Monday, 30 January 2017

Effective ways to deal with oily stains on clothing

 Effective ways to deal with oily stains on clothing


  • As no trace output greasy spot
  • Grease stains on leather products

We all have favorite clothes - a summer dress, skirt office, strict pants and more. They were very sorry mess, dirty, torn, because exactly the same article of clothing is unlikely to buy and fix the damage caused is sometimes almost impossible. Of course, one of the main problems - spots. Even the most accurate of us are not immune from these annoying little things. The greatest difficulty is greasy marks. They remain even after washing, sometimes the most effective laundry detergent is powerless to combat them. Fortunately, over the years of women's struggle for the purity it was calculated many ways how to get grease stain from clothes.

 Effective ways to deal with oily stains on clothing

As no trace output greasy spot

Firstly, it is now easy to purchase special equipment that bind fat molecules. Second, if the stain is old and you have not had time to wash the thing great help dishwashing detergent, was originally designed to fight fat. Such means should be put on the spot itself and faded thing. However, please note that the sensitive tissue in a similar way to spoil definitively easier than save, and chronic spots he simply will not work. Other ways to take a closer look.

Fresh stains are also output using chalk powder, they have to fill up the soiled place, leaving the chalk for a couple of hours. Then you need to gently shake it. If traces of grease left, repeat the procedure. Even against fresh stains work perfectly ordinary soft cloths. Take a few napkins, place them in two or three layers under the spot and the same number of layers of fabric on top of the stain, then not too hot iron progladte this place. Since tissues absorb fat may have to change them. Continue to change the towels, until the fat is completely removed.

Fresh stains can be removed with acetone or turpentine; To do this, apply a small amount of liquid called on the spot to soften it. Then, wipe the stain with gasoline until it disappears. If you are struggling with old stain, use the heated turpentine and instead of gasoline - a solution of normal soda.

Generally, the old spots to fight a little harder, usually multi-step process. But anyway, even they can withdraw without a trace. The easiest way - to use absorbent. The absorber can act as talc, corn starch, or soda. Liberally sprinkle powder available on the spot, push it, condensed, and leave overnight. In the morning, remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner or a whisk. Then use a shampoo for oily hair, ammonia, a paste of powder detergent and water or a solution of water and vinegar - Apply one of the means in place of pollution, rubbed them well in the spot and leave on time from fifteen minutes to half an hour. Soak in water, then the thing and wash it as usual.

If the measures adopted by the old stain persists, repeat these steps. Or try the following method: take an ordinary soap, otschipnite him slice and add to it a small amount of water to make a soft porridge. Rub it in place of pollution, let it sit for a few hours, until the fabric is completely dry. Wash as usual.

Perhaps, this method will not help you. Then it makes sense to try a grease stain from clothing with the help of regular table salt. Soak rotten thing in the sink or in a basin of hot water, of course, if the fabric allows it, add half a cup of salt banal. Leave the item in the solution for half an hour, then wash as usual. I must say that this method is especially effective for removing stains from wine, blood and grass.

You can try to use to combat spots glycerol. It must be applied to the contaminated area. After 20-30 minutes, wipe it with a soft cloth. Glycerol, moreover, helps in controlling rust stains, inks and wine.

Of course, the above methods are suitable for normal dense fabric with silk spot as you want to display accurately. Ideally, things should carry silk to the cleaners, because at home you can spoil them, trying to get grease stains. Of course, even the cleaners have a chance to ruin the thing, but it is much less. If, nevertheless, you want to handle yourself, try to soak in the solution contaminated glycerin (tablespoon), ammonia (half tablespoon) and water (tablespoon). Leave it there for five or ten minutes. Once done, rinse the cloth with warm water and soap.

 Effective ways to deal with oily stains on clothing

Grease stains on leather products

Another material that can not fail to mention - it is, of course, leather. On a smooth natural skin grease stains look particularly depressing. Fortunately, there are many ways to clean them and return the product to the previous form.

Fresh stains can be removed from the skin with the help of well-whipped egg white. It needs to be put on the dirty portion, leave for ten to twenty minutes and remove. Old stains can be removed from the skin, and using the good old vinegar. Apply it to the place of contamination with a cotton pad, wash it off after half an hour. It is possible to use a mixture of potato starch and gasoline, taken in equal parts. It is necessary to impose on the stain and leave to dry. Gasoline evaporates, and the meal will be a shake.

Speaking about the skin, we can not remember and suede. Since it is very difficult to work with because it leaves stains on even water. To remove grease stains from the surface of suede, it is necessary to fill them with talcum powder, chalk or starch, wait a few hours and remove. In no case do not use to remove stains from suede liquid funds!

Several important points on which to focus:

  1. Working with turpentine, gasoline or smelling salts, whenever possible, use gloves.
  2. In no case do not smear the stain on the fabric, it will be harder to remove. If you can, as quickly as possible dab it with a soft cloth, that removes excess fat.
  3. If any of the above methods did not help you, do not despair, try the other; besides you have always the opportunity to take the thing into a specialized dry-cleaner.

If the stain is still turned Undelete, you can alter the thing: sew applique, do embroidery, paint or alter. Of course, it will not be exactly what you like the dress, skirt or jeans, but with a little effort, you can breathe new life into a thing. Do not be afraid to experiment, to make it easy appliqué. Having bought in a specialty store crayons or paints for fabric, you can show your imagination to the full. Even the usual spots may be an occasion for creativity!

 Effective ways to deal with oily stains on clothing

Mattresses: how to secure a healthy sleep

 Mattresses: how to secure a healthy sleep


  • Orthopedic mattress or orthopedic effect?
  • Hard, medium or soft?
  • Different types of mattresses
  • Fillers for mattresses
  • Upholstery

Approximately one-third of his life every man holds in his sleep. Just think of this impressive figure! Good sleep is very important for your health and performance. Why then do you pay so little attention to the conditions in which sleep? You buy a car to get to work faster or villa. You are buying more and more appliances to make it easier to cook and keep the house in order. You meticulously pick in the store soft or cabinet furniture - a comfortable, high-quality, durable, ergonomic. But do you remember about the mattress in the last instance, in the best case after the find in his mailbox a flyer with catchy words "How to choose a mattress."

Below we answer this question and tell you which features a mattress you need to take into account when buying. Strictly speaking, this article is about how to choose what in the world does not exist. Yes, we were not mistaken: the term "mattress" is not entirely correct, it would be more correct to speak about the "orthopedic effect" or "anatomic effect." Why is that?

 Mattresses: how to secure a healthy sleep

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Orthopedic mattress or orthopedic effect?

About half a century ago in the wake of revolutionary medical discoveries and developments, many furniture manufacturers are thinking about how to improve their products and gain a competitive advantage. Thus was born the idea of ​​the mattress, which would be different from others from a medical standpoint. The result of research made in this direction, was the so-called mattress. However, until now there are no national standards, which would officially qualify as a particular type of mattress orthopedic. Hence, there is confusion in terms of when the normal buyer, choosing a mattress, forced to rely solely on advertising vendors who claim that only their products, "the best orthopedic."

These mattresses are made by order podiatrist as their purpose - the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine. They are made based on medical indications, features of a constitution and the parametric data of the future owner. So what's in store, you get a hard mattress mass production, even if it is a label and «orthopedic». He can not, for example, to cure sore back or save you from pain in the joints. Therefore, speaking about the merits of the so-called "orthopedic devices", it would be more correct to use the expression "orthopedic effect" and the "anatomical effect."

Pillow effect means the hardness of the mattress, and the "anatomical effect" refers to the ability of the mattress follow the contours of the body of a sleeping man. These products help to relieve fatigue and stress of the spine, providing optimum support throughout the night and reducing the load on the problem areas of the back. The spine thus is in a position as close to reality as possible. Pillow or dissecting effect may be more or less pronounced depending on the correct or not you will choose mattress.
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Hard, medium or soft?

It is logical that when choosing a mattress, you should consider the weight of the person who will sleep on it. If you sleep - a man slender, excessively hard mattress under his weight will not cave in, and spine will be in the arched state. If sleep is different solid physique, too soft mattress just sag. It turns out that, in order to allow the mattress to be the spine in its natural state, and repeats the shape of the body, the load should be distributed evenly across the surface.

