- A bit of history. Why cotton?
- What gift to choose for the first anniversary
- A few original ideas interesting gift
- To even think of that is remembered for a long time
- Conclusion. A bit of family life
The wedding took place not so long ago made just a year earlier, and depressed by the experience of family psychology already vying to predict the future first crisis of relations in young families. At the end of the first joint of the year, according to experts in the field of family relationships, even those couples who are destined for a long live together, can expect a sharp decline of 2 years, and a small improvement in relations expects them only between the 3rd and 5th year marriage.
Even if still it makes sense to organize the celebration, to celebrate the first birthday of your family, to teach each other small gifts. After all, there is nothing that improves mood, like a great celebration! After all, this small anniversary of your wedding - a year.
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A bit of history. Why cotton?
1 year of cohabitation is called "calico wedding." It happened because of the ancient custom of gift giving on a given day young couples "on cotton diapers": after all, before 1 anniversary in a young family is almost always expecting the birth of a baby. At the moment, it is, by the way, again becomes relevant: in fact, almost all couples for a long time lived in a civil marriage and decided to put the "stamp in the passport" Only with the advent of a new family member. So it turns out that the first year is marked by the birth of the baby. On the anniversary of such a family can safely donate diapers and undershirts for a little.
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What gift to choose for the first anniversary
As for the gift, he chintz just not worth it to give to the first wedding anniversary. Goods from the tissue after the first wash will lose its own original form and will not festive. Because on the anniversary of the concept of "cotton" may be somewhat extended to the concept of "textiles". In other words, you will be able to give spouses fabric drapes that adorn the kind of apartment, or a warm blanket under which you can take refuge along the cool winter evenings and again feel like the happiest couple in the world.
Here are a few ideas for 1 year marriage. If the spouses love to read, you can amuse them funny blanket with sleeves: to get under it, you can completely and at the same time to continue reading the book. Give to the anniversary of something more serious - pajamas, underwear - not worth it. It is considered too intimate gift. Another practical and accurate welcome gift for the wedding anniversary may be a new and beautiful tablecloth or napkins, made with his own hands. Give things doubly pleased.
If you decide to give on the anniversary of the spouses is quite a popular gift, a set of bed for, try to find out in advance the size of their bed. Agree, it will be very unpleasant if beautiful dreams on linen patterned beach your friends will not be able to see only so that instead of "evrokomplekta" you have purchased them all on the anniversary of the usual "kopeck piece." When selecting fabric is best to opt for calico.
This fabric does not lose initial color as cotton, do not "freeze" like silk, and the cost is not so expensive as satin or satin. Because you can just buy and donate wedding anniversary several different kits that spouses will be able to change depending on the wishes. Such a gift to 1 year wedding exactly appreciate spouses.
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A few original ideas interesting gift
On the "calico" anniversary can give almost any wardrobe items. In this case if the anniversary is celebrated in the summer, the item can be purchased right now from the current light fabric. In this case, the basic aspects of the selection of things will be the density of the tissue and its coloring. The best option - to stay in the "opaque" monochrome things of summer models: a T-shirt, shirt sleeves with a small, short shorts, a light tunic. Or simply present on the anniversary of the newlyweds certificate to purchase a popular clothing store.
Also of gifts that have a practical application can give on the anniversary and "aesthetics." Try to buy in the store for needlework embroidery set, and to him - a special fabric, thread and useful, perhaps, practical recommendations for use. Having spent slightly more time for the gift, you will be convinced that from you spouse will receive something truly original and unique. By the way, you can play a little imagination and a draw with the help of watercolor painting directly on fabric.
In any case, it is important to then sign your own masterpiece and put it in a beautiful frame: let "couple" is proud of the new part of the interior. It is also often presented beautifully crafted photo, take note.
It does not rule out the option that you draw nice not learned. It is absolutely nothing to worry about! Here is the idea of a gift and a joyful sharing of the holiday: get a lot of fabric, one-color T-shirts for the husband, wife and all present guests and even more bright colors for the fabric. Now we need to: organize an art show imagination and party together. be sure to get something interesting, you can leave it for a long memory, it is possible with the help of the entire creative effort to change the interior of young spouses, and sometimes you can just remember this day, and every time much to laugh. Give these happy moments, not only things, but also pleasant memories that are so important.
If you are certain that the desire and the husband and the wife on the first anniversary, this is the best buy, a welcome gift. Wedding anniversary, of course, does not happen to have here, but almost all the signs can be circumvented. For this holiday buy something that will attribute the present day, and prepare a befitting gift of symbolism and solemn words. Present can be almost whatever he wants, it will be enough to use a significant day in the cotton as a packaging material. And if you're nice or embroidering you have one who can be entrusted with it, try to add to wrap neatly embroidered flower or a little poem.
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To even think of that is remembered for a long time
At the bride and groom, probably, for the joint first year I accumulated a lot of beautiful photos. Some of them, of course, kept in electronic form, but the most attractive and special vending hunting have on hand. For such cases, great box to store photos. You can buy it in the store, but rather just do it and in the home. This will require only a simple issue attractive cardboard or tin box, using a special technique of "decoupage", you can simply cover it with primer and then paint to your liking.
Also, young couples may use this gift for wedding anniversary, and 1 as a box for storing jewelry, cute trinkets and even something tasty. 1 family birthday - a very important stage. If a young family was able to live so long after the wedding, it means that the lapping at the household level is finished and begins a completely different stage of their life together. A year passed, and this is very important.
1 year after the wedding, the young wife learned the basics of culinary skill. Book for writing prescriptions to be fully relevant to the cotton anniversary gift, because she has probably already occurred favorite recipes, and now do not have to look for them in countless leaflets or web bookmarks. Wonderful culinary notebook will take its rightful place in the kitchen. This gift can safely give any girl. She probably will find that to be written even before the wedding.
A good "paper" will present the tickets to the theater or a concert of your favorite band. And you can give a certificate for a visit to the fascinating master-class (eg, sewing) or any workshop. You can give a horse ride or bike ride for two. A great gift option for 1 year wedding will be magical family photo shoot.
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Conclusion. A bit of family life
Calico wedding - the so-called first boundary, which the couple managed to somehow overcome. 1 year behind and ahead of them now even more happy days of living together. 1 year in fact - is a very powerful experience of living together. Present on this day the couple's own smile - and they will certainly smile back! But no matter what you gave them, it is important to remember that now your goal is not only to amuse loved ones, but simply rejoice with them in this beautiful day. We hope that your family will celebrate more than a year of marriage.
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