Friday, 13 January 2017

Hand made beaded bracelet - easy!

 Hand made beaded bracelet - easy!


  • Material and methods for making
  • Bracelet on the arm "Snake"
  • Bracelet "Tenderness"
  • Bracelet "Ice"

Recently in vogue again entered ornaments made by hand. Particularly popular bracelets. They can be very different: ribbons, beads. However, despite the fact that to make bracelets with their hands very easily, especially if they are of beads, many girls do not dare to try.

The following workshop, help yourself make wonderful bead bracelets even to those who never did anything with his hands.

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Material and methods for making

Bead own hands can produce several types of bracelets. They will vary both in their appearance and complexity of manufacture and the materials that will be needed to make a bracelet with your own hands.

 Hand made beaded bracelet - easy!
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Bracelet on the arm "Snake"

In order to produce a pair of bead bracelets "Snake", you need the following materials:

  • Clippers,
  • pliers,
  • wire with memory effect,
  • two types of monochrome beads.

Wire memory effect is a wire twisted into a helix, which after rectification is returned to its normal shape. In order to make a bracelet with your own hands, it fits perfectly. The essence of the production of such products is very simple. First you need to determine how much wire is required. To do this, you should decide exactly what needs bracelets, namely, from a number of turns, they should consist. To do this, try on a few hand turns of wire, adjust the number in the right direction, and then cut the workpiece from the roll.

This is followed by a pair of pliers to bend one edge of the blank to get the loop. Then you need to string beads. This can be done as alternating different types of beads with a predominance of one of the colors, and in any order. However, since the pair bracelets, most harmoniously they will look if they collected the same, or a combination of circuit assemblies. For example, the beads can be alternated three single color, one over the other and three beads original color. And in the doubles bracelet repeat the same pattern of the assembly, but to make the other primary color.

After the beads will be strung until almost the end of the wire, it is necessary to make the end of the loop, the loop at the beginning of a similar bracelet. The second decoration is going the same way.

 Hand made beaded bracelet - easy!
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Bracelet "Tenderness"

For Bracelet "Tenderness" will need:

  • durable thread with a needle for beads,
  • scissors,
  • colorful beads,
  • two pieces of thin satin ribbon,
  • hollow metal cones for jewelry or beads with a wide opening.

In order to make a bracelet "Tenderness", first you need to measure arm circumference and decide what the width of the bracelet will need. Since "Tenderness" consists of beaded strands, what will be more, the thicker will bracelet. You can then go directly to the manufacturer. The first thing to be strung on a thread beads to bead string is equal to the brush arm circumference, and the free ends of the thread were about 3 cm on each side.

Thereby preparing a sufficient number of blanks, to associate the free ends of the filaments so that eventually form a horizontal workpiece, consisting of individual beaded strands. Then it is necessary to fasten each side of the blank piece on the satin tape and a length of about 10 cm each. Get a seat attachment in the form of nodules on both sides need to close the metal cone, putting them on the ribbon, the wide side to the beads, or beads.

It remains to link together in a ribbon bow and a pretty original accessory ready.

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Bracelet "Ice"

To make the bracelet, "ice", it is necessary to prepare:

  • a thin metal chain with large links,
  • beading wire,
  • scissors,
  • white or silver beads,
  • Frosted glass beads,
  • carabiner for fastening.

On request also available metalized beads or pendants of rock crystal. Bracelet "Ice" is about as follows. First, one end of the chain is attached carabiner with a sliding ring on it. Then the desired number of suspensions made, on the basis that one cell chain may be attached to two suspensions. Then they made themselves suspension. For this cut off pieces of wire, the length of which will correspond to the length of the suspension. Moreover, the suspension can vary in length. One end of the wire is bent in the form of small loops, enough to secure the beads, and then the wire at random strung beads and bugles.

The resulting suspension is mounted on one of the links of the chain, by bending the wire covering its edge in the form of loops. Similarly constructed and attached rest of the suspension. Then the decoration can be used by adjusting its length, buttoning his carbine on different links of the chain.

As you can see, crafts with their hands - it's not difficult, and even pleasant experience. In addition, they can become a wonderful gift for friends and relatives. This method not only of leisure activities will expand the range of available jewelry, but also serve as a great way to relieve stress. Manufacturing of products from beads is also recommended for children as beneficial to their development as a positive impact on fine motor skills. Therefore, beading can be a nice family hobby that brings joy to both my mother and her baby.

 Hand made beaded bracelet - easy!

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