Therefore, fat people is better to choose mattresses with high rigidity either spring (with reinforced springs) or springless, which are made of solid materials. Skinny fit spring mattresses without coir (ie compressed coconut fibers) or latex springless models. People of average build sweeter than all sleep on mattresses that use a combination of latex and coir. In addition, we recommend choosing products with different hardness zones, because it is their highest anatomical effect.

 Mattresses: how to secure a healthy sleep

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Different types of mattresses

Below we'll tell you what, there are mattresses, and briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of each. If you want to buy a really good product, then you have to take into account several features: the elastic material of the filler and upholstery. These characteristics affect the quality and, of course, the price of the product. The main criterion that helps to carry the mattress to a particular mind - this is the material from which made its elastic part. On this basis allocate springless (water, air and latex) and spring mattresses.

Springless mattresses: air and water

It is these types of mattresses have the highest anatomical effect. Air Products, as the name implies, are filled with air. Sheath air mattress made of rubber materials. They support the body perfectly and optimally distribute the load. Moreover, the double air mattresses have two compartments to allow each spouse to pump up his side as it would be convenient for a better sleep to him. For special product includes the compressor to fill it with air, and the swap if necessary.

Inside water mattress is a special liquid made on the basis of ordinary water. Water products allows the spine to take the natural anatomical position that relaxes muscles. They are equipped with a special heating system and a reliable protection against punctures, so do not fear that the dream can be frozen or flooded neighbors below, if the fluid will pour out. On the water mattress very comfortable sleep for pregnant women: the producers claim that expectant mothers may even sleep on their stomach.

As you can see, air and water mattresses have undeniable advantages. Why they did not manage to win the market? Probably, they prevented their specific features. Thus, the noise from the compressor working at air mattresses will not fall asleep, and rubber base membranes does not absorb moisture, when the sleeping person sweats. Price double quality products "bite" - about a hundred thousand. As for the water mattress, you may experience problems with the stagnation and subsequent replacement fluid. And since the power supply of the heating system, good water mattress would facilitate not only the load on your back, but also on your wallet.

 Mattresses: how to secure a healthy sleep

Springless mattresses: Latex

Latex - a material which is obtained by special treatment of the rubber tree sap. Its structure is similar to a comb with a plurality of air cells. These cells allow the latex to "breathe" and give it elasticity and durability. Nonuniform perforation unit made of latex, to vary the degree of hardness in various zones of the mattress for different body parts. Latex mattresses are not deformed, so sleep on them very comfortable. They are hypoallergenic, because the latex can not live and breed dust mites.

Mattresses made of natural latex with non-uniform perforations are quite expensive (an average of 50 thousand rubles), but they are the best you can buy. Uniform perforation cheaper. Can serve as an alternative to products from foam rubber (synthetic latex), but over time it will begin to crumble. There are mattresses in which latex is combined with other materials used, such as coir or horsehair, which somewhat reduces their price.

Spring mattresses

This is the most affordable and therefore the most popular models of mattresses. A spring mattress should be selected based on the number of springs per unit area. Having more springs affects one of the main characteristics of orthopedic products - point elasticity, i.e. the ability to bend the mattress only in the field of load. If the product is low point elasticity, it formed the depression and it can not effectively support the body. Even better, if the product is made of springs with different degrees of hardness: it strengthens the anatomic effect.

The spring assembly may be integral or may be made from separate (independent) springs. In the first type of mattress springs fixed to each other. Typically, the solid blocks used Dvuhkonusnye spring "Bonnel" 4-5 turns, the number of up to 150 pieces per m 2 . These products are of low orthopedic and anatomic effect. They do not have zones with different degrees of hardness, so choose a dependent spring block should be only in accordance with your weight. Over time, the spring can start to creak (the effect of "fatigue" of the springs). Price with one-piece mattress spring block is low - this is their main advantage.

The independent spring block used spring cylindrical shape; important, that with each of these springs is in a separate bag (the bag), which are interconnected. Such blocks can be used up to 600 springs per m 2 That improves their orthopedic and anatomic properties and inevitably raises the price. These mattresses are more durable than "bonnelnye."

If you stop your choice on the product of the spring type, we recommend to keep in mind that its internal space available for cleaning. Therefore, over time they accumulate a lot of dust and micro-organisms, and the mattress need to be replaced. Approximate life every spring products - seven to ten years.

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Fillers for mattresses

Filler - this is the material located between the wheel and the box spring. It is intended to redistribute the load and give the article an additional hardness or softness. High-quality filler can be up to half the cost of the product. When choosing a mattress, be sure to ask what the filler has been used in its manufacture.

The most substandard filler batting believe - because of its low elasticity and tendency to pilling. Another filler - foam - characterized by a relatively high elastic. However, if the manufacturer used the foam with a low density, such a product will last a long time, he very quickly "prosyadet." The best fillers provide maximum anatomical and orthopedic effect, are considered to latex and coir. There fillers horsehair, also characterized by high strength and elasticity, but they are not suitable for people with allergies. Some manufacturers of luxury mattresses as a filler used seaweed. Their feature - a combination of high anatomical effects and aromatherapy.
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The most durable and wear-resistant upholstery - a jacquard fabric. They have a very high density of the weave, and that's what makes them durable. Fabrics can be natural (cotton), synthetic and mixed (the most optimal combination of cotton and synthetic fibers - 60% to 40%). We do not recommend choosing a mattress with upholstery is completely artificial, since you will be uncomfortable to sleep: he will not "breathe".

When choosing a cover you may have one more question: what cover - removable or non - better? Removable cover more practical, since it can be removed to give back to the laundry or dry-cleaned, but close fitting to the product of such a cover is low, which ultimately will affect the service life of the mattress. It happens that after washing removable cover sets, and it would be impossible to put it back on the base. With regard to non-removable cover, it tightly ligated and uniformly stretched on the entire surface of the mattress. This increases the wear resistance, but clean such "fixed" cases extremely difficult.

So, buying a mattress, remember that you get comfort, support and space. This means that a really good mattress should be as convenient as possible, keep your spine in a natural position and give you enough space to sleep. All these properties of the product affects its price. How much are you willing to spend on something that you slept sweeter? The choice is yours.

 Mattresses: how to secure a healthy sleep

Getting rid of the food moth: Effective methods and tools

 Getting rid of the food moth: Effective methods and tools


  • Why does food moths?
  • The harmful food moths?
  • Prevents the appearance of the food moth
  • Ways to get rid of the pest

Surely every housewife faced with a problem like food moths, which usually appears in the kitchen, and causes considerable harm to food. How to get rid of food moths and prevent its further appearance in the apartment? This is what we will talk today. But first let's understand, because of what the house appears this pest.

Why does food moths?

The first is to say that the habitat of a moth - a kitchen: here it is, of course, most comfortable. Most often it "nests" are here. However, even if you get rid of moths and eliminated the "nest", very soon it may be that the problem is not solved - mole appears in the same amount, or whether it was even more.

If you throw an object or a product affected by moths, it does not mean that it does not exist elsewhere. Getting rid of moles - a process that can take a long time. It is very important to know exactly where it should be sought. In the kitchen, moles often lives in legumes and cereals, in baby food as well as cereals and flakes. Dried herbs, coffee, cocoa and tea - the perfect habitat for the food moths.

Why here? As a rule, all of the above products are stored in bags or cans, which penetrate for kitchen moths is not difficult. There she is warm and comfortable, it feels safe. And not the fact that there was a mole in the apartment itself - it is possible that you have brought it right out of the store, where moth larvae can stay a long time in bags or jars with their favorite "goodies".

This insect-like products that are stored in cabinets over a long period or shelf life which has long expired. Please note that the products spoil directly moth larvae - adult pest uses only water. Because if you put your kitchen an open water source, the entire adult moth probably will meet there and not in the products.

However, as a mole may appear in the package of flour or barley, if your home is found in a perfect cleanliness? As we have said, you can easily bring the package to the moth from the market or from a store - it can be in candy or bulk solids. The adult moth easily get out of the package and starts to spoil other products.

Kitchen mole, despite its name, not necessarily powered products - it can infect and clothing. Your main task - time to stop it from spreading, it was not possible to get rid of the pest throughout the apartment. And to act in this case, you must comprehensively. How to do it, we'll tell you later.

