Monday, 20 June 2016

How to painlessly survive the separation

 How to painlessly survive the separation


  • Painted the next week in the diary, and immerse themselves in the work
  • Find pluses in his bachelor life

In the life of almost any of us are breaking up with a loved one. Someone is going through is easy, while others regard as a tragedy.

A woman is important to understand: the parting - a fait accompli, we can not fix anything.

Why waste your energy on internal agonizing deliberation that has not come back. Is not it better to direct this energy to self-improvement, finding new love last? In theory, of course, it's simple, but life is much more complicated.

However, there are some valuable tips on how to survive the separation.

 How to painlessly survive the separation
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Painted the next week in the diary, and immerse themselves in the work

It must be done so that a minute of free time, the brain is not able to devote sad memories. Swimming pool, a dance school, a gym, a sewing course - something out of this, but rather all at once, and turned his attention will not get bored. The main rule - exhausting day your body so that on the small stuff such as tears of frustration is not strong enough. No weekend at home! In nature, friends, parents - anywhere, not staying in his home in the style of "a lonely and useless."

Do not forget about spring cleaning. The objectives here are two: to distract and throw all things reminiscent of a former lover. Net space will feel on the verge of new developments.

I have a favorite occupation? Great! Now she is such rasprekrasnoy, you can pay a little more time than before. And bosses celebrate, and professional self-improvement, a little rusted, regains its development. The main thing is not to overdo it with careerism. If the work is not satisfactory, you should consider changing it and pick something for everyone. Such a fundamental change will expand the circle of new friends, raise self-esteem and distract from the personal troubles.

 How to painlessly survive the separation
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Find pluses in his bachelor life

Previously, she could not go to a nightclub with her friends, did not allow herself to flirt with other men? And now - please, as much as necessary! There you can find lots of pluses!

No need to get hung up on finding a new love. She herself there at the time.

Well, the most drastic option to recover from breaking up - to get a job, at least once a week, in a hospice or hospital oncology department as cynical as it may sound. Maybe even enough for one day. In places where a lot of people are doomed, reassessment of values ​​occurs instantly. Look into the eyes of death, experiencing excruciating physical pain - grief. And separation from loved - so unpleasant! You just have to go through it.

Even the most pessimistic litany may be optimistic in everything, including separation, see the pros. It is a question of work on oneself. After all, to live and to build a relationship, being an optimist, is much easier. Why not take it on myself arms?

Work on a time and help to recover even after the worst breakup.

 How to painlessly survive the separation

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