hernia.

It's hard to find someone who would love to go to extreme measures - a surgical operation, if you can overcome the trouble has arisen less dangerous ways. But what you should not do is to experiment with their own health and to use traditional methods, without consulting a doctor.

 Bags under the eyes: the causes of and ways to combat them

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