 Getting rid of the food moth: Effective methods and tools

The harmful food moths?

Before we tell you how to get rid of the food moth, we considered it important to inform you what exactly it is harmful and can cause much damage if dwell in your apartment. Kitchen mole harmful primarily to the fact that it spoils the food. Themselves moths moths do not cause significant damage to things or products. Of the eggs laid by the female eventually appear larvae; they are the main pests.

The problem is not only that they eat cereals, nuts, sugar and the like. They also left in the dry products that we handle for cooking cereals, beverages, baking and so on, the traces of its vital functions: feces, skin peel or discharged in the process of degeneration of the larvae in the mole; the bodies of larvae or adult moths; eggs laid by these pests. If traces of moths are packaged with any product, you have to throw all of the packaging, and this is a financial loss, and you will agree!

Subsequently, the larvae become harmless moths whose main purpose - procreation. As a rule, it is the male moths are active: they often can be found in the apartment. Male, one female fertilize immediately flies off in search of a second. So there are more and more harmful moth larvae.

Prevents the appearance of the food moth

Of course, it is easier to prevent the emergence of moths at home, rather than get rid of it later. We need to take care of to prevent its appearance in your kitchen. First of all, remember the cardinal rule: as soon as buying pour cereals, sugar and flour in glass, plastic or metal containers - the probability of getting into them is minimal moth. But about the package or packages on fasteners is better to forget.

Note that in a transparent container to easily observe that it has a mole or not, which is impossible in the case of packages or other packages. Try to maintain order in the apartment: daily clean up the kitchen, do not allow to remain on the table crumbs, leftovers or food without packing. Immediately after the meal, remove everything from the table, leaving the kitchen clean.

 Getting rid of the food moth: Effective methods and tools

Ways to get rid of the pest

It's time to talk about what methods are best suited to get rid of moles in the kitchen. As soon as you notice the affected products are eaten, just throw them away. Those that managed to survive, to shift to other clean containers. All shelves, cupboards and utensils should be thoroughly cleaned using a soap solution.

Then gently wipe it all vinegar, and after cleaning ventilate the room. Please note that after such a cleaning you need to watch out for its food for three days. It is important that the larvae do not appear again. Maybe in the process of cleaning you have not noticed yet another center or not notice any cracks in furniture, where they could hide pests.

Of course, in the fight against food moths have shown their effectiveness and folk remedies. One embodiment - is garlic. It must be clean and, dividing into cloves, put them in a container with cereals. Each pack of clove. Garlic smell disappears very quickly, because you can not worry about what products will gain a sharp flavor. A good alternative to garlic - lavender. Get rid of the moles by simply putting a sprig of the plant in the kitchen cupboard.

You can also place traps all over the kitchen, the smell of pheromones that will attract moths. You need to arrange them in all kitchen cabinets, many set traps throughout the apartment. It now remains to wait. One larva can live a maximum of sixty days; We will have to wait until the insect is transformed into an adult, and fall into the trap. However, any chemistry - it is the potential harm, and your health, so try to use such a technique rarely, only if it is really necessary.

To combat the moth good fit various dried plants such as clover or geranium. By the way, you can just put a geranium in a pot in the kitchen. However, this method can not be used if the family there are people with allergies. The plant has a pungent smell, which can cause a variety of allergic reactions.

It is known that the mole is very afraid of the cold weather. That is why the persecution of cold can be a great assistant in your difficult struggle with this pest. If you have time to fix all the container with solids and cereals in the refrigerator, the larvae "asleep." However, this is a controversial method, as with the onset of heat larvae wake up and begin more active life. So, again, contaminated food is better throw.

Much more complicated is the deliverance of moths in the country. It is recommended that each time with the onset of autumn to spend big spring cleaning - at this time of year mol significantly reduces their activity and get rid of it a lot easier. In order to prevent contamination, leave in a holiday home (in the dining room or kitchen) a couple of branches clover - it will be an excellent prevention of pests, and when you return to the country in the spring, pray on it you will not see.

In concluding our story about how to get rid of the food moth is said about different drugs and pills against moths, which are now sold everywhere. It is important to know that such products are suitable only for the room moths, but not for cooking or food - eating these tools in the kitchen, you can get poisoned. Use effective folk remedies, follow cleanliness in the kitchen, do not forget about prevention, and defeated then-eaten foods in your kitchen does not threaten!

 Getting rid of the food moth: Effective methods and tools

Prolongs the life of the iron: clean at home

 Prolongs the life of the iron: clean at home


  • How can I clean the soleplate?
  • How to clean iron at home?
  • Oh, this scum
  • The best prevention is still nothing came up

The sole of your iron has lost its former luster and do not slip, and he invariably mode stripping "spits" scum and spoils the appearance of things? Sooner or later, such a situation faced by each owner of the iron and, as a rule, expect trouble when you're in a hurry, and you just need to look perfect. In order not to regret the time spent, and spoiled the iron, you can periodically clean the surface of the iron as a preventive measure.

Yes, if we had followed the recommendations of the manufacturer, the question is how to clean iron at home, did not even have arisen. But, alas, few people adhere to temperature and uses only distilled water to the Gulf in the tank. And the use of hard water just leads to the fact that the scum collected in a tank and the soleplate starts to stick to all things. In the most severe cases may even burn on the fabric. Since soot soles getting bigger, until the burnt iron is not sent to landfill.

But if we have to clean the soleplate still able, then with scale it is more complicated. First, it blocks the steam holes, but they still somehow try to cope with its function. However, with the scale steam breaks out and sprinkle your clothes ugly crumbs. If at this stage you do not take any measures, the holes clogged completely and then the temperature sensors and the heating element immediately fail. It's death for your iron.

To prolong the life of the iron, and at the same time not worry about spoiled things, offer to clean iron at home. This can be done as the traditional methods, and with the help of special professional tools

 Prolongs the life of the iron: clean at home

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How can I clean the soleplate?

At any hardware store to your question, how to clean the iron sludge, offers special cleaning pen. With their help, you can easily clean the surface of the sole. To do this you need to turn the iron and let it warm up a little. Then you put the pencil to the entire contaminated surface, iron is not off.

As the sole will heat up, the applied layer of the pencil starts to melt and collect all the dirt and scum. When you are satisfied with the result of cleaning, turn off the iron and wipe it from the remnants of a pencil clean, dry cloth. You may need to repeat the procedure more than once before the soles of the surface is clean again.

Remember, cleaning with a pencil rather toxic and can poison vapors allocate funds during heating. In order to avoid contact of corrosive vapors into the lungs, is properly put on a protective bandage.
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How to clean iron at home?

In fact, the problem of cleaning irons quite new, and as soon as people began to stroke with the help of this device, the question of how to clean the iron sludge, does not sleep diligent housewives. Over the centuries, it has developed many ways in which you can properly clean the soleplate and ensure your home ironed things. We decided to voice the most popular methods.

  • Method №1 - salt to help

It takes newspaper (you can take today, I have not read and do not spoil your mood news) and salt finely ground. Unfold the paper and sprinkle salt on her hill. Sit in a way that was next to the socket - you need to include iron. Leave the iron briefly on and let it warm up well. Now start "iron" salt. Try to press on it hard enough, but do not overdo it and do not scratch the soleplate. After a short period of time you may notice that salt darkens. This means that the process is correct and cleaning takes place. At the end do not forget to wipe the sole with a dry cloth and remove any residual contaminants.

  • Method №2 - soda from scale

If the previous method the issue of cleaning the iron is still relevant, then proceed to clean the soda. This method does not require heating of the iron. Take a pinch of baking soda (about the amount, be guided by the degree of contamination of the iron), and diluted it in a small amount of any detergent for dishes. The resulting paste is applied to the soles of burnt iron and begin to scour little pollution. We do everything intensely, so that was not burning any chances. If you scour too difficult, leave the paste on the base of a short while, and then try again. At the end of the procedures required to clean soles clean, dry cloth.

  • Method №3 - you can use vinegar

Vinegar is exactly there in the bins at the practical housewives. In order to use it to clean the iron, we need the help of rough cloth. Take a piece of burlap or canvas just any fabric and thoroughly moisten it with vinegar. Wipe cloth the most polluted places on the sole, firmly pressing them. Rubbing will have as long as the purity of the foot you are not satisfied. You can warm up a little iron, then brush away dirt will be better, but the vinegar will evaporate rapidly, and it may be poisonous vapors. Once cleared the iron, it will need to be polished. It's easy to do, just a small piece of carefully ironed any tissue. The main thing correctly set the temperature, otherwise will again have to clean the soleplate.

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Oh, this scum

Rust stains on the soleplate say that the water you pour into the tank for ironing, very tough. Ideally, you want to take distilled water, but if you prefer to use what is at hand, that is, water from the tap, then no special tools from scale is necessary. You can use the commercial embodiment as advised all producers, but you can try to remove the scum with citric acid.

One tablespoon of citric acid dissolve in warm water. Fill a cocktail resulting in iron and heat it to the maximum limit. Now take an unnecessary piece of cloth and iron it, allowing openings for steam cleared of scale. No need to iron until the water evaporates completely, - residues must be emptied and rinsed with clean water iron. But once again warn manufacturers of home appliances to the question of how to clean iron at home, it is recommended to contact the professionals and not to engage in independent action, otherwise you can not just remove the scum, but also damage the heating element.

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The best prevention is still nothing came up

In order to in the future you do not raise questions about cleaning the iron, it is better to pay attention to the sole of each immediately after ironing. Wipe it with a mixture of lemon juice and water and finally wipe clean with a dry cloth. A clean pair of holes for help cotton swabs soaked in hydrogen peroxide or vinegar. And most importantly, always observe the temperature regime during the ironing, while your iron will last a very long time!

 Prolongs the life of the iron: clean at home

How to get rid of ant raids: the best means of red "invaders"

 How to get rid of ant raids: the best means of red "invaders"


  • Insatiable horde of ants: how to get rid of them
  • Beat on all fronts

Start our story about ants, which penetrate into the apartment, we would like to with the message of one of our readers.

"I've never been tormented by the question, where his grandmother in the village in a log house there are ants. I think everything is pretty clear and understandable: crude cellar, filled with supplies, the land, the proximity of the garden - in a word, nature nearby. But when there were ants in the apartment, my astonishment grew with each new surveyed inch marching ants.

It turned out the way they started out from the balcony, then zigzag across the living room, and, after passing the entrance hall, "my" eater rushed to the pantry, where last year fired jars of jam and sweet treats leaked through the cracks in the floor in the basement ( I forgot to mention that my apartment was located on the ground floor). How, how, how such a scent these small pests found a manger ?! "

 How to get rid of ant raids: the best means of red "invaders"
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Insatiable horde of ants: how to get rid of them

The most unpleasant danger which threatens the appearance of ants in your house - the spread of germs. But the obsession and the ability of ants to occupy "all, all and everywhere" - this is the limit of human endurance! And it is very important to timely and correctly to fight for a place "under the sun."

Ethiopian ants (so called living in our homes insects, the first specimens of which centuries ago were together with goods imported by Russian merchants from Ethiopia), as well as all other types of ants - insects purely social, and so one scout result of the thousands of volunteers. Crushing of sneakers, you destroy the entire colony. Formic female is able to quickly reproduce the return of the deceased individuals hundred newborns. And because all the control measures should be directed to the detection of the main object - the nest.

Since domestic ants are much smaller than their natural counterparts, they can settle in the most unexpected places: under the baseboard, into the socket in the building cracks in the wall, might even come to you from neighbors or from the street. They feed on the small insects almost everyone: for breakfast they eat sweets for lunch - raw meat, fish for dinner - not disdain remaining crumbs from lunch and water accumulated in the sink, and for dessert - can have a snack and components of household appliances!

And you have to understand what "ant colony". If you accidentally together with some food ants took home from work or from neighbors, you brought the worker ants, and they can not multiply and grow the colony. This requires a female, and if you have a lot of ants, look for it, look for a nest. A finding mercilessly destroy. Then you do not have to store the bread in the bank, and the bank put in a basin of water, treating the edge with oil!

Preventive measures

If you ant raids to become a yearly routine as the poplar fluff summer, and you are expected to appear, so be prepared in advance and perform preventive measures. Enclosure, apply all possible slots, holes, chipped cemented mortar or putty.

Sit on the balcony of the wormwood or mint, the smell of which will scare away insects. Also, the ants do not like strong smells of garlic and elderberry. Treat shallow "Masha" the perimeter of your premises, furniture backs and other possible places where the ants. Pre-lay bait prospective zones. Wash floors with water and vinegar and do not miss the "first scout."

 How to get rid of ant raids: the best means of red "invaders"


So, what happened. The day before yesterday you accidentally found in the sugar ants yesterday they were on the table for two decades, and today you almost stepped on a string of ant family! What to do? How to get rid of ants in the apartment?

Track for track, check the proposed location of nesting ants, and start to act. If the detected place locally, use conventional dichlorvos or other insecticides. However, the presence of nests, for example, in the floor under the skirting aggravates the situation. Do not worry, it is not necessary for it to take all the parquet ant path. In this case, it would be wise to implement a working ant poison, which they will bring to your home and infect the entire colony.

Route ant colony and can be treated with oil or garlic extract. If these funds are not effective, it is necessary to use heavy artillery - chemicals "Angara", "Taiga". Reliable means that effectively eliminates the house of ants, is a drug DEET. Treatment facilities must be repeated three or four days.

Folk wisdom against formic tricks

To win in this difficult struggle for the complete cleaning of the premises from intruders, you can use all kinds of baits for ants. There are various ways in which many successfully got rid of red insects. The most effective and fast way - "feed" pests delicacy containing boric acid or borax. Here are the most effective compounds that can be used to quickly get rid of uppity "freeloaders":

  • With boiled egg yolk

Mix one spoon (tea), borax or boric acid with one boiled egg yolk, put the mixture into the places where insects. Refresh this ant "treat" in a week, and you will forget what has befallen you was misfortune.

  • With sugar, boric acid and borax

Should be taken in equal proportions of boric acid, borax and sugar. All stir and pour in a few places on the ant path. After eating poison, and taking her with him, the ants back to the nest and poison their colony.

  • The liquid formulation with honey or jam

Prepare a liquid lure: a spoon 1 teaspoon borax (boric acid), and the same amount of sugar dissolved in fifty grams of water and add a spoonful (teaspoon) of honey or jam. Sweet poison pour saucer and arrange the path of the ants.

  • The composition, which can be stored for long periods

This infusion can be stored all summer and use as needed. Mix in a small tank two large spoons of water, two tablespoons of glycerine same one spoon (tea) of boric acid (borax), two spoons (tea) honey and three large spoons of sugar. Put on the fire and stir until dissolved the composition of ingredients.

  • Formulations are completely harmless to humans

Most ant heap space sprinkle conventional baking powder, used for preparation of the test. Or make a mixture of yeast and sugar (honey, jam). Yeasts are ants, like a poison.

In principle, all recipes containing borax or boric acid are the basic elements of these chemical powders, all the other ingredients you add only ant bait. You can use any products that are like these insects: sugar, honey, bread, eggs, boiled potatoes, jams, biscuits and so on.

In the preparation of compositions using borax or boric acid can not increase the dose of these chemicals. Your task - to destroy the entire colony, and it needs to worker ants managed to get to the nest and infect the rest of poison relatives.

Do not neglect the shop bait for ants, a variety of chemicals. The market insecticides updated every season, and you can always choose something more suitable for you. Just read the instructions carefully and do not forget about safety. If your house has small children or pets, be especially careful with the location of poisons.

Along with the operational activities against insects, place the order at the kitchen. Pour all cereals in glass jars, process the edges sunflower oil. By the way, vegetable oil, generously poured around, perfectly preserves any objects on the table. However, it is not very aesthetically. But if you really have declared war on the ants, do not leave them no chance to find even a crumb of food and drop of water.

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Beat on all fronts

Basically, the use of popular ways of getting rid of ants effectively at an early stage, but running or recurring annual event formic "occupation" suggests either that their nest is deep and find it is not possible (for example, under the balcony or in the basement), or you are not alone in their entrance "fans" of insects, and your neighbors, and do not think to take any action, and ants for them - brothers smaller.

Or maybe you turn the grass pests: the grass you - ants go to the neighbors, poison neighbors on the porch - insects returning to the native land. And because Coordinate your actions with its neighbors to fight the ants need to collectively and simultaneously. Unfortunately, there are cases of mass resettlement of a large colony of ants around the entrance. Then you can do nothing but to call a specialized service to combat insect - exterminator. It is an effective, fast and wide method of dealing with ants.

Yes, this is not an easy job - to rid your home of ants! But it is worth it to your kitchen with fresh products, bathroom with scented soap, pantry with all the supplies, your tranquility and your security were the only neighbors in the apartment. We hope that these tips will help you to win over small and annoying dirty dog. Good luck and perseverance!

 How to get rid of ant raids: the best means of red "invaders"

Getting rid of the pellets on the clothes: measures for control and prevention

 Getting rid of the pellets on the clothes: measures for control and prevention


  • Why is there pellets?
  • How to remove pellets

Each of us really want to see the new clothes remained as long as possible. Anyway, getting refreshed, we hope that this thing is really permanently retain its original appearance. However, troubles await us where we least expect them. Often, even a nice and good-quality clothes somehow suddenly "cluttered" treacherous spool, which is not clear where are. And the thing is still good and presentable loses! What is there to say, pellets on our clothes - a phenomenon not only unaesthetic, but hard enough eliminated.

True, this is only if you do not know how to get rid of the pellet. But still it is very important to understand why these same pellets appear. Let's try to understand the causes of their occurrence, as well as learn how to remove the pellets from the clothes.

 Getting rid of the pellets on the clothes: measures for control and prevention
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Why is there pellets?

With the spool on the clothing know, probably all. After all, there are knitted things in almost any wardrobe, and the pellets appear faster and more often on such things. Generally, pellets are formed due to repeated contact with other tissue surfaces and its friction. For example, warm sweaters and pullovers are worn under outer clothing. Or, in the place where the bag hanging on his shoulder touches shirts or skirts.

It is believed that the pellets - a sign of low quality fabrics. Most often they occur on clothes made of friable tissues in which a loose weave. Fabric with a nap - as the first contender for fouling spool. And that's all - features of the jersey. However, there are other causes of the pellets on the clothes sewn from other tissues:

  1. Availability of synthetic materials. Incidentally, artificial tissues less susceptible to pilling on them than those that combine elements of both natural and synthetic.
  2. Violation of the rules of the garment care. The first wash water temperature and unsuitable using unsuitable powders.
  3. Long pulling threads in the fabric. This can be determined visually by simply having carefully considered the purchased item.
  4. Loose tissue in which there are not tightly twisted yarn. This, incidentally, does not apply to knitwear, which, by definition, is made of light and lush strings.

Remember that prevent the emergence of pellets on the clothes easier than to try to remove them. So try, first, to buy things made from high-quality fabrics. Second, strictly follow the recommendations on the labels of clothes. Thus, for example, absolutely all the things wash with the addition of softener. Clothes made of loose, fine woolens and subject only to wash delicate cycle or hand wash. For washing do not use too much hot water. If you can, then give to such clothes to the dry cleaners.

If the pellets is still there, try to delete them at an early stage. Too launched in this regard, it is difficult to return the dress original appearance. Yet the effort is worthwhile. In addition, ways to remove pellets from the clothes is not so little.

 Getting rid of the pellets on the clothes: measures for control and prevention
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How to remove pellets

As we have already said, a dry cleaning service - a great way to preventing rolling nap on fabrics, as well as a real opportunity to get rid of rolled-up cloth. True, the fun is not cheap. It is one thing - to give to the dry cleaners robe, and quite another - to clean the things that are in the intensive "exploitation". So often we resort to proven old-fashioned way - just clean cloth ordinary razor.

This method, by the way, quite effective. However, it is not suitable for all fabrics. For example, a fabric with a relief surface can be easily damaged when shaving. Knitwear is also very easy to cut, because its a loop structure does not allow the blade to move freely on the fabric. Another disadvantage of this method - the "alopecia" fabric. This primarily concerns the napped fabrics and wool.

If you do get rid of the pellets using a blade, it is usually safe to select a disposable razor in which no soap bars. Getting to the procedure, try to lay the garment on a flat surface as possible. Pull the treated area so on the cloth was not even the smallest creases.

If the pellets in the clothes is not very much, but the thing wool, try to remove them more gentle way, using a toothbrush or a sponge for washing dishes. With fleecy fabric so you can just comb out all the excess. However, it will only at the initial stage of rolling cloth.

It is very convenient and effective tool, invented specially to remove pellets from the clothes - trimmer. It's such a special machine, which either cuts them or collects sticky roller. It cost inexpensive and works very efficiently. Besides the indisputable beauty of this device - it is powered by conventional batteries. Therefore, the machine can always and everywhere have on hand.

Another possibility is to combat pellets - a stationery scotch. This is especially useful tool if there is a need to clean small areas on clothing. However, for more extensive field of activity is also nice scotch. And this tool, you certainly do not damage clothing. To do this, just need to stick firmly to the fabric strip of adhesive tape and a sharp movement to remove the tape - it will come off with fluff and stringy. You can use adhesive tape somewhat differently by attaching it to a paint roller. Only in this case it will need double-sided adhesive tape. Roll of scotch just need to go through the fabric, gathered all these unsightly matted balls with clothes.

Well, the most harmless variant of struggle with pellets - the use of washing powder containing special additives. Usually it is not even a powder and liquid detergent, marked the inscription "softens fiber fabrics." Typically, after several washings with a means of fabric becomes smooth. By the way, the tool can be used for preventive purposes.

Finally, the usual manicure scissors also help you get rid of the pellets. However, the need to tinker a long time. But you will be able to more thoroughly clean their clothes from the unfortunate and completely matted lint will save tissue from damage.

So now you know how to get rid of the pellets. It only remains to choose the most appropriate in your case, the method and try it out in practice. By the way, what would choose, practice first on some old things. In general, try to buy clothes of quality fabrics and take care of it by all the rules. Then the problem of dealing with the notorious spool you may not occur. Good luck!

 Getting rid of the pellets on the clothes: measures for control and prevention

Water heaters: the device features and tips of his choice

 Water heaters: the device features and tips of his choice


  • Gas instantaneous water heater (column)
  • Hot water boiler - electric water heater
  • Select TEN: wet or dry?
  • Instantaneous water heater (electric)

City dwellers are constantly faced with the problem of how to disable the water. Somewhere during such periods do not last long, but there are cases where people have weeks to live in discomfort. How many inconveniences it brings - elementary can not take a shower! What can we say about the apartment when babies cared for is unthinkable without hot water? In such cases, the rescue boiler. About how to choose a water heater, today we'll talk.

Advantages heaters obvious. They allow you to be independent of flow charts or off hot water, you will at any time be able to take a bath or shower. Today the choice of heaters is huge, all of them can be divided into three groups: gas water heaters, electric water heaters and electric instantaneous water heaters. Let's learn about them all in order.

 Water heaters: the device features and tips of his choice
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Gas instantaneous water heater (column)

Outset, no need to be afraid of the name "geyser". We are talking not about the devices, which previously stood in the space Apartments "Khrushchev." Modern gas appliances are radically different from the past and have a distinct advantage, and above all it is a stylish design and high efficiency.

Generally, a gas water heater according to common properties practically do not differ from the electric. If we consider some of its features, you can be sure that he did something better. For example, many have noted its economical operation, taking into account the rates set for gas.

What you need to focus, choosing the geysers? Primarily for capacity. If, for example, you plan to use the hot water at the same time in the kitchen and in the bathroom, you should buy a unit with a high power (24 kW). If this is not necessary, then chose the average power heaters (18-19 kW).

Pay attention to the manufacturer's, favoring well-known European brands. Typically, these water heaters are made of high-strength, high-quality materials, endowed with a number of advantages. Only high-quality gas water heater has automatic ignition system and continuously variable temperature conditions. Equally important is the reliability. Please note that even the most high-quality gas water heaters are optimal for the price, which makes them particularly attractive for customers.

Is it true that a gas heater is very demanding in care and with him there is a lot of trouble? This can be said only about outdated versions, to enable them had to make a sequence of operations: turn itself column, turn in the direction of the handle, light a match. With modern units all the easier - you just press a button and the machine starts to work.

The second misconception, because of which many refuse to buy gas water heaters - this fear of explosions. The practice of such devices have time to prove that only explode the old column, which today have lost all relevance. However, gasman still advised to check the gas column to avoid any problems during operation of the device.

Gassed as unlikely. Ignition burner is required in order to, on the contrary, to prevent any leakage and thus poisoning. By itself, the gas will never reach the burner before it lights up, as the gas tube is covered with a special protective flap. This valve is triggered if the gas does not burn. Taking into account all that has been said above, we can be confident that today's column excludes gas leak.

It is impossible not to mention the design - many people believe that the speakers are in a city apartment look terrible, spoiling the interior. This is another misconception. Modern speakers look stylish, concise, have a form that is suitable for any design of a city apartment or a country house.

However, there are some problems in operation. For example, the fact that the heater stops sometimes included. Why is this happening? As a rule, all business in batteries, the duration of which is designed for six to twelve months. Accordingly, the problem can be solved very easy - you just have to replace the batteries.

Sometimes geysers cease to heat the water or the water is heated, but very weak. Here's the deal defects in the membrane, which is located right on the water and the site is not responding properly to the water pressure. Among the defects can be noted cracks, salt deposits, various types of pollution. In order to identify the problem, you need to disassemble the water unit and disconnect it from the gas and then cleaned. The membrane was then replaced with a new one.

 Water heaters: the device features and tips of his choice
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Hot water boiler - electric water heater

The second and most popular type of water heater - boiler. It's kind of a heat exchanger, which allows the water to warm up to 75 degrees and maintain this temperature range by thermostat, which is responsible for a particular heating element - PETN, including turning it off. Now let us consider the features of the appliance and find out how to choose the right water heater of this type.

Boiler has a clear advantage - energy savings. It does not require a special connection - simple enough outlet. In addition, installing such a device in the apartment, you can use it both in the kitchen and in the bathroom. In order to keep the water hot, the boiler, unlike gas heater, you need some time, and it can not be called a compact. These are two disadvantages which are easily offset by the advantages which the boiler has yet.

Talking about the parameters of the boiler, it should be noted that in recent years have begun to produce models more compact, convenient size that will fit even the smallest rooms. These boilers can be placed even under the sink, which is very convenient at all. When you choose these water heaters, always pay attention to the parameters that then arose inconvenience.

Do not forget that the boiler require special maintenance. From time to time, clean it with water heating elements, which are due to poor water going limescale. In addition, the need to periodically replace the magnesium anode to prevent corrosion of the tank.

By itself, the boiler - direct analogy thermos. Through it retains heat insulation, thus saving energy. If you heat up the water in the evening, in the morning it will still be hot. You can independently adjust the water temperature: very hot and in the process dilute it with cold water or just to heat water to an average temperature.

Choosing boiler, focusing on capacity. When the tank capacity ranges from ten to fifteen liters of such a device will only be enough to wash the dishes or wash. This option is not for you and you get the boiler to several times a day to take a shower? Stop the choice on devices from fifty to eighty liters. And if you can not imagine evening without a hot bath, then buy a boiler capacity of 150 liters. The main rule when choosing a device - consider their personal needs.

Volume - not the only criterion on which you want to reference in the selection of a boiler. Today, there are water heaters, working on several energy sources. As a rule, they become the owners of villas and cottages, where the heating system is autonomous or centralized. However, for apartments to buy such a device makes no sense.

It features design and boilers. They can be horizontal or vertical, depending on where and how you want to place. However, the most popular is the vertical boilers, which are usually placed in bathrooms or toilets.
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Select TEN: wet or dry?

TEN - a heating element similar to the boiler, descended into the water. The only difference in size. Heating elements are dry or wet; which one is better and there is a significant difference? Perhaps you have seen such kettles, heating element which - the whole floor, not a spiral. Approximately the same situation and dry heating element, where the heating elements are located directly behind the walls of the tank, warming it and not water.

Accordingly, the requirements for water and its quality are reduced, since PETN is directly in contact with her. Moreover, the scum offline PETN, which rapidly destroy the device and reduces its functionality and efficiency. And most importantly, in the case of dry Taine there is no likelihood of breakdown that threatens the fact that people can and do fall under voltage using a boiler.

Wet heater - this is the same spiral, dropped into the water. The main element - Nichrome coil placed inside a copper tube filled with quartz sand. Less obvious - constant contact with water, respectively, in the formation of lime heater, plaque and a higher probability of failure. From a security standpoint, this heater also gives way to dry.

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Instantaneous water heater (electric)

Finally, another kind of water heater - electric instantaneous. Typically, these appliances are installed in those areas where use electric stoves, as for its installation is not enough power wiring. If you decide to choose this type of water heater in an apartment with a gas stove, you chose the unit less power.

There are several obvious advantages: unlimited hot water, simply open the tap. No pretreatment also not necessary. Nor are constant maintenance. It is enough to opt for such a unit. But in order to instantly warmed up huge amounts of water, it takes a lot of electricity. This may be the only drawback of the flow-through heater.

Contrived to buy such a heater, think about what exactly you need it. Everything, as in the first two cases: on your needs depends on power, which can vary from 3 kW to 27 kW. For example, if you use a similar technique to wash the dishes or take a shower, you need to 8 kW. But to take a bath, it will take at least 13 kW - such a device needs special wiring with a voltage of 380 V. Here, without further consulting professional can not do - do not skimp on this.

By the way, if you plan to place the unit in a country house, expert advice is also not hurt. If you picked up the water flow heater correctly and chose the most suitable device for you, the hot water will be available to you at any time.

Features instantaneous water heaters:

  • Small size;
  • Instant hot water (just seconds);
  • Heating an unlimited amount of water;
  • Easy installation and removal;
  • Regardless of the quality of water;
  • Nice price;
  • High power;
  • Difficulties in the wiring;
  • The action is aimed at one specific location of water supply;
  • Restrictions on water pressure.

If, in spite of some of the features you decide to buy a water heater, be sure to pay attention to the class of protection. This information indicates the manufacturer on the packaging or in the passport, which is attached to the instrument. The information is presented in the form of two letters IP, and combinations of two digits, for example IP31.

The first number - indicator of the level of protection against the penetration of foreign objects into the heater. The number 1 is protection against large body size (but no more arms), 2 - is the protection of the objects as thick as a finger, but not anymore. Accordingly, 3 - protection against items up to 1 kV. mm and 4 - lack of contact even with the dust.

The second digit - an indicator of stability of the body to contact with the water. 0 - lack of protection. 1 - protection against water droplets that fall from above. 2 - protection against rain, water spray if the angle less than 60 degrees. Number 3 means protection against splashes of various kinds and from all directions, and 4 - the protection of water, even in the form of a jet. Be sure to pay attention to such details.

Concluding consider how to choose a water heater, it is important to note that you should always opt for a device that meets your requirements, delivered initially. If you need a horizontal boiler, it makes no sense to buy a vertical and suffer with the problem of how it is strategically located. The same can be said about the heater. Prefer qualitative security of the European model, which in itself combines not only good quality, but also thoughtful stylish design and optimal price. And then you are always without any problems will be provided with hot water!

 Water heaters: the device features and tips of his choice

Turned off the hot water? Do not panic!

 Turned off the hot water? Do not panic!


  • Types of water heaters
  • Mandatory "arithmetic"
  • A brief analysis of instantaneous water heaters

The problem of seasonal shutdown of hot water is familiar to almost every city. But if urban residents worried about the attack only a few weeks into the season, the suburban settlements are in need of a hot water supply throughout the year. A suburban farms and did not accommodate central highway. What to do? The solution is simple. Manufacturers of home appliances try to keep up with the rapidly changing needs of the population, so they offer to solve the problem of hot water with the help of stationary heaters.

After reviewing the proposed types of equipment and taking into account their needs and the conditions of residence, you will surely find an acceptable option that will suit your desires and possibilities. In today's article we will look at several types of flow heaters. Let us find out their strengths and weaknesses and try to answer the main question - how to choose the best water heater.

 Turned off the hot water? Do not panic!
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Types of water heaters

In order to continue the conversation about the pros and cons of the proposed water heaters to choose from, take a brief tour of the main types of devices for water heating. Manufacturers of water heaters equipment divided into two main types: the storage and flow. First and foremost, you have to choose between them. Therefore, it is necessary to know the difference types of structure and method of heating water.

Accumulation water heater

Storage-type water heater has a different view of the tank with a capacity located inside Tan (a device that heats the water). It differs from the instantaneous heating of hot water accumulation. That is received by the tank water is heated to a set temperature and maintained for the necessary time.

The main drawback (or likely inconvenience) water heater is its relatively large dimensions for the room use. However, this problem is more than compensated if the heater of this type installed in a large country house. Another drawback is the need to advance include equipment for water heating, and in the case of water consumption of several intakes (for example, both in the kitchen and bathroom) can quickly use up the stock hot spring.

A significant advantage, which is really crucial when selecting the type of water heater is to connect to an outlet without limitation apartment and economical power consumption, which makes water heaters popular and affordable for any family.

Instantaneous water heater

Since this article is dedicated to instantaneous water heaters, in greater detail on this type.

Instantaneous water heater - this stationary equipment designed to heat water. It works on the principle of "here and now". That is the main difference (which, of course, is his advantage over the accumulative "thermos") - instant hot water at the time of direct use. Consequently, there is no need in the storage tank, which in turn allows it to be compact and easy to use in small spaces.

But then the fun begins. Read carefully and make inferences. Hopefully more information will help you to choose the right type of water heater through.

As storage and instantaneous water heaters, in turn, are classified by the source of energy for gas, electric, liquid and solid. The latter can be classified as industrial. For their installation requires more stringent requirements, for example, a separate boiler and others.

  • Instantaneous Water Heater - Gas

As for gas instantaneous water heaters or the old, gas-fired boilers, it is necessary to note their high efficiency of energy consumption. From the title it is clear that for the heating of water in this type of device uses a gas burner. And it is no secret that gas is a low-budget fuel.

Suggested manufacturers of modern gas boilers are included as pezorozzhigom and electronic ignition. The spark and the gas supply is automatically triggered when opening the tap. They also have no permanent burning fuse, which makes them even more economical.

Gas water heaters are small (17-19 kW), medium (22-24 kW) and high (28-30 kW) power. Of course, choosing a more powerful device, you get a larger amount of hot water at the outlet. For example, taking a shower will be enough, and low-power heater, and in the case of simultaneous use of several water taps (bathroom, kitchen) is advisable to choose a device capacity of 24 kW.

Thus, the advantage of gas-fired boilers are its efficiency and rapid heating of water. But the main drawback is not terrible for homes with existing chimneys, because the chemical elements stand out from the combustion gas must be removed from the premises. And for that, you must have the chimney! For private houses with centralized gas supply, which is a snap to make chimney, opt for a gas water heater is an excellent option.

In addition to these advantages, it is worth mentioning about the safety of this type of burner. In case of trouble (fading flame failure flue) gas flow is stopped and the equipment is disconnected. Unlike their older predecessors, modern devices are equipped with modulating burner, which let you adjust the operation of the equipment, depending on the water flow, and can maintain a given temperature range at the output.

Note: it turns out, there are two options for gas heaters, with open and closed combustion chamber. The closed chamber is characterized by forced draft, for which the optional presence of a traditional chimney.

  • Instantaneous Water Heater - Electric

Ever since the beginning of the "electrification of the whole country" Many years have passed, and now the outlet for the electric water heater is available in almost all apartments, country houses and holiday farms, which can not be said about the gas supply.

The advantage of electric heaters are of modest size and the ability to use hot spring in unlimited quantities. Due to these main advantages of the electric type water heaters are very popular during the seasonal shutdown of the central hot water supply.

As a rule, proposed recently heaters have an automatic inclusion. That is, once you open the tap hot water heater immediately starts to heat the water consumed. Likewise, the device turns off.

Prices of electrical heaters are low, but during the operation, namely, by heating, energy consumption increases significantly. Although, when compared with storage devices, the average monthly energy consumption goes below. But at the same temperature and the water outlet is also lower. Some low cost heaters and does not designed to supply hot and warm water.

And now about the most important when choosing an electric water heater, so that consumers often do not attach due importance. For installation in apartments of the electric heater is necessary to lay a separate cable from the panel and set a specific section avtovyklyuchatel. The houses, which provides the use of electric cookers, voltage allows the high-power heaters. Since most homes laid gas supply, before buying an electric water heater is strongly recommended that you consult an electrician for your home technical possibility of installation of a certain power. In most cases, you can install only the device power up to 8 kW.

Note: Set the water heater capacity of 3.4 kW, you should come out a small trickle of hot water ("3 L / min). But this is only enough to wash the dishes. If you want to freely take a shower, do not even think to buy the equipment below 8 kW. And on the basis of technical specifications, it is possible only in homes equipped with a three-phase network. In older homes with stoppers 16 and the equipment capacity of more than 3, 5 kW to put is strictly prohibited. Even some of the new houses with meters 32-40 kW, there are restrictions on the installation of equipment with capacity up to 6 kW.

Keep in mind, negligent attitude to the requirements of installation can cause knocking out traffic jams and even to expensive repairs power the whole house! Therefore, we once again sharpen your attention to the fact that a key element in choosing the instantaneous water heater is a question of his connection. And to treat it should be wisely and responsibly.

  • Instantaneous water heater - unconfined

According to the principle of the water heaters can be divided into two subgroups: the pressure and gravity.

Free-flow water heaters, as usual, at the entrance equipped with a crane and output - shower head without closing the valve, as coming from the tap water should be free to leave the device. Such equipment is suitable wave in suburban use. Since the capacity of non-pressure heater located in a segment of 2-8 kW, the expected output is very hot water is not necessary. Basically it acquired for installation in the kitchen or, as mentioned above, as a summer shower in the garden.

The indisputable advantage of non-pressure type water heater is easy to install. Low power of such devices allows for the installation of special equipment at no extra wiring. Sometimes some "Kulibin" change the shower head without closing the valve at full cock. And believe that free-flow water heater is permissible to use instead of the mixer. Unfortunately, the equipment is not designed for water pressure and very quickly goes down. Figuratively speaking, it "inflates" and it bursts.

  • Instantaneous water heater - pressure

Pressure flow devices have two pipes: input and output of water. This device is installed by tapping into the riser central water supply, as is done, for example, with counters. This method allows you to have any hot water faucet at home. Running equipment is carried out automatically with the beginning of the current of water. Manufacturers offer two kinds of pressure heaters: single-phase (2-12 kW) and three-phase (3-30 kW). The undoubted advantage is the presence of the electronic system programming. But the shortcomings of the need to allocate considerable expense of current consumption and considerable cost of the equipment.

Small flow heaters that do not require special installation (3-6 kW) do an excellent job with the hot water in the summer. However, in winter (eg in case of an accident on the line supply) heat the water to the required temperature, you do not get. Explains why. The low-power water heater is able to increase the temperature of the cold water entered at twenty-five degrees. With summer in the tap water temperature of + 15 ° C, is added on a delta of 25 ° C and obtain the output water temperature of + 40 ° C. That is quite meets the needs of many consumers.

However, in winter in the tap water temperature is no more than 5-7 degrees. Having made some simple arithmetic (5 + 25), we obtain the output water temperature of + 30 ° C. Naturally, such a "hot" water cause you resentment and doubts about the efficiency of the equipment. But keep in mind, the water heater is likely to work as usual, just the parameters of the conditions changed.

 Turned off the hot water? Do not panic!
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Mandatory "arithmetic"

So, choosing a water-heater, you need to find a few items, namely:

  • the performance of the equipment, ie how many liters per minute is able to produce the output device. As a rule, technical specifications are always found in the accompanying documentation.
  • calculate the estimated consumption of hot water per minute required for you.

We want to show you a simple method of calculating water consumption. For example, taking a shower: turn to you in the normal mode, the water and substitute desyatilitrovoe bucket. Calculate how long it takes to fill the container. This will be the minute your water consumption. That is, if a bucket filled in one minute, you can just ten liters of water per minute. And if this process took only thirty seconds, you need 20 l / min.

So a simple way you can calculate what power the water heater you want, and select the desired model of the equipment. However, consider other indicators: the use of several cranes, climate and more.

  • Find out in ZhEKe, is it possible to install the equipment given power and that should be taken to install (additional wiring, replacement of the meter, three-phase network, and so on).
  • Check installation conditions: who will mount the equipment, what is the cost of the service, the ability to self-connect and the like.
  • Pay attention to the warranty period and coordinate service centers.
  • Be sure to ask about availability of spare parts in the region in case of the need for repair and so what is their value.

 Turned off the hot water? Do not panic!

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A brief analysis of instantaneous water heaters

So let us work together to compile the information in order to enable you to choose the right water-heater.

Instantaneous water heater - electric.


  • unlimited supply of hot water;
  • compactness.


  • require further reinforced wiring, grounding, avtovyklyuchatel;
  • high power consumption.

Instantaneous water heater - gas.


  • low-budget exploitation (low gas prices);
  • rapid heating of water.


  • A central gas supply;
  • the presence of the chimney;
  • oversized.

Instantaneous water heater - pressure.


  • compact size;
  • Use a different cranes;
  • automatic switching on and off;
  • electronic control system.


  • high cost;
  • expensive operation - large consumption of energy.

Instantaneous water heater - depressurized.


  • modest size;
  • limiting the temperature sensor;
  • automatic tripping of electricity failures in the work;
  • Standard wiring.


  • weak performance;
  • the only place of installation.

Thus, examining the material provided, you can easily navigate the types and kinds of instantaneous water heaters. And now you will not be difficult to choose the right equipment that suits you in price and quality.

 Turned off the hot water? Do not panic!

The smell of the cat: how to fight it?

 The smell of the cat: how to fight it?


  • Do cats "odorless"?
  • How to get rid of the smell of cat urine?
  • What if the cat "shat" on the couch?

Cats - an incredibly lovely and cute creatures. They are great companions, wonderful "sides" ... and even catch mice! As is well known, "without a cat is not the life." Everybody loves cats, but these furry "cuties" Yet there is one very significant drawback. It is their smell. Everything else can endure: bitten potted flowers, scarred furniture and even the ubiquitous wool. However, the smell - a very tricky thing. He hovers everywhere. Often in the stairwell, you can determine which of the residents have a furry pet. That cat's "flavor" many people are allergic. How to remove the smell of cat urine - an issue of interest to many housewives four-legged pets.

What can we do for those who have lived a favorite? Can I get rid of the smell of cat urine, leaving your pet at home? Are there any universal shredder in order to avoid that horrible stench? Is it possible to remove the smell once and for all? Let's see whether there is such a tool.

 The smell of the cat: how to fight it?
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Do cats "odorless"?

If you do not have a cat, but you really want to have "nevonyuchuyu" breed, note the advice "cat owner". They definitely say that many pedigreed cats are almost no smell. After all, they were derived specifically for people who need affection and cat do not need trouble. Some of them do not mark area is in their genes. Choose exactly these cats! Then the removal of unpleasant odors will not be a serious problem.

Sphinx. This "monster" did not smell and does not have the wool from which people may be allergic. So that the Sphinx is fine with allergies. Despite the fact that the Sphinx is no smell, the toilet would still need to be changed regularly. Because even if you do not smell of cat urine stinks anyway. Although not as strong as that of conventional cats.

Other breeds that have weakened the smell - Toyger, Kuril Bobtail, Scottish fold, etc. you can ask the seller, as required sterilization of a cat. There are breeds where this is not even required.

A couple of tips. The cat is not inclined to mark territory, in contrast to the cat. Therefore, choose a female. If you have a 'boy', it should be neutered (of course, if it is not breeding animal for the breed). However, some owners feel sorry for the cats, leaving them with their "amorous joy." In a private home or cottage intact cat will not take so much trouble, but in the apartment. On the contrary, the cat "with dignity" will zealously protect territory from other males cats that you as the owner of the site at hand. However, the stink ... The stench in the corners of the house, on the site, on the fence is able to simply drive you crazy!

 The smell of the cat: how to fight it?
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How to get rid of the smell of cat urine?

It is believed that the smell of a cat is difficult to remove. The answer, it is not so! How to remove the smell of cat urine?

The smell of cat urine elementary cleaned using wet cleaning, which in the presence of house cats should be conducted at least once a day. If you have a particularly fluffy and "aromatic" or cat breed male, it is best to clean up twice a day, morning and evening. The only way to destroy a haunting smell of Cat.

Wash the threshold of the house and should be locked with a solution of bleach or "Whites". The smell of chlorine can completely kill the smell of cat urine. However, with prolonged use, it can kill a cat ... and the very fact chlorine is very harmful to the respiratory organs as cats and humans. So for porches and yard chlorine perfect. However, inside the apartment or house should be used more "forgiving" means. How to bring the smell of cat urine? Destroy it all easy, but temporary - is easy.

If you are saving a cat should abandon air fresheners and other perfumery "fabrications." Cats bad smell of perfume, as well as the smell of chlorine.

What to do? How to remove the smell of cat urine? What exists converter? Eliminate the bad smell will help a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Should wash their place "dislocation" odor, and everything goes. Some women use iodine (some drops in the bucket of water). Iodine - a very nice cat odor neutralizer. More makes hydrogen peroxide and alcohol. Alcohol - a fine shredder any odors. It can be replaced and vodka. Half a liter of vodka should be routed to a few buckets of water. The smell of alcohol quickly disappears as phenolic compounds are volatile. Beat off a strong smell can be a high concentration of vodka. Some housewives cats use vinegar. Vinegar is also able to kill the smell of urine. This was mixed with water, 1: 4. Soda also perfectly cleans and disinfects wooden floors and tiles. It helps to remove stains and yellow.

If the cat is "done deal" just should immediately throw the paper on top of puddles. It absorbs moisture and you will only have to wash off residual urine first with water and then with a cloth soaked in vinegar or vodka solution. This is a good remedy against any unpleasant odors. If the "smell" a long-standing, ingrained, then one will not be enough vinegar. Kill the old smell of chlorine can be only one. Single, double use of "whiteness" in the apartment does not hurt. For chlorine, as already mentioned, wonderful smells destroyer.

Sometimes everything is so "running", which should begin to cosmetic repairs. The only way to bring the smell of cat urine. Wallpapers can keep the smell in a very long time. So if you have a cat at home, take care of "washable" walls, at least in the lower part thereof. For this purpose, suitable fashion bamboo wallpaper (they have the same "perfect" fit to sharpen claws) and tempered glass, plastic, tile and other hard materials.

When the stale smell of a cat in the apartment anymore, you can use the tools already listed in small doses. In order to maintain cleanliness and a pleasant smell in the apartment, many housewives use tea or coffee (you can gently pour in pialochkah broths or wipe the floor), herbs, aromatic oils in the light concentration. They were able to kill the smell unpleasant aroma Cat. The same applies to the lemon juice. He is a great neutralizer of smells. Lemon can eliminate any bad odor.
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What if the cat "shat" on the couch?

This is a real problem, as the smell of cat urine is able to permanently vestsya in soft fabric sofa. So much so that it would be uncomfortable to sleep. To remove the smell of urine and the need to take a vinegar solution of 1: 4. It should be applied with a sponge on the stain, then soak the paper. Vinegar can output odorous compounds. Then you need to sprinkle the stain with salt or baking soda and let soak and dry. This will help remove the stain itself. If the surface is colorless, it can be used as a destroyer of hydrogen peroxide. If the fabric color, the stain will appear.

In this case, limit to plain water. It will be possible to use and lemon juice in a weak concentration. Remains of soda clean brush or a vacuum cleaner. Nice to have a home and a steam cleaner. With such a unit you do not have problems with unpleasant odors. Incidentally, in the steam cleaner capacity can drop a droplet of lemon juice or other low-fat flavor and odor then goes faster. In the future, the soft surface should be closed waterproof poponku.

All of the above, you can add one thing: the best way to protect yourself from cat urine odor - to accustom the cat to the tray. There are even some cats who go to a human toilet. They never will "spoil the air" at home. So the smell in the house - it is rather a question of education of your four-legged friend.   And Radivoje mistresses, of course. If you regularly clean their apartments, to eliminate the smell of a cat - not a big problem.

 The smell of the cat: how to fight it?